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The Roommate Pt. 42

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Lexi gives Marie a challenge, Liam worries about Blake.
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XLII: No Cumming, Slut

Marie, Liam, and Lexi


Marie floated on soft, pink and red clouds that caressed and tickled her skin, sending shivers through her even as sparks danced over her body. And somehow, she was surprisingly lucid.

Lexi's fingers still encircled her throat, her breath tickled the spot where Marie's neck met her shoulder. Marie could still feel Lexi's cock pulsing inside of her. Not as strong as before, when Lexi's orgasm had made Marie cum harder than she'd expected, but every swell sent ripples of pleasure through her. She knew her pussy was a dripping wet mess, probably even worse than her cum-filled ass, but she found she didn't care. Lexi lay on top of her, heart slowed from its pounding to a steady beat that had thrummed against Marie's own. She was so warm and soft. And firm. Marie could feel all her muscles, feel her flex each time she breathed or shifted. Her own legs were starting to get sore and lose circulation from being wrapped around Lexi's hips, but Marie wanted to feel all of her.

Is this what it feels like to be someone's sub?

She felt so vulnerable, yet so safe and cherished. Just touching Lexi seemed to make everything else melt away. She saw how that could be dangerous with the wrong person, but...

I trust her.

Marie blinked at the conviction she felt. Even with Liam, she didn't think she'd let herself trust him entirely. Something about Lexi, though...

Marie gasped as Lexi shifted over her, making her still-hard cock move around inside her. Even as her eyes fluttered, she turned to meet Lexi's gaze, and found the other girl's intense green eyes hazy with arousal and just a hint of concern as they looked into her own.

"Are you alright?" Lexi's voice was raw and breathy.

Marie smiled, nodded, "Yeah. I'm good. Really good."

Lexi smiled and kissed her.

It was a chaste kiss, but Marie's heart fluttered. She was still coming down from that intense orgasm, and the kiss nearly made her float away.

Lexi shifted again, however, as she broke the kiss, holding onto Marie and making her feel even safer. Lexi kept one hand around her neck, thumb brushing up and down her throat.

"So how was it?" Lexi asked, a bit of satisfaction in her voice.

"Fucking evil," Marie moaned.

Lexi cackled, "Good slut."

Marie shivered as the words caressed her ears and went straight to the part of her brain that lit her blood on fire.

"Not fair. You're definitely evil."

As if in agreement, Lexi leaned down and brushed her lips against the side of Marie's neck, still brushing her thumb over her throat.

"So you like breath play, I take it?" Lexi asked.

Marie nodded, glancing at Lexi, "With you. It makes me feel safe."

Lexi quirked an eyebrow, "Really?"

Marie was about to explain, but her toes started to tingle from lack of blood, and with a sigh, she shifted, releasing Lexi's hips. Lexi grinned and moved with her, keeping her cock inside Marie's ass and their limbs tangled.

"When you have your hand around my throat," Marie said once they were settled again, "Or your cock down it, I'm helpless. Completely under your control."

Lexi frowned, "And that makes you feel safe?"

Marie nodded, "Because I trust you."

Lexi gazed at her for a moment, then blinked, looking away.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it."

"Which part?"

Lexi looked back at her and stuck her tongue out. Marie laughed, then kissed her. They shifted against one another as the kiss deepened, until a squelch sounded from their hips, breaking the kiss and sending both into a blushing gigglefit.

"Fuck," Marie said, glancing down, "I'm such a fucking mess."

Lexi grinned, "And I'm pretty sure all my cum is still inside you."

Marie pulled Lexi close and nestled her head against the girl's chest, "Don't pull out yet."

She wiggled her hips and grinned as she was rewarded with a gasp from Lexi, "This still feels really good."

"Sure your ass won't be sore tomorrow?"

Marie bit her lip and grinned up at Lexi, "I've fucked it harder than that."

Lexi narrowed her eyes, "I'll remember that next time, slut."

Marie shivered, squirming a bit, but grinned, "Promise."

Lexi kissed her. Marie smiled against her lips before deepening it.

"In that case," Lexi said against her lips, "This week, unless you're feeling super gross or sick or something, I want you wearing a plug whenever I say so. And I want you to have one inside you whenever you're with me."

Marie squirmed at the thought, then grinned, meeting Lexi's gaze.

The other girl arched an eyebrow, "What?"

"Want me to put one in when you take your cock out of my ass?" She teased, "Keep all the cum in?" Marie grinned, almost laughing as Lexi's eyes went wide and her cheeks turned a bright red. Instead, she hissed as Lexi's cock twitched in her ass. It was still mostly hard.

"Fuck," Lexi breathed, "Is it weird that I find that idea really hot?"

Marie shrugged, "Probably. I think it's hot, too, though."

Lexi kissed her, then whispered against her lips, "Good slut."

Marie shivered, eyes fluttering, "That's a 'yes', then, I take it?"

Lexi nodded, "When we get up to shower off. I'll make sure the rest of you is all nice and clean before we go to bed."

Marie bit her lip in anticipation of running her hands all over Lexi's slick, soapy curves and muscles. She glanced back at Lexi, then frowned when she saw the other girl doing the same, "What's wrong?"

Lexi blinked, looking up at her for a moment, then sighed, "Nothing. I'm...I'm just going to miss you this week. I probably won't get to see you until next weekend."


Marie sighed. That did suck. But they both had school to focus on. She knew Lexi had a job in addition to being a double major, and Marie needed to pull her grades up a bit after her little spiral she'd gone through after breaking up with Liam.

"Any chance we could do something this week even if we're apart?" she ventured.

Lexi perked up at that, grinning, "Like what, slut?"

Marie shivered, but snorted, "Like you don't have a list of ideas for what to do with me."

Lexi grinned, giving her a quick kiss, "Oh, I do. I just don't know if you're up for them."

Marie narrowed her gaze, and Lexi grinned.

"Don't say I didn't warn you. Fine. When we get into the shower, we can play around a bit more, and maybe tomorrow morning depending on what time we get up, but after I leave tomorrow, you're not allowed to use any toys or anything but your fingers to touch yourself unless I tell you otherwise, and you're not allowed to cum until I see you again, or there will be consequences. Got it, slut?"

Marie's eyes widened, and her entire body seemed to quiver at Lexi's words.

A whole week without...

She shivered. Lexi had teased her the whole day, and she'd been a dripping horny mess by the time they'd gotten back to bed and had experienced an orgasm that was at least in the top five most intense of her life. After a week...

"Fine," she said, taking a deep breath, "I can do that."

Lexi grinned, "Good slut. I really am gonna miss you this week."



Something was definitely wrong with Blake.

Liam stuffed another bite of orange chicken into his mouth and glanced over at his girlfriend, smiling a bit at the thought. He still couldn't believe that someone as amazing as Blake was dating him.

He watched for a moment as Blake stared off across the table, eating her own chicken and fried rice, and frowned to himself before turning back to his food, suppressing a sigh.

Liam had first suspected when Blake had let him know she didn't have the vibrator in for the third day in a row, but he hadn't said anything, and had even felt a little guilty.

On the one hand, he was starting to realize just how much Blake liked sex. He liked it, but he wasn't ready to go whenever and wherever. Blake didn't seem to have hang ups like that. Not usually, at least. Other than letting Marie know or actually fucking in front of people she knew, she seemed to always be ready to go.

On the other hand, Liam was pretty sure no one was like that all the time. Even Blake. He was pretty sure thinking of her that way would turn into a bad habit in the long run, and it probably wasn't the most progressive mindset to have.

When he'd been with Blake this week, however, she'd been a bit less talkative, and way more touchy in a non-sexual way.

Still, he'd decided not to say anything.

He reached over and squeezed her free hand with his, not looking up. He didn't want to make her feel pressured to talk about whatever it was.

She told me that sometimes I'll just need to be there for her.

Not prying about what was bugging her was a bit harder than Liam had realized it would be, but thankfully, silence between them usually wasn't awkward.

He did wish she would tell him, though.

Blake squeezed his hand back, and Liam grinned at her, scooting a bit closer. Blake returned the grin, holding his gaze for a moment before returning to her food.

Did she have a bad show or something?

Liam knew there were things in her life that could bug her besides camming, but he knew that jobs usually provided a main source of frustration or stress in people's lives. Even for people who loved what they did as much as Blake did.


He blinked, swallowing his current bite before looking to Blake. She wore a sturdy peacoat over her sweater and jeans to keep warm against the early winter cold outside. Her black beanie concealed her beautiful blue hair, as usual when she was out in public.


"You don't have class for a while, right?"

Liam shook his head, smiling, "Nope. You have something in mind?"

Blake smiled, "I know it's cold, but would you mind if we just walked around for a while? Just hanging out?"

Liam smiled, then leaned forward and kissed her forehead, then her lips, lingering just a bit longer there.

"I'd love to."



"Holy fuck, sis. That's hot! I knew you were kinky, but I didn't know you had that in you."

Lexi blushed, biting her lip at her sister's praise.

"Thanks, I guess?"

"Still not as kinky as me, though."

Lexi rolled her eyes, "You realize that wasn't the point of me telling you that, right?"

Helen sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I know. You want to make sure you're not jumping into things too quickly with Marie."

"Do you think I am?" Lexi asked, holding the phone a bit tighter.

The other end was silent long enough to make Lexi's heart beat a bit faster.


"I'm thinking. Calm your tits."

Lexi snorted, relaxing just a bit.

"Is it the girlfriend part that scares you, or the sub part?"

"Not my girlfriend," Lexi corrected.

Helen snorted, "Are you going to have more than one sub?"

Lexi sighed, sinking back into the couch, "No."

"Then she's your girlfriend. Honestly, sounds like she already is. And I'm pretty sure you're more than ready for that, Lex. You've probably been more careful about 'vetting' Marie than anyone short of a cop or an FBI agent."

"I know," Lexi sighed, glancing over and smiling at Kendra as the brunette walked out of her room toward the kitchen, "I guess...maybe I'm just afraid Marie isn't ready?"

"She seems pretty ready from what you told me, Lex. I wouldn't let someone shove their massive dick down my throat and hold it down there for some breath play unless I trusted them enough to want a lot more than just that."

Lexi sighed, scrubbing a hand over her face, "Remind me why I don't regret telling you how big I am?"

"Because you love me, and it allows me to be a fucking awesome wing girl for you whenever you need it."

"Yeah, yeah. Seriously, though...how do I know if she's ready? How do you know when your partners are ready?"

"Is that Helen?" Kendra called, "Tell her I say hi!"

Lexi rolled her eyes at the excitement in her roommate's voice, "And Kendra say hi."

She sighed as she heard Helen's grin through the phone, "Ooo! Put me on speaker!"

Lexi let out an exaggerated "Ugh!" but did so, "No flirting. Either of you."

Helen laughed through the phone, "No promises. Hey, Kendra!"

Lexi glanced over at her roommate to find the brunette grinning as she sat down on the couch next to Lexi, "Hey, Helen."

Kendra gave Lexi a pointed look, "Is Lexi still being indecisive about Marie?"

Lexi groaned as Helen laughed, "Duh. You think she's being an idiot, too, right?"

"Oh, totally?"

Lexi glared at Kendra, "You know, if you guys want to talk, I can just leave the phone here and go to my room. I do have some work to catch up on."

"Party pooper," Helen said as Kendra stuck her tongue out.

"I keep telling her she should go for it," Kendra said.

"I agree, sis. Sack up."

Lexi sighed, "But how do I know she's ready?"

"You don't," Helen said, "At some point, you just have to take a chance and trust the other person."

Lexi bit her lip, then looked over at Kendra as the brunette rested a hand on her shoulder.

"I know you haven't had the best luck with that," she said, "But Marie seems pretty great. If the worst happens and you do get hurt, you're strong enough to get through it. I don't think that's gonna happen this time, though."

"Kendra's right, Lex. I know you're brave in a lot of other ways, just transfer some of that to dealing with Marie."

Lexi sighed. She knew they were right. It was just...

Last time hurt a lot.

She didn't want to repeat that, but she also didn't want to completely close herself off from having relationships at all.

Lexi took a deep breath.

As long as I'm in charge, I can handle it.

She was about to respond to Helen when her phone dinged.

"Ooo!" Helen yelped, "Who was that? Was it Marie?"

Lexi hid her phone as Kendra tried to spy on her, but checked the message. It was from Marie. The "Hey :) I miss you" text made her feel all warm and fuzzy, and picture of Marie's naked ass--pussy and asshole on display--with the message "Any chance you'll let me play with them?" made Lexi's pants grow a bit uncomfortable.

Kendra cackled, "Oh she totally just got a nude or something."

Lexi blushed and stuck her tongue out, trying to ignore Helen and Kendra's laughter as she sent a response to Marie.



Marie bit her lip as she read Lexi's response. A shiver ran through her body all the way down between her legs where her pussy twitched in anticipation.

"I miss you, too, slut. You can plug that little asshole for me and finger your clit, but nothing goes inside that needy pussy, got it? And I want pictures of the plug before and after you put it in. Can you be a good little slut and do that for me?"

Maire squirmed, grinning as she typed her response.

"Yes, Lexi. I promise."

As the message zoomed off to Lexi, Marie practically skipped over to the drawer where she'd started keeping her toys and tried to decide which plug to use. She had class in an hour and a half, so she probably couldn't try any of the larger ones she'd bought out of a mix of curiosity and horniness, but she hoped Lexi would allow her to wear whatever plug she chose to class after.

After a minute or so of biting her lip as her eyes scanned back and forth, Marie picked the same one Lexi had used on her three days ago when the other girl had stuffed her cock down Marie's throat and made her feel so incredible.

Just the memory of that night sent shivers through Marie's body and made her pussy quiver.

Fuck, I need to cum.

Classes and homework had distracted her the last few days, but that just meant that she was even more desperate now that she had some down time.

Closing her toy drawer, Marie grabbed the coconut oil shed bought and applied it liberally to the toy, enjoying the way it melted at her touch.

Doesn't hurt that it smells nice, too.

Marie laid back next to her phone on the towel she'd set down just in case, and held the base of her plug carefully in one hand as she used her oily fingers to gently probe her ass.

"Fuck," she breathed, just massaging her entrance, closing her eyes and imagining Lexi's tongue there instead of her fingers.

I'm going to cum so fucking hard.

Marie preferred cumming with something inside her pussy, but having something in her ass just made everything more intense.

She moaned as she worked one slim finger in, then two, then three. Her ass had been receiving enough regular attention to stretch eagerly at her touch and feel so fucking good.

Once Marie decided she was warmed up enough, she passed the toy to her lubed-up hand and pressed the tip against her ass.

Breathing in deep, she relaxed, letting the toy slide into her with almost no resistance, stretching out her ass and sending deep, intense thrums of pleasure through her, making her brain fog over.

She hissed when she got to the bulb at the bottom as it stretched her almost to her limit, the intensity making her heart pound, then laid back on the bed with a contented moan as the widest part slipped in and her ass closed around the base.

For a moment, Marie just laid on her back, getting used to the feeling of being so wonderfully stretched. Her pussy twitched, seeming almost jealous of her ass.

She giggled at that idea.

Fuck, I've definitely gone too long without playing with myself.

Taking a deep breath, Marie wiped her oily fingers off on the towel, then reached her other hand down between her legs.

Her phone buzzed before she could get past her belly button.

Marie blinked, her heart speeding up just a bit as she reached for her phone, hoping it was Lexi.

It was, but the text made her breath catch and her eyes go wide.

"Oh, and you can edge, but no cumming, slut. Have fun :"

Marie didn't know how long she just stared at her phone for.

I can't cum?

Marie let her head fall back on the bed, hands falling to her sides, "Fuck."

She laid there for a while, thinking.

Did she purposefully wait that long? Did she want to make sure I'd already started or had the plug in before she told me that?

It was fucking evil, yet...

The last time she teased me for a whole day, I thought I was going to die, but it was so fucking incredible.

She'd been with Lexi then, though. Lexi had been physically there to control her, and since Marie knew she'd be leaving the following morning, she'd known Lexi would have to stop toying with her and let her cum by then.

This time, though, she wouldn't be seeing Lexi till Saturday at the earliest--three more days.

Is she going to tease me till then?

"Fuck," Marie breathed again.

She wanted to cum, but didn't know if she would be able to stop herself. Lexi could stop her with a word, but if it was just her...

Her pussy twitched.

Fuck it.

Marie took a deep breath and reached both hands between her legs, stretching a bit so she could use one hand to put a bit more pressure on the plug in her ass as she massaged her outer lips, warming up to her clit.

I can do this. I can control myself.

Marie bit her lip as she brushed her fingers over her clit.

Fuck, I want to cum. But I don't need to. Not tonight, anyway.

She took another deep breath and closed her eyes as she started rubbing her clit in gentle circles, creating little sparkly bursts of pleasure that travelled from her pussy all the way up to her increasingly foggy head.

I can do this. Just don't go too far. That shouldn't be hard.

Her hand sped up, heart pounding a bit harder.

Fuck...it's not going to take long till I'm on the edge.

She would be good, though, wouldn't she? No matter how fucking amazing her fingers felt, or how wet she was, how much more intense everything felt because of the massive plug stretching out her ass like Lexi's big thick--


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