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The Real Fantasy - "Two" to Tango

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Young executive's adventure at the airport
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Author's Note " This is a second chapter of The Real Fantasy-Beginning, Enjoy!!"

I walked out of the first class lounge in a white sleeveless satin shirt and a pair of black super-tight slacks. I could feel 'my' tits bouncing with every step and the nipples rubbing on the inner side of the bra. Each step was sending shivers down my spine. I was aroused. My breath was shortened and overall I looked flushed. We started walking towards the Cafe for our dinner appointment. Everyone who passed by me turned their heads and looked at me twice. I felt that every man who saw me was undressing me with his eyes.

On one of the display glasses I caught the reflection of a voluptuous girl's reflection; I was still finding it hard that it was really me. It was quite a sight. Sara was walking ahead of me, in her high heels, with an air of confidence. I was trying to match her speed, almost tottering behind her, like a kid would follow her super-cool mother.

Eugene was there at the entrance waiting for us. He looked quiet charming. I didn't pay proper attention to him earlier. Now I took my time observing him. He was tall, muscular and had that intense look which is characteristic of Italian men. Indeed a gentleman... at least that's what I thought at that moment.

"si guarda come un slut scopabile", Eugene said and bent forward to plant a kiss on my cheek. I was clearly taken off my guard by this. I fumbled; saw Sara staring at me with fire in her eyes. That look in her eyes made me fumbled more.

I saw him coming to my left. And there I made one of the stupid mistakes. I moved my head towards my left too. Instead of planning kiss on my cheek, he kissed me on my lips.

His hand roamed behind me to caress my butt and he pulled me towards him. That minty freshness... mmmmmm....

"Ahem ahem", Sara coughed playfully," I am still around remember I did my part too when you were passed out and you haven't even thanked me yet", She said with mischief in her eyes.

My cheeks were burning deep red. I couldn't believe what I just did.

"I was just saying you both look very lovely", Eugene said looking into my eyes. I lowered my eyes. COME ON! Stop blushing, I told myself.

"Actually, he said you look like a fuckable slut in Italian". Sara's booming voice echoed in my mind and she just smirked at me. We entered the cafe and sat down at a corner table. I had been to such cafes before many times and knew they serve tasteless food.

I began hating Eugene the moment we entered the Cafe. He acted as if we had been seeing each other for a long time. He made me sit beside him and kept his hand on my thigh. We ordered French Omelettes and fries with Coffee.

"So you must be anxious to go back to India", Eugene asked me and gave a gentle squeeze and rub on my left thigh. I looked at Sara quizzically. "Just play along or you will be punished". I was dismayed.

"Ummm ac... actually no, I don't have a boyfriend, I am not seeing anybody", I stammered ;"What bout you? You must be a ladies man?"

"Oh come on si slut poco" Eugene looked pleased.

"He just called you slut again", Sara's voice echoed in my mind. I blushed again. This young man was saying that I was a slut and I was blushing! I hated myself for being like that.

"Did you just call me a slut!?" I stared at him.

"No Tesoro, Its doesn't mean that...", he said pleadingly. Sara was grinning with I know it all kind of look. By then our food was served.

We started eating in silence. Eugene found himself out of words so he was munching his food quietly. Suddenly Sara's voice echoed "THIS IS BORING!!" She nearly yelled. "Why this silent film? I want some action". I just gave a blank stare at Sara. "Our plane leaves in two hours. We need to get through security so you have one hour. I am going to leave you two here and do some shopping. When I return I want you to tell me the colour of his boxers."

I was in the middle of taking a sip of coffee and when I heard what Sara had said, I choked on it. Coffee began running from my nostril and then on my cheek. Eugene immediately grabbed a paper napkin and began wiping my face.

"You wanted to have forced oral sex with an unknown man dressed like a woman. Well I am fulfilling your fantasy. Now don't waste time. Otherwise you will pay." Sara's voice sent shivers through my spine.

"Eugene", Sara spoke, "Our plane leaves in 2 hours, I have to buy some chocolates and gifts for friends. Clearly you are taking good care of Alia, so I will leave her with you. We will meet at the boarding gate in an hour. Is that ok with you?"

Eugene grabbed the opportunity with both hands, and by that I mean that he squeezed my both cheeks and pinched my nose naughtily and said," I will take care of your princess mam. Don't worry. We will meet you at the boarding gate."

"You will be fine honey I will hold on to your passport and ticket." Sara said with a sarcastic tone.

Eugene paid the bill and away we went. Eugene was trying to start a conversation but I wasn't really paying any attention to him. I was thinking how to complete Sara's task without the oral sex ordeal. He slipped his hands through my hands and held me close to him. Any onlooker would have thought that we were in long-term relationship. He wanted to take a few selfies, I said yes and he took out his phone and started taking selfies. He made me pucker my lips and kiss him on the cheek. He held me so close and tight that my boobs were bulging out of my shirt and it excited him.

I checked the time, 15 minutes had passed. I was nervous and anxious. Eugene took the hint and queried, "Is there any problem? Are you alright?" I thought for a moment, 'I was not going to see this guy again, what if I be honest and ask him what I want. Worst case scenario I will have to blow him.' I was ready to take that chance. I just didn't want to upset Sara.

She had my passport or rather Alias passport and ticket. I didn't want to stay in Egypt forever and that too as a bimbo girl.

"Actually I made a bet with Sara and I lost it. So as a punishment Sara has asked me to find out color of your underwear". I blurted it out and my cheeks went on fire. I bitterly swallowed whatever man pride was left. My heart was pumping millions of gallons of blood in a second.

"Oh my god, Sara asked you this?? Isn't she your mother?" Eugene was surprised.

"Stepmother" I said meekly.

"Well you could find the color of my undies in only one way PUTTANA" He was pointing at his crotch. "Puttana means whore by the way". He grinned ear to ear. I was burning in the fire of embarrassment. I knew what he meant. I just started looking around for a place to finish the business quickly. "There is a restroom around the next corner. I will be waiting in the 3rd booth. Be there after 5 minutes", Eugene said and I nodded in acceptance.

Eugene went in. I checked the pink watch on my slender feminine wrist, 35 mins to go. I didn't wait to finish 5 min and went inside. Thankfully no male patrons were at urinal section. There were seven booths. Now there was a problem. Eugene told me to be at the third booth, but which third booth he didn't tell; third from left or third from right. I called him in my best girly voice. No response. Maybe he didn't hear me. So I waited for a while at the third booth from left. I could identify sounds of rustling of pants and self-pleasure and I became certain it was Eugene.

I went in with a stupid smile on my face. In an instance my smile was wiped out as I found some other person wanking on some cheap porno magazine. Worst part was, I think my bright painted lips, revealing cleavage and stupid smile pushed him to the climax. He started spraying long spurts of semen. Few spurts landed on my white shirt. I felt humiliated and embarrassed. I slammed the door and checked if someone saw what just happened. I almost ran to the third door from right and opened it. Eugene was there.

He was sitting on john and wasn't wearing anything but his t-shirt. I told him what had happened and it gave him a pretty good laugh." We don't have much time puttana, just get down on your knees and begin". His member was saluting me. His penis was clearly bigger and thicker than mine was (or mine is). I felt envious of him. His manhood was perfectly shaped and very attractive.

I sat on my knees drooling and hesitantly, I tried to remember the countless blowjob videos I had seen. I spit saliva on his cock and started stroking it with my hand. I could feel his member responding and growing bigger even further.

Then I took him in my mouth. I started working slowly from tip, inch by inch. He held my head by my ears and soon I found rhythm. Eugene pushed my head and held it so tight that it would make me gag. For some reason my mouth was salivating so much that my lips were slippery. When I felt Eugene had reached to climax, he would make me stop and took some deep breaths. He was clearly enjoying my predicament so much that he was trying to delay orgasm. He started caressing my boobs with his one hand and he kept pushing my head with the other. My male ego was very hurt and humiliated but my newfound womanhood was proud of my performance.

I felt a sudden rush in his movements and he wrapped his legs around my shoulders and held my head tightly. Then his member swelled and spurt after spurt load of semen hit the back of my throat. I was gagging and suffocating. So I tried breathing rapidly. It made matter even worst. Mixture of saliva and semen made froth and it began to come out from my nostrils. A wave of shame ran over me.

Eugene left my head but held me still pushing me on to his cock. I had no other option but to suck it further. After he was done he gave me some toilet paper from the roll. I stood up and cleaned myself. "I hope you are satisfied?" I asked with a sense of pride in my voice, after all it was my first blowjob. I am sorry, that was a first blow job 'I gave'.

"Well you are a good cocksucker puttana. I must give you that", he said in relaxed and heavy Italian accent.

"So now please, tell me the color of your undies". I asked as innocently as I could.

"They are blue." I heard those magical words and ran.

I didn't want to see that man again so I just took off from men's washroom. On my way out few male patrons saw me and gave cat calls. But I didn't budge. I ran across the airport and located Sara. She was strolling around and had couple of shopping bags in hand.

"They are blue", before I could say anything Sara said it aloud.

"Of course, you knew, you are a witch", I said matter of factually.

"And I am a good observer too. You could have had paid a little more attention to him and found it out, but my little cocksucker wanted to give a blowjob". She patted my head as my face reddened and tears started on my cheeks; "Don't cry. You did a good job! You are a natural cocksucker. Welcome to the club."

"Follow Me" Sara uttered and started walking towards restroom.

Once we were in I just exclaimed out in my girly voice," You've got to get rid of Eugene and let me be myself again!"

"You do throw tantrums just like a girl, I think I did you a favor", she smirked.

With each passing minute I hated Sara more and more.

"I cannot travel like this, as Alia. I have a job and if I board the plane as Alia then 'I' the male me will not have a stamp on my passport for immigration check. My professional life will be ruined and I could never travel again."

"Ok ok I will do something about Eugene", Sara continued, "But trust me, I had fun. And of course you had fun too. Now I want these back". She was pointing at the bangles.

I have no clear idea but why my face looked saddened, perhaps I liked being Alia too much or I enjoyed whatever I did in the last 3 hours. And there I had forgotten that that Witch could read my mind.

"Aww my cutie pretty Alia wants to keep these bangles! Don't you?" Sara asked me with a devilish grin and pinched my cheeks.

"Yes", I couldn't look into her eyes.

"You can have Alia's passport and these bangles".

Sara took my hands into hers. She closed her eyes and took bangles out and put them in a violet velvet pouch.

She gave me the pouch and said," You can keep them if you want, but remember, whenever you want to wear them ring me first". I nodded and took the pouch and kept them in my bag.

I started feeling dizzy and the room started spinning around me. I didn't know how much time had passed but when I gained consciousness I was in the process of security check. I looked down, I found myself in jeans and jacket. I felt weird back in my own body. Once I was past security I met Sara.

"You look sad, Do you want to give more blowjobs? Are you missing Eugene?" , Sara stopped as she saw tears running down my cheeks.

"Hey! You are not Alia, you will look weird crying like this! I" sobbed again and Sara was consoling me.

"You have those bangles, have fun with them and make all your fantasies come true. Just remember, don't use them without notifying me. OKAY!!? " She looked in my eyes and asked again, "Okay?? " I nodded yes.

I felt better. Little relaxed and calm. I looked around to see if Eugene was around but couldn't spot him.

I have a surprise for you! Sara whispered in my ear


"Hey Puttana where have you been? I looked everywhere", Eugene was talking to me. What the hell was going on? I checked reflection in a glass outside a shop. I was still me. I meant Male me.

"He cannot differentiate between you and Alia", Sara's voice echoed in my head.

"Are you kidding me? I am not GAY! Why did you do this?" I shouted in my mind.

"Have fun!" Sara spoke aloud and winked at me.

I hung my head down in shame and entered the Plane.

"You won't believe what happened! I cashed in all my reward points and miles and upgraded myself into the First Class, just next to your seat. Now we can have some more fun during the journey", Eugene said and bit my left ear lobe. I was horrified; in rage I turned around and found Eugene's face few inches apart from mine. He kissed me on my right cheek in front of two air hostesses and at least twenty fellow passengers.

We settled down and soon I realised that that was going to be the longest eight hour flight I ever had. Eugene thought I was his girlfriend and thus he acted very caring, possessive while other fellow Indian men were laughing, pointing at me. I was about to curse Sara but I bit my tongue. I knew that won't do me any good. Sara didn't like swear words.

"Hello, My name is Lara". A young brunette in her late thirties approached us while Eugene was feeding his pudding to me.

"Hi Lara", Eugene took the lead and introduced himself. He ignored me completely. I don't know why but I felt jealous of Lara.

"I am a LGBT activist and I am really happy to see you guys. You seem to be in love". Lara was under the impression that I and Eugene was a gay couple.

"Yeah we are, aren't we honey? "Eugene said and put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

"If you don't mind, may I have a picture of you two?" Lara asked, batting her long eye lashes.

I jumped in my seat and said, Yes, we would mind that, "I am sorry but no pics please!!!".

"Ohh come on, be a sport. This nice lady wants to take a picture of us, what is wrong with that?" Eugene urged.

I wanted to scream at Eugene that even he was not gay. But finally I gave up to super persuasive Lara and adamant Eugene's demands. We held our drinks up and looked in each other's eyes. Flash,Flash,Flash Lara took pictures. She wasn't pleased yet. We tried few other poses but that didn't work for her either.

"How about a picture of our kiss?" Eugene asked her to my surprise. She agreed happily.

Hell no, I wont do that, I was about to shout. But again I didn't. I acted very submissive and just sat there meekly while Lara and Eugene were discussing the picture.

"Honey just don't sit there like an airhead bimbo, go and brush your teeth ", Eugene's words surprised me. I looked at him questioningly. Lara looked at us curiously too.

"You just gave me a blowjob in restroom, I don't want to kiss you and taste my own semen. Go and brush your teeth", Eugene said nonchalantly. My heart almost stopped. Few passengers looked in my way and gave me a disgusting look. I couldn't think anything, I just looked at Lara, and she gave me a sly smile.

I got up took the brush and toothpaste and walked to the washroom with several pairs of eyes on me. Oh, the shame! Inside, I brushed, then checked my breath, it was now minty fresh as Eugene had ordered. I sat in Eugene's lap while almost everyone in First Class was watching us, taking snaps or making videos from their mobile phones. And we kissed each other. I was mortified when I realized its taking longer than usual to break the kiss. Few people cheered. A few said nasty words.

Once we were separated, Lara gave us her number and we shared email addresses. Then I realized my other mistake. I gave her email id which had my real name and surname. Lara could track my Facebook and Linked in account!! I could just hope she wouldn't post anything on Facebook.

As Eugene's hand was caressing my thighs, I looked at the flight plan, Screen flashed, Estimated time to arrive at Mumbai, India 7 hours.

Boy! This was going to be a flight to remember.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Please keep going!!!

vaboatervaboateralmost 10 years ago

This is a fun story. Please keep it going.

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