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The Reluctant Favor

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A change in plans leads to an unexpected hook up.
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"Do you have any idea how much you just fucked up my plans for the evening Michelle?" The man said with an irritated tone.

"I know but can't you keep it in your pants for one night and do me this teensy weensy small little favor oh favorite brother of mine." Michelle pleaded.

"First of all who said my plans had anything to do with booty and second of all there ain't shit little about the favor you are asking me. You know I can't stand Katie's ass."

"I don't know who you are trying to fool Xavier, I know for a fact booty is involved, and can't you just bury the hatchet just for a few hours. Katie is only in town for a few days and all I ask is you keep her busy until I get off work, then I will take her off your hands."

"Oh ok, it's just as simple as that huh sis. I suppose you forgot about what she did to me in high school."

"That was years ago Xavier, you know you're not the same dude anymore, besides everyone else is busy so you are my last hope."

"Ok sis." Xavier relented. "I'll keep her busy for little while, but if you are not here after 2 hours I'm kicking her ass out, and you'll have to find her on the street somewhere."

"Oh thank you so much." Michelle squealed. "You are the best brother ever."

"Yeah yeah yeah. Anyway let me get off of here and postpone my plans for tonight." Xavier said gruffly.

"Ok, I need to get off of here too so I can tell Katie about the change in plans." Michelle said as she hung up the phone.

At one point in time Xavier Mann would have been jumping at the chance to be alone with Katie Robertson, but that was years ago. Now just the mere thought of Katie makes his blood boil.

Katie and Michelle were best friends growing up. Xavier, like almost every other guy in the school thought Katie was hot. Xavier thought he could use Michelle's friendship with Katie to his advantage, but his plan ended up backfiring because he was not considered popular enough. His sister Michelle was smart, athletic and outgoing, which led to her popularity. Xavier shared his sister's intelligence, but his popularity was hindered by his shy demeanor and the lack of an athletic physique.

Once Katie found out Xavier had a crush on her, she decided to have a little fun at his expense, which was not her plan at first; but under her circle of friend's advisement, she flirted with him and led him on. She even got him to write her a love poem, which she ended up showing to all of her friends, making Xavier the laughing stock of school for the rest of the year. Everyone had moved on to something else the following year, but the scars from the damage Katie caused would not began to fade until Xavier became a senior in high school.

During his senior year in high school Xavier got a job working at a video store. The job forced him to come out of his shell because he had to interact with people on a regular basis. He even befriended a few of his co-workers. The co-workers he befriended did not attend the same school he did; so it was easier for him to open up to them. One friend in particular would help change Xavier into the man he is today. The friend's name was Jermaine Gaston. He was a gym rat and worked out all the time. Xavier reminded Jermaine of himself when he was Xavier's age so he took an immediate liking to Xavier. He even encouraged Xavier to come work out with him. Xavier was not a fan of working out at first, but eventually he got used to it and actually started to love it.

Xavier kept at it and by the end of his freshman year in college, he packed on a considerable amount of muscle. With a new look came a boost in confidence. The boost in confidence also led to women wanting to be just more than a friend.

Even with all the attention, Xavier managed to stay grounded and not let it get to his head. He wasn't what you would call a player, because he never played with any woman's emotions or slept around with a bunch of women at the same time; but with all the temptation and the deep seeded fear of rejection, he never settled down with one girl for a long period of time either. Most of his relationships were casual flings. He would tell any woman upfront about how he didn't want anything serious. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it didn't, because there was still the occasional woman that wanted a long-term commitment despite him being honest about his intentions.

Bethe Silva, the woman he was seeing now, was a travel nurse from Brazil. Xavier broke things off with her because she was becoming clingy and insecure. She would constantly accuse Xavier of seeing other people when she was not around. Not being able to take her accusations anymore, Xavier called off things with her before she had went out of town; that way he could get a much needed peace of mind without having to worry about her dropping in on him, despite them being on a break. She was not very happy about it and Xavier did not hear from her for two weeks; but a few days before she was scheduled to come back in town again she was blowing his phone up. At first Xavier ignored her phone calls because he was sure all she wanted to do was curse him out. He ended up changing his mind after receiving a long winded text message from Bethe apologizing and begging him to talk to her. Normally Xavier would just brush it off and not give in, but Bethe was a real freak behind closed doors, and since he hadn't been with anyone as freaky as she was, he gave in and called her up. After talking with Bethe, Xavier agreed to see her again when she came in town. He didn't think she would change, but the chance to sleep with Bethe again was too good to pass up.

That was the initial plan, but that plan went out the window when Xavier's sister asked him to babysit for her. He hoped Bethe would be cool with the last minute change in plans without raising a fuss. Xavier purposely omitted the details about the favor since it would just give Bethe ammunition to confirm her suspicions.

"Here goes nothing." Xavier said under his breath, as he dialed Bethe's number.

"Hey baby what's going on?" Bethe said as she answered the phone.

"Nothing much." Xavier paused then went into the reason for his call. "Listen something came up last minute and I have to do a favor for my sister. I don't know how long it will be, so is there any chance we can meet up later, and if it gets too late just wait until tomorrow." Xavier asked, hoping it would not take long for his sister to get off work and come get Katie. But he knew his sister was a talker, so he wanted to have his bases covered in case they stayed at his house longer than expected.

"You sure it's a favor for your sister? You better not be cancelling on me to fuck some other bitch Xavier."

"Really Bethe, after all we just went through a few weeks ago, and the talk we had before you came in town, you think I would do something like that." Xavier said as the pitch in his voice started to raise. "If that's what you think then you haven't changed one bit. I don't even know why I bothered talking to you in the first place. Goodbye Bethe. I don't ever want to hear from you again."

"Wait!" Bethe screamed before Xavier could hang up. "I'm sorry Xavier, I believe you ok, I'm still working on my trust issues. You are a good man and a good brother, so go do that favor for your sister and if it is not too late hit me up ok, and I promise to show you how sorry I am." Bethe said with an earnest pleading in her voice.

"Ok." Xavier said as his voice lowered a few octaves. "I'm really sorry about the last minute change in plans. I hope it won't take too long, but if it does we got all day tomorrow since I'm off for the rest of the week."

"Ok but I really hope I hear from you tonight, because my pussy has been aching for that fat, black dick, and you know my ass could use a good fucking too baby."

"Damn girl you know exactly what to say. I promise I will not be helping her any longer than I have too."

"Alright I'm holding you to that." Bethe purred then said goodbye before hanging up the phone.

"My sister owes me big time." He thought to himself. "Well at least it won't be all night. Just an hour or two, then that bitch Katie will be out of my hair." Xavier said quietly, as he plopped down on the couch and fired up his PlayStation.

About thirty minutes had went by before Xavier's phone started ringing. "Who in the fuck is this?" He mumbled and picked the phone up to answer the unknown caller. "Hello." He said curtly to the person on the other end.

"Oh hey Zavier, hope I didn't interrupt anything, I just wanted to call and thank you for letting me swing by until your sister gets off work." The voice said cheerily.

"Ugh! Fuck my life! I'm going to kill Michelle for giving Katie my number." Xavier thought to himself. "Nah it's cool, I don't mind." Xavier lied.

"You sure Zavier? I mean I could go shopping or something if it will be an issue."

"Yeah I'm sure." Xavier winced because he hated the way Katie butchered his name by calling him Zavier.

"Oh I'm glad. It will be so good to catch up with you, I haven't seen you in ages. I've seen a few pictures of you with your sister on Facebook. Looks like you have changed quite a bit since high school. I can't wait to see how much you have changed up close and personal." Katie said in a slightly flirtatious tone.

"Ahh I haven't changed that much, I'm pretty much the same dude dissed back in the day." Xavier replied flatly, while dismissing Katie's eagerness to see him.

"Yeah about that. I never got the chance to say I'm sorry. I was a stupid kid playing a stupid game. I'm really sorry about that, I hope you can forgive me."

"Yeah that's a thing of the past. So how far away are you?" Xavier asked, trying to quickly change the subject.

"I'm still at least two hours away. I just wanted to call and thank you for letting me stop by. I hope you don't mind that your sister gave me your number to call you."

"You damn right I mind." Xavier thought to himself. "It's all good. Feel free to call if you get lost or something."

"Ok I will."

"Anyway let me get off of here, I have a few errands to run before you get here." Xavier lied so he could be done talking to Katie.

"Ok well I should be there soon, just as long as traffic stays like it is."

"Alright I'll see you soon." Xavier said before hanging up the phone. "I won't be sad if you get hit by a truck on your way here." He said to himself as his nerves became raw from flashing back to that time she humiliated him in school.

While he still had time, Xavier turned off his PlayStation and tidied his place up a bit. It was nothing too major since he planned on spending most of the time in the living room. Before he could sit down good his phone was ringing. It was Katie calling him again.

"Heya. Sorry to bother you again but I just wanted to let you know that my GPS was a little off so I should be there about twenty minutes earlier than expected. Just in case you were not at home or something."

"Oh thanks for the heads up, but I'm at home so it's all good."

"Ok see ya in about thirty-five minutes then." Katie said before hanging the phone up.

Xavier sat there for a moment lost in his thoughts. Part of him wanted to still be mad and hate Katie, but there was a small part of him that wanted to believe her apology was sincere. The time had melted away as he sat there in his own world, because before he knew it there was a loud slam that sounded like a car door, and as he got up to investigate what was going on, his doorbell was ringing.

"Just a minute." Xavier yelled before making his way to the door.

As Xavier opened the door, his breath was almost taken away instantly as Katie stood there in front of him. She was a looker back in the day and time did nothing but enhance those looks. She had her platinum blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, giving Xavier an unrestricted view of her perfectly oval shaped face. Her sculpted cheekbones and defined jawline had Xavier momentarily mesmerized. As he was standing there taking in her features, Katie's aqua-colored eyes jumped for joy as they made contact with him for the first time in years. He hadn't paid much attention to her excitement because he was too busy checking out the rest of her and what she had on; which was nothing but a simple tee shirt and a pair of yoga pants. But since they clung to her body like a second skin, her attair did an excellent job showing off her ample bustline and swimmer-toned legs. Xavier found himself swallowing hard in order to keep from drooling.

"Hey there stranger." Katie said while standing on her tiptoes and eagerly tangling her arms around Xavier.

As Katie was hugging Xavier she noticed the pictures that she saw of him on Facebook did him no justice. He was no longer the skinny kid from high school. Xavier was already a few inches taller than Katie, but with the added muscle he looked like a giant compared to her. She didn't seem to mind as she coiled her arms around Xavier's waist for a tight squeeze.

"Hey yourself." Xavier replied as Katie's warm embrace made him second guess his hatred towards her.

"Wow those pictures don't lie, you have changed." Katie said while stepping back to give Xavier a once over before hugging him again.

"Thank you." Xavier said while fighting the urge to blush. "Hold it together man, you're falling apart." He told himself, as he invited Katie to come inside.

"Oh it feels sooo good in here." Katie said as she took off her flip flops and padded barefoot across Xavier's carpet.

"Yeah I try to keep it comfortable in here. Can I get you anything to drink?" Xavier asked.

"Oh I would love something to drink. What do you have?"

"Jack, Jose, Grey Goose, but if that is too strong I have some wine coolers or water."

"Oh please Zavier, I'm no lightweight. If I had time I could drink you under the table, but I am going out with your sister later so a wine cooler or two will be fine."

"Big talk for such a little lady." Xavier joked as he poured himself a drink then grabbed two wine coolers for Katie.

"Whatever Zavier. I'm far from little. Last time I checked being five foot nine was considered to be tall, especially for a girl.

"Yeah but you are probably a buck twenty-five, and that's if you're soaking wet." Xavier shot back.

"I'm one hundred and thirty-two pounds actually. I may not be a behemoth like you, but I do have some muscle in this little body. Here see for yourself." Katie said as she extended her leg and flexed her calf muscle.

"Yeah you do have a little knot under your shin." Xavier teased, as he eyed Katie's leg.

"Pfft, hard as I work it better be more than just a little knot. Go ahead and feel it." Katie urged, as she continued to stiffen her leg for Xavier.

"Nah it's ok, I believe you." Xavier said as he felt himself rapidly losing self control.

Katie picked up on Xavier cracking and decided to turn up the heat a little bit. What Xavier didn't know was that Katie was slightly attracted to him back in the day. Most of the guys she dated were shallow and lacked any substance, and though Xavier seemed quirky and different, she knew he would be more interesting than the other guys that were considered top dogs. So when she found out about Xavier's crush on her, she tested the waters and told her friends about it, a decision she would regret because they egged her on to tease and humiliate him, which she reluctantly did. It strained her friendship with Michelle for a little bit but just like Katie, Michelle valued popularity almost above anything else, so the rift did not last long.

That seemed like a lifetime ago though, because Xavier was not the same awkward young man he was in high school. Katie was hoping that he was not seeing anyone, or even if he was, she had hoped he still had a crush on her even if it was a small one. Either way her ego was in need of stroking, because her last relationship damaged it badly. Her boyfriend or ex boyfriend now, was a selfish, narcissistic jerk, who always put her down to make himself look good. The only thing he had going for him was he was good in bed, and since he shared that skill with just about every other woman around town, Katie got fed up and called it off. Her break-up was part of the reason for her visit. With the help of Michelle, she wanted to pursue a few job leads, and if things went well she would move back to her hometown and start over again. She would worry about starting a new life later, because right now all Katie wanted to do was have a little fun. She figured she could do a little harmless flirting with Xavier and not be seen as a slut.

"Oh I insist. As a matter of fact you should feel them both and let me know if I need to work on one more than the other." Katie said as she lifted her other leg, so that Xavier could feel on both of them at the same time.

"Fuck!! I'm weak." Xaver said to himself as he sat down the drinks and ran his hands over Katie's legs. "Ok you got more than just a little knot under both legs. There I said it, you happy now?" Xavier said as he picked up his drink and downed it with one gulp. He then made his way back to the kitchen to fix himself another drink.

"Very." Katie said with a satisfied smirk, as she pulled her legs from Xavier's grasp and grabbed a wine cooler and brought it to her lips to sip on.

After the exchange, Katie dialed back on the flirting and switched the course of the conversation. While sitting on the couch making small talk with Katie, it had hit Xavier that she acted nothing like the snob she was in high school. "I guess people do change." He said to himself as they continued to talk.

The small talk continued until Katie and Xavier filled in the gaps in which they had not seen each other. After all the gaps were filled, things got a bit more personal and interesting, thanks to the alcohol.

"So what does your girlfriend think about you being alone with a lady at your house?" Katie asked, attempting to fish for information.

"I didn't tell her nothing because we are kind of on a break right now." Xavier said with a shrug.

"Oh it's one of those, I gotcha, well I just recently broke up with a guy. It was pretty messy, so that's why I'm in town for a few days, I had to get away for a little bit and clear my head."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that, breakups are never easy."

"Yeah, but enough about me, let's see a picture of this not girlfriend of yours."

"Ok." Xavier said as he hesitantly pulled out his phone and tried to find a decent picture of Bethe to show Katie. "Here she is, her name is Bethe Silva."

"Oh wow Xavier she is a hottie, but I'm still hotter though right?" Katie teased.

"Eh I guess." Xavier said nonchalantly.

"Way to make a girl feel good about herself Zavier." Katie said as she poked Xavier in the arm.

"Just a little payback for what you did to me in high school." Xavier said jokingly.

"I already said I'm sorry you big baby. What can I do to make it up to you?"

"Hmm, I don't know." Xavier said as he pretended he was in deep thought. "You hurt me pretty badly, ya know." He said half seriously.

"I know, trust me I know and there was a thousand times I wanted to say sorry afterwards, but like I said I was a stupid kid and cared more about being popular." Katie said somberly. "I would say let me kiss it and make it better but I don't think your not girlfriend would like that, plus after one kiss from these lips you would want to come back for more." Katie said as her filter started to wane.

"If you say so." Xavier said while trying not to take the bait.

"I know so." Katie boasted.

"I see the years have done nothing to damage your confidence." Xavier said while playfully jabbing Katie in the side.

"Whatever. I'm just speaking the truth."

"Ok Miss all talk and no action." Xavier said hoping to call her bluff, so she would back down.

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