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The Scarlet Dove - Issue 09

Story Info
Warden City's super heroine faces her greatest threat yet!
11.1k words

Part 9 of the 20 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/10/2016
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Issue Nine ~ To Come Under Dominion

Chapter One

The Scarlet Dove soared through the crisp night air, returning from a third fruitless night of staking out Fort Anderson, waiting on Dominion's attack. She admonished herself for not thinking to question the villain Ozone as to the specific timeline but then, she hadn't exactly been in the clearest frame of mind during that interrogation.

Over the past week since her encounter with mutant, Starling had poured herself completely into heroine mode. It seemed the best way to cope with everything else that had been going on.

The coverage of the pictures of her naked in Pierce's penthouse had continued to expand. A few news outlets had actually contacted her for a statement, which she declined. A few online porn sites had sent her offers to do full photo shoots, also declined obviously.

The River Run legal team had informed her there was only so much they could do in regards to the pictures, but they'd get retractions for some of the more libelous articles.

Ed had given her a new assignment. The mayor's wife was organizing a huge bridal expo and Starling was going to be the one covering it. Additionally, Ed wanted an entire series of bridal and wedding related articles leading up to it. The assignment itself was not so bad, but what it signified was disheartening. Ed thought that the series would help to rehab her public image; how could she be a gold-digging whore, if she was just another girl obsessed with getting married?

Not exactly the serious journalism she had always dreamt of. It almost made her feel more pathetic, after all it certainly was not as if Pierce were going to marry her. She knew this because she also hadn't talked to Pierce since smashing her phone during their conversation about those pictures; a conversation in which he made it clear he didn't really care about her plight.

However, all of that vanished once she donned her feathered mask and dove emblem bustier! Flying over the city, hunting super villains, beating up the odd mugger here and there, all of that felt important! It reminded her that Starling Chase's life and problems, were only so much window dressing to conceal the secret mission of the Scarlet Dove.

Suddenly, searing pain ripped through her body, yanking the heroine out of her contemplations and leaving her screaming in agony! Losing concentration she careened wildly, falling out of the sky to crash land on a nearby roof top.

The pain subsided quickly, and the young heroine scrambled to her feet. Glancing down, she saw that there was a scorched hole in the side of her spandex bustier, exposing the pale skin of her upper ribs, as well as a generous amount of under-boob. She winced, inspecting the area, it was tender to touch but no severe wound.

She scanned the surrounding area, noticing a dark figure standing on a roof top a few buildings away. Making no attempt to conceal itself, she assumed this to be her attacker!

The superheroine leapt into the sky, taking flight once more. She climbed quickly, gaining enough altitude to avoid any more incoming attacks, before heading towards that dark figure. She circled once, barely able to believe her eyes...it was DOMINION!

He was unmistakable, wearing a huge black robe with the hood pulled back to reveal his masked head. His cowl was all black, leaving his eyes, mouth and chin visible. The eyes were rimmed in white, with horned designs on the upper corners. Although he kept it concealed under his cloak, she knew he was wearing a suit of sleek, high tech battle armor. The only other distinctive feature she could make out were his white gloves and boots.

Once she realized this, the Scarlet Dove swooped down on him brazenly. As she was diving his arm made a swinging motion, and in the next instant a ball of energy was hurtling towards her. It came like lightening but the heroine was still able to avoid it, without veering too far off her trajectory. She barreled into Dominion, whipping around at the last second and hitting him in the chest with both feet. Her high heeled boots thumped off the rigid breastplate of his battle armor decidedly unsatisfactorily.

The villain growled as she struck. The force sent him sliding backward across the roof, but he kept his footing. She could hear the whir of machinery, presumably his battle armor absorbing the impact of her blow.

The young heroine flipped backwards, landing nimbly before the villain. Whipping her long crimson locks out of her face, she squared up to the villain with her hands planted on her curvy hips.

"Dominion!" Starling spat. "At last we meet!"

Dominion straightened and took a step forward, his hazel eyes devouring the sight of her. From her golden high heeled boots, his gaze crawled up her long, bare legs to the white bikini bottoms clinging to her shapely hips. He scanned over the gold belt sitting atop those, and glanced pointedly at the matching gold bracelets she wore. No doubt he knew the weapons concealed within. His roving gaze lingered on the skintight white bustier wrapped around her buxom torso, before lifting to the feathered mask obscuring her identity but unable to hide her beautiful features. When at last his gaze locked onto her own emerald eyes, she could not repress an involuntary shiver. There was such strength, confidence, and an undeniable malice in those hazel eyes his gaze alone was intimidating.

"And you have assuredly not disappointed!" the villain replied. "Nice moves, hero girl...although I seem to have left more of a mark!"

He pointed to the hole in her bustier, grinning. The Scarlet Dove scowled, covering the exposed curve of her lower breast with one hand.

"A cheap shot!" she accused. "You couldn't hit me when I was ready."

"Or did I miss on purpose that second time?" Dominion suggested. "I am here to talk not to fight, hero girl."

"That's 'Scarlet Dove' to you," she spat. "Or perhaps, Ms. Dove, if you're more the formal type."

Dominion chuckled, taking a few steps towards her. The young heroine dropped back into defensive crouch, prompting the villain to pull up short.

"As I say, I did not come here to fight," he said, holding up his hands. "Truly Tom and my men, whom you've been so fond of pummeling lately, have not exaggerated your beauty...you are much too gorgeous to fight with!"

"You'll find I'm more than a pretty face!" Starling groaned. "The only way you're getting out of here without a fight is if you're ready to surrender!"

"On the contrary," Dominion replied. "Actually, I've come to offer you the chance to submit to me!"

"Not likely!" the heroine balked.

"I know that my henchman, Ozone told you of my plans," Dominion explained.

Oh no! I hope that's all he told you, Starling thought, swallowing a sudden lump in her throat. Ozone knows my secret identity!

"I see great potential in you," he continued. "Join me!"

"What?" Starling gasped. "Not on your life!"

"I thought as much," Dominion sighed. "Then tell me, what are you doing here in my city, hero girl?"

"Don't call me that," she snapped. "This is my city now, you can consider this your eviction notice!"

"I've held dominion over this city since long before you were born," he snarled. "Police, detectives, unions, banks, even mayors have fallen in my wake...What makes you think you'll be any different?"

"You've never encountered someone like me!"

"That is true enough," the villain grinned. "Which is why I have special plans for you."

"Oh this'll be good," she scoffed.

"The choice is yours," he said. "Stand by my side, or kneel at my feet!"

"Alright, I'll stand by your side," Starling replied. "As I'm escorting you into the Warden City court house!"

"Don't be a fool, hero girl," Dominion said. "You're no match for me!"

That was enough, the Scarlet Dove kicked forward, launching herself at the villain in her usual torpedo maneuver. "We'll see!"

Dominion stood calmly, not flinching and at the last second Starling realized he'd been goading her into this attack. Too late!

Pain ripped through her curvaceous body once more, as the heroine struck some protective energy barrier. She fell to the rooftop, writhing in pain while Dominion loomed over her, chuckling.

Starling struggled back to her feet, disoriented from the blast. Even as she got to her hands and knees, he kicked her in the side blasting all the air from her lungs and pitching her over onto her side. The stunned heroine curled into a ball, clutching at her aching ribs and gasping for air!

"You see, hero girl," he thundered, bending down to grab a handful of her strawberry locks. "You're nothing to me! Already beaten!"

He hauled Starling back to her feet. She grabbed his wrist, trying to pull his hand loose from her hair.

"Let go of me!" the heroine shouted in feeble protest.

When the villain casually ignored her struggles, she punched him in the stomach. Her dainty fist glanced uselessly off his armored flank and he only registered the blow by retaliating. Dominion pulled Starling up in front of him, and backhanded her so hard, it sent her sprawling across the top of a nearby AC unit.

Gawd, he hits even harder than Danvers, she thought dazedly, holding her face. His armor must augment his strength as well as absorbing attack. Pull it together girl...

"You see," he said flatly. "Resistance is futile!"

As he walked towards her, Starling rolled onto her side and kicked out hard. This time she caught the villain right in his masked, and unarmored, face! He lurched sideways, grunting in surprise. She quickly drew her legs underneath her, and crouched on top of the unit.

As Dominion turned back towards her, the Scarlet Dove launched off the side of the unit, rocketing towards him like a torpedo. Since he'd gotten close enough to touch her, she suspected the force field she'd struck before was something he had to activate, and hoped he wouldn't have the opportunity this time.

She slammed into him with both fists, the force of her attack blasted Dominion backwards! Stumbling and off balance, he fell over the edge of the roof shouting a string of curses as he plummeted into the darkness of the alley below.

The red haired heroine approached the edge of the roof, peering over cautiously. His defenses don't seem to be automatic, that's something at least! I'm going to have to hit him fast and hard, keep him guessing!

She stepped over the edge, gliding down into the alley slowly, keeping her emerald eyes peeled for signs of attack. She could not see Dominion below, but was not foolish enough to think the fall had finished him.

As she descended it occurred to the heroine that this was a bit odd. Why would Dominion confront her alone when he had his very own squad of shock troops to back him up? Was he really so delusional as to think she would agree to join him?

On the ground, Starling found the villain's volumous cloak discarded. Of course, there was no sign of Dominion though. Glancing up and down the alley, she realized that one direction led out onto a well-lighted street. The other direction led back to a darkened utility lot. Not too great a mystery which way he'd fled!

Apprehension tickled down Starling's spine as she started towards the lot. She readjusted her damaged bustier, trying to keep her right boob tucked into it. She could not retreat, this was her chance to bring Dominion in!

She knew she was at a disadvantage in the stealth game, with her bright white outfit and golden heels click-clacking on the pavement. Therefore, she did not try to hide, instead focusing her intentions into her hyper-reflexes. She moved slowly, emerald eyes scanning every shadow.

"Ah yes, intrepid heroine, come and find me!" Dominion's voice seemed to echo from all around her.

The young woman froze, glancing around nervously. "Why don't you come out and face me!" she called back. "Or are you scared of a girl?"

There was a sudden noise and movement to her left, and the heroine whirled to face it! A dirty, mangy RAT scurried out of the shadows, running right across her boots. The girl shrieked with fright, skittering away from the disgusting creature. Her skin felt like it wanted to crawl right off her bones.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself, and feeling more than a little bit silly to have reacted that way to a smallish rodent, in the middle of a pitched battle with a supervillain.

Before she could fully regain her bearing two muscled arms enfolded her hour-glass figure! A white gloved hand clamped over mouth, stifling another startled scream. The other arm reached around her torso, and the hand slipped inside the hole in her bustier. Gasping indignantly, she felt that gloved hand curl around her breast, squeezing firmly. The heroine flailed uselessly, disoriented from the suddenness of it all. The powerful grip tightened, crushing her against an armored chest.

No! He's got me! She panicked.

"You are adorable," Dominion whispered into her ear. "All that bravery in facing my men, in facing ME! Yet a simple rodent still reduces you to a frightened little girl!"

Starling grabbed at his wrists, trying to pull them loose and twist out of his grasp but he was too strong. Her stomach lurched in disgust, feeling him kneading her breast. She squealed furiously into his hand, kicking her long legs in futile frustration. Heedless, Dominion continued to massage her plump D-cup, squeezing and twisting the firm flesh. A icy tremor raced down the girl's spine as she felt immediately helpless.

Finally, the young heroine managed to wiggle one arm free. She wasted no time whipping the point of her elbow into her assailant's face!

Dominion groaned in pain, and shoved her to the ground! Starling landed hard, but right away began to crawl away from the villain. Of course being on her hands and knees left her pert backside presented tantalizingly upthrust and Dominion wasted no time whipping a hand across her spandex clad ass! Starling yelped, rolling over to protect her peach-like cheek.

"How dare you!" she gasped, looking up at the grinning villain and rubbing her stinging booty.

"How could I not when presented with such a view!"

He reached down for her, but the young heroine kicked his hand away. She rolled to her feet nimbly, wasting no time in throwing a quick four punch combo at the leering villain.

Dominion backed away, blocking the attack with no small effort, she was fast! Even as she pressed the attack, she felt her right boob slip down, and pop through the scorched hole in her top.

"Oops!" Starling gasped, hesitating instinctively to cover her soft pink nipple, so suddenly exposed.

Dominion afforded her no such respite, riffling a punch across her delicate jaw! Scarlet hair whipped around wildly as her head snapped to the side and her knees buckled underneath her. The young heroine collapsed, gasping in pain.

Gawd, he hits hard, she thought fuzzily.

Dominion dropped down on her quickly, shoving her onto her back and straddling her curvaceous hips. Starling bucked and thrashed trying to throw him off, but she was quickly pinned down and held in place.

"Get off me!" the hapless heroine groaned in frustration.

"Come on mighty hero gril, and cast me off!" the villain challenged her.

Starling felt dreadfully weak, trapped beneath her adversary. She punched, slapped and shoved, trying to get free, but he swatted her hands away almost seeming amused. In these close quarters, her meager strength was totally ineffectual, she was just a weak little girl!

Seeing her right breast peaking through the hole in her bustier, Dominion grinned. He grabbed the scorched edges and ripped her top completely open!

"Noooo!" the girl whined, as both her luscious D-cups where exposed.

Starling crossed her arms over her chest, trying to conceal her quivering mounds. A wave of embarrassment flushed through her, turning her cheeks bright red. The villain continued to rip and tear, shredding the garment completely off of her body!

"Don't be shy, hero girl," Dominion laughed, grabbing her wrists.

"Let go of me!" she whimpered meekly, as he pulled her arms apart and pinned them down.

Again Starling bucked and thrashed, but only succeeding in causing her now naked tits to bounce and jiggle. The heroine slumped against the ground, glaring up at her assailant in impotent rage. His hazel eyes were glued to her voluptuous chest, and a cold pit formed in her stomach.

"Magnificent," he sighed, drinking in the sight of her firm, rounded breasts and the petite, pink areolae almost perfectly centered on them.

The fleshy orbs bobbed enticingly with every seething breath the heroine took. She looked away, feeling powerless and ashamed as he ogled to his heart's content, effortlessly holding her down.

"I think you would look better with nothing on at all!" Dominion declared suddenly. "Let's find out!"

"What? No!"

The Scarlet Dove squirmed desperately as he pulled her arms above her head, holding both wrists with one hand. Then he reached down and unbuckled her utility belt, before grabbing the waistband of her white bikini bottoms. He yanked them down around her hips, exposing the very top of her prim mound.

Finally, the heroine managed to wrench one arm free, and lashed out, striking him across the face with an open handed slap! He cursed sharply, momentarily distracted and the young woman seized the opportunity to crawl out from under him.

Before she could get anywhere, Dominion once more snagged a handful of her scarlet mane. She mewled in pain, as he yanked her upright on her knees by her hair. She quickly wrapped her arms around her chest, covering her naked breasts assuming he meant to fondle her some more. Instead, he reached down, slipping his hand into her skewed briefs and grabbing her soft, hairless pussy!

"What are you...?" she gasped in shock. "No-ooOOHH!"

Her protests became a sharp squeal as the villain viciously squeezed her defenseless little cunt. She immediately dropped her hands to grab his wrist, trying to pry his grip from between her legs. He began to rub and fondle, even slipping a gloved digit between the tight lips of her labia, making the heroine gasp and moan.

"Get your...ngh...hand's off!"

A starburst of unwelcome tingles erupted across her hips and began crawling up Starling's abdomen, as his gloved fingers continued to rub and manipulate her plaint labia. With an indignant groan, she managed to squirm enough to dislodge his grip, but in the struggle her bottoms were pulled further out of place, leaving her smooth pink slit fully exposed.

"UGH! Stop this!" she whined, grabbing the garment and trying to pull it back into place.

Dominion cocked one arm back, and elbowed the resisting heroine in the side of the face. Starling cried out in pain, and fell onto her side, groaning helplessly as the villain grabbed her flared hips and ripped the skimpy white garment right off of her!

Dazed from the blow, the Scarlet Dove writhed on the concrete ground of the utility lot. Slowly, she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees. Glancing downward, her green eyes filled with tears, as she looked over her completely nake body and a flood of humiliation washed through her. Standing unsteadily on her golden heels, the heroine's legs felt rubbery and weak. She wrapped one arm over her breasts, trying to cover both rosy nipples, and cupped her other hand over her lily white pussy. She glanced around for any pieces of her uniform, but to her great dismay HE was holding the tattered remnants!

"Looking for these, hero girl?" Dominion held up the white scraps of spandex that used to be her uniform.

"You bastard!" she whimpered, backing away from the towering villain, awkwardly trying to keep herself covered.

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