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The Rock Chick Ch. 04

Story Info
Simon's salon transformation continues.
3.9k words
Story does not have any rosa-blanca.ru

Part 3 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/23/2021
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Rae draped a dressing gown over my shoulders; I thrilled as the soft fabric brushed against my skin, my freshly exposed nipples. I felt like I was floating as she led me back down the corridor and out into the teaming, noisy salon floor.

Part of me knew that what had just happened - what was still happening - was utterly extraordinary, probably quite weird, and definitely not "professional". But another part of me was revelling in that weirdness. Rae was so confident and assured in all she did - she seemed to have a plan for everything, and a part of me loved the sense of security that offered. Even though I barely knew her, I trusted her.

OK - my brain might also have been flooded with a cocktail of hormones, which would explain why I didn't feel massively self-conscious as Rae guided me between the ranks of clients and stylists to a vacant station and settled me into a soft reclining chair. I was aware of the other women casting curious looks out of the corners of their eyes, but my mind was occupied by the image of Rae's dark eyes gazing into mine as she slid my cock between her lips...

Rae returned a few minutes later with Jess in tow, pushing a cart once again loaded with equipment. I could feel a silly smile play on my lips as I watched her approach, but she just flicked an eyebrow at me and turned to Jess.

"OK, so now Simon's body is nice and prepared, we're going to concentrate on his face." She was speaking loudly, and I noticed a couple of the other clients glance towards me.

"As you can see, Simon has quite delicate features for a man, and I feel we could really help define and enhance them with a few treatments. What would your instinct be, Jess?"

Jess leaned over me and studied my face with a look of serious consideration. A lock of light brown hair fell forward, brushing my cheek and she tucked it carefully behind her ear.

"I'd definitely start with the eyebrows," she offered.

Rae nodded encouragingly. "What would you do?"

"Well, they're pretty thick and full... so I'd tidy any longer hairs with scissors, and then use wax to give them some shape?" Jess didn't sound exactly sure of herself, but Rae was nodding confidently.

"Definitely. They're far too heavy, so I think it's important to bring them under control and accentuate their shape and arch. We'll start with wax and then use some targeted plucking and a tint to really give them that polished finish. OK - what else?"

I think the oxytocin had started to wear off by this stage, because it suddenly occurred to me that they were discussing treatments for my face without even asking my opinion or consent. Why was that? Surely I should have a say?

Jess was staring clinically at my face again.

"Eyelashes... they're quite long, but very pale..."

Rae nodded again.

"So...?" "Tint and perm?"

Umm... what and what?

"Agreed. We'll see how they look, and maybe consider extensions next time. What else?"

Extensions? How do you extend eyelashes? Jess's face moved back and forth over mine, seeking out imperfections. I felt my cheeks flush once more.

"Well, there's lots more we could do, but..." She hesitated. "I'm not sure here is the right place..." Rae nodded briskly.

"You're right. We should discuss it in private." She touched Jess's arm. "You know, it's so great to have you here to bounce ideas around. You're so switched on!" She turned back to me and gently stroked my cheek.

"OK there Simon? Ready for this?" What could I say? No? She'd already ripped all the hair out of my body - what difference did it make if she took a little more off my face? But still... I had to ask.

"Ummm... Do you think all of this is necessary? I mean, it feel like a lot..."

Her question had obviously been meant rhetorical -- Rae was already busying herself with the cart. She laughed.

"Have you seen your eyebrows at the moment? You're a total yeti! Trust me, you're going to look great!" I had to admit that I had never really thought much about my eyebrows -- and looking at them now in the mirror, they did look kind of bushy and unkempt. But... yeti? That was a bit harsh!

Oblivious to my internal wrangling, Rae picked up a small brush which looked like a mascara wand and began brushing my eyebrows straight up. I could feel a few of the straggly little hairs tickling my forehead. She wasn't kidding about them being long!

Satisfied, she picked up a tiny pair of scissors and carefully snipped along the line of my eyebrow. Hairs fell gently onto my cheeks. As she worked, I was aware of Jess squeezing a tube into a bowl. She stirred it with a tiny paintbrush and watched while Rae began spreading Vaseline on my eyelids under first one eye, then the other. Then she told me to close my eyes, and I felt her carefully apply it to my top eyelids and around my eyebrows.

When my face was suitably coated, Rae had me open my eyes again, and Jess carefully placed some paper patches on my lower eyelids, just below the lashes. Then she told me to close them again; the last thing I saw was Jess handing her the bowl of inky dye.

"I'm going to use a dark brown tint for your eyebrows," she explained as she began to paint on the tint. It felt cold. "I thought about going darker - you know, to really make them pop -- but I don't think you're quite ready for that yet."

"Oh... Thanks!" I said, a little sarcastically, thinking of my hairless body. "Good that we're being subtle!"

Rae laughed, and I felt that familiar surge of pleasure that I always seemed to get when she was happy.

"Ha - well, don't worry. There's always next time! Believe me, I can't wait to see them super dark and defined and... you know, sexy."

She finished the left brow, and I felt her start the other side. "With your eyelashes, though, I want to go a bit bolder now," she went on. "Dark brown won't really make the kind of impact I'm looking for. So..." She paused and stopped brushing, and I pictured her sitting back to examine her work critically. She dabbed a little extra tint on the right brow.

"So... I've decided to go for a blue-black tint. It actually looks much deeper than a plain black, and the blue tones will really make your eyes pop."

I felt a thrill of simultaneous excitement and fear run through me. I had worn mascara a couple of times in my life -- for a school play that I'd tried to blot from my memory, and once at a college party where my then girlfriend had put full makeup on me for a dare. But this was different. I was already thinking of work the next day - no one would be able to see I was hairless from the neck down, but they'd definitely comment if I walked in looking like I'd just put on a load of mascara.

My worry must have shown on my face; I felt Rae's warm hand gently stroke my forehead. A lock of her hair brushed my forehead as she lent down and kissed me softly on the lips.

"I'm so grateful that you're doing this!" she whispered softly, her mouth just millimetres from my own. I felt my cock swell at once just from her proximity.

"Trust me - you can handle this. And you are going to look soooo sexy!"

I didn't say anything, but nodded slowly, eyes still closed. Rae must have seen my confidence return. I heard her replacing her brush on her table and gather her next tools of torture. I lay there, tingling and afraid and excited, every sense straining for the next experience. It came soon enough -- I felt Rae position something flat and rubbery on my upper eyelid, sitting right above my lash-line. It felt weird. Was this for the lash tint? Once again reading my thoughts, Rae answered my unasked question, her voice loud and matter-of fact enough to make me blush once more.

"I'm just about to start the lash perm now. Then we'll do the lash tint last. Keep them closed please!"

I felt her get to work at once. Every time her fingers touched my face I felt a little electric thrill.

"Basically, I'm going to curl your lashes back over this little template and stick them in place to make sure we have the beautiful, open C shape I want."

I felt her spreading something wet on my top eyelashes, then gently but firmly brushing them upwards over the rubber template -- first one eye, then the other. Her breath fluttered on my cheek as she worked. It felt so intimate and sensual.

"There we go! You look so cute like that - I'm going to have to take a picture." Someone laughed, and I heard her camera click. I winced internally at the thought of the permanent record she was creating.

"OK!" she continued cheerfully. "Next I'm going to spread the perm lotion over your lashes. No going back now!"

She began liberally brushing another paste over my lashes. This one smelled faintly of sulphur.

"This is basically the same stuff we use for perming head hair, only a little less strong. It breaks down the molecular bonds in the hair which give it its shape. Then we neutralise it, and it'll set in this new, much nicer shape. Pretty amazing, huh?"

She paused and bent down so her lips touched my ear.

"Soon your lashes will forget all about how they're 'supposed' to be," she whispered, ever so softly. "And then they'll look and act exactly how I want them to. Neat and pretty and perfect. Isn't that... just so fucking sexy?"

Right then it was the single most sexy thing I had ever heard. I swallowed hard and nodded. I knew my face was bright red with equal measures of embarrassment and arousal, but I also knew then that nothing was more important than making sure my eyelashes looked neat and pretty and perfect for Rae.

"Done!" she said at last, adding a last dab of perm solution. My eyelids felt like they'd been welded together, and the sulphur smell was getting more and more noticeable.

"It smells really strong," I observed. Rae gave an evil chuckle. "That's nothing - you wait till your whole head is soaked with it! Speaking of which..." Her voice trailed off, and I felt her fingers run gently through my hair over my left ear. She called Jess over, and began lifting sections of my hair, running her fingers through it first in one direction, then another. Neither woman said a word, but I could feel that some sort of silent conversation was taking place over my head.

My heart thumped uncontrollably in my chest. It was obvious what Rae was thinking, but there was no way I was getting my hair permed. Not today, not ever! Men with perms would only ever look as ridiculous as 1980s footballers -- I'd become a social pariah! I'd be laughed at on the street!

But also... what would it feel like? To have all those little rollers tightly wound in my hair one by one? To be surrounded by that smell... To have Rae wind them in -- perhaps with Jess helping... To listen to her explaining how it would make me look... How pretty and perfect...

My mind raced through the possibilities, reality and fantasy vying for control. Rae's laugh broke me from my stupor.

"You're right." she said. "But definitely a couple of good possibilities." She sounded a little disappointed. 'Right about what?' I wanted to shout. What had I missed? What were the possibilities? Why was she disappointed? I opened my mouth to ask, and then shut it again.

It was clear there would be no perm today, which was a relief. Wasn't it? Did I really want them to think I was keen for it to happen? Because that's how it might come out. Better to stay quiet and hope it was never mentioned again!

A timer rang, and Rae began carefully removing the tint from my eyebrows. I'd almost forgotten about them! Why on earth was I worrying about hypothetical perms in the future when Rae was busy dying and perming every hair on my face already?

No sooner had she finished than another timer beeped. This time I recognised Jess's subtle, sensible perfume as she bent over to inspect my eyelashes.

"Hmmm. These look pretty good to me, Rae. Would you like me to do the neutraliser?"

"Sure thing, babe."

I heard Rae's heels click away across the salon floor. Jess wiped my eyelashes gently, spreading yet another paste over the top of the last. This one smelled floral and slightly cloying, but it was better than the sulphurous smell of the perm solution.

With Rae gone, I suddenly became very aware of how I must appear to the other clients and staff around me: a 30-something guy lying back in a dressing gown getting his eyebrows dyed and eyelashes curled. What were they thinking of me? Oh god -- what if someone recognised me? My cheeks began to burn.

Unaware of my growing discomfort -- or at least unwilling to comment on it -- Jess finished painting the neutraliser onto my lashes and stepped back. My ears prickled, and I got the sense she was staring at me, but of course I could have just been imagining it. Then she bent down until her lips were almost as close to my ear as Rae's has been.

For a long moment she said nothing, and I felt a growing urge to open my eyes and see what on earth she was doing. Then, in a harsh whisper she said:

"You're making a big. Fucking. Mistake." She straightened up at once.

"What?" I stuttered. "What do you mean? Does it look bad?" There was a pause. "Hello? Jess? What's wrong?"

"Just another 15 minutes," she said, her voice light and casual once again. "Then we'll wash off the neutraliser and Rae will get to work on the tint."

She moved away, leaving me with my mind in a whirl. What the fuck was that about? What could she possibly have meant? Was she warning me that Jess was making me look ridiculous? Because, honestly I was already worried about that! But if that was the case, why did Jess sound so angry?

For the next 15 minutes my mind whirled round and round, my anxiety growing ever more acute. All around me the noises, smells and bustle of the salon continued. At last the timer rang, and Rae's heels clattered towards me.

"All right!" she crowed enthusiastically. "We're looking good! Just need to clean you up and then we're onto the last stage!"

She set to work wiping my eyelashes. I attempted a weak smile, but said nothing.

"Bet you're looking forward to getting home for a good rest?" Rae asked gently, as if sensing my withdrawal. "All this pampering can be tiring, huh?"

I smiled again, with a bit more enthusiasm -- that seemed to set her mind at ease, and she began her familiar patter as she gently peeled the rubber pad off my eyelid, freeing my eyelashes one by one.

"OK -- all cleaned up. Oh wow -- that curl looks Amazing! No, wait -- don't try and open your eyes yet. We'll get the tint on them, and then we'll do the big reveal all in one go!"

So saying, she replaced the paper protectors under each eye and began mixing the tint.

"This tint is so beautiful -- it'll really make your eyes pop, and it lasts for a good six weeks or so too! Trust me, once you've seen how good your eyes look, you'll never want to go back."

Finally ready, she began painting the dye gently and methodically over my eyelashes, working the brush from my eyelids down toward my cheek bones. Once again she was very gentle, taking time to make sure every lash was coated in the inky tint. I could feel the newly-curled lashes trying to spring upward, only to be pasted firmly down again. It was undeniably erotic, and I felt that familiar stir of excitement once again begin to overpower my anxiety. Then her camera flashed, and the anxiety began to rally.

The 15 minute setting time passed in a confusing haze, and before I knew it Rae had wiped the excess tint from my lashes and removed the stained patches from under my eyes. She still wouldn't let me open them though, until my face had been cleaned up to her satisfaction.

Finally, she span my chair round to face the mirror and brought me up to a sitting position.

"OK Simon - time for the big reveal."

I opened my eyes... and saw myself. At least, it was almost my old self, sat there in a soft dressing gown before the huge salon mirror. But... my face looked subtly different. My eyes seemed bigger and more defined, surrounded as they were by long, dark lashes that gently curled upwards until they almost touched my eyebrows. The shorter bottom lashes, which had previously been so pale as to be almost invisible, were now little spikes of jet against my pale skin. At the same time, the blue of my irises looked brighter under the studio lights -- I guessed that was the blue in the tint working for me somehow.

But the biggest difference lay in my eyebrows. Gone were the thick, mousy-coloured bushes that had previously squatted over each eye. Now they were sleek and dark and defined, though I saw with relief that Rae hadn't given them the ultra-feminine shape I'd imagined.

I leant forward to get a better look. Sure, they were a little narrower, particularly where they tapered down to the corner of my eyes. And the dark brown tint definitely gave them a stronger look than they'd had before. But all-in-all they weren't radically different. I was surprised to find that I was just a little bit disappointed that they weren't more extreme.

Rae had been standing behind me, watching over my shoulder as I closely examined her handiwork. Now she leaned down and rested her chin on my shoulder.

"So... what do think? Were you right to trust me?"

"I guess I was," I said honestly. "Everything looks... pretty good."

It really did! I mean, sure, if you looked closely my face was obviously better groomed... A little more feminine, even. But it wasn't ridiculously obvious either. In fact, I kind of liked the way it looked -- it was a new, better version of myself.

I ran my fingers over my eyebrows, and felt the slightly sticky residue of wax on my skin. My cock twitched under my dressing gown. Rae smiled and squeezed my shoulders.

"Just like I said -- pretty perfect and so so sexy! You know, I was a little worried when you arrived -- you had a look in your eyes like a rabbit caught in headlights. But now... I'm starting to get a good feeling about you, Simon."

She stood up and began collecting the various brushes and pots of tint, and piling them back on the trolley.

"What are you doing on Friday after work?"

I was still examining my eyelashes, closing one eye to examine the gentle flick the perm had added, and was so absorbed in them I almost didn't hear her.

"Uh... nothing, I don't think." Great -- really smooth! Why not just tell her you're a friendless social outcast?

"Glad to hear it!" She left that hanging in the air.

"Let me guess -- you have more treatments lined up for me?" Did I sound just a little too eager?

Rae laughed -- god, I was getting to really like the sound of that laugh. "Actually, no. I was thinking something a little more along the lines of... a date."

That got my attention!

"Seriously? I mean, yeah, OK. Of course. Where? What time?"

She smiled a secretive little smile. "I guess I'll let you know nearer the time. Come on now, pretty boy -- you need to stop preening and get your clothes back on." I blushed at that and turned away so Rae wouldn't see. She called Jess over.

"Hey sweets -- could you grab Simon's clothes and take him to the changing room? Thanks so much!"

Jess gave a bland nod and motioned me toward the back rooms. Reluctantly I left the mirror and followed her across the salon floor, once more becoming aware of the gaggle of clients and stylists all around. Most were minding their own business, but I noticed a couple of smirks and meaningful looks exchanged as I went by. As always, I couldn't hide my blushes, and quickened my pace to catch up with Jess.

Jess led me to a small changing room and went off to fetch my clothes. When she brought them back I saw they had been neatly folded and pressed -- a far cry from the crumpled heap I had left on a chair hours earlier.

She handed them to me, then turned of her heels and walked away without a word. Five minutes later I was dressed and ready to leave. Jess took my token payment at the desk, all the time avoiding eye contact and barely saying a word.


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