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The Rose Diaries Ch. 07

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Doll's life grows a bit more hectic!
8.9k words

Part 7 of the 26 part series

Updated 11/06/2022
Created 05/16/2018
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Author's Disclaimer: The Rose Diaries is an incredibly dark story focusing on forced (heavy emphasis on "forced") feminization of a completely non-compliant individual. There are elements of non-consent, violence, and dark subject matters. In addition, this story depicts dysphoria, dissociation, and general depression.

Wow, I can't believe we're here so quick. It's the last 3 chapters before we're done with Act 1 of 3. There's so much more to go in Peter's journey although this is the longest act by far. To compensate, this will be a very short chapter.

I hope you do enjoy this chapter if you decide to continue reading. If you do enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment/feedback and let me know!

Thank you.


He was alone on the bed. Miss K. and R. were happily chatting with Ivy who had entered pushing a cart filled with serving dishes. He sat up in his bed and stretched. Ivy blushed as she saw his nude form.

"Enjoy your rest?" Miss R. called as Ivy spread produced a table cloth from the cart and began to set the little pink table near the door. He shook his head and stumbled out of bed to the table. Miss R. and K. were seated near the reading nook next to the bed.

"Hey Ivy." He called to her as she nearly dropped a dish at the mention of her name.

"G-g-good afternoon Doll." She stuttered as she shakily began to set the table faster.

"I met your older sister." She went rigid at that.

"O-oh. I hope she's well." She whispered. He cocked an eyebrow.

"You don't see her often?" He asked as she shook her head. He watched her work. She was meticulous, productive, and damn near graceful with her hands. Every motion was meant to propel her work to completion and she did it all with what appeared to be so little thought. The product of a thousand hours of work. She was a master at her job.

"Umm no. I'm just a simple maid. There's always things to clean, meals to cook, and someone to serve. So, I don't see her." She finished setting the table in a blur as she retrieved three dishes and sat them neatly in front of each seat.

"Yes, you do." Miss R. said approaching the two of them. "You see Lavender all the time." She grinned. Ivy retreated further back into herself. The color in her face drained and her motions became disjointed and sloppy again.

"Yes, of course, Miss R." She squeaked out. "May I go?"

"Of course, Ivy." Miss K. called. "Shut the door on your way out. I'll see you at dinner."

"Right away, Miss K." She nodded. In a hurry she rolled her cart away and quietly closed the door behind her. As soon as she was gone Miss K. came to sit next to him as well.

"Roxanne are you ok?"

"Ok? Far from it. How come you didn't tell me that Doll tried to take a knife? I feel that was something you really should have shared with me." Peter clenched his hands in his lap as he looked at the covered plate in front of him. Couldn't they wait to argue until after lunch?

"I know. We don't have time to do this right now. Let's talk about this at Umbrielle's."

"You want to go to her party? What about Doll?" Miss R. scoffed removed the cover to reveal a billowing mountain of steaming hot pasta covered in some kind of spicy smelling creamy sauce.

"What about her? I'll give her a movie, some popcorn, and let her relax in here for a couple of hours."

"So, we don't have time to talk about Doll, but we have time to get cake? Can you please tell me what the fuck is going on with you?" Miss R. speared a forkful before shoveling into her mouth. As Peter reached out to do the same, she glared at him. She chewed loudly and quickly.

"There's nothing going on with me. I'm just calmer than I've been today. I have a nice schedule planned for us and it gives Doll a nice break before we continue." Miss K. said removing her cover and folding her napkin neatly on her lap.

"Doll, please enjoy your lunch." He followed suit. He noticed that Miss K. was watching him intently as he went for a bite of the pasta.

"Miss K. is this another lesson?" She smiled at his question.

"Very good. What is this lesson on Doll?" He slowly placed his fork down to stare at the arranged food. He glanced around the table. He was given only a fork while the other two had the same. All of their silverware was replaced with cheap plastic versions. There were three empty glasses by each plate. Each of them had the same monogramed wine-red fabric napkins. He noticed the large pitcher left alone on the center of the table.

She eagerly waited for his response as she continued to watch him with intensity.

"Etiquette?" He guessed with shrug. Miss K nodded her head in agreement. Miss R. didn't respond to his guess with another taunt. She just continued to eat in silence.

"Close enough." Miss K. laughed. "So, tell us then what are you supposed to do?"

"Wait before eating?" The memory of her taunting him at his first dinner still stuck in his head.

"You remembered! Yes, that's a big one. Always let your betters eat first. But that's not the answer I was looking for. Please, try again." Miss K.'s voice was still loving and calm. He didn't mind this side of her. It was really actually nice. There was this quality to it that made him want to keep her happy. She had the same enchanting effect as Lavender did on him. He racked his brain for the solution. If this was a lesson, then it had to be on the table. He reached out to the pitcher and he saw Miss K.'s eyes light up in response. Carefully, he lifted it to each cup and poured them both glasses of water. He sat back down as she applauded him. She raised her glass towards Roxanne as they toasted over it.

"Okay, I'm impressed with Doll. I didn't think she'd get that." Miss R. admitted quietly as she took a sip.

"Excellent! Great work. How'd you know?" Miss K. asked as she began to eat her own lunch.

"I guessed." He said as his cheeks burned with embarrassment. He took a few sips of water to calm himself.

"Well, that was all I wanted from you. I'm very proud of how far you've come in only an hour or two."

"I had no choice." He muttered as he began to eat forkful after forkful of the spicy pasta.

"Yes, I know. But progress is progress." She answered with another cheery smile.

Miss K.'s eyes never truly drifted from him and as he ate he could feel her judging him in silence. After a long bout of tension, he finally finished. Miss R. hadn't said a single word. Just sat awkwardly scraping her empty plate absent mindedly. He couldn't help but find some slight satisfaction in her dejection. All this talk about her breaking him and now it seemed as if he was the one who broke her.

"I'm sorry we didn't go to the garden room as I had said. I wanted you to rest and recover. Plus, you looked so cute fast asleep. That and I wanted a nap too." Miss K. gave a small laugh as she stood up and folded the napkin on the plate.

"Small tip: pull out and push in the chair of your betters when they arrive and leave. Now then, if you'll follow me I'd like to get you dressed."

"Yes, Miss K." He nodded. He followed her into the closet as she quickly shut the door behind them. The lights hummed quietly as she ran her hand across the neatly arranged rows of hung up clothes. It was someone's dream. That's what he thought. It wasn't his. Not by a long shot. If it was, it'd be rows of video games and cheesy B-movies. But certainly, it would have made a lot of girl's lives.

There were corsets, dresses, robes, three different maid uniforms in different colors, and assorted lingerie of all shapes and colors. In the center was a locked cabinet with only a golden heart shaped emblem with a keyhole on the white front. On the bottom of was two rows of assorted tops that were neatly folded and below were bottoms. On the left innermost corner was a large carousel of jewelry. Necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and rings all glittered in the light.

He stopped taking inventory as he saw there was even more against the wall. Miss K. laughed at his surprise.

"This is a lot." He muttered. In a strange way, it was overwhelming.

"Really? I feel we're missing some stuff." She mused as she bent down. "Okay, let's begin with the bottom and work our way up." She flashed him a white smile as he bent down next to her.

"So! On the very, very, very bottom of your wardrobe we have your first shoe rack. If you look, you'll see that it goes from left to right in descending height. Of those shoes, you have your standard pumps, your platforms, your thigh highs, and boots." He nodded as she pointed to each of them.

"What are those?" He motioned to the rightmost pair. They looked almost comfortable.

"Flats. Heels make your butt and legs look fantastic so don't be shocked when they become a normal part of your attire." He truly couldn't give any less of a shit. But this was time away from Miss R. so...

"Okay, going up now. Your hanging wardrobe must be kept in neat order. I mean it. Don't throw shit on the floor. Remember what I walked in on yesterday? That was beyond unacceptable."

"Why would the clients care about this room?" He asked. She laughed as she stood back up.

"They don't. I do."

"So, I'll be dressing myself from now on?"

"Ha!" She snorted. "No way. Not for at least a few months."

"Oh. So why show me this?"

"It's an easy lesson. Doesn't take much thought." She shrugged.

"I disagree. It's a lot to take in."

"Okay, well I'll keep going and you tell me where to stop. We'll do this another day in more detail. So then, above your shoes are your bottoms. Beside that in the little square drawers are your underwear. Mostly lacy little numbers. Bras for when you eventually need 'em."

He immediately froze. Her off-handed comment brought true fear into his heart. He had an idea, a theory, and a hope that he was dead wrong about what that meant. He shot a silent prayer in hopes that it'd be answered.

"Miss K.," His voice wavered as he forced the words out. "What do you mean by that?" She took note of his hesitation before sighing.

"Oh Doll." She whispered shaking her head. She opened the door and left the room returning shortly with his collar in hand. "Sit." She ordered. He shakily returned to the ground as she collared him once more.

"Miss K., please don't tell me..." His voice trailed off as she shut the door.

"Not anytime soon. I promise. Doll," She hugged him again. "Doll, I promise. It won't be soon."

He began to cry quietly in her arms. He was right. That eventually, his own flesh would betray him.

"No." He sobbed. "No please."

"Hush, it's going to be ok." She held him tighter. "It'll be fine."

"No one else has them, so why?" He buried his head into her shoulder.

"For them, it'll be soon. For you, it'll be awhile."

"I don't understand. Why?"

"Some clients want a more feminine experience. We live and die by the client's judgements and satisfaction. So, we satisfy their cravings. It's a large change. I wouldn't put you through it so soon."


"Doll, I know you have questions. I know you have objections. I know. It's," She paused to think of the word. "It's a lot to think about. It might not even happen. If crying now will help you then go ahead. But you're sobbing over a possibility. Here, Doll, will you try something?"

"S-Sure." What else did have to lose?

"Close your eyes. Do not think about the 'what ifs'. Think about what 'will be'. Take a deep breath and focus. Focus your mind on only my voice."

He inhaled deeply following her instructions. The darkness was welcoming as he squeezed out the last of his tears. He could feel her touch. Her steady heart beat through her soft shirt. Her fingers wrapped around his forearms. He could hear her breath, feel it flow against his ear, and the loving heat permeated them both. He began to mimic her breathing.

"Are you focused?" She whispered, and he nodded in response.

"Good. My aunt used to do the same thing with me. Whenever I got bullied, whenever I got scared, whenever I got anxious. She used to hold me just like this after a long day. It's easy to let the world drift away from you. Sometimes, you just need someone to remind you that in this moment, you're safe." She held him tighter. He could feel something wet drip on his neck from above.

Was Miss K. crying?

"This is so fucked up." He half-laughed. Another drop hit his neck.

"Shh, Doll, did your mom ever hold you like this?"

"My mom was a musician. She sung to me at night when I was little but stopped when I got too big to care. I don't know. When I got bullied, she was never around. But my Dad was. He was not the holding type."

"He hit you?" He shook his head.

"Fuck no. My Dad's a good man. He just didn't believe in holding me. He wasn't very good at affection. You know who the first person to hit me was?"

"Who?" She asked stroking his head.

"You." He wiggled his way out of her grip. Her could see the few tears still gathered in her eyes. She wasn't sobbing. But it was still the first shred of human emotion he had seen from her.

"Ah, I thought we were having a nice moment." She muttered.

"Oh, I'm just stating facts. Focusing on the reality of my situation. But, you did help me stop crying. So, thanks." He stood back up to his feet as he nearly spat the words at her. For a moment, he could see the strong façade begin to fade. For a moment, he saw the same flicker of sorrow that he had seen in every girl here.

"You're an odd girl, Doll." She laughed suddenly. "I'm not your enemy."

"I know. You're the devil."

Chapter 11:

The two of them sat there in the closet for a long while after that. She prattled on about shoes, jewelry, and clothes for the better part of an hour. But neither of them stood up. He found it just a bit odd at how she took his sudden insult. Like it was nothing. Like his words didn't bother her. Peter didn't put much thought into her emotions before, but her crying was definitely new. She motioned over behind him to the three stacked shelves which were occupied by wigs on faux human heads. She made a comment about choice, but he didn't listen all too well.

"You really are awful at paying attention." She laughed shaking him out of his thoughts.

"Sorry." He sighed.

"Can I impart on you one final lesson before we leave this room?"

"Sure." She gave him a small pat on the head and fixed the wig once more.

"Officers Seek Swindlers. A three-letter device to help you in your time here. Can you guess what it means?" He shook his head before leaning against a closed chest on the floor.

"I have no idea." He shrugged scratching his arm. She chuckled shaking her head.

"Obedience, Submission, Servitude. No matter the lessons, these will be the core tenets of them. With these in mind, staying in our good graces becomes very easy."

"Okay." He muttered.

"Keep that in the forefront of everything you do. You shouldn't be thinking about anything else but satisfying those three conditions. Now then, let's talk about what's really going on." He cocked an eyebrow at that.


"You're avoiding Lavender." He was taken a bit aback by how clearly, she could see through him. How did she even know that?

"Yes, I am." He sighed.

"Why?" She continued to pry. He shrugged before tugging on the collar lightly for some more room to breathe.

"I don't know." He lied.


"Fine. She scares me." He saw the clarity shine through her eyes as she laughed.

"Really? Lavender scares you?"

"Yes! Lavender scares me! How is that so funny?" She covered her laugh as she struggled to contain herself.

"I can't imagine our sweet Lavender scaring anyone." He pouted as he stood back up to stretch his legs.

"Well she does. Why does it matter?" Miss K. cleared her throat loudly as she stopped herself from laughing any harder.

"She's the most successful girl in this house. I had hoped she could be a positive influence."

"What's wrong with Lily or Belle?" She sighed at his comment.

"They aren't good influences anymore." Her tone was filled with sadness and he could see it in her eyes as well. He knew that she had liked Lily and Belle. He still remembered the state she had left them in the playroom. But even still, Lily had always had an air of obedience about her. She was always trying her best to seem unassuming.

"What happened?"

"You really should mind your business. But, I'll tell you." She shook her head and drummed her fingers on her lap. "Doll, I suspect that your sisters are up to no good. Belle was never a truly positive influence. She's had her issues here. Much more so than you. She was the most difficult girl I ever worked with. But Lily? That girl stole my heart from the moment I saw her. But she hides so much from me even now. If anyone would be plotting anything, it'd be her." Her eyes seemed to glaze over as she spoke. As if her thoughts were anywhere but here. Miss K.'s intuition wasn't wrong. Lily had been planning an escape for all of them. He didn't think she knew it was that bad though.

"Oh. How was Belle bad?" He remembered Miss B. yelling at her about how he wasn't Belle. What did Belle do?

"That, my dear Doll, I will not tell you. Just know that she's better now." She answered quickly.

"Miss K.?"


"Can I still go to Lavender's party?" He asked. He definitely wanted to talk to Belle now. What had Belle done to get Miss K. so riled up?

"Of course." She smiled. "What would you like to do now?"

"To be honest, I'd like to just do nothing. Just sit in my room and do nothing for a while."

"Yes, that would be what you'd like to do." She laughed. "But we are on such a ridiculous time crunch that I cannot allow it. I think we'll try something that involves Roxanne next."

"Can I get dressed? I'd really like some underwear." She laughed even harder at that. Peter couldn't help but blush even harder.

"Absolutely! What's on your mind? You got an entire wardrobe now!" She sung grabbing hold of his hands and standing back up.

"Umm, well Lavender's party is a slumber party." He squeaked out. He couldn't fucking believe the words he was saying.

"Say no more! I know the perfect thing!" She let go of his hands to rapidly shove clothes apart as she searched for something on the racks of clothes hanging above. "There you are!" She pulled away a pink shining dress and handed it to him. It had two thin straps that he guessed were supposed to hang off the shoulders. It was so smooth and soft. Hanging alongside was a pair of pink panties embellished with lace. He sighed as he took the clothes into his hands and began to remove them.

"It's named after you!" Miss K. squeaked out as he slipped the underwear on. He hated how nice it felt. How soft, smooth, and comforting panties made him feel. He forced himself to swallow his feelings alongside his hesitation as he answered her.


"The negligée! It's called a babydoll! Isn't that cute!" She seemed so overjoyed as she watched him dress. He slipped the babydoll on and fixed the straps on his shoulders before crossing his arms in annoyance.

"Adorable." He muttered.

"I know a great pair of pumps with that outfit. Oh! And a jacket!"

"This is a weird side of you."

"I'm not allowed to be happy for your transformation? Thrilled to see you finally cooperate under my guidance? I suppose I can be a bit cold at times."

"At times?" He spat out. She narrowed her eyes at him. He gulped as he backed away.

"Yes." She growled. "At. Times."

"Sorry, Miss K."

"You are forgiven. Let's not make that a habit, shall we?" She smiled searching the wardrobe for another article of clothing.

"Yes, Miss K." He groaned loudly. "Did it have to be pink?"

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