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The Renfield Syndrome Ch. 13

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Bisexual erotic horror novel, violence and psychosexuality.
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Part 13 of the 13 part series

Updated 04/29/2024
Created 07/30/2023
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The Renfield Syndrome (Bisexual horror) - David is an ordinary man thrown into a nightmarish world of bloodlust and passion with his own humanity at stake. This is an ongoing work in progress of psychosexual horror.

Content Warning: Bloody horror violence and gore


Once again, Angelique had rendered him helpless with little more than a glance, and David felt impotent in the face of her power. He knew exactly what had just happened, this was a demonstration as much for the benefit of the chosen as it was discipline for Lori. Her message had been received loud and clear. In a very literal sense, don't even think about crossing Angelique.

"Who's the new girl?" Sandra asked him, unfazed by Angelique's display, then pressed on without waiting for an answer. "Homely thing, I wonder what Angelique sees in her? She always has her reasons, of course, but I admit I'm curious."

"Sandra, no need to be rude," said Fabian. "I'm sure she's a lovely girl." The tall, dark-haired man was on David's left, sitting just a bit closer than was entirely appropriate. With one manicured finger, he toyed with the fabric of David's plain t-shirt. "Angelique doesn't discriminate when she sees something special in someone. We come from all walks of life."

"Obviously." The woman cast a downward glance at David's plain clothes with a slight look of distaste on her surgically sculpted features. "Really, you could have tried to look a little nicer, you're as bad as that awful 'Roach'." She made air quotes with her fingers around the name. "Always looks like she just climbed out of a dumpster, you'd think she'd have more respect for Angelique if not the rest of us."

"Not that your clothes will matter once we get them off you," Fabian teased.

Before David could respond to this, the swinging doors leading to the kitchen burst open and a small flurry of waiters pushing rolling trays of food emerged. They quickly spread throughout the dining room, stopping at each table to serve the fanciest hors d'oeuvres David had ever seen. There were antipasto skewers of cured meats and cheeses, small Italian meat rolls called spiedini dredged in breadcrumbs, and sausage stuffed mushroom caps. As their table was served, David noted there wasn't a vegetarian option anywhere to be seen, the carnivorous appetites of the chosen being dutifully catered to by the kitchen staff.

Without hesitation, Sandra selected a prosciutto-wrapped fig and inhaled its fine aroma before popping it into her mouth and chewing with great relish. Fabian mirrored the action with a succulent meat roll. All about the room, the well-dressed people fell hungrily to the various appetizers, being none too restrained as they snatched at them. David realized that it had been hours since he had last eaten himself and he felt hollow again, the supernatural hunger uncoiling from within and rearing its ugly head once more. The toothsome smells of the offerings before him were tantalizing, each bite-size morsel obviously prepared with great care and skill.

David selected a steak bruschetta, the rare, red meat sliced thin on baguettes and topped with caramelized onions. It looked more than appetizing, but before he put it in his mouth, he remembered Lori's fierce admonishment. Don't eat anything, she had said. She'd been away from him for some time, God only knew what she had seen and heard. So as hungry as David was, he set the hors d'oeuvre back down and refrained.

"You're not eating?" Sandra asked him around her second mouthful. She had selected a meat skewer, dipped it in honey, and set about devouring it. "You can't be serious, Angelique's chefs are the best in the city, world class they are. She employs only the finest, aren't you hungry?" Before Sandra had even swallowed, she had already snatched up one of the stuffed mushrooms and popped it in her mouth in a sudden display of bad table manners. "It's a dinner party, you silly boy, what are you being so shy about? Here, open up!" Sandra picked up his discarded steak bruschetta and held it before his lips, offering to feed it to him.

"No really, I just..." David began, but the woman was insistent and shoved the hors d'oeuvre into his mouth as he opened to speak. It was indeed a delectable bite, the beef immaculately seasoned and so tender it nearly melted in David's mouth. The hunger within him roiled as David hesitated, then began to chew, savoring the flavor.


Lori watched with horror as she stood in Angelique's shadow as the appetizers were served. The self-declared 'Mistress' had been flitting about with Lori in tow, seeing to her precious party, and of course had ventured into the kitchen to ensure everything was prepared. Several chefs were hard at work back there, and nothing at all seemed out of place in the bustling kitchen. That is, until one of the sous chefs turned away from his cutting board for a moment and Lori had caught a glimpse of the severed human hand sitting upon it, already half carved into thin, bloody slices to be piled onto baguettes.

Now she looked out at the room full of rich and cultured cannibals and saw David at his table near the front. Did he know what he was eating? Lori could scarcely imagine the David she knew willingly consuming human flesh, but everything she thought she knew about the world had recently been turned on its head. Lori had no idea how much a part of this crazy cult David was, but for all appearances he was well under Angelique's thumb. Lori had no intention of joining him, and filled her mind up with flowers again, lest she think too hard about getting the fuck out of here and alert Angelique to her plans, feeble as they were.

"Don't let me stop you from joining the others, dear," Angelique said, turning her eyes on Lori again. The effect was visible as Lori felt the raw force of the woman's gaze threaten to drive her to her knees.

Lori managed to stand her ground, keeping her eyes submissively downcast to avoid looking into those violet hues and said in a quiet voice, "Thank you Mistress, but I'm not..." And there Lori paused because she realized that to say she wasn't hungry was an untruth. There was a ravenous hunger inside her that was wholly unfamiliar. Her stomach, nay, her entire being felt yawningly empty as if she hadn't eaten for days. "I'm a vegetarian," Lori finished hopefully.

Angelique laughed at this, high and delighted, like a young girl. "Oh, my poor dear, not anymore. I am far more familiar than you with the hunger my gift has awakened in you. Come with me, child, let us join the festivities. It is a party, after all." She stepped forward to take hold of Lori's chin and turn her face up to meet her eyes. Lori went unwillingly, but had nowhere else to look, so she fearfully stared back and felt the woman's power hit her between the eyes like a physical blow. She tried to cast her eyes in any other direction, but she was rooted to the spot, held motionless by that penetrating gaze. The next thing Lori knew, she was meekly being led to a table near the front where several gaudily dressed people sat, alongside the uniformed cop from downstairs, Doyle.

The men and women stood immediately as Angelique approached, the remains of the appetizer course still on their fingers and faces. There were three women, much younger and dressed in a far more scandalous manner than the older, graying man they surrounded. A handsome young Latino wearing a tuxedo shirt and tie without a jacket also had the look of someone there mostly for his value as arm candy. Doyle was the outlier, dressed in his SPD uniform and bulky gun belt. As a group, they bowed respectfully to their hostess with looks of utter adoration on their faces.

"Mistress Angelique," the shortish graying man in an expensive suit greeted her, wiping some grease from his mouth. "You honor me by joining us. Fantastic party, as always."

"The party's just getting started, my dear Mayor," Angelique cooed, drawing close to him and gracing him with a kiss upon the lips to the man's rapturous glee. Her mouth opened and her grotesque tongue emerged, sliding into the older man's mouth. The rest of the table wore their jealousy on their faces as Angelique briefly teased him, and then she withdrew her tongue and pushed him away. The mayor looked like he was about to shoot in his shorts as he held one of the women's abandoned chairs for her. She smoothly lowered herself into it and motioned for Lori to sit beside her. "Allow me to introduce you, this is Lori. She is our newest. Isn't she delightful?" Angelique stroked Lori's hair affectionately, and Lori somehow managed not to cringe.

"Lori, it's a pleasure." The mayor leered at her, his eyes crawling up and down her curvy body in a brazenly libidinous fashion. "Welcome to the family, so glad you could make the party." On the other side of the mayor, Doyle was likewise staring at her tits and licking his lips as if in anticipation.

"Charmed, I'm sure," Lori replied, trying to look anywhere but at Angelique. Every eye in the room was on her, and the envy of Lori's position was obvious. Angelique trailed a long, black lacquered nail along Lori's jawline to the point of her chin, and Lori resisted a shudder.

"Lori's still coming to understand the gifts I've given her, aren't you dear?" Angelique said. "It's her first night out of the birthing frenzy, and she doesn't comprehend what she is now capable of. We have many glorious nights ahead of us, dear, and I do look forward to your education."

She laughed her girlish laugh again, keeping her eyes casually fixed on Lori's and rooting her to the spot. Fascinated and dazed, all Lori could manage to do was think of flowers and say, "Yes," followed a bit craftily by "Mistress". Angelique arched an eyebrow, her gaze probing as if looking beneath the surface for subterfuge but seemed satisfied with this.

"Yes, girl," Angelique said. "It is an endless life I have gifted you with, and so long as you remain by my side, you shall be immortal. I understand that's difficult to comprehend now, but I assure you of the truth of that statement. And I dare to say that everlasting life with me carries a particular set of pleasures, would you not agree, Mayor?"

"Of course, Mistress, all of us are grateful to you for what you've given us," was the immediate response. "For what you give us every day." The mayor had reclaimed his seat and was picking at the remains of the appetizer plates. Doyle still had his eyes squarely fixed on Lori's chest, something the voluptuous and busty woman was well used to, but it still creeped her out.

"You see?" Angelique said to Lori. "All you must do is please me, and you'll never have to face death. You can withstand that which would kill one of your former kind a dozen times over. You are a more evolved version of your species now, and all I ask in return is that you remain faithful to me. That's not so bad, is it?"

"No, Mistress," Lori said as Angelique's violet eyes bored into her. Regardless of the truth of these words, what Lori felt was less like gratitude and more like terror at what had been done to her. But she could practically feel the woman poking around in her head, so she forced a smile onto her face and added, "It's just a lot to absorb so quickly."

"Naturally, poor dear. But I see something special in all my chosen, so I'm sure you can handle it. Oh look, the first course is prepared!" At last, those violet eyes turned away from Lori's leaving her feeling stunned. The doors to the kitchen had opened again and the waitstaff was moving about the room putting plates before the cultured diners. The dish was an elegant steak tartare, rounds of raw beef mixed with capers and herbs to enhance the flavor and topped with an egg yolk. Once more, the collected chosen fell to eating ravenously as soon as the plates were down, some not even bothering with silverware in their haste to devour the succulent dish.

When Lori's table was served, the mayor, Doyle, and their companions showed little restraint, wolfing the raw steak down with great relish. Lori eyed the plate in front of her with utmost suspicion, and yet was dismayed to find that she was drooling. Her stomach felt painfully empty, and the scent of the meat awakened something within her that she had not realized was there. It was a soul-deep hunger for something that went far beyond food, but food would be a good start. But after what she'd seen in the kitchen, Lori had zero intention of putting anything in her mouth. She shot a look over to David's table to see him tucking in to his entrée and groaned inwardly. He had a glint in his eyes unlike anything she had ever seen on his face before. A look of raw animal hunger that was mirrored all around the dining room.

Of all the diners, Angelique alone had retained her table manners. She nibbled daintily at a forkful of steak tartare, clearly savoring the flavor and aroma. "You really should try it, Lori," Angelique said. "I find one of the great joys of life to be fine food cultivated to our tastes. Why not indulge in a pleasure when it is presented to you?"

Lori managed to avoid Angelique's direct gaze by staring down at her plate. The chopped, raw steak was extra bloody, and the carefully crafted round sat in a small puddle of red alongside some extra cornichons, crostinis, and a smear of brown mustard. The newly awakened hunger within her found the food more than appetizing and the scent was unusually potent and utterly divine. Finally, Lori managed to squeak out, "I don't eat... meat," in a much weaker voice than she had been hoping for.

"Does the hunger not gnaw at you, Lori?" Angelique asked. "The powerful new body I've given you requires a great deal of fuel to operate at top capacity." She idly ran one of her long fingernails down Lori's arm, and Lori couldn't help shuddering. "You will find this dish specifically catered to your needs, my dear. But it is no matter if you would rather refrain. Perhaps you will find the next course more to your liking." Angelique tittered delightedly, enjoying a private joke, and took another delicate bite of the tartare.

"Don't be shy, Lori," interjected Doyle, wiping his mouth as he leered at her tits. "It will make you strong. More powerful than you can imagine."

"And horny," said the peroxide blonde bimbo on the mayor's arm. "Drugs barely work anymore, but who needs them?" She dabbled her fingers in the leftover blood on the plate and brought them to her lips. Then she brazenly pulled open the front of her dress to expose her enhanced breasts and lewdly smeared the blood on her nipples. These she offered to the elder mayor who proceeded to tongue her tits clean with some gusto. The blonde looked at Lori over his bobbing head and said, "The hunger never goes away, but you can satisfy it. For a while."

"You're not like you were before, Lori," said another of the women, this one with long copper red locks and a green dress that flaunted her decolletage. "We're more than we were before. We've moved up the food chain, we're higher animals. We deserve to eat this meat."

"And sex is so much better now!" said the third woman at the table, a brunette in a white come-hither dress. Rather than sitting in a chair, she sat on the table and spread her shapely legs so her fellow diners could get an unobstructed view of her shaven and pantyless crotch. "Sex was never like this before Angelique chose me to join the family." The redhead in green ran her hand up the leg of the woman in white, who let her head loll back on her shoulders as she was fingered.

"It's true, Lori," said the redhead. "You can go all night, and I've never cum like I do now. Wait until you see, it'll change your life." She smiled and dipped her head between the brunette's legs as she sat splayed on the table before her, tonguing her with fervor.

"I'll take your word for it," Lori stammered as the fancy dinner party took a rapid turn toward the carnal. It was as if the raw meat they were eating had awakened a whole host of other base desires and the phenomenon began to spread. The unnamed and much younger man at Lori's table moved closer to the mayor as he lavished attention on the blonde, reaching around his back to caress his chest and unbutton his shirt from behind. Doyle loosened his gun belt and shoved his pants down to reveal his large and extraordinarily hairy hog. The brunette on the table eagerly rearranged herself so he was in reach of her mouth and started fellating him hungrily as Doyle kicked his pants off, leaving himself naked from the waist down.

"Oh, my dear girl," said Angelique, leaning close to breathe into Lori's ear. "What good is eternal life if you don't enjoy it? Do you not remember the sweet love we made when I embraced you as one of my own? It's a lifetime of pleasure I offer you, Lori. Far better than a lifetime of human fear and regret."

"You... hypnotized... me," Lori said with some effort. Angelique's proximity raised goose bumps all down her arms, though from fear or something else, Lori wasn't sure. The young Latino man had gotten the mayor's pants open and was massaging his short, stubby cock as the blonde presented her tits.

"Yes, I did, Lori, and I will do it again. But now I want you to come to me willingly. I want you to give yourself to me as I have given myself to you. We are part of each other, Lori, now and forever." Angelique ran her hand seductively down Lori's cheek and under her chin, her fingertips teasing at first, then firmly turning Lori's face away from her plate. Looking deep into her eyes she said, "You're mine forever, Lori. You cannot resist me, and I would prefer you not try. I give you so much and ask for so little in return."

"I... don't... want it," Lori managed to say through sheer force of will, her eyes wide and her gaze transfixed.

"You will," Angelique purred, rising from her chair. She took a seat on Lori's ample lap, graceful as an exotic dancer, and kissed her on the unresisting mouth. Lori gasped in fear and surprise and realized that much like she was inexplicably craving the raw meat on her plate, she was inexplicably horny and craving Angelique herself. Both desires were alien to her and she fought them, but Angelique's mouth had opened, and her inhuman tongue emerged to slide between Lori's lips.

A rush of unwelcome pleasure flooded Lori's body, and she moaned helplessly as her throat was penetrated until her air was nearly cut off. It was a loathsome violation and grotesquely arousing, but Lori could do nothing about it as her muscles refused to obey her orders and had gone slack in Angelique's arms. All she could do was accept the invasion as her own rebellious body reacted with a shuddering wave of pleasure. The gross organ pulsed once, twice, deep in Lori's gullet as Angelique deposited another load of her foul seed that felt alive inside her. Lori wanted to gag, to retch it back up before it could infect her, but Angelique held her locked tight and unresisting in the passionate embrace, her hands moving seductively over Lori's body like a lover's.


The steak tartare was the most delicious dish that David could remember eating. It wasn't as soothing to the Beast inside as was tearing the meat off the bone, but the raw, bloody beef was excellently prepared and had a rich flavor with just a hint of acidity and a welcoming mouthfeel. David forced himself to chew slowly to savor it and found it beyond sublime. It appealed directly to his animal brain, that collection of raw prehistoric instincts that Angelique had awakened in his previously slumbering mind. It made him feel alert and full of energy, and as his tablemate Sandra settled her hand into his crotch again, David realized he was sporting a cheery erection.

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