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The Rise of Rachel Price T-Girl Pt. 07

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Charlie introduces Rachel to the powerful billionaire Levant.
2.8k words

Part 7 of the 44 part series

Updated 10/09/2023
Created 12/14/2022
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In the secluded recesses of a dimly lit service corridor, Rachel stood nervously beside Charlie. Her companion, nonchalantly, slid a key into the slot, beckoning the elevator to their location. In this shadowy refuge, far removed from prying eyes, Rachel felt her hand quivering with an unsettling anxiety, a sensation that threatened to bring on waves of nausea at any moment. Her feet felt weightless, yearning to sprint away, but she was trapped.

Rachel whispered to calm herself. "Just a couple of hours, and then it's over."

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped inside. Rachel looked at herself in the mirrored walls of the elevator, adjusting her dress. She took a deep breath and tried to steady herself.

"Remember," Charlie said as the elevator descended. "Act confident, even if you're not. Levant likes a woman who can hold her own. But don't disagree to much. And whatever you do, don't drink too much. You don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of him."

Rachel nodded, taking another deep breath. She could do this. She just had to focus and stay in character. The elevator doors opened, and they stepped out into the grand lobby of the Thornbury Hotel. Rachel could feel the eyes of the other guests on her as they walked across the marble floor, but she tried to ignore them and focus on her role as Rachel.

As they approached the restaurant, Charlie stopped and turned to Rachel. "You can do this," she said with a smile. "Just be yourself, and everything will be fine, by your self I mean Rachel"

Rachel nodded and squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

As she walked she thought the floor felt weird. In these stiletto shoes, she could feel the texture of the carpet through the thin soles. The thick, soft carpet of the suite gave way to the sharper corridor carpet as they walked. They passed at the main elevators, and Rachel looked around. This was where she had left Hunter. She was worried that he might be around again.

Rachel felt reassured that Charlie was with her this time. Charlie looked over and noticed the hotel concierge waving at her.

"OK, I have to see what that is." Charlie said "Remember we are having drinks on the terrace at six. Say Mr. Levant's party. Walk slowly; I'll catch up,' Charlie ordered, and then walked smartly off.

Rachel tried to avoid eye contact with anyone as she made her way to the terrace. She could feel the weight of the wig on her head and the sticky heat of the adhesive pads on her skin. She wished that Charlie had stayed with her, but she knew that she had to do this on her own.

As she approached the terrace she was greeted by the sight of the bouncer - a towering figure with a broad chest and ebony skin, clad in a suit and dark sunglasses, his expression unchanging since the start of his shift. Rachel began to think what she should say to him.

As she moved towards the terrace, Rachel couldn't help but feel a sense of trepidation. She tried her best to slink past the bar, her steps taking her on the shortest route between the elevator and the terrace. The evening was alive with the sound of laughter and conversation, the air filled with the aroma of expensive drinks and the sight of beautifully dressed couples and groups of wealthy individuals chatting and reveling in their prosperity. The bar itself was a feast for the senses, a spectacle of shimmering glass, gleaming mirrors, and bare flesh.

"Hot date?" asked a man's voice from the left, causing Rachel to jump and see a handsome man standing up and walking towards her.

"Mr. Hunter," Rachel said with a smile, making her way towards him. "Are you still at your previous meeting or two weeks early for your next one?"

"You said you could be my quarry, Rachel. I had to look that one up, but I couldn't resist the chance to go on a hunt with you," Hunter said, a charming smile on his face.

"Don't tell me you've been waiting here all week for me to tell me that?" Rachel asked, a hint of amusement in her voice.

Hunter looked slightly embarrassed. "Well, I came a couple of nights after. Then Tuesday. Then... Let's make it around four."

"OK, you got me. Now what?" Rachel said, shrugging playfully.

"I was thinking about that drink?" Hunter said, gesturing towards the bar.

Rachel's heart skipped a beat at the thought of spending more time with him. She had never needed more layers of foundation than now.

"That would be a delight, Mr. Hunter, but..." Rachel began.

"Call me Nathan," he interjected with a wink.

"Well, that would be delightful, Nathan, but I've been told I shouldn't be speaking to you..." Rachel said, her tone turning more serious.

Hunter's easy demeanour was replaced with a more concerned expression. "Who told you not to speak to me?"

"Girls with mothers get warnings," Rachel said, trying to lighten the mood. "About being easy prey. Now, if you don't mind, I have an appointment to get to."

"Can I perhaps join you?" Nathan asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.

"Is this man bothering you?" A man's voice said from behind Rachel. Rachel turned to see, at first she noticed Charlie but her eye was drawn to the large frame of Douglas Levant himself. This wasn't quite what she was expecting. Levant was everything she had read about and more. Standing at a towering height, his physique was that of a man who took great care in his physical conditioning. His chiseled jawline and piercing dark eyes were framed by a stylish haircut, and a well-groomed beard adorned his handsome face. Despite being in his mid-thirties, Levant exuded a certain youthful charm and charisma that drew people in. It was clear that he was a man accustomed to being in the spotlight, with an air of confidence and authority that filled the room whenever he entered. Whether it was his striking good looks or his commanding presence, Levant was a man who commanded attention and respect wherever he went. Douglas Levant stood like he was a force to be reckoned with.

Levant stood chest out against Hunter. It felt like you were before two silverback gorillas who had just strayed to the edge of their territories.

"He's with you?" Hunter said to Rachel.

"Rachel. This is Mr. Levant," Charlie said.

Rachel realized what she should be doing. "Mr. Levant. Nice to finally meet you." She said, smiling.

Rachel could see a tsunami of emotions roll over Hunter's face.

"My question was, is this man bothering you?" Levant said.

Rachel smiled. She could see the look of panic on Charlie's face. Nothing should go south so quickly.

"Him? No. We've never met. He just mistook me for someone he knew, didn't you?"

"Yes, that's right. I'm sorry if I disturbed you. I really should keep my glasses on more often," Hunter said, backing down.

Rachel didn't realize how tense the atmosphere had been until it began to relax.

Levant moved forward. He was still wearing his stiff black coat and looked down at Hunter. "I don't like my female guests being... bothered," Levant said, searching for the right word. "I don't run that kind of hotel. Please leave. Charlie, can you see to it?"

"Certainly, Mr. Levant," Charlie said.

"Rachel, you can come with me," Levant added, turning.

Rachel rushed to join Levant's side, feeling small next to his imposing stature. Even in the heels he stood over her. She turned and nodded, saying good evening to Hunter. Hunter's face was still one of astonishment. Levant offered his arm an symbolically Rachel took it.

They walked past the guard and the velvet rope blockade. They continued out on to the open balcony of the terrace. As Rachel and Levant stepped out onto the hotel's balcony, the cool evening air greeted them. The balcony was a spacious and open area, providing a breathtaking view of the city below. The twinkling lights of the skyscrapers seemed to stretch on forever, creating a dazzling display against the night sky. A low hum of traffic could be heard in the distance, adding to the ambiance of the bustling city. The balcony itself was lined with elegant railings and adorned with potted plants and flowers, adding a touch of greenery to the urban landscape. It was the perfect spot to take in the beauty of the city and unwind after a long day.

"Do you know that man?" Levant asked.

"No," Rachel lied. "I've never met him before."

"He's a bad man," Levant said. "Such a bad man. Really no good, and a loser too."

They approached three more executives, each with three more 'women' with them. As Levant approached, they moved like hyenas about a kill when a lion arrives. They sat on chairs around a low table. An elegant flame played giving heat as the night air cooled. In the distance a waiter offered champagne in tall thin glasses to people.

"So, you're Charlie's entry?" Levant said.

"Yeah," Rachel said nervously.

"How did you meet?" Levant said, going over to the circle of chairs and indicating the chair next to his left side for Rachel to sit down. Charlie rushed up and grabbed the free seat next to Rachel.

"Err, in a game shop. She approached me." Rachel said concentrating on keeping the accent.

"Really?" Levant said, getting the attention of the waiter. "From the mall? She was the only one able to find someone there,"

Rachel nodded.

The others began to take their seats around the circle. A handsome man, around Charlie's age, situated himself comfortably to the right of Levant. He had a chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes that seemed to take in everything around him. Next to him was a stunning woman who looked like a cherub come to life or an all-American cheerleader. With her flawless skin, radiant smile, and golden locks, it was no wonder she had caught the attention of the man next to her. He was clearly Abercrombie, a man with dark hair and an opinionated nature. Although he was lacking in the chin department, he seemed perfectly at ease in Levant's company.

The cheerleader was a sight to behold. Her curly blonde hair was so natural-looking, it was hard to believe it wasn't her real hair. She wore minimal makeup, allowing her natural beauty to shine through. In comparison to the other women at the table, she seemed almost too good to be true. Rachel couldn't help but feel a twinge of insecurity as she took in the competition.

Charlie had mentioned that there were seven other 'contestants' like Rachel, but she could only see five at the circle. At the far end were two exceptionally cute Asian girls, each accompanied by an executive who seemed to know each other quite well. Both men had the same idea in mind. On the opposite side of the table was someone whom you could easily spot as a boy, if you knew what to look for. His minder was a tall man with a thin face and a sharp, lawyer-like appearance. Rachel couldn't help but wonder if that was how she appeared to the others. Was she sticking out like a sore thumb, completely out of place among these polished and put-together individuals? Hunter had seemed to think Rachel was good, otherwise he wouldn't have come back. But was she really good enough to hold her own among this group?

Charlie had told Rachel that the contest was to bring someone to the dinner who wouldn't normally cross-dress. The winning criteria were unclear. Did Levant want the best-looking girl? Did acting skills matter? Was the most natural girl the winner? Either way, the cheerleader was clearly in the lead at the moment. Charlie's eyes made it clear that 'Marsha', the cheerleader, was going to win.

"Excuse me, miss. Will you be drinking?" the waiter asked Rachel.

"Yeah," Rachel said, waiting for this moment. Reaching into her micro purse, she pulled out the fake ID and nervously handed it over. According to Beth, Levant was famous for firing waiters and waitresses who didn't card him and the guests. The waiter looked down, smiled, and thanked her. Pleased with the success Rachel wondered about keeping the card and using it later.

"So, Rachel, where are you from?" Levant asked Rachel. Rachel rolled out the back story she had prepared.

"Well, I was born abroad - daughter of an army brat, but my mother is English. I bounce back and forth," Rachel said, very aware that the people around the table were judging her accent. As Charlie had predicted, Levant ordered champagne for everyone. The taste was new to Rachel, but she tried to pretend she was drinking Coke Max.

More people where introduced. Abercrombie was who she guessed as was the cheerleader Marsha. One of the Asian girls was called something like Mimi and the other one only giggled and covered her face with her hand.

"This is from my own vineyards," Levant said. "I have one of the largest wineries in the United States. This is one of the best champagnes in America. Everyone says I grow the best grapes. Even the French say so. I imported the seeds from France."

"Do they drink much champagne in England?" Abercrombie asked Rachel. "How does it compare to English champagne?"

Rachel shrugged, feeling like he was setting a trap. "They drink more beer..." She squirmed as Marsha smiled.

"Would you prefer a beer, Rachel?" Abercrombie asked.

"I'm fine," Rachel said.

That was about the limit of Rachel's conversation. Abercrombie and Marsha took up a lot of Levant's time, with the others struggling to break into the conversation. Rachel felt like she was falling further behind, unable to keep up with Marsha or the other girls fawning over Levant. It seemed that having girls bat their eyelashes at Levant was the best thing to do, as this was what he was used to. He had been married twice but was currently available and was one of the more eligible bachelors on the planet.

The waiter came over and indicated that dinner was ready. Levant suddenly stood up, and everyone followed him. At this, Rachel felt something slip within the gaff.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she told Charlie.

"Go to the right one," Levant said.

"I'll come with you," Charlie said, grabbing Rachel.

"I'll come too," Marsha the cheerleader said, but then Abercrombie grabbed her wrist. "Actually, I won't," Marsha added.


A few moments later, Rachel found herself enclosed within the confines of a women's bathroom stall, feeling rather uneasy about her presence in this unfamiliar setting. As she stepped inside, her eyes scanned the room for the stand-up urinals, but they were nowhere to be found. Instead, a long mirror stretched across the wall, reflecting her image back to her.

With a limp in her step, Rachel settled into the vacant stall, seeking a moment of respite. Yet, her solitude was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of Charlie, who slipped in and closed the door behind her. This sudden and unexpected encounter left Rachel feeling equally disconcerted.

"They drink more beer? You fuck, why did you say that?" Charlie said as Rachel sat on the closed seat and pull her tights down. "That is the most lame thing in the history of lameness. OK the English don't make Champagne."

"Yeah well I didn't say I drank any." Rachel said in her defence.

"You got to get him to like you. Stick to the script." Charlie said. "You can bet Abercrombie has his girl on a script. Fuck, where did he find her? She's like an actor or something? He found a straight actor, yeah, shit, why didn't I do that? An actor, yes, of course. Fuck, but where did he find a straight actor in San Francisco? Michele clearly has some Thai ladyboy. She's pretty, but I'm thinking he just flew her over. Don't worry about her. Roberts too, he will just copy whatever Michele does. Victor, yeah, his girl is okay, but she feels very forced. Too Barbie, but perhaps Levant likes Barbie."

"So what is the script?" Rachel said emphasising 'is'.

"Flirt," Charlie said.

"Flirt?" Rachel said while Charlie pulled out the lipstick and started on Rachel's lips with it.

"I overheard you talking to Hunter. That was good. Why can't you talk to him like you talked to Hunter? This is like a boss level." Charlie said.

Rachel pulled her panties down and started to gently feel around to see where the tenderness was. There was a smell of sweat and desperation and Rachel's longer nails didn't help.

Charlie looked down. "What the fuck are you doing?"

Rachel was about to reply but realised someone else might be listening "my balls are baking." She whispered.

"Put them the fuck back in. Get your panties on, check your face then get back in the game and win it." Charlie said leaving slamming the stall door behind her.

Rachel's shoulders slumped. "Good pep talk," she said to the stall door.

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MilllMilll7 months ago

yes, i love this story.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One problem Abercrombie name is spelled differently through the story chapters. Otherwise good story.

rachepricerachepriceabout 1 year agoAuthor

Stupid in what way Goodnaour789? Can you be more specific?

rachepricerachepriceabout 1 year agoAuthor

Thanks, Marie I really wanted to do something different. I'm getting quite fond of Rachel.

goodnabor789goodnabor789about 1 year ago

So far, this story is just plain stupid!

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