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The Rise of Cuckleberry Finn

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Jim takes Huck and his wife on a new kind of adventure.
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**Author's Note: If you are offended by race play, please do not read this story!


Chapter One: Jim's Harem

"I don't got nothing against a man bein' a man, but he oughtn't yell at his woman that way. And I hear he beats on her. What if she were pregnant, Jim," said Jeremiah Snodgrass.

"What you goin' do 'bout it, Mister Snodgrass?" Jim asked.

"Oh, I don't know, Jim. I don't want to deal with the backlash that son-bitch would give. Hey, I know. Why don't you go talk to him? I'm sure that will go over real nice. Go on, then, see to it. Get that bastard Clayton to treat his woman like a lady."

"Oh, I-I don' know, Mister Snodgrass. I don' want to be messin' with another man's marriage."

"Just do it, Jim. Big guy like you oughtn't be worried about a little guy like Clayton Pritchett."

Jim went back home and sat down and thought about the situation. He reckoned Clayton would love the opportunity to mistreat him for interferin'. Clayton didn't like other opinions, let alone correction, and let alone by a black man. But Jim thought ain't nobody else goin' help that poor lady. The best way to deal with this was to be direct, man to man.

"How do you do, Mrs. Pritchett? So Mister Snodgrass asked me to check on you and maybe see hows I can help Mr. Pritchett so's he's not a'yellin' at you so much. Is he 'round?"

Emmaline Pritchett said, "No. He ain't here right now. Whatta you plan to say? Clayton don't like people in his business. Everybody knows that. You'd be better off to just skedaddle on back home before he knows you was here. I won't say nothing."

"Oh, alright then. Well, you have youself a nice day then, Mrs. Pritchett."

"Just call me Emmaline, Jim. Okay. Bye." She was sad and watched him leave. Clayton wanted her to stay at home. Got awful lonesome, I'm sure of it. Anyways, ain't no matter. It all works out, you'll see.

Jim went back home. He figured he would just explain to Snodgrass that Emmaline didn't want any help and everything was fine. At least that's what he wanted to be true.

One Week Later

"Lo and behold! If it ain't Jim the marriage counselor!" Clayton said with a wicked smile on his face.

Jim couldn't believe that Emmaline would betray him that way. "Look, I was just doin' what Mister Snodgrass said to do. I don't know nothing about marriage between white people."

"Well, hell, I know that, Jim, but you see, Jeremiah is a friend a'mine and he told me it was your idea to come interfere with my wife and I's relations. I asked Emmaline about that, too, and she tried to say you didn't come there, but I knew she was lyin'. So, guess what, Jim, stupid Jim, I taught her a lesson and I'm goin' to teach you the same lesson now. Get over here!"

"No suh, I's figured I done what I was asked to do, even though I didn't have to. Mister Snodgrass is who you ought'n be upset by. I'll be stayin' right here."

"Maybe you's deaf, as it is. I said, get over here, boy."

"No suh. I ain't goin' to."

Well, by this time, Jim had already been set free by the law, so he weren't under no obligation to obey any man. Those two men russled around for a minute or so before Clayton got pinned and once he quit squirmin' and submitted, Jim let him go. He gave up and spouted off and went home in a tizzy. Jim went home too. He worried about what was goin' happen to Emmaline at home, and rightly so. That Clayton was consummate ass who had something comin' to him.

One Week Later

"Misses Emmaline, you ought'nt be here like this. You's married to Clayton."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know where else to go. Everyone here seems to be on Clayton's side of things. Can't I just stay here for tonight? I'll leave first thing in the mornin' when Clayton's booze's all filtered through his body."

"You's goin' to get me killed, Emmaline. I ain't supposed to be with a white woman and you know that."

"I ain't got nowhere else to go, Jim. Please."

Jim relented to the beautiful young wife. Her white skin and greenish eyes were exotic and excitin'. He ain't never seen a white woman up that close before. So's he took her in.

The night was uneventful. Clayton passed out lookin' for his wife around the house, not knowin' she was a mile away in a cabin with a freed slave.

'Bout a week later, she came back to Jim's, then again another several days later, and then again on 'nother occasion. Before long, she had her own damn bed. He gave her the bed when she came over, and he slept all worried-like on some straw on the floor.

Along about the fifth or so time she come over, Clayton come a'knockin' on Jim's door. He had been drinkin' again and he followed Emmaline without her knowin'. Clayton made a big scene and threatened Jim mightily, but in the end it weren't no use. He couldn't whoop Jim, and his wife didn't obey him anymore from then on. She became part of Jim's household. I guess Clayton never went any further with it, out of his own shame, havin' his bride leave him and possibly for a black man, it seemed.

It was rough on the young, wayward bride. She couldn't go into town because people would be too mean to her. They would say and do some awfully reddish things to the poor woman if she were brazen enough to flaunt her betrayal and new allegiance in front of people. Weren't no wonder she just hanged out at Jim's as much as she could and stayed by him for protection.

Pretty soon things started to change for the new roommates.

"Do you think we can close the windows tonight, Jim?" Emmaline said.

"What in the world for? Jim asked. "It's awfully hot."

"I don't know. I was wonderin' if maybe we could talk tonight about things we don't want people to hear."

Jim didn't know what was goin' on, but he wanted for sure to find out. "Ooh, I think that sounds like a good idea." Jim hadn't had sex in over 15 years. Poor guy never got reunited with his wife and kids after they were taken before the time of slaves ended. Emmaline and her long, wavy reddish-brown hair had Jim thinkin' thoughts that could get him killed, but they happened anyway on this night. So he closed the windows to his cabin and sat in a chair and watched Emmaline to see what her plan was.

"Jim, do you miss your wife? I mean, she's been gone a while now. And I don't miss Clayton at all, but I do miss havin' someone to hold me."

"Uh, I sure miss her a lot, Emmaline, but it's sure nice havin' someone to talk to."

"And to hold?"

"Uh, if you think that's a good idea."

"I do. Clayton don' treat me right and a girl can't be alone all the time, especially after she's used to not bein' alone. It would be different if I ain't never had nobody holdin' me, but as it is, I'm used to it and I can't be expected to live all the time without it. You understand, right?"

"I sure do, Emmaline. What did you have in mind?"

Emmaline got up and walked over to Jim and straddled him, sittin' on his legs and facin' him. She started kissin' him real hard. Pretty soon Jim got an erection that pushed his pants up and even up into her dress. She reached down and grabbed it.

"Oh, my Sweet Jesus! What in the world?! She pushed it up toward his belly and rubbed it with one hand while rubbin' his chest and muscles with the other. "Oh, my, Jim. You are so strong and big and, um, holy Jesus! Oh, I'm sorry to take the Lord's name in vain. I just, I ain't never seen, or even imagined, anything like this."


"Yes! Mmm. I can't believe I'm doin' this. Can you imagine what Clayton would say if he was here?"

"I have some idea. Is this a good thing for you to do, Emmaline? He may hurt you."

"Well, he can't because I ain't goin' home, and, besides, you're goin' to protect me."

The young wife unbuttoned her new man's shirt and pulled it off of his shoulders and onto the floor. Then she stood up and took her dress off over her head. She took off her garments and stood naked before this hulkin' freed slave.

"Goodness, Emmaline. You are one spectacular young lady. Mister Pritchett is a damned fool."

She got down on her knees in front of him and untied his pants and pulled them down little by little. Jim made it easy for her. She pulled them all the way off both legs and he was naked still sittin' on the chair with his swelled penis hangin' down half way to his knees.

The young adulteress pulled on it until it stood tall and she could get both hands around it. She started puttin' the top part in her mouth and makin' sounds like she was eatin' a dessert or something. "Mmm. Mmmmmm," she said over and over. Pretty soon after about 5 minutes of her strokin' up and down and lickin' up and down and around and down on his sweaty balls, Jim couldn't help himself and he pushed her head down as far as it could go onto his cock and grunted. He shot out huge spurts of cum into her mouth and she gagged and coughed.

He let her up when he was finished dribblin' cum out of his hole. Emmaline had swallowed a good part of the cum it seems, but quite a bit went down her face and onto her chest and neck. As she pulled away, as strin' of his semen stretched from her bottom lip to his huge penis. He rested his head back like he had been drained of all his worry. But, she weren't done at all. She acted like she just tasted a bite of the devil's elixir and she needed more and someone was fixin' to take it away from her.

"Hey, don't be sleepin'. You ain't finished," the white woman said in a fit of wontonness.

"Damn, Emmaline. Your tight mouth was so warm. I couldn't last any longer."

"Well, if you thought my mouth was tight and warm, you should feel my woman parts. I'm ready. Where you want me?"

"Oh, let's see. How's 'bout we start out right here on this chair. I think it will hold."

Before he could even adjust himself, the wife was hoppin' onto his swolled up cock and tried to lowered herself onto it. It buckled a little since it weren't complete stiff anymore. You could tell she wasn't used to the size, too, 'cause it bent a little as it was stuffin' into her and she had to bounce to get it all in and stroke it with her dainty hand a little. She clung to his neck like she was bein' saved from a river and she bounced up and down over and over. Straddlin' him and facin' him, her ripe breasts were in his face. His gigantic hands held her sides and helped her bounce. They could almost reach all the way around her back and touch in the middle. She rode that horse like an Injun scout comin' back to tell what he saw.

She started thrustin' forward and back like she was scootin' across a floor, really drivin' that dark dick deeper into her white body. "Ahhh, yess. Oh, Oh, Mmm. Yes. Oh, Ah. Mmm. Mmmm."

"You like my dick, Emmaline?"

"God, yes! I've never felt so full. I love it!"

"You're the first white woman to ride it. My wife loved it, too."

"You're so damned big and thick. God, I love it. Okay...let's go to the bed!"

Jim followed her over to the bed. She was pullin' his hand in that direction. He said, "You sure do like my dick. Does Mister Pritchett not give you a good fuckin'"

"Oh, ha! Clayton? He's so, so much smaller. You're twice his size. You hit places I didn't know existed. And once he shoots, he's done. Now, let's fuck." She noticed a change in Jim and she liked it.

"Alright, you say you want it. Lay down, woman!"

Taken aback and thrilled, Emmaline smiled and obeyed. She loved bein' dominated by a strong yet benevolent man. "Yes, sir!"

He pushed her legs up to her chest and laid into her, puttin' her ankles up onto his shoulders. You could tell Miss Emmaline was uncomfortable, but her winces quickly turned to moans as Jim slid his magnanimous penis into her little hole. He started out about half way in, strokin' slowly so the wife could get used to the size as much as is possible in this position.

"You want more?"

"I don't now...Uh, huh... do. Yes, I do."

"Okay then." And he pushed about three more inches in and she winced and squealed as the giant member shoved over and over slowly. Then he pushed in the rest of the dick and she went silent with her mouth open like she was screamin' but no sound was comin' out. He didn't stop. He started goin' faster and with longer strokes. "You like that, Mrs. Emmaline?"

"God, yes. I need you."

"I like hearin' that."

"Gosh, I want your huge dick, Jim! Go faster!"

Jim slowed down. "I don't have to take orders from white women anymore. Do you want to try that again?"

"Ok, I'm sorry. May I please have your dick faster?"

She happily submitted to this alpha male. It was one of many things she would learn about herself.

Jim started pounded the cheatin' woman. She squealed and groaned and held her legs up for him. He positioned himself into a horizontal position above her, like a push up, plungin' down into her over in over in full strokes. She went silent and held her breath, then released and said "Ohhh, Ohhh, Ohhh," about ten times, then she froze again and stiffened up. Her legs went straighter and her toes pointed straight out.

"Oh, oh, oh fuck!" she said. "Shit. Oooh. Oh, God. Shit. Ah ha ha. Woah! Shiiiiiiiit! The wife released her body and Jim started poundin' down into her even harder. She started buckin' her hips and shakin' her legs. "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Mmmm. Shiiiit. Mmmm. Oh. Oooooh. Yes. Fuck. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhhhhh!" Then silence with her mouth open. Then she froze, then gasped, then froze, then gasped. "Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhh! Mmmm. Mmmmm. Mmmm. Ohhhhh."

Jim slowed his pace, and when his new woman jerked and twitched and then went limp except for some slow writhin' and giggles, he pulled his long shaft out of her and stood up. She started a'twitchin' again something terrible on the bed and grabbin' at her teats and lady parts and wrigglin' and moanin'. Jim just stood over her like he had killed a deer and needed to make sure it didn't need one more shot in the head to put it out of its misery.

One Month Later

"Mrs. Snodgrass, can I help you? What are you doin' here?"

"Jeremiah's been drinkin' again. Mind if I stay here for a while? Emmaline said you would take me in and protect me."

"I guess so, Mrs. Snodgrass. You'll have to share that little bed with Emmaline, though. I ain't got nothing else."

"I'll do whatever I need to."

Emmaline said, "You don't need to do nothin'. He's got me now," all jealous like. "You can stay on the bed but you're against the wall. I gotta be on the outside in case Jim needs me."

Poor Jim had to build three more beds before that summer was over. By November, he had a him a proper harem of white ladies. There would have been more if others had been willin' to leave their children. These were the younger or barren wives. But they was always a'fightin' and squabblin', wantin' to be Jim's only girl, but damn if he ain't have relations with all of them.

It's hard to know why the men didn't rise up against him, like they usually woulda done when a black man got outta line. My theory is they acted like nothin' happened for a while, again, out of humiliation, hopin' that their women would come back. But one night the husbands of the town, which Snodgrass was part of, about 40 or so men, come shoutin' outside Jim's cabin sayin' he's holdin' the women captive. They had torches and was hollerin' something fierce out there. In a few minutes of this, Jim got tired of it and reckon he art'a face the music, as it were.

The women was scared, but their love for Jim compelled them to go out and stand with him. Emmaline was the first to speak up. "Ya'll go back home. We ain't been captured or not'. Jim is our man now. He treats us right and we like being with him anyway. So ya'll just pack up yer shit and get. If you don't do this right now, we're gonna tell every woman in town about Jim, and how black men know how to treat a woman.

The men grumbled and stood around for a while, but when the women just stared at them all defiant-like, they figured there weren't no use and they drifted off toward home real sad. The women went back inside and then Jim he went in too. What happened next is too much for this man to explain doin' it any justice. But I will tell you that when the men were still within earshot, they heard the sound of women a'groanin' and a'moanin' and Jim a'gruntin'.

Chapter Two: Fresh Snow and Black Magic

Now, you may be wonderin' how I know all this, since I wasn't there. Well, that's where you're wrong. I was there peepin' in a window. A lot. I'll confess to y'un that I sorta liked watchin' Jim mess up these ladies. Something about a pristine, angel-like good woman bein' turned into a succubus demon is 'rousin' to say the least. There ain't no words for it. I like a big, strong man punishin' these cheatin' wives and them beggin' him and cryin' out for it. I ain't proud of it, but it is what it is. We ain't nothin' if we ain't got the truth.

So, I made a habit of goin' to Jim's cabin every night and sometimes durin' the day if I was feelin' brave. That comin' summer it was quite a sight to watch somebody's pretty wife lickin' the sweat off of Jim's unwashed balls and dick like it was a chocolate candy cane. By now there was eight women, I believe, in Jim's harem. Mrs. Emmaline was in charge. Then there was Snodgrass who was now pregnant, but also the wives of LaBille, Ramey, Paxton, Rogers, Pinkstaff, and then the best one who soon became the love of my life, Miss Emery.

My Rachel Emery was the only unmarried lady there, but that's not why I took a likin' to her. She was and still is the most wonderful, sweetest, pertiest, angel of them all. In fact, I just called her Angel and got it over with. She had olive skin, pretty bright big hazel eyes, and she was petite like a doll, 'cept ain't no doll like her. A doll ain't got now spirit, but, Boy Howdy, ain't this woman got some spunk.

One day I was out behind the outhouse lookin' through the hole I made to watch the women take off their dresses before they did their thing, when lo and behold, my Angel came in. I already knew this but I'll tell it again for y'un, that damn if she ain't had the best little body I ever saw. She was new to the cabin, runnin' from her daddy's mean ways, and I hain't seen her neked yet. For bein' skinny, she still had some birthin' hips and plump little ass.

Long about that time I shuffled my feet too much and made a sound. I was usually better than that, but on this day it musta been fate. She hopped up and came outside a'hollerin' like you'd expect and caused such commotion all the women came out of the house. Mrs. Paxton was the last to come out because she was still fixin' her dress, obviously interrupted from servicin' her benevolent master Jim.

They was all starin' at me and waitin' for me to explain myself. Findin' the right words is usually not a problem for Ol' Huck here, but damn if I didn't freeze like a 'possum that done know'd he was a losin' the fight. Then Jim, my good friend, saved me. "Ain't nothin' but Ol' Huck," he said with a smile. "He ain't mean no harm, ladies."

You could tell they weren't happy but Jim had spoken and since he had them under his spell, they broke ways and went back to their activities. Even my Angel. I didn't do that no more.

From that point on I started spendin' time there, startin' that very day. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Angel. She was like fresh snow in a cabin full of slutty, sloppy, slushy, delicious vixens. Angel was pure 'cause she was a virgin, I gathered. She hadn't been broken by Jim yet either, so she was still shy and sweet. Over the next few days I conversated as much as she'd let me and pretty soon I wore her down and she took a likin' to me. Truth is, I think she was scared of Jim's sex, and she could see the power he had over the ones that he bedded, like Black Magic. That was her words, not mine, but I wished I had thought of 'em. She was real clever like that if you got her a'talkin'.

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