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The Rise of Rachel Price T-Girl Pt. 13

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Denver lured to clubs as Rachel, meets dressmaker Samantha.
5.7k words

Part 13 of the 44 part series

Updated 10/09/2023
Created 12/14/2022
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In the following weeks, things fell into a comfortable routine. Levant would crisscross the world, messaging furiously as he went. Texts would randomly appear, agreements made, and appointments set. Denver would turn up and collect the case from the backroom, from Hector at the front desk. Charlie or Beth would then appear and do the makeup and hair. Rachel would change and then join Levant for dinner. After dinner, Levant would depart, and Charlie would turn up for a night of mutual celebration.

Through countless conversations and shared moments, Rachel gradually unraveled the enigmatic persona of Levant, peeling away the layers of mystery that shrouded him and gaining deeper insights into his character. The relationship was very easy with him. They talked about sports, cars, movies, business, and more. Levant seemed fascinated by everything Rachel said, and they would have long conversations covering many topics. Rachel was always attentive, charming, and, most of all, funny. Frequently, the evening ended suddenly as Levant would be called away for another important meeting. Rachel wouldn't complain. Levant said it was this, above all else, that pulled him back to Rachel. Rachel was the friend, the confidant he needed. Having learned her lesson, Rachel successfully avoided Hunter and tried to think nothing of him.


A month later, Denver was on his way out of the project. He had left his front door, telling his mother he was moonlighting again in different kitchens, covering for someone who was sick or ill. He said it was last-minute, unpredictable, but the pay was good. As he walked down the walkway, Denver was looking at Rachel's phone, texting Charlie, when he collided with Jessy's sister, Kayla.

Kayla was also hyper-focusing on her phone, and they both dropped their devices with a clatter. Denver reached down and noticed Kayla's screen, which had a picture of Rachel and Levant on it. He immediately felt scared as he passed her phone over.

"You OK? You look like you've seen a ghost, Denver?" Kayla said, passing Rachel's phone back.

"Sorry," Denver said, "Just thought I was going to break my phone again."

"Yeah, I should have been looking," Kayla said, waving her phone. "Sorry, I'd just seen the news. It's devastating. Apparently, Douglas Levant is dating this bitch called Rachel Price. It's all over the internet."

"Fuck... That's bad?" Denver said, trying to compose himself.

His heart was in his mouth, and his pulse would have triggered every heart monitor in a four-block radius.

Kayla looked shocked. "Denver! Douglas Levant is one of the richest most eligible bachelors, not just in the bay but in the whole fucking country. Now, this English bitch has got her claws in him. Look at her pasty face, the only thing going for her is the dress."

"Right," Denver said, relieved he hadn't been spotted and glancing at the phone's screen. It was slightly blurred, from the angle Rachel was a minnow to Levant's whale. "Nice dress." he said.

Kayla zoomed in on Rachel's face and then switched the phone off.

"What would you know about the dress?" Kayla said.

Denver shrugged. He felt like saying it was a Michael Kors sequinned midi dress; it was worth about $10,000, Levant had personally chosen it and bought it; unlike Rachel's other clothes, it felt scratchy; it was a pain to get spots of pasta sauce off.

"Your right, nothing," he said. Any more, and it would have been a death sentence in the project.

"Instagram is saying she's a model or something. Could be. Wonder how they met. Why don't I get chances like that?" Kayla said, looking at Denver. "Nah, don't worry about it. Get back to your games, Denver."

"See ya, Kayla, say hi to your brother," Denver said and left. He walked down the piss soaked stone steps, relieved that someone like Kayla didn't recognize him.


Later, Beth opened the door of Suite 1442 and came in to find Rachel ready to go.

"Sorry," said Beth, "I came to do your makeup. I didn't know Charlie was here."

Rachel smiled. "She isn't. I got the bat signal and came along."

"So who did your makeup?" Beth said.

"I did," Rachel said. "Ages ago, Charlie was running late and texted to ask me to do the easy bit of the cleansing and foundation. So I started doing that by myself to save time. Then I was stood up again just after I got through the foundation. Happened a couple of times."

"Poor you," Beth said.

Rachel shrugged. "I don't mind, I still get paid. I was waiting, so I started to experiment. I've seen you both do the evening look. So I gave it a go. So tonight, I did it myself while I waited. What do you think?"

Beth moved Rachel back into the light and lifted her chin a bit. Rachel's wig was tightly on her. The foundation looked smooth, the eyeliner was spot on, the false eyelashes were good. The heavy eye shadow Levant liked was well blended.

"Yeah, not bad. Not bad at all," Beth said, leaning forward and looking closer. "You did a great job."

"And I can walk downstairs in high heels too," Rachel said. "I been thinking Rachel needs a couple of other looks. A girl like Rachel wouldn't do the same look night after night."

Beth shrugged. "Yeah, you're right, but Mr. Levant would have to authorize it."

Rachel smirked. "You come up with some designs, let me handle the authorization," she said.

"OK. Where are you going tonight?" Beth asked.

"I'm not sure," Rachel said. "Probably just going out to dinner, then a nightclub after, so if you speak to Charlie, tell her I might be back late."

Levant had been slowly pulling Rachel further and further from the Thornbury. His first bait was his corporate box at the Tigers. Rachel was petrified the first time she had sat in the Tigers box, but then she relaxed behind the tinted anonymity of a private box. After that, he suggested they go see a new John Wick movie. Rachel was clear that she was petrified of being spotted, so Levant bought all the tickets in the cinema. They ended up throwing popcorn at each other.

At first, Rachel had resisted leaving the safety of the Thornbury. She was worried to the pit of her soul that people outside the Thornbury might guess who or what she really was. In the Thornbury, she was safe because everything was under Levant's control. The outside world was harsh and contained people who might know Denver.

Levant persisted, tempting her to follow him to the dark recesses of several exquisite nightclubs. Levant only attended the most exclusive clubs. There was something deliciously illicit about arriving in the back of a Rolls-Royce, taking Levant's hand as she stepped out and bowing under raised velvet ropes, passing by envious queues to the side. Her sexy swagger made her feel like a million dollars for the first time. Kayla's photograph was one of these arrivals.

As they crept through the loud, throbbing, hedonistic halls, Rachel became comfortable knowing she would not be challenged. The light was never that strong or clear, the music too loud if her voice wasn't right. Rachel was introduced the privileged, the moneyed, and the beautiful. Rachel grew accustomed to the fact that she would never meet anyone from her own social stratum. People from Denver's school could hardly afford the price of a club soda at these places.

The clubbing experience required Rachel to have more expensive, sensual clothes. Her suitcase had to be doubled in size to accommodate her growing collection of clothes and shoes. Levant luxuriated in his ability to dress Rachel to his whims without fuss. For him, it was a unique pleasure to craft the stranger of his dreams. He was a man used to being in control, and this would always provide a point of friction with the other women he had dated. Rachel didn't mind, as they had similar tastes in what looked good. Nothing could be too adventurous or too sexy or too radical, as long as it hid what needed to be disguised, it was right.

The one thing Rachel found strange was the way she began to feel more confident as Rachel. Denver was shy and apologetic, while Rachel was outgoing and funny. Denver had acquaintances, but Rachel had friends. People wanted to meet up with Rachel, dance with her, talk to her, and flirt with her. As Rachel developed a quick wit, Denver became more monosyllabic. Denver lived buried in games, while Rachel had creative interests like writing poetry in Denver's rap lyrics notebook. Denver found himself looking forward to the more regular calls to become Rachel. Rachel wondered about just going along to the Thornbury uninvited and going to a club just by herself. It felt wrong and exciting, striking many discordant emotions in unison.

What Rachel looked forward to the most about the dates was what would happen when she returned. Charlie would be there in her suite, waiting with a kiss. As Denver gained more experience, the sex with Charlie became more intense and carnal. The play sessions went on into the early hours. Charlie was sophisticated but not without her kinks. She preferred playing with Rachel, who she found more interesting and fun, than 'Amish Denver'.

At the end of each night, Charlie was always there. Except for one night when Rachel had mentioned Denver a little too often to Levant. Levant had gotten upset with this, and Rachel returned wanting to talk, only to find out that Charlie had been called away to deal with an emergency. As the random dates progressed, they sometimes ended up in bed in Charlie's manager's apartment at the Thornbury, which was on the floor below Levant's rooftop penthouse. Then there was always the day after the night before. Every morning, after cleaning up and carefully checking for all signs of Rachel, Denver would accept his money and walk away. Then he would turn up at home tired but happy to hand over the money to Mom.


One night at a club called the Indulgence, Levant had been approached by some golf buddies on a stag night. Rachel's services were no longer required, and she was disposed of. Rachel's flexibility and lack of pouting and posturing when not required continued to be one of her unique selling points, as Levant keenly observed. Rachel had been glad. Levant had spent too much of the evening touching her leg and putting his arm around her. She tolerated it to keep up appearances and please him, but it still made her uncomfortable, like a spider crawling in her tights.

That night, Rachel hung on until she knew Charlie would be available. Rachel kissed DJ Felly Fell on the cheek goodbye, and DJ Felly Fell agreed to meet up at some point. She waved goodbye with one hand and let a record go with the other. Rachel weaved through the club, waving goodbye to people Levant had introduced her to and others she had gotten to know.

As she handed over her coat ticket, she wondered about going out as Rachel by herself. There was money in Denver's secret college fund that she could spend a tiny amount of. She could walk into the hotel, get the bag, and room 1442 was almost always empty. She could change, she could get a taxi anywhere. She could go somewhere, hang out with some of the people she had met at the clubs. She could even buy liquor somewhere and take it home. Denver might hook up with some ex-school friends like Jim, and one evening go out with a liquid gift. She remembered the adrenaline excitement of seeing Hunter by herself. Seeing some club friends could be quite cool, as everyone loved Rachel. People talked about music, art, fashion, politics, and even philosophy. It was so sophisticated, and she told her self, that she didn't need Levant's requests to live like that.

By the time Rachel walked out of the club, she had made up her mind to do a little moonlighting. She emerged, followed by Mike, one of Levant's omnipresent bodyguards and driver, as she walked by a line of people standing outside the club waiting to get in.

Suddenly, a familiar man's voice shouted, "Hey, I know you!" to her.

Rachel recognized the voice as one of the jocks from her old school, Josh. She found herself stopping as Josh smiled to her. He was broad-shouldered, blonde, with hair that was the kind of mess only a teenager could tolerate. She remembered him punching Denver once next to his locker. Josh held out his phone, and Rachel froze like a fawn before headlights, checking for the bodyguard behind her.

"Hey," Josh said. "I know, I've seen you before, somewhere."

Rachel looked at Josh, her heart beating like a mouse.

"Excuse me?" Rachel said.

"You look familiar, but I don't know from where. Look, I was wondering if you could take a photo of me and the girls?" Josh said, handing over the phone.

Josh got nudged by one of the beautiful girls with him. One of them had been in Denver's class, and she had been a bitchy cheerleader called Kelly, the type who didn't notice Denver's existence. There was no flicker of recognition in her eyes.

"Hey, you can't ask that," said Kelly. "That's Levant's girlfriend, moron. Rachel... Rachel Price," she said.

Rachel internally twitched at the "girlfriend" description. With what Kayla said her picture must be all over town. Rachel's adrenaline shot up like a climber feeling a rope snap. For a second her mind wondered if it was faster to run in her heels or take them off and go barefoot. Run in heels she decided, she was lighting on the dance floor and the tights were expensive. She took a deep breath and calmed down. When in doubt she told herself stick to being Rachel.

"It's fine," said Rachel, taking the phone from Josh's hand with her long fingernails. She took a couple of pictures of them smiling in the crowd.

"Can we take one with you?" Josh said, taking the phone back.

"No, sorry," Rachel announced. She might be confident, but she wasn't stupid. "I don't do photos. I'm half vampire. You have a good time in there. DJ Felly Fell is buzzing."

With that, she walked off with Mike to the open car. She moved leaving a wake of nervous squeals and giggles behind like a royal barge.

Rachel got into the limousine and sat back as Mike closed the car door for her. Sitting in the car she let out a huge breath she didn't know she was holding. Strangely, for her first encounter, she thought, she felt encouraged. She decided she would definitely make a couple of trips out as Rachel. There were a number of invites she might take up as Rachel but had been too afraid.

Throughout all this, Rachel was still deeply confused by Levant. She saw the glances they drew as they walked together, the soft eyes that swiveled in perfect synchronization as Levant moved by. He could so easily have any woman. When close, she could smell other women's perfume on him. Levant had made some homophobic comments about a gay couple standing in the non-VIP queue at the Tigers match. It wasn't much, but it was enough to convince Rachel that this wasn't some weird Uranian plot. Rachel knew that Levant was desirable, in women's eyes, so this made no sense. Rachel convinced herself, Levant was complicated. She couldn't help but wonder if Levant was grooming her. If so, for what? It didn't matter, the summer would end, and University would take her far away.

Her phone buzzed.

"WAITING FOR YOU IN 1442. XXX" Charlie texted.

"OPEN THE WINE. LET IT BREATHE. I WILL BE BACK BY THE TIME IT'S READY," Rachel typed back, adding a smile and kisses.


Rachel ended up moonlighting, but not in the way she had expected. Rachel had mentioned her thoughts about moonlighting to Charlie, and quite to the reverse of expectations, Charlie thought it was a great idea. She even offered to do coffee the next time Rachel went out by herself. One Saturday lunchtime, Denver had turned up in response to a special request from Charlie. Charlie had explained that Levant didn't want anyone seen with him to keep wearing the same few dresses. This was partly in revenge for Rachel's persuasive arguments about having a few new evening looks. Levant had permitted them after Rachel had sent photos and given some private demonstrations.

Things had moved forward, and Rachel now changed without help. It simplified the planning, which was getting close to a military operation. Beth's new looks were based on photos Rachel had taken of herself while experimenting. They were slightly more 'Rachel' and more in line with the current fashions in the web-magazines she secretly read in the dead of night at home. Rachel now went to bed early so as not to look tired in the morning. This was her job now, she told herself, she earned enough. Before sleep, she would hide under the covers checking out the blogs Charlie had recommended on Rachel's phone. She followed Winnie Liu's fashionista mostly because she had some of the regular shots of Rachel with Levant. Levant's choice of clothing caused a stir, the Paris dresses particularly. Mostly, Denver zoomed in on the photos of herself, making sure he couldn't be recognized. Then relived Denver would fall asleep dreaming of Miuccia Prada.

Today Charlie wanted to go shopping with Rachel. Charlie had borrowed the dresses for the first night from her designer friend called Samantha. Even Rachel could tell that fashions were changing and new body-hugging styles required more careful fits. To buy more, they had to go to Samantha's shop on Union Street to pick and get sized up. Rachel was used to moving through the shadows in clubs, but daylight would allow for greater scrutiny, and scrutiny might lead to recognition. Charlie reassured her that months of practice meant Rachel could pass inspection, and any strangeness would be attributed to being English.

So during the day, Denver arrived at the Thornbury and transformed into Rachel. The shaving of legs, showering, and tucking had become a well-worn routine. Charlie arrived late and expressed again delight that her role as a makeup artist was not needed. Levant was away, so Rachel had switched to a look she had created for herself. Charlie gave the look her full seal of approval, making Rachel's time with a mirror in one hand and YouTube in the other worthwhile.

Charlie watched a little gay porn to get herself in the mood, then gave Rachel an exquisite blow job as a thank-you for agreeing to get herself ready in the future. Seeing Charlie's cherry red lips expertly deep-throating Denver's engorged dick between Rachel's Calzedonia Dark Romance stockings had an almost Pavlovian response. Instantly Denver's dick felt overwhelmed with the total sensual stimulation, and soon he came pretty hard and pretty quickly. He offloaded quite a lot of young youthful cum into her. Charlie took the hit, then with a devilish grin came up and started to French kiss Rachel. When Charlie kissed it was like someone fracking your soul. Charlie pushed and passed most of the cum back. Denver tasted his seed for the first time. He was initially horrified, but given it was his own and Charlie didn't want anything in return he swallowed what tasted like mermaid's tears down. Charlie pulled herself away beaming.

"Come on. " Charlie said reluctantly peeling herself off Rachel. "We can carry on later. We have some shopping to do."

Rachel lay back deeply relaxed and melting into the chair. She reached for some wine to wash the taste of cum away.

"It feels like it will take a day before I can tuck this away," Rachel said over the gay porn track that was still running.

"Run your clit under a cold shower. Oh and did you shave your parts today? I nearly got stubble burn. Come on we have to move, Shopping calls."

They took Levant's massive personal limousine, complete with Mike the driver, to Union Street during the day. Samantha was Charlie's best friend who had moved out to the Bay to set up a boutique selling high-end fashion there. While she sold a lot of high-label clothing, it was also a front to sell Samantha's own designs. Rachel's silver sequin mini dress was one of them.


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