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The Roommate Pt. 11 - Miranda

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Lori pays the price for spreading her wings.
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Part 11 of the 17 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/16/2016
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Josh/Lori, having lost her virginity to Miranda's penetration, and feeling even more like a woman, settled into teaching again. The rewards of passing on his passion for literature to young students was considerable, and now he could increasingly see characters from male and female perspectives. He was especially interested in learning how his female students, either dowdy or entrancing, saw plots and characters. As a result, he was a more popular teacher.

The time came for the visit from his family. He didn't want to share the turn his life had taken, so when his younger brother (still in high school) and parents came as part of a longer trip, he was thoroughly Josh.

First, they came to visit his apartment, without Miranda there. Josh felt more vibrant than usual, quite glad to see them, and wore only panties under his trousers. His parents asked the expected questions: how are you doing with your teaching ("very well"); what are your chances for achieving tenure ("hinges on my book being published and the reviews"); is there a woman in your life ("yes, but I'm not saying who"); why don't you come to visit us (wish I could say, but it has something to do with a woman named Lori), and what do you think about current national politics ("I read about it" but I could care less).

His brother Danny took him aside to talk about women ("Josh, I really like one girl, but she won't give me the time of day, while another one chases me incessantly, but I think she's a dog"). Josh: "Forget them and find someone in the middle who's not your ideal."

Then his parents, who were upper middle class, took them all out to dinner, Miranda included. Josh/Lori was very interested in how Miranda would view his family and what she'd tell them about her kind-of lesbian relationship with Lori.

Josh's father: "I guess Josh spends a lot of time on his book." Miranda: "Oh yes, he's so taken with it; it occupies all of his attention and time. I'd swear, sometimes he almost steps into the shoes of his characters. It's fascinating."

His father added, "When Josh was quite young, he used to write little plays, and then he'd enlist all the neighborhood kids and his brother, and they'd all be in costume and perform for us and his friends."

"That's so delightful," said Miranda. "I think there's still some of that in him."

"I can remember one play," said Josh, as he wolfed down a garden burger, "where we played Peter Pan. I was Peter and because no girls were around to play Wendy, we had to dress up Danny as Wendy."

"I'm blushing," said Danny, now with a deepening voice and slight facial hair.

"I wish you had videos I could see," said Miranda.

"You would've loved me in green tights," laughed Josh/Lori.

After another day of seeing the local sights, Josh's family was off to other attractions, being satisfied that all was well with their academic-oriented son, and Josh was again becoming Lori, being encased in chastity, and being Miranda's pet and sometimes sexual servant. And off he would go to work, with his long hair in a ponytail, and wearing panties and pantyhose under his trousers.

The day finally arrived, one weekend, when Miranda took him, as Lori, to see Roger, her employer and friend. As she had earlier explained, Roger knew all about their arrangement, and wouldn't be shocked to meet a man living as a woman.

They drove over, parked in a moneyed neighborhood with impressive homes, and walked to a heavy, imposing front door. Lori was quite relaxed and had even allowed her hips to sashay as they made their way. Roger's maid brought them in to meet Roger in his study, which was the archetypal floor-to-ceiling library. Roger embraced Miranda, kissed her on both cheeks, and called her his partner in crime. Then Miranda formally introduced Lori, who also received the kisses.

Roger was a rather florid, but lean man, seemingly in his 70s, who had an air of quickness and nervousness about him, but balanced that with an acerbic wit and humor that took some getting used to. Excessively bushy eyebrows were a trademark.

"Lori, I've been looking forward to meeting you, after all that Miranda has told me," he offered. "You're damn attractive, and obviously Miranda has done a wonderful job helping you, just as she helps me. Of course, she hasn't helped me with my female side (laughter), but she was a way with facts and words. Couldn't do without her. ... Now, I understand you're a teacher and writing the great American novel. I'd better watch out or I'll end up as some despicable character in it."

"Thanks for the compliment, and you never know," quipped Lori in her best soft female voice. "I do need to know more about the financial world." Lori smiled, very aware of her womanly presence, wearing a close-fitting long skirt and halter top.

At that, the maid brought them a sandwich lunch with white wine, and Lori pulled back to allow Roger and Miranda to gossip and paw over the latest news.

At that moment, a young man walked in unannounced, with a sandwich plate of his own.

"Hi, uncle. May I join you?"

"Miranda and Lori, please meet Tyler," said Roger, "my collegiate great nephew, home from Boston for a few days to pick up a few pointers for his MBA. Please beware, though, he is quite a masher, to use my generation's terminology. You know, fraternity guy. What is it, Tyler, Sigma Alpha Epsilon?"

"Yeah, uncle. SAE. Good place. Good people. Good friends."

"Especially those going into the financial industry, right?"

"Maybe. Maybe."

Roger explained, "Tyler wants to get into international finance. Maybe private industry. Maybe government, who knows?"

And so Tyler sat down and became quiet in deference to his well-known uncle. Lori wondered why Miranda hadn't mentioned him and wondered what she thought of him, an athletic-looking young man with a thin blonde beard and purposeful demeanor. He had a silver necklace with a turquoise pendant about his neck, and a tiny embedded earring, which gave him a certain fashion cred.

At one point, Roger took Lori and Tyler on a tour of his highly manicured and orchestrated rose garden, then had to step aside to take a call (at least as he explained it), leaving the two alone in a far corner. The midday sun beat down and Lori felt rather uncomfortable and out of her element.

"I think what you're doing is brave," said Tyler, standing close and looking into her eyes.

"It's just me," returned Lori.

"If I had just seen you on the street, I would've sworn you were 200 percent woman," said the young man. "I would've wanted to pick you up."

"Would you want to now?" asked Lori.

"Yes, of course. I mean that. You turn me on."

"My legal name is Josh. I'm a teacher."

She looked into his eyes. They seemed honest and eager. She kissed him then, impulsively, and he put his arms around her and reciprocated. Their lips searched each other out and his leg slipped between hers. Then she pulled away, touched his cheek, and made her way back into the house. He remained on the spot for a time.

"My, my, you and Tyler were quite the pair out in the garden," said Miranda on the way home. "Yes, of course I was watching, dear. I suppose your clit was quite straining against its chastity. How was it - your first hetero kiss as Lori? Would you suck him off? Would you like his dick up your Lori vagina?"

"Well, you seem a little put out over this, Miz Sayler. You disapprove?"

"You seem to forget that you are mine; I own you. Did I give you permission to stray, and to a man at that?"

"Well, Miz Sayler, you didn't warn me about a sexy guy being at Roger's. It just kind of happened. He didn't much come on to me, and I just up and kissed him, and it was a great kiss. But if you don't want me to touch anyone else, then I won't. I apologize."

"I can see him going back to his frat brothers and saying, 'I got passionate with a trans woman; you wouldn't believe how much she seemed like the real thing.'"

"Maybe," said Lori. "On the other hand, I'm a pretty good judge of character, and he seemed, like, legit."

"Don't do it again, ever," said Miranda. "There are consequences, consequences, do you understand?"

Lori understood, but she couldn't help herself.

One Friday after school when Miranda was out of town with Stevie, and Lori was feeling horny, she returned to the lesbian bar alone, risking rejection now that she was unaccompanied. It was early, and the bar hadn't yet begun to fill up. So she just sat at the bar, nursing drinks, feeling pretty but lonely. Soon, women getting off work began to file in, and they gave her a quick glance but kept their distance. Lori wondered what she wanted. Someone to talk to? Someone to kiss? Someone to go home with? Someone to tell her she was pretty? Someone really masculine to buy her a drink?

"I remember you," said the woman who pulled up next to her. Lori wasn't quite sure, but she thought it was the woman who'd said hello in the bathroom during Lori's first visit, the woman who'd said something like, "See you around."

Lori gave her a much better look this time around. She was lanky, her hair was long and golden brown and bordering on the messy, and she wore a crisp white, tailored shirt that accented her perfectly shaped breasts. Just behind the unbuttoned opening, Lori spied the edges of a black bra, which she wanted to reach in and touch. Down below were tight, dark brown slacks hugging her hips and seemingly asking to be touched in the most obvious places. Completing the picture were sharp-toed cowboy boots.

"I saw you in the john a couple weeks ago. You really seemed to be inebriated."

"Yes," said Lori.

"I'm Cassie."

"And I'm Lori."

With that, the woman placed a hand on Lori's thigh. "Uncommon to see someone in a dress in here. But I do like women in lace, pretty women, you know. Women with soft lips and soft hair." With that, she leaned over, clasped Lori's hand and softly brushed lips.

Cassie's place was a messy condo in a swank high-rise, with two dogs and a big aquarium.

"You do know that I'm a crossdresser, I hope," Lori eventually mentioned as they shared some getting-to-know-you-better wine.

"You're more than that, Lori," said Cassie. "Just about everyone in the bar knows about you. But there's something about you that evokes 'woman' so well. I guess you have the aura of the real thing, to use a fancy word (Cassie said she worked in advertising). You seem so feminine. Are you living as a girl all the time?"

"At home and about, but not when I'm teaching."

"Oh, the students you might corrupt if you taught en femme!"

"Yeah, for sure! And you, if you don't mind my asking, are you entirely lesbian, or bi, or ...?"

"These days, entirely into women. Our ad agency is all women. And so on, and so on, and so on. But look, and the wine is having its effect, Lori, something that's always fascinated me is the idea of a woman with a real dick. Not just a strap-on, you know, but a woman with a real dick. Like a super clit! Kissing a woman and having her inside me, like the best of both worlds ... "

"It's too bad I don't have real tits and all," apologized Lori.

After entwining and kissing on Cassie's bed, with her hand running through Lori's hair, Cassie undressed and enthusiastically assumed the all-fours position, while Lori pulled up her dress and played with her Lori erection against her friend's cunt. While Cassie played with herself, Lori began ever so slowly to fuck away, holding Cassie's nice hips. As Lori's speed increased, she bent over and began to massage Cassie's nipples gently, and then she moved to Cassie's clit. Cassie merely exploded, shook, shuddered and screamed like a hurt animal. A moment later, Lori came, equally loud.

Later that night, Cassie had Lori enter her other rear orifice, "just to get those other sensations." And finally, after showers, Cassie put Lori in her mouth and gently brought her to orgasm again. The next morning, they felt quite lovely toward each other. But Lori began to worry about crossing Miranda.

When Miranda returned from her weekend with Stevie, a dark cloud entered with her. Miranda didn't want to talk, at least at first. Lori expected the worst, and Miranda confirmed over smoking joints that night that she and Stevie had had a terrific argument, mostly about Stevie's increasing relationship with another woman. Stevie was pulling away, but wanted to do it gradually, but as Miranda saw it, it was betrayal.

Lori didn't say much except to commiserate, but remained guilty about her excursion with Cassie.

When Lori/Josh returned from teaching the next day, around 5 p.m., Miranda silently and angrily met him at the door. There was no time for him to even change into Lori as Miranda led him into her/their bedroom, had her completely undress and bent her over the familiar tall chair, and re-introduced her to having her wrists and ankles tightly shacked to the chair's bottom. There were still no words spoken. Miranda moved brusquely and without any trace of her former gentleness.

"Have you felt a cane before?" she asked.

"No, Miz Sayler."

"Last time I used a riding crop. Get prepared for the cane. I just love to see your innocent, pale, unblemished ass so exposed to me."

Miranda paused, and then: "I heard about Cassie, you slut."

Miranda didn't bother to gently play with the cane before the main course. She came down hard, heavy and frequently, laying down layers of pain, never pausing. Lori kept hearing the hiss of the cane in the air, and then its ripping into flesh. As one pain began to recede in one area, another area was lit up as the punishment spread to thighs and back as well. There were even several blows, a little more restrained, to Lori's chastity containment.

Lori couldn't stop herself from quick screams after a time as she squirmed to escape the blows. Eventually she felt herself falling into another place, a place outside consciousness, where the attack might end. Then she remembered.


She had remembered the safe word. She knew she should've used it much earlier, but she felt so guilty about Cassie and Tyler, she thought deserved the punishment.

One more swat and it ended. Lori fell completely limp against the chair and almost pulled it over on its side.

"Goddamn it, you got your just reward, you whore. You fucking whore. Little Lori and her fucking with everyone in the neighborhood. You're bleeding for me, your owner, you cunt. And you know what, you're taking it for Stevie too. Fucking Stevie, cutting out. The only thing that makes me feel better is to hurt someone else more."

But then she put Lori in a bathtub, washed her gently, dried her and applied an ointment to the cuts.

Lori wondered if they would ever have a tender moment again. This woman was capable of genuine violence. How long would it take to heal?

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