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The Rise of Rachel Price T-Girl Pt. 36

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Levant's medical problem becomes Rachel's emotional one.
6.4k words

Part 36 of the 44 part series

Updated 10/09/2023
Created 12/14/2022
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Summary for first time readers: Rachel was originally Denver, a boy from a poor neighborhood in San Francisco. Denver/Rachel has become the target of fascination for billionaire Douglas Levant. In exchange for medical coverage for his grandfather and then mother, Denver signed a contract to become Rachel for the duration. Denver has been living as Rachel for nearly two years, slowly transforming via HRT, training, and surgery. The once-straight Denver has become Rachel, a celebrity on the San Francisco scene in her own right, under Levant's shadow. After the death of her grandfather and rejection by her mother, Rachel became addicted to prescription medicines, which Levant used to push his feminization of Rachel. Only one of Denver's organs is left between Levant and his final goal. Rachel discovered one of the tricks used on her and decided to reuse the Viagra on Levant himself. During the process of giving herself to Levant has had some kind of heart attack.


It was about one in the morning when Charlie's phone rang on the charging stand, filling the dimly lit room with a soft electronic melody. Charlie was nestled in bed with Logan, her partner, beside her in the cozy manager's apartment at Thornbury. The room had a sleek charm with modern furniture and warm, muted tones that made it a comforting sanctuary amidst the bustling city outside.

Outside, the city's pulse continued into the late hours; bars hummed with lively conversations, and neon lights painted the streets with their vibrant hues, creating an ethereal atmosphere. In the distance, police cars zoomed by with sirens blaring, responding to some nocturnal commotion that echoed through the urban landscape. None of that would wake Logan, he had taken his usual combination of meds to deal with the jet lag. He would be out until morning.

At the Thornbury Apartments, a rowdy crowd spilled onto the street, laughing and shouting, as a rebirthing party celebrated with fervor. The night was alive with energy, but within the walls of the manager's apartment, Charlie's focus was on her ringing phone.

Charlie's phone buzzed again, the vibrations palpable in her hand. She blinked, realizing that the night manager should be handling anything that came through at this hour. The fact that the call persisted meant it was likely something important, possibly even urgent.

Her small, thin, delicate fingers reached over and picked up the phone, the glow from the screen casting a soft light on her face. As she tried to focus on the caller ID, she noticed that it still displayed 'Second W Candidate.' It was a title she hadn't bothered to change to her friend Rachel's name, as she always recognized the number immediately. The photo associated with the contact depicted Charlie and Rachel, their smiles reflecting the joy of a shared memory at a club together.

Curiosity piqued, and a sense of concern starting to grow, Charlie answered the call, her voice hushed in the late-night silence. 'Hello?' she said, her mind racing with possibilities about why Rachel would be calling at such an hour.

The sound of Rachel's voice on the other end was tense, and her words were rushed, indicating something was indeed amiss. Charlie's heart quickened, and she focused intently on Rachel's every word, her instincts telling her that this conversation would lead her into a night unlike any she had experienced before...

"Charlie, oh God, you've got to help me. I think I've killed him," Rachel's voice came down the phone. Her familiar tone carried a new and unfamiliar desperation, panic, despair, and distress. There was a trill chirp to it that conveyed more than a thousand words of explanation. The words were like a needle of adrenaline injected directly into her heart. Charlie sat up sharply, her heart racing, and her mind going into overdrive. From the sound of the call, Rachel sounded like she was outside somewhere, possibly at sea.

"Who?" Charlie asked urgently.

"Douglas," Rachel said, the seriousness of each word reinforced, "I think I killed him. We were making love, and he... he grabbed his chest. He fell over and isn't moving. I can't see him breathe, Charlie. What do I do, Charlie? Oh, fuck! What do I do?"

Tears were evident in Rachel's desperate voice, sending shivers down Charlie's spine, and stirring her partner, Logan, beside her. Blinking and checking her surroundings to ensure this wasn't some bizarre dream, Charlie swung her legs out of bed.

"Okay, where are you?" Charlie said, grabbing a pair of panties from beside the bed and pulling them on with one hand while holding the phone with the other.

"On Poseidon... it's moored near the Asylum, but the crew took the night off, and they took my speed boat," Rachel's voice continued in desperation.

Charlie quickly pulled on a pair of jeans and then grabbed one of Logan's t-shirts from his open case. Her mouth felt like dry sandpaper. Her mind was a log jam of questions.

"Crap," Charlie muttered, thinking fast. "Okay, look, I'll get the helicopter to come and get you. Can you do CPR?"

"He's not moving, Charlie, he's not moving," Rachel's voice was desperate, almost frantic.

Charlie got up and pulled on the large Yankees T-shirt.

"Rachel, stay calm. It's going to be fine. Look, you need to feel for a pulse, okay?" Charlie said, trying to steady her friend.

"I can't. I can't touch him," Rachel said, her voice trembling at the other end of the line.

Charlie went to the manager's flat phone and dialed Lucy's mobile on the landline. The phone was answered immediately, and Charlie had one phone to each ear.

"You've got to," Charlie demanded urgently. Her first thought was a heart attack; they had already lost five critical minutes of the golden hour to save him. "His life depends on it Rachel."

"Hello?" Lucy said on the other line." what is it Charlie?" She was used to Levant phoning at all times of the day and night, but her voice was dripping with displeasure and reticence.

"I'm feeling his neck," Rachel said, trying to assess Levant's condition.

Charlie put her hand over her mobile and spoke to Lucy.

"It's Levant. He's on the yacht. Rachel phoned me; I think something is wrong," Charlie said to Lucy, testing the waters, wondering if she would end up with two hysterical women on each phone.

Rachel's worried voice came down the line, "I can't feel anything. Oh God, he's dead. I'm sorry. Douglas. I'm sorry." Charlie could hear the tears in Rachel's frantic voice.

Charlie swapped phones. "What were you doing when he stopped?"

Lucy spoke into the other ear to Charlie, "What has the slut done now?"

"We were making love, and he grabbed his chest," Rachel said. "Then he fell over on the bed. He's not moving. Oh God, he's not moving, his lips are going blue."

The mention of blue made Charlie's heart race. That wasn't a good sign.

Charlie switched back to Lucy. "It's Douglas some kind of heart attack or something. Get the chopper out to the ship."

"I'm on it," Lucy said, and the phone went dead.

Charlie switched back to her mobile.

"Rachel, it's okay, don't panic. Take a slow breath and let it out slowly. Will you do that for me?"

"I didn't mean to Charlie. You got to believe me," Rachel whined.

"I believe you, Rachel. Listen to me. Now Listen to me. First, check his wrist. Can you feel a pulse on his wrist?" Charlie instructed urgently.

"I don't know how," Rachel replied, highly distressed.

"Rachel, listen carefully. Put two fingers gently on your own wrist and move them around until you find a pulse. Do that. Do that now," Charlie said.

"Should I call 911 or something?" Rachel asked, seeking guidance.

Charlie shook her head. "No, no, just put your fingers on your wrist..."

Rachel interrupted, "Okay, okay, I've got mine. Now what?" She found her pulse just beyond her wrist on the diamond Rolex watch she was wearing.

Charlie started looking for her jacket and keys while switching the kitchen light on. "Good, now try Levant, Douglas. Check his hand. Tell me what can you feel? "

Just then, Charlie's landline rang. Charlie rushed to answer it. It was Lucy.

Lucy spoke in her other ear "Charlie, the pilot needs to know the location of the ship. He says he can't file a flight plan without knowing where he should be going," Lucy explained urgently.

"It's near the Asylum in the sea. I'm not sure exactly," Charlie said calmly to Lucy, trying to provide the necessary information amidst the chaos.

"OK, that's enough for now. Try and get the slut to tell you the location, get the GPS location if you can... Hang on, I can do it remotely through Douglas's phone if he left it on. Tell the slut to turn his phone on. Can you do that?" Lucy instructed urgently.

"Yeah, OK. " Charlie said hand over Rachel's phone. "When you've done that, phone the hospital and his personal doctor. Tell them it's some kind of heart attack. Ask the pilot if he has any cardiac kit. Get a medical technician if possible," Charlie continued to give directions.

"OK, I'll phone back on this line," Lucy said, putting the phone down.

"No, don't. I'm going to drive up. I'll phone you on another line wait for me," Charlie decided, heading around to Logan's side of the bed. She picked up his phone, and Logan, half-asleep, gave a thumbs-up and closed his eyes again.

"I'm not sure," Rachel said, holding Levant's hand, relaying her uncertainty down the line to Charlie, "I'm not sure. It might be something. It's not like regular. I'm sorry, Douglas, I'm so sorry," she whimpered.

Charlie went to her laptop and picked it up, bringing it closer to her landline. She opened the laptop and began typing, searching for instructions on CPR through Google.

"OK, you need to push Douglas on his back," Charlie said, her face now lit by the bright screen.

She could hear Rachel grunting in the background.

"I'm putting you on speaker. OK, what now?" Rachel shouted. She was outside on deck. Charlie could hear the sea.

"Check his airways are clear," Charlie said slowly, quoting from the instructions. As she did, she reflexively opened up a stock ticker and checked the prices for Levant Industries. The price hadn't changed much. As soon as there were suspicions in Asia, there would be a nose dive like hungry Gannet into the Atlantic.

"Done," Rachel confirmed from a distance. Charlie thought she could hear a few seagulls nearby and wondered if they might become a threat to Levant.

"Is he on something hard?" Charlie asked, looking at the instructions.

"Yeah, the deck. Is that Okay?" Rachel replied.

"Place one hand on their forehead to tilt their head back and use two fingers from the other hand to gently lift the chin," Charlie instructed.

"Right. I think so," Rachel said, trying to follow the directions.

"Okay, with your hand, close his nose, then put your mouth on his, make a seal, deep breath and blow down his mouth," Charlie said, instructing Rachel on how to perform CPR. She had taken a course as a teenager, as her mom had insisted. Doubts crept in; she wondered if she could walk someone else through it effectively.

"He's dead," Rachel said, her voice filled with despair tears in her voice, "he's dead, and I've killed him."

"Just blow," Charlie urged firmly, trying to stay focused. She grabbed her laptop and walked towards the glass-view elevators, not willing to risk losing the connection.

"How much?" Rachel asked, seeking clarity.

"Hard as you can, until the chest raises. do that five times," Charlie replied while pressing the elevator buttons. Then she started texting Lucy from the other phone.

As she descended, she opened the laptop, accessed another page, and conducted a search. She looked up CoastGuard.

Lucy called on Logan's phone, "I've told the hospital to send an ambulance and paramedic to the Asylum."

"Great," Charlie said, relieved. "Do you have any crew members' phone numbers? They have the speed boat. See if you can get one of them to go to the ship with the paramedic. Ask them if there's anything on board for a heart attack. Did they put a defibrillator on it?"

Lucy was about to protest that Levant was in his thirties and went to the gym regularly, so why would they have a defibrillator? But she realized that it wasn't the time for recriminations; more urgent matters were at hand, and she understood that the current Charlie might be her next boss.

"Christ, what happened? He's only in his thirties. People that age don't have heart attacks," Rachel said, clearly in shock. "Hey, his lips, they are not so blue."

"Now you have to do some chest compressions," Charlie said and began to describe them over the phone. She got to the ground floor and walked to the night clerk, her phone still on her ear. She mouthed, 'CAR NOW,' and her intense stare conveyed the urgency of the situation.

Charlie continued talking Rachel through the chest compressions as she walked to the pick-up point and waited. She had inherited the twenty-four-hour driver from Levant, and Jerry was normally pretty quick getting up.

"OK, I've done that. Oh, I think something happened," Rachel said, trying her best to follow Charlie's instructions.

Lucy phoned Charlie on her other ear, "His phone is off, but his laptop is OK. I'm getting a fix now."

Charlie covered one phone to speak to Lucy, "So we don't need to find his phone?"

"No, Hang on. the pilot is at the chopper. He's asked for an emergency flight plan. I'll call you back."

"Tell him to hurry. How long?" Charlie said to Lucy, but the line went dead. "Dammit."

Charlie walked to the pick-up and drop-off point under the Thornbury awning. She was tempted to steal Rachel's Tesla and speed her way to the Asylum, but right now, talking was more important than driving.

She turned back to her phone and Rachel, trying to keep her voice steady, "Rachel? Rachel? Listen to me. You're doing great. Rachel, do the breathing for him again. Five breaths, then thirty chest compressions."

"OK, you need to get an ambulance or something," Rachel said, her voice choked with tears. "I didn't want this. I didn't want this!"

"The chopper is coming," Charlie said just then, and Peter drove up in the limo. "It's taking off now. Just stay in there."

Charlie covered the phone and leaned forward from the back of the limo. "The Asylum, and fast. Something's happened to the boss. Levant needs a hospital. Get me there now, understand."

Peter nodded and accelerated as fast as he could.

Then a text appeared from Lucy on Logan's phone. "Got clearance. Telling the hospital to get ready for Levant in the chopper. Ambulance is also dispatched."

"I'm doing five compressions," Rachel said. "Breathe, damn you... I think I can feel something. I think there is a pulse. I'm not sure."

"Rachel, is he breathing?" Charlie asked urgently.

The limo lurched from side to side as Peter overtook every car on the way. This time of night, there wasn't as much traffic as usual, but the streets were not empty.

Rachel paused, and the line crackled. "I'm not sure."

"Okay, do the kiss of life again, breathe for him," Charlie instructed loudly.

"On it," Rachel replied.

Lucy phoned, "Charlie, the chopper is in the air."

Charlie's face was entirely lit by the laptop screen. "How long?" she asked Lucy.

"Well, it's normally about fifteen minutes to the Asylum," Lucy replied.

Rachel had left the phone on, and you could hear her taking deep breaths.

"The chopper is coming; you're doing fine, Rachel," Charlie reassured her.

"Live, you bastard," Rachel said in the distance, "Oh, shit. The rescue people can't find me like this."

There was a sound of Rachel doing the kiss of life.

Charlie typed Abercrombie's number into Logan's phone.

"Who is this?" Abercrombie said annoyed, stunned but courteous.

"Abercrombie, it's Bechtel," Charlie said urgently, "The shit is hitting the fan. Levant has had some kind of accident. I want you to tell me the moment the markets in Europe or Asia start to move. If anyone asks, everything, as far as you know, is fine, and you will get back to them with an announcement at nine in the morning. Then tell finance to create a shorting package."

Abercrombie had been appointed by Charlie as the corporate investor relations handler, following the idea of keeping friends close and enemies closer.

"Which company are we going to short?" Abercrombie asked, his tone akin to a military officer receiving the location of a nuclear strike.

"Our own. The whole operation. Levant Holdings, the Thornbury Group, everything," Charlie replied. "Get it ready. As much as you can. Don't implement it without my say so. I should know in twenty or so minutes."

This might seem heartless, but it would be the first thing Levant would do and the first thing he would ask about when he recovered. It was partly illegal, but also a way to turn disaster into fast cash. Charlie's mind started to go over the whole process of what would happen if Levant was incapacitated. She would assume his duties, it would be a fight everyone would pretend they were the next in line. She would have to contact a number of board members and get them on her side. She started to regret not fucking more of them, including the excessively wrinkled Debora Abercrombie.

"Fuck" Apacrombie said "OK. What if the Prince or someone phones?" Abercrombie asked.

"The fallback is Levant has a sports injury, and he's also agreed to test out the new high-speed delivery service for the hospital," Charlie replied. Provided everyone told the same lie it was fine.

Charlie's car flew under the Golden Gate Bridge, the shadows of the iron cables resembling prison bars passing by the windows. Charlie put the phone down and went back to coaching Rachel. As traffic thinned out, Peter began to speed up.

What many people don't realize about giving the breath of life is that it's not normally one or two breaths, and the patient splutters and recovers. It can go on for an hour until the ambulance arrives. Rachel would became a heart-lung machine for Douglas. Her life was keeping him alive, and she was going to get exhausted. Charlie had to encourage her to carry on with the marathon, even if she felt like she was blowing up a corpse like a balloon. From texts from Lucy, The sailors had all gone to another one of the orgies in the asylum servants' quarters. Getting hold of them quietly was nearly impossible.

All Rachel could be grateful for was Levant's rock-hard erection had finally died down.

Then Charlie heard a faint sound of a helicopter in the distance through Rachel's phone.

Rachel stopped, "I can hear a helicopter, Charlie. I can hear a helicopter."

"The pilot can see the ship. He needs the lights on to land." Lucy said.

Charlie listened intently, "OK, I think you need to get the Helipad lights on." She said to Rachel glad that the rough seas of recently had died down.

Rachel picked up the phone, "Yeah, I know where they are. Hang on." You could hear Rachel run off, her stilettos clicking on the hard deck. A minute later, she was back. "OK, lights are on, and I picked up a dressing gown. I'm going to start breathing for him again."

"Good, keep going," Charlie encouraged her.

Charlie thought she could hear Rachel doing the breath of life. Then the phone picked up a swoosh of helicopter blades. There was a squeak of wheels, and the rotors slowed down but didn't stop. The noise of the blades was loud.

With nothing better to do, Charlie phoned Lucy. "The chopper is with them. From the sound, it's landing."

You could almost hear Lucy nodding. "So the idiot finally killed him. I kind of knew it was only a matter of time. Sorry, and I know she is your friend, but tell me you're surprised? I guess I better start writing my resume."

"No, start finding the passwords to the other set of accounts. Yes, I know about them. You know I need to read them." Charlie said moving on to the next urgent items on her todo list.


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