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The Scarlet Dove - Issue 06

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A long, bumpy night for our heroine.
13k words

Part 6 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/10/2016
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Issue 6 - One Long Night in Warden City

Chapter One

"Listen li'l homey, you wanna be down wit' Da Squad ... this is what it takes!"

The young boy looked across the street, watching as the elderly woman ambled toward the bus stop. He had never seen her before but something about her reminded him of his granny. He loved his granny. He looked back at the three men standing behind him.

"B-but she's just an old lady," the boy said.

"See Mac, I tol' you this li'l bitch wuz soft as baby shit!"

"Shut the fuck up, Willy," the one called Mac barked. "I see potential in this one."

"How ... how do we even know she has anything?" the boy asked, beginning to fidget.

"Twotime says so," Willy pointed to their third companion. "Says she got a pair o' Benjamins in that purse for her electric bill."

"And you best hurry," Twotime said, nodding. "That bus coming any minute."

Mac squatted down, getting eye to eye with the boy. "Now I know you wanna do what's right for your family. Do this thing and we'll be family, li'l man ... you wanna be part of my family, right?"

The young boy nodded, then hesitantly turned back towards the mouth of the alley. This time he couldn't see the old woman or the bus stop. Standing in the way was a beautiful red haired woman, dressed in white and wearing a mask with feathers around the edges. She smiled down at him and it was just about the most beautiful smile he'd ever seen ... something about it reminded him of his mother ... on those rare occasions when she did smile.

"You hear that little voice in the back of your head, right now?" she said. "The one telling you this is the wrong the place to be, the wrong thing to do, and the wrong people to be with?"

The young boy nodded. He'd been trying to ignore that voice. Of course, he knew the Scarlet Dove, Warden City's resident superheroine, but he'd never seen her up close.

Mac straightened, his eyes narrowing as they climbed up the heroine's sexy figure. He had never seen her up close before either. She was wearing golden high heeled boots that came not quite to her knees, leaving the rest of her long, shapely legs bare. A pair of white bikini style bottoms clung to her curvy hips, topped by a gold belt that matched her boots. Above that was a white spandex bustier, trimmed in gold and sporting an elegant dove symbol on one side. Her mask covered the top half of her face but could not hide her big green eyes. Her hair was candy apple red, falling in thick waves past her bare shoulders. Her arms were toned and bare, save for a pair of golden bracelets, and she stood in a cocky pose with her dainty fists resting on her hips.

"Listen to that voice ... always!" the heroine told the young boy firmly. "Now run home."

She smiled reassuringly, and stepped aside to allow the young boy to run past. He turned and headed up the street, away from the elderly lady waiting on her bus.

"Who da fuck dis bitch think she is?" Willy blurted.

"She's the Scarlet Dove, stupid!" Twotime snapped. "Donchu know nothin'?"

The Scarlet Dove, whose real name was Starling Chase, turned back to the trio, her beautiful face twisted into a scowl. Crossing her arms under her breasts, she could feel her stomach knotted up in disgust. "I've heard that misery loves company, but don't you think it's a bit pathetic to try and bring such a young boy into a life of crime?"

"Wha'chu know about it, bitch?" Mac said facing the gorgeous heroine. "Who else gon' watch out for that li'l man? You?"

"Oh is that what you were doing?" Starling smirked sardonically. "You were 'watching out' for him by trying to have him rob that old woman? Don't make me laugh. You're just a sad twisted soul, trying to spread your misery around!"

"You don't know shit about me," the thug snapped. "You don't know shit 'bout that li'l boy, and the next time he ain't got no dinner cuz his mom too cracked out to cook, he's gon' come running back to me!"

"And the only way you know how to help him is by teaching him to steal from defenseless old women?" the young heroine replied. "How pathetic!"

"I'll show you pathetic," Mac growled.

The thug reached behind his back and pulled a large gleaming pistol from his waistband. The other two followed suit, drawing guns and assuming almost comically stereotypical tough guy poses.

The nice thing about common criminals, Starling thought, almost grinning, Is that they never make you feel bad about beating them up.

"Why don't you boys put those toys down," she began. "Act like real men, and do something positive for your community instead?"

"Why don't you bring them fine white titties over here," Mac replied. "And I'll show what a real man act like."

"Why are all men such pigs!" the heroine groaned, covering her breasts with her already crossed arms.

"Shit, why do all women think they know how to tell a man how to be a man?" Mac shot back. "Bitch, I'm a give you till the count of ..." Growing tired of the conversation, Starling used the new Electrolaser tech on her upgraded bracelets and zapped the gun right out of Mac's hand! "-AH SHEEIT!" he yelped.

Willy began to lift his pistol, but his movements were absurdly slow in contrast with Dove's superhuman reflexes, and she zapped him too! Then whipping her bracelet towards the one called Twotime, he lost his nerve, dropped his weapon and held up his hands.

The new bracelet used a cutting-edge technology to form electrically conductive laser-induced plasma channels (LIPC). A powerful electric current was then sent down this plasma channel and delivered to the target, thus functioning overall as a large-scale, high energy, long-distance version of the Taser. She had the voltage dialed down so it only zapped their hands, but Briana le Croix claimed the highest settings could kill ... good to know, but not an option the heroine intended ever to use.

"I heard about you bit- err, I mean, ma'am," Twotime mumbled. "I just don't wanna go to jail tonight ... my mammy'll whoop my ass, if she gotta bail me out again this month!"

"You fuckin pussy!" Willy snapped, rubbing his hand where it'd been singed.

"Fuck you Willy!" Twotime snapped. "Dis bitch got lazers!"

"Both of you shut the fuck up!" Mac growled, clutching his own hand. "Let's get the fuck outta here!"

On cue the three thugs turned and ran deeper into the alley. Starling sighed, watching them flee, and dialed up the charge on her bracelet to stun. She kicked into flight, closing the distance quickly on the slowest runner, the big man called Willy. He let out a little scream when she zapped him. Staggering, he ran into the brick wall of the alley and went down hard. The young heroine kept after the other two, figuring Mac would be her best chance to get the answers she needed, although after two nights of patrol, questioning criminals to no result, she was beginning to wonder if those answers even existed.

The Scarlet Dove soared after the two thugs, following down a second alley where they disappeared into an old burned out building. The heroine veered off to circle the building, trying to make sure they didn't escape out one of the sides. When they didn't emerge, she returned to the entrance they had used. The door no longer locked, and she kicked it open brazenly. Inside was the long hallway of an old housing tenement. The walls were marred with scorch marks outlining where there had once been electrical wiring. As the gorgeous redhead proceeded further in, she began to find graffiti and gang tagging on every wall, suggesting this must have been some kind of club house, or whatever.

"Come out, come out wherever you are!" Starling called loudly, as her heels clicked on the dusty linoleum.

Hearing movement in the room ahead of her, Starling rushed forward. Predictably the two thugs tried to jump her as she came through the doorway, but the young heroine's lightning quick reflexes allowed her to dodge them both easily. Whirling into a high kick, she took down the one called Twotime. Mac lunged at her with a clumsy punch, which she easily ducked and countered with a sharp uppercut. He stumbled back, and Starling nailed him with a side kick to the chest, sending him back into the wall with a thud. Twotime was getting to his feet, but she put him back down quickly with a blast from her electrolaser. Then she turned to face Mac, who was groaning and dazed, slumped against the wall.

Starling trained her weapon on him, letting him see the two little red dots appearing on his chest. "Now, I have some questions for you."

Groggily, Mac raised his hands. "W-whatever you want lady! Just don't fry me ..."

"Good," the heroine smiled. "Now, have you ever heard of a criminal named Dominion?"

"Uh, shit ... kinda ..." the thug stammered.

"What do you mean 'kinda'?"

"Well, I heard of him," Mac answered quickly. "But he ain't no criminal ..."

"What is he then?" she asked immediately. "Who is he?"

"Well, he ... he ain't real," Mac explained. "I don't know who you been talking to, but he's a fuckin' fairy tale ... the kinda shit OG's tell young thugs to mess with them, like the boogeyman o' the streets or something!"

Behind her white feathered mask the young woman scowled. This was not the answer she'd been looking for, although it did make some sense. Following her encounter with the man called Dominion at Hypnox's hideout, she'd been trying to dig up information on him. If no one really believed he existed, that would explain why she hadn't been able to find any such information.

"So who told you about him?" she asked.

"Shit, lady, why you care?"

"It doesn't matter why I care," Starling snapped. "Now tell me, who told you these so-called fairy tales?" She fiddled with the dials on her bracelet and took a pointedly menacing step forward.

"Alright, alright, shit!" he said. "It was this old cat Tommy Mamaluke ... I used to work for him when I was coming up!"

"Mamaluke?" Starling echoed. "He works for the Scarpones, right?"

"Used to," Mac said. "Till you put him away with all the others ... bitch!"

"Bitch?" the heroine scowled. "Time to teach you some manners ..."

Just as the heroine was about to zap the mouthy thug, someone grabbed her wrist and spoiled her aim, causing the charge to dissipate uselessly against the wall. Starling whirled to face her attacker, who turned out to be Twotime, apparently recovered from the shock she had given him. She must have set the charge too low, and he'd been able to sneak up on her while she was distracted questioning Mac.

Starling hit him in the face, and even though at such close quarters she was unable to put her full technique or strength behind the blow, still it was enough to make him lose his grip on her other wrist. Twotime staggered back as the feisty redhead lined up for one of her powerful kicks, but before she could strike, another pair of arms encircled her torso, trapping her arms against her side and pulling her off balance! This time it was Mac taking advantage of her distraction. Trying to twist free, Starling gasped in surprise at his strength. Feeling her squirming, the thug clamped down even tighter, and a cold feeling crept into the pit of her stomach, realizing she wasn't strong enough to break free.

Twotime recovered quickly, and Starling was a sitting duck as he came at her. His fist slammed across her jaw, snapping her head to the side and causing an explosion of stars behind her emerald eyes. Almost immediately his other fist whipped across, turning her head in the opposite direction and dazing the defenseless heroine.

Gasping, Starling lifted her feet and tried to kick the thug away. "Let me go!" she groaned, trying to squirm free.

Mac grunted and turned suddenly, hurling the girl against the nearby wall. Unable to control her momentum, the heroine smacked face-first into the wall, setting her already foggy head spinning. Unsteadily she turned back to face her attackers, finding them already on top of her! Starling began to panic as they each captured one of her wrists and pinned them to the wall. All she could do was squirm, as they positioned themselves too close even for her to kick at them.

"Let me go!" she demanded, trying ineffectually to pull her arms free.

"Silly bitch," Twotime growled. "You caught now!"

"Yeah! You ain't going nowhere!" Mac added.

"We'll see about that!" Starling had begun to regain her bearings. Using her enhanced agility, and the purchase afforded by the two men's tight grip, she lifted her long legs in a skin-the-cat maneuver, twisting in their hands to get her feet on the wall.

"What the ..." the two thugs gaped in unison.

The heroine kicked off the wall, knocking them backwards in a heap! Starling was nimble enough to roll through the fall, coming up on her golden heels while the two men were still figuring out what had happened. She lifted her bracelet, dialing the electrolaser up considerably and taking aim. But before she could fire, something slammed into the back of her head! Starling cried out in pain and surprise as a dizzying ache rushed through her brain, blurring her vision, and before she even knew what was happening, the floor rushed up to meet her.

Chapter Two

Scarlet Dove lay sprawled on the floor, fighting to stay conscious. Willy stood over her, holding his pistol like a hammer.

"Y'all a'ight?" he asked, tossing Twotime and Mac their guns. Willy had gone back for the weapons, while the other two fled from the superheroine.

Starling pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, knowing she had to get her bearings and get out of there! Unfortunately, she could barely get her limbs to respond, much less stop her head from spinning. The ceiling was too low to make use of her flying abilities, which was just as well since she couldn't think or see straight at that moment.

Then she felt hands on her arms and the room lurched around her as two of the thugs hauled her up from the floor. Her legs bowed weakly, and she hung in their grip, barely able to stand. The scarlet-haired heroine was completely defenseless as they pulled off her bracelets and tossed them across the room.

"No!" Starling whined, the only resistance she could offer.

The two thugs held her up as the third (Was it Mac? She couldn't even focus clearly enough to be sure) stepped up before her.

"Not so cocky now are ya, bitch?" he growled.

"You b-better let me g-OH!" Starling gasped as he cut her off with a sharp slap!

"What do you wanna do with her?" Twotime asked, his grip tightening on her slender arm.

"We oughta put a hot one in her," growled Willy.

Starling's vision was beginning to clear, as was the fog in her head. However, she was still too weak to mount much of a defense, and so her recovery brought only the realization she was caught and at the mercy of these three common criminals.

"Willy Wills ..." Mac replied slyly. "Be a damn shame to waste a piece of ass this fine!"

He reached out to stroke her cheek with his gun. Starling recoiled, and that cold feeling returned to her stomach as he dragged the barrel of his pistol down her soft throat and over her collarbone. An icy chill raced along the heroine's spine as he tucked the barrel in between her plump boobs.

"Don't you dare!" the redhead gasped, squirming futilely.

Mac only grinned, sliding the barrel deeper into her cleavage. Then he pressed the muzzle downward against the stretchy hem, shoving the front of her white and gold bustier below her breasts! Starling could only gasp in dismay as her perky, round D-cups sprang into full view!

"Woo! Check them melons out!" hooted Twotime.

"Damn," Mac grabbed her left breast, squeezing harshly. "You ever seen nipples this pink?"

The captive heroine groaned indignantly, and a wave of humiliation crashed over her as she felt the thug's rough palm fondling her naked breast. How could she have let these ordinary street thugs get the better of her? Much less put their grubby paws on her breasts!

Keeping hold of her arm, Willy grabbed her other breast, tugging on it almost painfully. The young woman thrashed desperately, trying to pull free of her captors but to no avail. She slumped back into their grip, tears beginning to well in her green eyes, realizing the extent of her helplessness.

"You don't have to do this ..." Starling began, but Mac cut her off by grabbing a fistful of her crimson mane and giving it a rugged yank. "OW!" she yelped.

"Where's all that self-righteous shit now?" the thug snarled, keeping her head pulled back at an uncomfortable angle. "Think you know shit about the streets but you don't know nothin'! Well, you gon' learn tonight, bitch!"

Mac reached down and pushed his gun between her legs. Starling sucked in sharply at the feeling of the metal barrel sliding along the thin white spandex covering her prim mound.

"... Don't!" she gasped sharply.

Keeping hold of her hair, Mac grinned wickedly. "How long's it been since you had something stiff and hard down there?"

Not as long as you might think, she thought, sheepishly biting her lip.

Starling groaned as he pushed the rigid gunbarrel against her soft cleft, parting her pussy lips through the spandex. He then began to pump the pistol back and forth, sending unwelcome tingles rippling across her hips. Feeling the cold metal sliding over her clit sent a tremor through her entire body.

"Stop it! Let me go!" the heroine whined as an icy tendril wound up her spine.

"Or what, bitch?"

Willy's big hand continued to maul her right breast, while Mac was engrossed in molesting her with his pistol. The young heroine squirmed, fighting down the unwanted arousal caused by the weapon gliding through her vulnerable seam. She swallowed a moan, refusing to give in to the unwanted stimulation.

"Or I'll make you pay!" she snapped. "You can't do this-I'm a superheroine! Let me go this instant!"

The three men laughed at her bluster, and that deepened her humiliation even further. She thrashed, trying to pull free and kicking out at Mac's arm, interrupting his pumping. Before she could appreciate the momentary reprieve, he switched his grip and drove his fist and the gun into her stomach. All the air burst from her lungs, and the young woman felt what remained of her strength drain away.

"Get this bitch on her knees!" Mac demanded.

Twotime and Willy immediately forced Starling down to a kneeling position. Even as she was gasping for air, she realized she was now at eye level with Mac's crotch ... or more pointedly, at mouth level! A tremor crept through her chest as he unbuckled, unbuttoned, unzipped, and took out his cock.

Why does this keep happening to me? She lamented as the thug shoved his erection in her face. It's bad enough getting captured, but why do they always make me into a sex toy too?

Mac leaned forward, grabbed her by the chin and forced her jaw open, then slid the barrel of his gun between her lips and into her mouth. The helpless heroine could not help but let out a terrified little whimper.

"Here's the deal, bitch," Mac snarled, his hot breath blowing over her face. "You're gonna suck our cocks! And if you even think about biting one of us, then I'm gonna use this gun to bust out all your fucking teeth and then you're gonna start over. Got it?"

The feeling of the metal scraping her teeth and the faint taste of gun oil caused a cold pit to settle into her stomach. Starling moaned dejectedly, and nodded in submission.

In the blink of an eye, Mac yanked the gun out and stuffed in his cock! The redhead gagged as it slid over her tongue, pushing all the way to the back of her throat. Willy and Twotime kept hold of her arms, and she had no choice but to close her lips around that thick veiny shaft and begin to suck.

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