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The Right Thing To Do

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A White wife gets in deep with a new black teen.
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"Hello, David how is it going honey?" "Good as can be." David Williams replied to his young wife Kelly.

They had been married for 4 years now and David was 15 years older than the 29-year-old Kelly. They were the typical well to do WASP couple with no children yet. David was calling his wife to tell her that he was being called away to the hospital where one of his old friends had been admitted earlier that day. Kelly was annoyed at first since they were supposed to be going out to dinner later. It was rare they got a chance to do things anymore as David worked so often at the public defender's office.

"Sweetheart, I have some bad news." David told his wife when he got home at past 11pm. "You remember Chris, my old buddy from the Coast Guard? Well, he has been hit by cancer and things do not look good. I doubt that he is going to last more than a few days."

"Oh that is terrible!" said Kelly. She was trying to picture this friend, but she did not remember him from the wedding. The truth be known she was kind of drunk at the wedding and all the faces blurred together. Kelly was good at putting on a face to people that showed a lot of concern. In actuality however, she was pretty selfish and did not care about this news all too much. After all, why did she have to miss her dinner?

Less than a week later and David's friend from the service was gone. David was beside himself with grief as this was a great old friend from when David was young. That weekend David took Kelly to lunch and told her a bit of information that would soon change her life. "Kelly honey, you know how upset I am about Chris passing away like this? Well, there is a situation that I think I need to take care of. Chris really had no family to speak of, as he was a widower. And you remember his son Kevin, right?"

"Sure!" Kelly lied.

"Well, I am giving serious consideration to the idea of taking care of him out of respect for Chris. He has no other family and I think the boy needs a home. I know Chris would do the same for me and I just do not think I could live with myself knowing that Kevin was all alone." David told his silent wife.

"You mean you would want him to live with us? Like adopt him?" Kelly asked.

"I think that is the right thing to do Kelly." David answered.

This was a big shock to Kelly. "I am not sure if I am ready for that David." She said.

"I know dear, me too! But, put yourself in the other position. I mean this must be a really scared boy. Ya know?" Said David.

When he put it like that it was hard for Kelly to argue without sounding selfish and uncaring. She enjoyed a good life. Doing only a few charity functions a year while David paid all the bills. She wanted to keep him happy and never have to work again. Not that she really 'worked' aside from waiting tables in high school.

"Ok Dave, I guess you are right. It's the Christian thing to do; I mean we cannot leave the kid to fend for himself." Kelly told her husband.

"Thank you Kelly! I am sure you and Kevin will get along just fine. Over the last few days I have gone to see him a few times and he seems to be a charming young man."

"How old is he now?" Kelly asked.

"I think 18" came David's reply.

"It should also make us look really progressive to be in such an unbiased, modern family unit!" David explained.

"What do you mean?" said Kelly.

"Well, having an adopted African American son of course." David told her.

Then it hit her; Chris was David's black friend from the service. She showed no sign outwardly, but inside Kelly was cursing this news. She should have remembered! If she said anything now she would come off as a racist, so she would have to figure things out later. She was remembering her wedding night. She had drunkenly accepted a dance from Chris while some Jewish friends were lifting David on a chair. In a dark corner of the dance floor Chris had pulled the drunken bride close to his hard body, mashing her corset covered G cup breasts into his lower chest.

After a while she could feel his hard dick snaked down his leg pushing against her stomach. She thought to herself that there was no way a penis could get that big and hard. She was in a trance as his hands slid over her soft dress, once even reaching down to squeeze her ass while no one was looking. At the time Chris was just amazed by the 5'5" red-headed looker. Soft white skin, shoulder length wavy red hair that pointed down to her glass cutting 32G-22-28 figure. All of this on top of an ass that seemed to pop right out from the small of her back. Chris would have taken her up to his room that night if David had not come looking for her. He could tell from the blank look in her eyes that she wanted his cock to play with.

One week later on Saturday David came home with his SUV packed full of Kevin's belongings. Kelly waited at home and put the finishing touches on to one of the guest bedrooms. She was wearing a baby blue t-shirt and jeans with sandals.

"Honey, we're here!" yelled David from the door. Kelly came into the room and stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth was slightly open as she stared at Kevin. He was 6'4" with a lot of thick muscles. His skin was not terribly dark, but was very smooth. Kelly could not help but compare it to milk chocolate.

"Kevin, this is my wife Kelly." said David.

"H H Hi," stammered Kelly.

"Nice to meet you." said Kevin and he extended his hand to shake. Kelly, (her mouth still open) moved her eyes down to his outstretched hand. She then put her hand into his and made a choice to try and make this situation happen as best as possible.

Kevin was very happy when he saw this pretty bitch before him, so happy that his cock stirred in his pants. He was not sure why these people had asked him to come live here, but he knew they had money and was not about to pass up a good thing.

"Let me show you to your room Kevin." said Kelly. Kelly walked down the hallway and even though she felt a bit strange she could not see Kevin burning a hole in her swaying ass. Kevin was thinking to himself that this bitch was trying to tease him with the way she was moving her hips from side to side.

"How do you like the room?" Kelly asked.

"Oh, this will be just fine." Kevin responded.

"I hope it is big enough." Kelly said to him.

"Well, I am a large guy. In fact my nickname is 'Big,' so you can just call me that."

"Oh, uhhhh, why do they call you that...?" Kelly stammered as her eyes unconsciously shifted down to his crotch.

Kevin watched her do this and smiled as her eyes did not move from the bulge in his jeans. He also noticed that her hand was rubbing the doorknob in a twisting motion.

Right then David came in the room and had no idea that this young black kid had just made his wife think of black dick inside of 10 minutes. Kelly excused herself to the kitchen while David showed Kevin around the house.

Kevin enrolled at a local private school that had a good sports program. Kevin excelled at track, basketball and football. Over the next 2 weeks Kevin felt that Kelly was avoiding him a little bit. He enjoyed walking around the house with no shirt on and getting out of the shower with a towel around his waist. David was gone every morning at 6:30 so it was just the two of them in the morning before Kevin went to school and Kelly went about her errands. They had a house cleaner once a week so Kelly did little more than cook and run errands. Before Kevin moved in Kelly would often wear nothing but her pajamas in the morning. Two weeks ago David had mentioned that she probably will have to make a few adjustments in regard to things like that. Kelly had agreed of course but lately she had been catching herself staring at Kevin as he walked around with no shirt on. One morning he came into the kitchen wearing just a towel wrapped around his waist at he opened the fridge for some juice. Kelly was in some khaki shorts and a t-shirt. As Kelly was making some eggs Kevin came and sat at the table. They chitchatted and Kelly came to serve him at the table.

While she turned around Kevin pushed a plate off the table and it broke into three pieces on the floor. Kelly thought she had done it and said, "Excuse me Big," as she scooped out some eggs and bacon for Kevin. He grunted his response and added "git me some more toast," before Kelly had a chance to do anything else. She paused for a second at the way he barked at her but only briefly as she then quickly turned around to the toaster. A few seconds later and Kevin had some nice, fresh toast on his plate. Kelly thought about it for a second and dismissed his rudeness as a product of a rough childhood.

Kelly grabbed a dustpan and got on her knees in front of the table intent on picking up the plate she broke. As she sat there frozen under the table, drool actually started accumulating in her mouth and her pussy unconsciously started dripping and opening like a flower. The towel that was around Kevin's waist had half fallen off and a large part of his penis was exposed. Before she knew it Kelly's face had crept to within 5 inches of this thing and her flaring nostrils were filing with the musky cock smell. The head appeared to be three times the size of David's and it was not hard!

Kevin heard her gasp when she got under the table and could tell her breathing was picking up pace. A few seconds later and he could feel her short gaspy breaths on his cock. He was all smiles at this point and decided to reach down and adjust his package. With is right hand he reached under the table and scratched his balls. He felt Kelly's head hit the bottom of the table and pulled his hand back. He was very happy when she did not run away instantly. You see, now she could see his big balls and was equally fascinated with them. The combination of this big brown cock with its balls was too much for her and Kelly scampered out form under the table after staring for a few more seconds. At least it felt like a few seconds to her, but she was really there for about one minute. After making a bumbling excuse Kelly ran off to her bedroom and Kevin got ready for school with a big grin on his face.

If things went right he would be enjoying this little bitch in ways she can't even imagine. Kelly locked herself in the bathroom and had to sit on the toilet because her knees felt like wet noodles. She could not control her breathing and when she closed her eyes it was as if the image of Kevin's penis was burned onto her eyelids. 'How could it have come out like that?' She asked herself. Obviously it was not on purpose, right?

She did not realize her legs were locked together like a vice grip and her nails were lightly scraping along her legs. Her face was beat red and she had a small smile on her face. Kelly heard Kevin leave and decided to take a bath. While soaking in the tub Kelly was still having trouble not thinking about Kevin's big penis. Lying there with her eyes closed Kelly was not sure when she stopped soaping her skin and started playing with her body for pleasure. Her right hand squeezing her left breast and her left had violently frigging her clit. Kelly had always been bit ambidextrous and it helped her a lot in certain situations.

Kevin had a wonderful morning telling his friends about what he did to his new mom. There were a few kids at the school that like Kevin were of African ancestry. Shaun, Bo and Jared were all attending the school for sports and received athletic scholarships. There were a couple of white kids that Kevin liked also. These were rich white kids who were good at sports and seemed to like hanging out with the black guys. During the day Kevin talked with his black friends about his idea for them to turn this new big titty bitch out.

A few nights later and Kelly was on the couch watching Leno while David was already asleep. Kevin came home from a late night run and entered the room without his shirt on and sweating rather heavily. He was drying with a towel and he came up behind Kelly to start rubbing her shoulders. She knew he was in the room and was sitting staring at the TV pretending she did not hear him. As he touched her shoulders an electric spark flew through Kelly's body. She had never felt anything like it.

After a few minutes of firm massage Kevin stopped and asked Kelly a favor. "Can you rub my back with this towel? My arms can never stretch enough."

"Uh...ok Kevin." Kelly answered. Kevin sat on the floor in front of her and gave her the towel. "I have been lifting a lot of weights recently so I am not that flexible." Kevin said.

"Your muscles are so big on your shoulders so I can see why you can not reach your back." Kelly said and she gently wiped the sweat away from his back. As she did this Shaun took off his shoes and socks without Kelly noticing. She was very distracted by the fact that she was touching this big strong back.

"Oh, that feels good, scratch my back." Kevin told her. Without thinking Kelly obeyed and started scratching Kevin's back with both hands. She caught herself leaning forward to smell the sweat on the top of his head.

Kevin saw her reflection in a mirror and smiled as she did this. "Ah, lower!" Kevin instructed.

She started to scratch his lower back as he leaned forward. "Lower!" he barked. Startled, Kelly moved her hands down to the top of his ass and he barked again "faster!"

Soon Kelly's hands were shaking violently as she scratched the top of Big's ass. "Help me stretch." Kevin said. Push forward on my shoulders while I lean forward. Kelly hesitated and Kevin told her to hurry. He liked barking orders at this white girl.

"That's not hard enough, lean harder!" he told her. "Lean with your body weight, not your hands, put your body against my back." Kelly paused for a second; she was not wearing a bra and only had on a baby tee with pajama pants. She knew he would be able to tell if her chest pressed up against his back.

"Uh, Kevin, it's late." Kelly said.

"Call me Big!" he cut her off.

"Right, Big, it's getting late and I think I..." Kelly Stammered.

"Come on, help me out or I cannot sleep, just do it." Big said. She sighed out and then started to lean on his back with her torso. He could feel her giant G cup tits mashing into his back. He was grunting his approval. Not for the stretch, but for the feeling he was getting in his loins.

Kelly was also starting to stir as she let go of more and more of her weight onto Kevin's back. She was reacting to the noises he was making and in a few seconds her nipples were turning rock hard. Kevin could feel this right away and he started to lean further forward. Before she knew it she was practically horizontal and lying on top of Kevin. She was still reacting to his moans and started asking him if it felt good. He told her that it was great. Without realizing it Kelly started to quietly moan along with Kevin as he stretched. He would suddenly move a few inches to the right or left and this would cause Kelly's tits to rub around his back and get into different positions. After a few minutes of this her tits were in totally different positions. The left one was flattened to her left and the right was flattened up towards her face. Due to the fact that she was wearing such a small light brown cut off T-shirt her right tit was almost fully popped out of the top. Kevin leaned back toward the couch and with no effort at all Kelly's entire weight was lifted into the air and flung back to the couch.

As Kevin turned around he got to see what he wanted. Her right tit had popped out of the top of her shirt and her hard little nipple was there to look at. He could tell she was excited and he just stared at her for a second. He then reached out to the frozen girl and pulled at her shirt to cover her up. She was totally embarrassed as she folded her arms in from of her chest. Kevin then sat on the couch with her and talked about her day. What she did not realize was that due to the sweat from his back, Kelly's shirt was now mostly see thru. While they were talking Kevin wanted to thank her for helping him stretch so he reached out and grabbed one of her feet. Kelly froze as she waited for what he was going to do. Her freezing around him was getting to be a habit with her and no matter how much she told herself not to there was nothing she could do to stop it. Kevin started to rub her feet and it felt really good to Kelly. His hands were so strong that she thought he could get out any knot she had. First one foot then the other and Kelly started to get very relaxed and tired. She had consumed a few glasses of wine earlier and that definitely was soothing her nerves. Kevin had produced the rest of the bottle of wine and filled her glass again. He was taking swigs from the bottle. She was about to say something about his not being old enough, but then decided that he is safer drinking with her than some strange place.

About an hour later and they were both sitting close together on the large couch. Kevin had gotten her to play some stupid game called 'I never' and she had consumed another two glasses of wine. Kevin soon had his arm around her as they both watched some show she liked. A while later and the tiredness set in with her head resting up against his chest. He slowly started to move into a lying position and was soon spooning her from behind with one hand cupping her left boob. He was softly kissing her ear and neck and she was purring as he did so.

Then he had an idea that required his camera. He went and got the digital camera and came back to the room. Slowly her rolled Kelly on her back and started to peel her still damp shirt up so that her tits would be out in the open. She was very passed out and barely stirred. In a few seconds he had her T-shirt rolled up under her arms. He had already taken a few shots of her sleeping on the couch. Now he started to take as many shots of her tits as he could. He mashed them in different directions. Took shots of himself sucking on her nipples. He even got a peeled banana and put it between her tits for one shot. Then he took a few shots of his cock and balls resting on her face. Along with a few shots of his fingers in her mouth. By this point his cock was rock hard and he had to do something about it. He did not want to risk having her cry rape, so he knew he could not take things very far. He switched the camera to video mode and started to jerk off while he played with the tits of this sleeping bitch. Pretty soon he was shooting some streams of cum into her open mouth and getting a pretty good close-up on the camera. She coughed and stirred which made Kevin back up and try to put his dick away. Her instinct reaction was to swallow and soon all the cum in her mouth was in her flat belly. Kevin then rolled her shirt back down most of the way and went to bed.

When David woke Kelly up he had to finish pushing her shirt down for fear that Kevin might have seen. The bottoms of her big tits were out and one of her nipples was visible. David should not have worried, as Kevin had taken a few shots of her with her shirt in different positions before he went to sleep. As Kelly woke up to see David she started explained about how she must have dozed off. She had a funny taste in her mouth and kept swallowing and running her tongue around to get rid of it. It was strange to her, but something told her she liked it and to swallow it down. Kelly went and jumped in the shower. She had a bit of a headache and all the things she did started flashing back to her mind. Rubbing Kevin's back with my chest! Drinking alcohol with him! But most of all she was concerned with how good he made her feel. Kelly decided to go back to bed and sleep some more. As Kevin came down later he noticed he was alone in the bottom of the house. He knew that David was at work, but where was his nice new toy. He figured she was avoiding him so he decided to push the issue and go find her.


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