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The Rose Diaries Ch. 24

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Goodbye and Good Luck.
3.5k words

Part 25 of the 26 part series

Updated 11/06/2022
Created 05/16/2018
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Disclaimer and Notes: The Rose Diaries is an incredibly dark story focusing on forced (heavy emphasis on "forced") feminization of a completely non-compliant individual. There are elements of non-consent, violence, and dark subject matters. In addition, this story depicts dysphoria, dissociation, and general depression.

I hope you do enjoy this chapter if you decide to continue reading. If you do enjoy this chapter, please leave a comment/feedback and let me know!

Act 3 will have moments of intense physical violence.

Act 3 is also the shortest being only three chapters long.

Thank you.


It was cold on the day that they arrived at their final destination. The beginning of winter had begun to take hold once more as fall staged one last attempt to fend off its rapid advances. Peter had nothing to say to the others as they sat silent in the parking lot of the large airport, the loud roars of descending and ascending planes overhead. There was nothing to add, no plan to go over, no steps to follow. James had already bought tickets for the two of them online at a library after they had stopped on the side of the road. The plan had reached its conclusion. Their journey had reached its conclusion.

Instead, he sat in absolute silence as the others looked on with sadness in their eyes and sorrow in their hearts.

Out of the nine of the boys of Blackstone only James and himself had chosen to leave. The others stood waiting in the cold for them to take their final steps and to leave them all behind.

"Should we say a few words?" James smiled sadly.

"Can't." Brian shook his head. "We have to keep moving."

"I taught you well." He laughed. Peter could hear the sorrow in his voice. That James did not want to laugh but rather cry at the loss of his closest friends.

"Take care of yourself, asshole."

"You too, Brian. I've left all the jewelry behind with you. I hope that you can use it wherever you settle down."

"Thanks. I hope you find happiness back home. I hope we never see each other again. But more importantly, I hope you're right about being safe back home."

"Odd way to say goodbye." James laughed again. "We made it this far. I'm sure we can go even further. Blackstone can't kidnap us twice from the same place, right? Just watch your back out there okay. Be vigilant and alert."

"I gotcha. Well I got some good traveling companions with me." Brian smirked.

"Yeah," Blossom chimed in nodding his head. "Well take good care of Brian for you, James. Don't worry."

"You make it sound like we're fucking breaking up." He laughed. "Stay safe. All of you. Don't stop running until you can't then keep on going. I'm going to miss each and every one of you. I'm going to miss you all so damn much."

"Same. I'd give you a hug," Jasmine laughed. "But I'm afraid I'd never let go."

"Come into New York City and see me sometime when it's all calm, yeah?"

"That's a trick." Tulip smiled.

"Yes, it was, and you passed." James sniffled. "I'm so proud of you all. I'm glad I could call you my brothers. I couldn't have asked for any bigger badasses than you all."

"Hey Peter, make sure James doesn't break down before his flight." Darwin called.

"Yeah and make sure he doesn't run back out here to look for us either!" Clover laughed.

"Yeah, yeah." He nodded as he felt his own tears form. "He's in good hands."

"I-"James began but Brian quickly opened the driver's side door and waved them off.

"Stop stalling and get out of here, you two!"

"We'll be fine! Just go!" Daisy smiled. "Go!" He repeated.

"So long then." Peter nodded as he took James' arm and led him away.

"Goodbye!" He heard Brian shout after them.

"Good luck!" James yelled back, his voice barely holding itself together. He gripped on to Peter's arm tightly as the two walked together towards the massive building before them.

"Thanks for having my back, Peter." He smiled. He heard the van roar to life, but he didn't dare to back around to look and neither did James. He knew that he had the same fear. That if they had looked back, they might have run back to their friends.

"Of course." Peter nodded. "Do you think we can have our talk now."

"Yeah." James spoke quietly. "I'll give you whatever help you need to save Dennis and Daniel. Do you have anything in mind?"

"I think we should go to my brother. He's got some pull and a bit of connections. I think he'd be more than willing to listen to us." Peter grimaced at the thought of revealing himself to Oscar. How would his older brother react to the truth of his visit so long ago?

"Sounds good. Can I ask you for a favor?"


"Peter, I'd like to go home first. I want to at least tell my folks that I'm alive and here again. I won't be long, but would you allow me that?"

"What about Daniel? What about Dennis?" Peter growled. "Are we just going to let them suffer back there?"

"I know!" James stamped his foot down. "I know! But please, I need just a day or two. I just want to see my Mom again."

Peter felt his stomach drop as he uttered those words. He remembered his own mother, her warm smile and tight hugs. His mother who filled his house with love and songs. His mother, who always told him to do the right the thing, to be himself, and to be a good man. He would have given anything to see her again. To hug her tightly and never let go. He would've done anything.

"I," He cleared his throat to avoid crying right then and there. "I understand. Just a few days, okay? We have to do act quickly."

"You got it." James nodded as they entered the airport. "I suppose that this is goodbye then."

"For now." Peter smiled. "How are you going to find me?"

"You won't be hard to find, Peter Baker of Glendale, Pennsylvania." He extended his hand towards him with a smile. Peter gladly took it into a tight handshake. "James Dougherty of New York, New York."

"A Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Dougherty."

"Likewise, Mr. Baker." The two laughed as let go and smiled.

"Make sure you get to your plane alright."

"Of course."

"I'll be seeing you." Peter nodded taking a step away.

"Yeah, you will." James nodded.

Then they finally, they went their separate ways. There was no direct flight to Glendale. Instead, he would have to work his way home from Philadelphia which wasn't too difficult. James had provided him with several hundred dollars in cash as well as a pre-paid visa card that he had gotten when they had stopped for clothes.

He had flown a few times in his life. But never recently, eventually, he found his security line and passed through. He didn't know how James had procured this ID, but he'd be damned if it didn't look as official as humanly possible. So, it wasn't until he was face-to-face with the TSA agent that he began to worry that perhaps using a fake ID wasn't the smartest move in the world.

The man's blue eyes drifted down to his license and back up to his face. For a moment, he wanted to run. For just a split second, he thought for sure that this plan was about to blow up in his face. But then the man simply nodded and handed him back his card and his ticket and motioned him forward and he passed without any further incident. The mass of travelers on their way to various destinations drawing his attention far more than the girlish boy in front of him.

There was an odd sort of lull that Peter had found himself in as he walked past the security checkpoint and into the airport proper.

It was over. It was finally over. All of it had finally come to an end. He stopped and just let it all wash over him.

He was safe. He was fine. He was beyond fine. All of his anxiety, his anger, his fury, his rage, his despair, and his depression flowed out of him in this moment. A warm feeling filled his heart and he felt the familiar crackle of euphoria begin to spread through him. In a few hours, he would return to Glendale. In just a few hours, he would return home once again. He couldn't wait to see Ted and Charlie. To tell them what had happened, to recruit them in his righteous crusade against the horrors that awaited them back west.

He couldn't wait to see his father. He had hated his father for his lack of strength but now? Now he didn't care if the man had no spine at all, he was still his father through and through. He understood how much pain it must have been to lose something so close to him. He understood what it felt like to simply shut down. He was ready to forgive him. Ready to move on with his life alongside his family once more.

He didn't look forward to inevitable conversation of his changed appearance. He didn't look forward to telling Oscar about the true Mrs. Tyson. How he had accepted money from a demon who only wanted to use him to hurt his younger brother. That when he had arrived as Sarina, he didn't see what was so obviously in front of him.

The thought of that evening made him gag slightly. But he could not even imagine how Oscar would feel when the truth finally shone down upon them. His brother would surely be able to help. He must have had connections to media, politicians, to anyone who was willing to help him drag Blackstone screaming into the light. It was a massive task. Anything as large as Blackstone would be. But he needed help if he was ever going to save his friend. If he was ever going to make sure that there was never another boy like him. Another boy like Arnold Collins. Another victim of their demented games.

Peter arrived at the gate without a single delay and sat down with a heavy groan of exhaustion in his bones. He had for the last day slept in a solid metal death trap that was sort of made hospitable by the inclusion of a bunch of blankets. He was glad that Brian was a solid driver because otherwise if they had gotten into a single accident, he'd likely have died in that stupid van.

He stared off into space for a moment. His eyes simply observing all those who passed by flitting like busy bees from one place to the next. He couldn't help but notice that the gate for James' flight was right across the way. He laughed to himself. After all that dramatic goodbyes, he would see him again so soon!

James' flight left in a half-hour. He had figured that he would have sure been by the gate by now. He shrugged as he stood up from his seat and walked to the store across the way. It was a small convenience style store with some fridges stocked with colorful drinks and pre-packaged snacks as well as shelves of candy, electronics, and a wall dedicated to cheap dime-store books. Aside from himself, the only other person was the large bored looking woman who stood behind the counter.

"Morning!" He called in a bright cheery voice. He couldn't help but to let his joy flow with every word. He didn't even glance at the wall of books for a second before picking a random one with an illustration of an old Mayan Temple labeled "Search for the Blood Sunstone."

"Morning." She grumbled back minutes later. "How can I help you?"

"Just uh," Peter trailed off as he grabbed a pack of bubble gum. "These two please."

"Sure." She said as he took the items from his hands and scanned them quickly. "Four ninety-five."

"Here." Peter smiled as he handed her the card. "I hope there's enough on there." She didn't even look at him while she swiped the card and then returned the items back to him.

"Enjoy your flight."

"Thanks!" He nodded as he returned to his seat. He sat down once more and crossed his legs as he cracked open the book and began to read.

The story was simple and dumb. An Indiana Jones rip-off by the name of Jersey Black was running from terrorists in a small town in Mexico. He was dodging gunfire while he held fast to a red stone the size of his fist that pulsated strangely with light.

"Now boarding flight 1498 to John F. Kennedy Airport." The PA. called breaking him out of his quiet trace as he read, and he shot a glance over to the gate. A small mass of people had stood up and began to form a large line blocking his view.

"Is this seat taken?" A girl from beside him asked. She was small and mousey carrying a bright red suitcase standing next to another taller girl with a blue one.

"No." He shook his head not even looking any further at them. The two of them flopped down next to on both sides of him. But he didn't think much of it. He shrugged as he leaned back with a sigh and popped a piece of gum in his mouth.

There was nothing to worry about. James must be at the gate already and likely slipped by to avoid an awkward reunion. Still, he couldn't help but shake with fear at the idea of James being left behind. He stood to his feet; his eyes focused directly ahead for any sign of his red-haired friend. After all, how hard could it have been to spot him. It had been hours, he had sat down, so, where was he?

As he stood, someone grabbed his wrist and he glanced down as true fear struck him numb and confused.

From his left, the girl with the red suitcase pressed in his hands a small red plastic ornamental rose. A locket was hanging around her neck. Engraved in ornate script was a symbol he feared the most.

A odd shaped P wearing a crown.

He yanked himself free from their grip as the rose tumbled from his finger and to the floor. His breath was short, his heartbeat faster than ever before and time began to crawl to standstill. As he stepped back and glanced towards the exit, he couldn't help but notice a security guard carrying a gun looking directly at him. The man spoke something into his radio as he began to pick up speed. He glanced back at the two girls as tears formed in his eyes and the back towards the man. From the other end of the hallway, another guard began to approach just as fast. He spun frantically on his heels looking for any sort of help, for any sort of reprieve but found nothing but stunned, confused, and frightened faces of the other passengers staring back at him.

Peter Baker couldn't help but cry as he fell to his knees and surrendered to the inevitable.


On The Beaches of Bora Bora

3 Years Later

June 5th, 2019

She dug her toes into the warm sand as she sipped on her second drink of the day. It was normally improper to drink such sugary drinks so early and so often and yet she did not care. She knew that today was special, that today was going to be amazing. The young man who served her drinks could not help but stare at the beautiful goddess of a woman laid out in the sand before him. A slender girl with hair the color of gold, eyes the color of grass, and an hourglass frame that would make any man think twice of looking away. She stirred her drink with a small laugh as she toyed with him. Moving ever so slightly to let him see her prized possession. Her plump and pillowy bottom. He stammered as he spoke to her. Even more as she slowly ran a hand down her thigh and ever closer to her crotch but before he could even think about another glance at her forbidden fruit, she banished him away to go back to her work.

She had an appointment to keep even in the pure bliss of the turquoise sea that so eagerly tried to lap at her feet. Her phone began to ring, and she let her lips curl into a smile as she answered it.

"Hello, sir." She cooed.

"How good to hear from you, Rose. How is your vacation?" Her Doctor's voice was full of love and joy. He was always such a warm man and she loved every bit of him.

"Relaxing. I've been following your instructions, Doctor J. I've kept a log of the dreams I've been having recently. It's been helpful. Thank you."

"How good!" He laughed. "I'm so proud of you my little Rose. You've come such a long way. Do you still feel nervous or scared?"

"No," She shook her head as she wiggled her toes in the sand. "You're right. I think writing this stuff down proves to me that it's just fiction. Just dreams no matter how real they feel or otherwise."


"Thank you again, Doctor Johnson." She smiled. "I don't where I'd be without all your help."

"Oh Rose, it's my pleasure. Please say hello to George for me."

"I will!" She beamed. "Thank you!"

"Well, I'll let you get back to your vacation. Goodbye my sweet."

"Goodbye, Doctor!" She cooed. "Have a wonderful evening."

'You as well, my dear." He laughed as she hung up. She loved her little chats with her doctor. Enough to bring her back when she felt down. Enough to always keep her in the right mind for her loving man.

"Rose?" George called. He was an middle-aged man with creamy white skin and an average build. There was nothing unique about him physically. Yet, his eyes. God, she loved his gorgeous blue eyes. Eyes so blue it would make the ocean jealous. Eyes so full of love and joy that they lit up a room when he entered.

"Mr. Oberlin." She called as she turned to face him. Gone was his fancy Italian suits. Instead, he wore only a pair of swimming trunks as he carried a towel in his hands.

"Now Rose, we've spoken about this." He smiled.

"I'm just teasing George!" She giggled. He sat down beside her quickly grabbing hold of her shoulder and gently pulling her in close.

"How are you today, my beautiful princess?" He purred in her ear as he kissed the top of her head.

"I'm well my king." She said nuzzling into his warm chest. He was so caring, so open, and so comfortable. She felt as if she could melt away and stay forever in his embrace.

"Rose, I've something to ask you."

"Yes?" He let go of her for a moment and stood back up quickly getting down to on one knee in front of her.

"Oh!" She gasped as she clasped a hand around her mouth as the tears began to form in her eyes. "George..."

"Rose, my love, my princess, my beautiful angel. I love everything that you are, everything that you will be, I love your laugh and your smile and the way that you make me feel. I'd be honored to share my kingdom with you, my darling. Rose, would you be my queen?" Slowly, the love of her life revealed a black box and opened to reveal a beautiful red diamond ring sitting upon a velvet cushion. She could see herself in its reflection. See how the tears poured down her cheeks and her makeup with it.

"Yes!" She sobbed as she jumped forward and into his arms. "Yes!" She shouted. He took hold of her as they embraced. His lips meeting hers and his hands gently cradling her body. She could only feel the heat of their passion stir within her as the world began to slowly fade away. Gone were the beaches, the sand, the water, and the air. Instead, for a moment they floated in beautiful ecstasy together. He took hold of her delicate hands as they broke apart and slipped the diamond on to her finger. She couldn't help but to cry harder as he clutched her tightly in his arms.

"I love you Rose Oberlin." He cooed into his ear.

"I love you, George Oberlin." She sobbed back. "I love you so much." As the waves lapped at the beach in front of them, as the bird sang overhead, they lay together on the warm beach in glorious harmony. She was utterly complete. She was finally at the place she belonged. And so, as she wiped the tears from her eyes and stared deeply into her fiancé's eyes she said,

"What did I do to deserve this?"



NEXT TIME: The Rose Diaries - Epilogue

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

For me, this is really the good end, because the epilogue showing me how crude was rose transformation kind of overkilled much for me.

Great story, fascinating and I kind of of got some PTSD from It from the physical violence but i like this story, you are a great writer, keep on, love your writing, it gets on my skin on a good and a bad way and that's wonderful

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Peters Death

So no surprise the ending was going to be that, the poor choices were made. depressing to be sure so the bad guys win in the end.

darthnader19darthnader19about 4 years ago
I feel like shit

That was so fucking depressing wow

RoseBRoseBalmost 5 years agoAuthor
My Take

So, I know that this is a short entry. But it had to be this way. When I started writing this story almost a year ago, I knew this was how it was going to end. Not with any elaboration or knowing how Peter Baker fell but the cold harsh reality that he did. These characters are only human and have human limitations. It was rather depressing that this was the inevitable conclusion of his story.

As for the details, that's what the epilogue is for.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

can't figure out what you are doing to peter where did he go

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