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The Rose Diaries Ch. 03

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Doll meets the other girls and gets a startling revelation!
15.1k words

Part 3 of the 26 part series

Updated 11/06/2022
Created 05/16/2018
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Author's Disclaimer: The Rose Diaries is an incredibly dark story focusing on forced (heavy emphasis on "forced") feminization of a completely non-compliant individual. There are elements of non-consent, violence, and dark subject matters. In addition, this story depicts dysphoria, dissociation, and general depression.

I hope you do enjoy this chapter if you decide to continue reading. And if you do enjoy my work, please rate and comment as well as favorite me as I will be uploading a chapter a week until the story concludes.

Thank you.

"Wow! Holy shit." His eyes slowly opened as he saw Miss K. standing in the doorway. She had a look of disappointment and surprise mixed on her face.
"Mom?" He was barely cognizant. His vision slowly came back to him. She approached the bed with a strut. She looked different today. But he couldn't place where.

"Yes, Peter. It's your mother. You're going to be late for your first day at class." She mocked as she sat on the bed and rubbed his back. He was curled into a ball in the remnants of his sorrow last night. The sun blanketed his room in soft light. From somewhere he heard birds chirping.

"You called me Peter." He muttered before rolling away. Her face returned to her normal scowl.

"Doll! Get the fuck up." She shouted as she shoved him off the bed. He landed on his back. He chuckled at the rise he managed to get out of her. He groaned, sitting up, and yawned.

"What time is it?" He muttered as Miss K.'s legs came into view. He slowly gazed up to look at her. He regretted it nearly instantly as the look of pure aggravation was written clear as day on her face.

"Time for you to get dressed for today. Everyone is waiting for you."

"Everyone?" He asked as she pulled him to his feet.

"Whatever. You'll just be naked today." He pulled his hand free from her grip and stretched. She tapped her foot. "You are the last girl to wake up. We decided it would be nice to let you sleep-in after yesterday. So be on your best behavior. Also, we're going to have a talk about how to properly take off clothes because," she jabbed a finger towards the mess on his bed "that is NOT how you do that. Don't do that again or I'll have to remind you what happens to bad girls around here." He shrugged and looked around scratching his chest. Why was he so thirsty? She slapped him. His post-sleep haze began to dissipate quickly. Quick to anger as ever. What was he doing here? How long had he been asleep?

"Okay. I'll get dressed. What do I wear?" He tried to sound as sincere as possible. He needed to be on Miss K.'s good side. He needed to pretend at least.

"Yeah, that woke you up didn't it. Get out of this room." He walked forward until he felt her hands on his shoulders as she guided him straight and out. He stepped back into the hallway and a slight draft made him shiver. Miss K. scoffed and pushed him forward. He heard conversation from somewhere close by. It was quiet like whoever was speaking didn't want to be heard. They walked further down the hallway to a large lounge he had no idea was there. She shoved him into the lounge and he fell flat on his face. It was nice. There were two large couches, a table, and a large armchair. The room was currently occupied by a group of schoolgirls. He had never been around so many girls before. They were all so pretty and shy. They eyed him with curiosity. He recognized the two maids and the girl from the gardens in the crowd. Then he noticed the one similarity they all shared.

The pink collar.

Miss K. cleared her throat and they all shifted uncomfortably in their seats.

"Good morning, Miss K." They droned in unison. He turned over to face her. She wore a similar outfit as yesterday, but her face was different. She was wearing slight makeup this time around. She seemed more composed. Her scowl softened as she heard them greet her.

"Thank you, girls. Today, as you may have guessed, we have a new addition to the family. Meet your newest sister, Doll!" The girls looked at him again. There was so many of them. Eleven in all. Twelve if he counted himself. Eleven people just like him. Eleven previous victims.

The girl from the garden smiled and waved at him. He hesitantly waved back.

"She's quite new and easily frightened. If she causes any trouble, please let one of us know." They nodded. None of them looked at her in the eyes. All of them seemed equally as afraid as the others.

"Now, today is time for my favorite event. Today is group! Would anyone like to explain what today means to Doll?" A neatly-manicured olive-skinned hand shot up. Miss K. smiled.

"Go ahead, Jasmine." The owner of the hand, a thin tall girl in a purple outfit smiled. She had such a blindingly white smile.

"Thank you, Miss K." Jasmine began. She had a soft voice. It was soothing and sultry. She emanated a sort of relaxed energy about her. "Group is a special day that occurs once every few weeks. Instead of all of us being separated like normal. We get the chance to work together as well as socialize amongst ourselves and the other Misses we don't normally see." Miss K. beamed with pride as Jasmine bowed her head and returned to her relaxed position.

"Yes, group is indeed useful for that. But, it's also a day in which we review all that you have learned since the last group day. Which means we evaluate every one of you. The good girls get rewarded. Extra alone time, days off, entertainment, or alterations. But the girl in last..." She laughed as she looked down at him.

"The girl in the last gets extra tutoring from me and Miss R." Every single girl shifted around in their seat. Their fear even more apparent. He too shifted away from Miss K.'s increasingly looming presence.

"Miss R.?" He asked as Miss K. scowled.

"See girls? She doesn't know her proper place." She answered. One of the girls pulled him back and placed her hand over his mouth.

"So sorry, Miss K.! We'll watch over her today!" Said the girl holding him. She had amazingly soft skin that smelled of lavender.

"Oh, you better, Daisy. In fact, I'll make this known. If Doll causes any trouble. I'll hold every single one of you responsible." The grip on his mouth became tighter.

"The first thing on the agenda today is breakfast. I'm going to fetch Doll's clothes. I will be back. Don't cause any trouble while I'm gone." She barked at them all as she turned away.

"Yes, Miss K." They droned again until she was out of sight. He felt Daisy release him and he turned to look at them all.

"Why did you do that?"

"Jesus dude, are you trying to get hurt?" Daisy muttered. She was a short pretty thing with bright green eyes. She pushed a lock of brown hair from her face and crossed her arms on her chest.

"Sorry." He muttered.

"Hey, Pe-" Came a voice from his side. She paused to correct herself suddenly, "Doll." Exclaimed the girl from the garden. She stood up and sat next to him. She extended her hand. Today, she was clad in a scarlet schoolgirl outfit.

"I'm Lily. I'm sorry about what happened."

"What happened?" Pried another one of the girls. He didn't care to look at the crowd. Instead he looked through the windows at the trees.

"Miss B. was trying to introduce him. But then he ran towards the open gate. He didn't make it." Lily sighed with sadness as they all recoiled at the story.

"Dumbass. Are you that fucking dense? You think they'd leave a gate open? You fell right into her trap." Whoever was talking had a rough voice like they were personally annoyed at him.

"Don't let little miss perfect tell you otherwise. These women? They're fucking monsters. They'll take any reason to hurt you. Don't be fooled by the nice ones either."

"Fuck you, Tulip." Lily spat back. "You think I like being a little dress up doll? I'm just trying to survive."

"Yeah, survive, okay." Tulip scoffed. "whatever helps you sleep at night. Do you even have your own room? Or do you just curl up at Miss K.'s feet?" Lily clenched her fists tight. He heard a bell ring as his eyes widened and his head shot up. The mystery person who had dragged him to Miss I.

She was naked. Rather, he confirmed that this person was just like him. Another guy. His genitals were locked away in some weird pink device. He wore nothing but wrist and ankle cuffs. But he wore heavy amounts of makeup and had short black hair in the same style as Miss K. He grabbed hold of another girl whose darker skin made her stand out amongst the sea of pale faced girls. She, too, was wearing a bright blue outfit.

"Sorry, Belle." He released her and leaned back jingling the entire time.

"That's Belle. Me, you, and her are all owned by Miss K." Lily explained from his left side.

"She doesn't talk." Tulip elaborated fixing her shirt. "Miss K. beat her into silence."

"I did no such thing!" From around the corner Miss K. emerged and the room fell back into uncomfortable tension. She tossed Peter a similar looking schoolgirl outfit in bright red.

"Rather chatty today, aren't you Tulip?" Tulip shook her head quickly.

"No, Miss K. I just thought-"Miss K. held up a hand to silence her and she quickly stopped talking.

"I'll let it pass since I know you meant no insult to me, right?" Tulip nodded at that. "Excellent. No, I did not beat Belle into silence. What a nasty rumor. Belle took a vow of silence to prove her obedience." He reluctantly slipped into the outfit. White sheer stockings, a plaid skirt like the others and a white blouse tucked neatly into it. He blushed as the others watched him get dressed.

"Excellent. Okay girls, line up, and follow me to the dining room. Breakfast is waiting for us." They each stood up and curtseyed as the shuffled into one single file line. Lily pulled him into line quickly. He blushed even further at her warm touch.

He watched as each of them followed in complete silence. Miss K. was the only one who wore shoes and her high heels clicked with each of her steps. Peter noticed that they moved to her stride but almost behind in each measure step. He wondered how long they had been here for.

They exited the gate, moved down the stairs and into the open maze of hallways, eventually the reached two massive open double doors and into a gigantic dining hall. There was enough room at the table for at least twenty people yet only four were seated. He recognized Miss B. and Miss I. who both were chatting as they approached. There was another strange woman who was dressed in a sparkly black dress with long red hair and a wide smile and another who was dressed in the same fashion of Miss K. though her hair was incredibly short.

"Good morning, ladies!" Miss K. called as she took a seat near the head of the table. The girls filed in until they were all lined up against the back wall. They all curtseyed once more.

"Good morning, Miss B., Miss I., Miss P., and Miss S!" They cried in chorus once more. He merely mouthed the words to avoid the women's ire.

"Good morning, Kat! And an even greater morning to you, girls!" Miss B. cried as the other three waved.

"Where's everyone else?" Miss K. asked, and Miss I. shrugged.

"Well, I know that Amanda should be coming soon. I have no idea about anyone else. I had so much work yesterday that I almost fell asleep in my office." He noticed that she was still gripping her side.

"You need to get out of that salon. Those fumes can't be good for you." She laughed.

"I have a very fancy ventilation system, thank you very much!" She teased as the two laughed.

"Ivy! Petal!" The two maids step forward out of the line as the woman in the sparkling dress called for them.

"Yes, Miss P.?" They asked as she tapped the table with her index finger.

"Oh, there you two are. Mind grabbing the drinks from the kitchens?" The two nodded and ran off to the doors on the left. Peter gazed around the large dining table and out into a magnificent pool in the background flanked by the same treeline he saw yesterday. Glorious arched windows stretched from the floor to high above the table. There were paintings of same feminine boy in various settings. The angels adorned him with a pink dress and did his hair. Another where the angels applied makeup to his face using a large clear lake as a mirror.

"Group!" She sang as she stood out of her chair. "I am so excited to get started. I have SUCH an amazing lesson plan for today." She began to survey each of the girls until she saw him. He was tempted to hide.

"Ooh, I spy an interesting new face. Come here, you beautiful creature!" He took a step back. She laughed.

"Oh! She's so shy and cute! I promise I don't bite!" She beckoned him forward like one would for a dog. He walked forward cautiously. His legs barely functioning out of fear. He walked forward until she huffed and grabbed his arms and pulled him in to her twirling him like one would a dancer. She laughed as the table behind him politely clapped. He gazed at all the girls behind her, each face down, except for Lily and Tulip who each had a look of pure terror and apprehension.

"So graceful! Are you claimed gorgeous? If not, I know just the place for you." He didn't answer. She waited for a moment before frowning.

"You will answer me when spoken to. Who owns you?" He gazed behind her and into the eyes of Miss K. and B. who stared intently back at him. Miss B. mouthed something as Miss K. pointed down. He stared at her lips until he caught the words.

"Look down." She mouthed and quickly he averted his eyes as told. Miss P. held his face as still as she turned to look at the table.

"Curious, she answers with her eyes but not her mouth. It's okay to be shy. But you are trying my patience. Who owns you?" There was hint of anger in her voice.

"M-Miss B. and Miss K." He sputtered out finally.

"She talks! Ah yes, I can see that being the case. This your first day?" She didn't look at him as much as behind him. Her grip tightened as he tried to nod. Her nails began to dig into his chin.

"Yes." It grew tighter. He began to shift and try to escape from her.

"Yes, what?" She repeated. His response nearly got caught in his throat.

"Yes, Miss P." She released him and walked back to her seat. The room fell silent once more.

"She's the perfect girl for you Kat. Disobedient and reckless." She said as she took her place. He awkwardly began to walk backwards.

"Doll?" Miss K. asked the room as she set her eyes upon the kitchen doors. "I suppose so."

"She's really a sweetheart. She's just nervous. Give her some time and you'll love her." Miss B. sputtered out quickly. Miss P. scoffed and crossed her arms in her chair.

"Not if she keeps me waiting like TWO OTHER GIRLS." Ivy and Petal emerged from the kitchen with trays full of water and juice. They quickly went around the table handing each one of the women a drink of their choice before returning with the rest of the girls with a bow.

"Please enjoy!" They said in unison.

"Lovely." Miss S. said with a smile. Peter took his place amongst the other girls as the women drank and spoke of random things. Every single one of the girls lined against the wall seemed to ooze a sense of pure fear and dread.

He slipped into a daydream. He was back in Glendale flying across the city's streets. He watched his shadow glide across the shopping malls and tall buildings until he came to rest in the park. He stared ahead at the public bathrooms. The same scratches and blemishes still marred the door which was slightly ajar unable to close ever since that bad storm five summers ago. No one had fixed it yet due to either lack of time or lack of trying. He floated down to the door and felt solid ground beneath his feet.

"Hey, Peter. Want to go do something real fun?"

Her voice echoed in his head as he reached out to touch the door. Tears rolled down his cheek as he felt the door easily push open against his touch. A bright light filled his vision until he was back staring at the floor and awake from his dream. He sniffled as he rubbed his eyes on his sleeve.

"You okay?" Lily whispered to him and he shook his head slightly.

"Just remembering some stuff." He muttered back.

"Be careful please." She consoled him. There was the sound of footsteps approaching as a new figure emerged into the hall. It was yet another young woman in wearing a dark blue suit jacket with hair at her shoulders that went from dark brown to a light brown the longer it got. She had a wide smile on her face and carried a tablet computer much like Miss I. did. She gave a short wave and took her seat.

"Ah, the top-floor wonder graces us with her presence!" Miss S. cried as the women laughed. She chuckled for a bit before shaking her head dismissively.

"Okay, yes, I'm sorry for being late. I have some news! We'll be having be doing our evaluations early today!" Miss S. shrugged as the woman spoke.

"Now, everyone. We will be adjourning to the next room. We can save greetings for there. Girls, you will take the stage in single file. Don't dawdle. Alright?" She ordered as everyone shifted from their positions.

They awkwardly shifted to the right and followed the women through the next set of doors. They were in what appeared to be a small theatre. There was a large stage connected to a catwalk with a center platform with a tall steel pole. The room was dark with all lights focused entirely on the stage. The six women took their seats as the girls climbed the short wooden stairs on stage and began to organize themselves in another line. Eventually, he heard someone whistle loudly from the seats.

"Excellent timing. Good to see everyone on this lovely morning!" The mystery woman called. Peter's eyes strained against the lights as he tried to focus on the woman talking.

"Good morning Miss A.!" The girls said in chorus once more. Peter took note of the name. There had been so many names this morning. How many people lived here anyway?

"Yay!" Miss A. squealed in delight. "Let's go over basic procedure. When I call your name, you will take center stage and answer a few questions. I will not be calling everyone's names today in the interest of time. Some of you will be spoken to later. Some individually." He heard someone shift in their seat. She exhaled deeply.

"We will start off easy. Lily, please take the stage." Peter watched as Lily strolled across the catwalk and bowed deeply as she stood on the center.

"Thank you for calling on me." She smiled pushing her long hair out of her eyes as she straightened back up.

"Of course. Lily, I only have one question for you. It says you refused to leave your room for three days to study as of three weeks ago. You were disciplined but what on earth do you have to say to explain your actions?" Miss A. sounded a bit upset. Lily nodded. He could see her squeezing her hands behind her back.

"I was ill. Miss K. did indeed discipline me when she found me still in bed but when she discovered how sick I was. She allowed me to stay on bedrest for the next two days." She explained nervously.

"Katelynn?" Miss A. asked into the dark seats.

"She was definitely sick. Barely had the strength to stand and was incredibly faint. I gave her that time to recover because she had always been one of the best girls in the house and earned that leniency. I would say for any other girl that she would lose points and possibly need to make up those days, but this is Lily. I trust she knows enough by now." Miss K. sounded concerned for her. Why did Miss B. and K. love her so much?

"That's good. Thank you for your answer Lily. You may return to the main stage. Belle! Please take the stage." Belle jingled his way to the platform. He watched the way he moved with grace and ease. He was perfectly feminine in posture and movements. But his naked form betrayed all of that. Lily bowed and returned to Peter's side. Belle bowed deeply and raised his head.

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