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The Rise and Fall of The Queen of Hearts


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Akamatsu's eyes flew wide open. Her jaw dropped. A loud squeal escaping her throat. Her hips bucked upwards, taking part of his cock head inside her. Hot fluid shot out of her, running down his pale cock. Just the heated entrance of her pussy was gripping his cock head trying to pull him deeper inside her. "That was amazing my lord," she gasped. "Please fuck me now."

Simon laughed maniacally. He pushed his cock in. "Semen Sez you're about to have the best sex of your life," he told her.


"Take those nose plugs out," ordered the Baron.

Olivia sighed and smiled at her nemesis. "No, I don't think so," she replied calmly still feeling relaxed.

"Semen Sez, take the nose plugs out," said Simon.

Olivia's brow furrowed and she winced. Her head itched again. She reached up and removed the nose plugs. She took a deep breath of the Baron's cock stench and smiled.

"How much control over her do you have?" asked the Baron.

"Not much, yet," replied Semen Sez. "Not a lot of sperm in the water. Just enough to control some moods, control minor behavior. .

"What have you done to me?" asked the Queen, calmly. She reached out and touched the Baron's hard cock, slowly caressing it. "I want to suck it again."

"I know, mon cherie," he said. "Later, there will be all the time in the world for you to suck my black cock. If you need to suck cock so badly, why not try out mon bien ami, Simon here?"

"No, I want to suck your cock."

"Semen Sez, suck my cock," said Simon stepping up to her. He was stroking the pale white shaft and it was rising again.

Olivia scratched her head and looked down at the hard fleshy white rod. Her lips parted before she closed them again, shaking her head. "No, I only want to suck your cock, Baron. Your sperm is yummy!"

Samedi smiled affectionately at her. The more a woman smelled his cock, the more they began acting like bimbos. The Queen could resist more then most women and the fact that she was already acting a little slutty suggested that her will had been weakened.

"Very well then, suck my cock."

Olivia fell to her knees and took the Baron's cock in her mouth. He threw back his head and moaned as her tongue teased his cock head and she began taking him down her throat. She moaned contentedly too. Her moan turned to a whine when the Baron stepped back, his cock springing up, glistening with her saliva. "Gimme," she begged.

"Take care of the Emperor's cock first and then you may have mine," he told her.

"Oh, alright then," said the Queen. "Bring that thing over here," she told Selassie.

Simon took a step forward, quickly feeling the tip of his cock engulfed by her hot mouth.

"JAH!" he moaned in delight. "Dis woman is good. She be deep throatin ma dick mon." Simon grunted as Olivia bobbed her head. "I can see why you been wantin her all dese years, mon. She's a natural."

The Baron snorted watching the Queen of hearts sucking off Semen Sez. "She's had practice," he told Simon. He didn't like sharing her with the albino. Semen was an ugly freak, but he needed the Rastafarian at the moment. Still, he didn't have to watch her suck him for a long time it he didn't want to. "Queen, you can have my cock again as soon as you get Simon off. I suggest you speed it up."

"Gack!" Selassie choked at the Queen of Hearts went supersonic on his cock. Her head was a blur. "Jah mon, suck dat cock, beetch." Within seconds the sperm was welling up in his balls. His cock jerked, sending the first load of his semen into her belly. She slowed, sucking his jerking cock normally now.

"Keep sucking Queen," ordered Samedi. "Swallow as much of his cum as you can."

Olivia wrapped her lips around the head, jerking the pale shaft, taking more of his seed into her mouth. It was good, but not as good as the Baron's semen. She gulped it down until her belly felt bloated. She finally released his cock, getting a big load of his semen splattered on her face before his cock quit spurting. She licked her lips, tasting his seed, rolling it on her tongue and letting it slide down her throat. Simon stumbled backwards and collapsed in the chair at the desk. He was panting. The Queen turned her attention back on the Baron. She frowned, her belly was distended with Simon's sperm. "I'm sorry, I swallowed too much, but you can cum on my tits if you want," she told him, yanking her shoulder straps down and pulling her white suit down under her large breasts. Her nipples were pointy and hard.

"Was that enough, Simon?" asked Samedi.

Semen Sez threw back his head and laughed. "Enough? Enough? Ha Ha Ha. She just sucked a new record out of ma cock, mon. 1 beelion 879, meellion, 327 thousand, and 23 sperm. I should say, dat is more then enough."

Olivia felt funny. She blinked, forcing herself to her feet, pulling her suit back up to cover her breasts. She felt funny. She no longer smelled the Baron's cock. All she smelled was sperm. She wrinkled her nose. She felt funny. Not normal. She scratched her belly with both hands. It was bloated from all the semen she'd swallowed. As she scratched, her belly went back down to it's normal flat toned shape. Her belly didn't feel as full now, but the itching was spreading all over her body. She scratched everywhere, bending over and heaving up a little of his semen. Olivia gasped for breath, standing up straight, using her will to fight off whatever they'd done to her. "You two will pay for this," she hissed. They both responded by laughing.

"You asked what we did to you," said Samedi, his skull shining through. He paced before her, hands clasped behind his back. "You're familiar with nanobots I'm sure. Think of Simon's sperm as a type of nanobot. He can sense them. He can control them and by controlling them, he can control you. He can mold you any way he wants."

"That's insane," she cried, closing her eyes. She reopened them. There were dozens of wiggling floaters in her vision now, no not dozens, hundreds.

"Here let me show you," said Simon stepping closely. "You have lovely breasts, Queen, but I prefer bigger ones. Semen Sez grow."

Olivia groaned. Her breasts swelled for the second time in a decade. She watched in horror as her perfectly formed DD's ballooned up. Breast flesh began spilling over the tops of her uniform. Half her areoloa had popped out as well as one nipple.

"Enough Simon, her breasts were perfect," ordered the Baron.

"Simon Sez stop." He reached out and cupped her new EE's. "I prefer dem like dis mon, but she needs bigger nipples to go with da breasts." He pinched her nipples and twirled the hard knobs. They elongated, stretching out about an inch and fattening up. "Now dese are perfect, mon."

"Alright," conceded the Baron, licking his lips. "They are.. not that bad." He turned to look at Olivia. "He can do just about anything to you, mon amour. Simon not only controls your body, but your mind also. He can make you forget your husband and daughter." He paused while Olivia gasped in fear. "He can make you madly in love with me. He could make you obsessed with killing every other member of the Hall of Righteousness. He tells me, he can even take away your powers."

"Semen Sez, strip for us."

Olivia's eyes widened as she removed her mask, showing her face to the two men. "You've... you've won, Baron. I'm powerless to stop you. Just strip me of my powers and make me normal again." That would be a dream come true. No more fighting crime and battling super villains. She'd grow old and die, selling real estate and watching Emma grow up, while she and Joe grew old together. "You'd eliminate your greatest enemy. I'd never oppose you again." She wiggled her uniform down over her hips, revealing only a sexy skimp panty that her husband had bought for her (and himself) on Valentine's day. It was a frilly red heart that matched the one on her uniform.

Samedi smiled or at least she thought he did. The skeletal jaw just opened slightly. "You'd like that wouldn't you? But I think a better plan would be to turn my greatest enemy into my greatest ally. You wondered how I'm going to get the vault and the gold out of here? You're going to do it. Then you're going to lift the criminal naval blockade

against my county and then you will rule by my side and bare me the most powerful children on the planet. Together we will be invincible and our children will rule the world." The skeletal jaw opened wide as the Baron threw his head back and laughed maniacally. He stopped and turned his attention back on her. "Tell me Olivia Queen Hart, are you on birth control?"

"Yes," she hissed at him in horror, rolling her red gloves off. At least she had time to figure out a way to defeat him before the birth control wore off.

"Simon," said the Baron.

"Semen Sez, you're ovulating," replied the albino.

Olivia stepped back from the two villains. Her hands fell to her abdomen. Her ovaries ached for a moment and she flushed as her hormones raged through her body. She felt herself becoming even wetter. She bent over to unzip her boots. She looked up at the Baron, pleadingly while she slid one boot off her foot. "Emma? My husband?"

"You have my word that no harm will come to them. They will be safe."

"Thank you for that," she told him, gratefully. Olivia bent over and slid the panties down her hips and legs. She now stood before the two villains, completely nude. "How did you find out my secret identity?"

"I told them," said a familiar voice behind her.

Olivia turned her head as the buxom red head stepped into view. "BETTY!" Olivia's shock turned to horror as the truth hit her. Betty was infected too. "They got you too, Betty. I'm so sorry. We'll get through this together. I promise."

"Olive please. You're being ridiciculous." Betty came to stand beside the two villains. The skull headed man, the albino, and the dick girl all stared at her. "The Baron's cock doesn't affect me and I won't drink or touch anything the Emperor has been around."

"NO! Betty, you'd never betray me. I don't believe it," cried Olivia, but the expression on Betty's face remained cold. "Why Betty, why would you do such a thing? We were best friends once."

"Yes, we were. Once." said Betty, silently. "Best friends forever, Captain and co captain of the Washington Wildcats, The Queen of Hearts and her loyal friend, Bettikinetic, fighting side by side while you took all the glory."

"That's what this is about? You're jealous!"

"No, you bitch. I'm not jealous. I was happy fighting by your side. I loved you. I loved you and you rejected me to go back to Joe. You used me and then you treated me like a... like a SIDEKICK!"


Betty watched her nude best friend fly off to go rescue more of their squad from the island of madness. Her windows rattled as Olivia broke the sound barrier. She lived with her parents in a good neighborhood and they usually left the back door unlocked. It was cold and drizzling, Washington state being a world away from the Caribbean. She went to check the door, the ugly black penis slapping on her thighs as she walked. The hideous tip almost reaching her knee.

The door was unlocked, thankfully. Olive hadn't seemed bothered by the weather, but she'd nearly froze to death on the flight here. Her parents would be at work so she was safe. Still half frozen, Betty snuck up the stairs to her room. Her bed was made, the curtains and bedspread all in pink. A teddy bear, a stuffed unicorn, and some other stuffed animals were seated on her bed, patiently awaiting her return home. She hurried to the upstairs shower and let the water get as hot as she could stand before stepping under it, finally starting to feel warm. Betty wondered if she might be able to scrub off the nasty golden fluid that had turned her into a monster. She grabbed a bar of soap and ran it all over her new body, scrubbing all around the hideous male sex organ between her legs. It didn't work and Betty slowly slid down into the tub, crying under the shower.

She stayed under the shower until the hot water ran out. Freezing again was worse then feeling sorry for herself, so she turned the water off and dried her nude body off. Her breasts weren't so bad at all. She would have loved them and so would her boyfriend or he would have if she didn't have a black penis dangling between her legs. Her boyfriend wasn't of much concern to her. She was planning on dumping him anyway before college where she intended to play the field. He was always a little insecure about his penis anyway and wouldn't be able to take having a girlfriend with a penis twice his size. Betty laughed at that, a little hysterically. The thing between her legs was hideous. She was as pale white as any red head of Irish decent could be and the penis was as black as coal, African black, the color her Nigerian lover's cock had been. They'd looked so hot together, the contrast between their skins being the sexiest thing she'd ever seen. He wasn't going to be her last black man. Then the ceiling of his cabin had started melting away and she got rained on. She'd never forget the look on his face as he dissolved beneath her still bouncing hips. He died and she stole his cock. Only it wasn't his cock. His cock had only been half the size of hers and half as thick too. The thing between her legs was a true monster and would have looked normal on a horse, not a man.

Betty felt pressure on her bladder. She sat down on the toilet, jumping off as soon as her penis touched the cold water in the toilet bowl. She crinkled her nose in distaste as she reluctantly wiped her penis off with the wash cloth from the tub. She then stood beside the toilet, grabbed the base of the thick penis and relaxed her bladder. The big black cock jerked and then it sprayed some urine all over the toilet seat. She got it under control, aiming the stream in the bowl, watching the steady stream of urine from her penis turn the bowl yellow. She pictured all the times, she'd been forced to sit in a nasty port-a-potty or squat in the woods when hiking. Well at least she wouldn't have that problem anymore.

She heard a car pull up in the driveway and quickly ran to her room to get dressed. The television came on downstairs. The news coverage was all about the meteor explosion on the island. Betty tiptoed downstairs. Her mother and dad were huddled together on the couch looking worried at the news of the disaster. They didn't know much yet, but some helicopters were taking long distance pictures of the island and the half sunk cruise ship. Her fourteen year old brother was sitting beside them. He was fidgetting. "I'm sure she's fine," said her dad, reassuring her mother.

"I am fine," said Betty, stepping off the stairs. Her parents and brother sprang to their feet looking shocked, but relieved to see her. "Ah.. We didn't go. Tina got caught with a joint and we got kicked off the trip." Her dad was staring at her bosom, frowning as was her little brother, though his jaw was hanging open and his eyes were wide open. She'd thrown on a tank top. One that had fit, yesterday, now her big boobs were holding it up so high, her belly was bared and the bottom of her tits were showing. The longer nipples and outline of her areola were on display too. If Betty could turn any paler, she would have as she realized, that she'd just thrown some sweats on and it wouldn't be hard to notice a big swinging banana cock under the material. She was suddenly grateful for the boobs as their eyes never left them.

The spell was broken and her mom flew into her arms, hugging her tight, but Betty held her crotch back from pressing against her mom. Luckily, no one noticed her bulge.

"You must be famished," said her mother, who's answer to every problem was to feed it.

"No mom, but I'm thirsty.

"I'll get you some iced tea." Her mom ran off to the kitchen.

Her dad forced his eyes off her chest though her brother's were still glued on it. Her dad looked up into her green eyes. "Are you okay, Bidi?"

"No daddy," she whimpered, starting to cry and flying into her dad's arms, keeping her hips back so that she didn't push her penis into him either.

"There there Bidi," he whispered, patting her back. "Everything will be alright. Everything will be fine. Do you want to talk about it?"

No," she pushed off him. "Not yet." Her brother had finally peeled his eyes off her breasts and was staring suspiciously at her crotch. She turned away from him just as her mom sat a glass of iced tea down on the dining room table. "Thanks mom," she said. Betty walked over to the table, held her hand out reaching for the glass. It slid several inches into her hand.

Everyone saw it. Her dad gulped. "How are the others?"

"I don't know. Olive is fine. She... she flew me here."

"I see. Call her as soon as you can. You need to get your stories straight. You were here all weekend. All the girls were. We'll talk with the parents. We don't want the authorities to know you were on that island."

"Thanks Dad," she said, gratefully.

That night, she sat in her desk chair at her computer. Olivia had just agreed to the plan. No one would know. Her television was on. The news stories were getting weirder. One news copter caughter a buxom nude woman with brightly colored macaw wings flying past it. A coast guard copter had been destroyed by a water spout caused by a naked black cheerleader whose lower end was a twirling tornado, just like the Tazmanian devil on the cartoons. The tornado girl had hit the water, sucking it up in a waterspout that rose to hit the copter. It probably wasn't intentional. The waterspout flew off to the mainland. Everyone had large breasts or penises. The news videos blurred them out. Beisde her TV screen, the stuffed animals on the bed were doing a waltz, leaping over each other, playing.

Betty turned back to her computer and looked at the wikipedia entry for telekinesis.

The next morning, Betty awoke slowly, stretching luxuriously. She reached under the covers to grab her penis, stroking it once before coming to her senses. She threw the covers back and looked at the erect monster. She had morning wood! She still felt disgusted when she grabbed the base and held it up, but she didn't look away from it either. It was hideous, springing out erect from her pale feminine body, but truthfully, it was a lovely penis. The thing was steel hard and so firm it was unbendable. It gave off heat and she could feel the pulse inside it where she gripped it. The head was as big as a golf ball with a large flare. She figured it was a foot long, and later when she got more used to it, she did measure it as 12.75" from the base above her large-each bigger then a tennis ball- black testicals, 12.5" from the base in the front. She wasn't sure what was the proper way to measure an erect cock. Thankfully, it was circumcised like the Nigerian's had been. She hadn't liked the looks of the two uncircumcised men, she'd slept with, but their cocks had felt plenty good inside her. She started to cry again when she realized, she'd never feel another cock inside her ever again.

When she finished crying, her penis was still hard. It ached even and several times, she caught herself reaching out to touch it, even stroking it a little. She pictured herself riding her black lover, looking down in horror as he melted beneath her and she vowed never to masturbate her ugly cock ever.

A week later, Betty held a crying Olivia to her bosum. She stroked Olivia's blonde hair soothingly. Breaking up with her boyfriend hadn't been hard. She'd just been with him because he was fun and was pretty good in the sack. Olivia on the other hand was devastated breaking up with Joe. She loved him and had planned on marrying him. He was equally devastated and crushed when she wouldn't tell him why she had dumped him. Olivia was scared of her new found strength. She feared she might hurt him unless she got her strength under control. If she ever got it under control. She'd already pulled the door off her car and nearly fried a neighborhood cat with her eyes.


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