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The School Dress Code Pt. 06 - Final

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Final part of Nik's humiliation.
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Next day while diapering me mom retied the ribbon which I didn't want but she insisted since Mrs. Smith had paid for it so she should get to see the cute bow.

Obviously Mrs. Smith didn't have to wait long. By the end for the second class I had wet myself and found myself at her doorstep.

"Wow, isn't that cute. See how pretty it looks all smooth and with the bow" She basically had the same reaction as my mom.

Again other teachers quickly gathered to inspect, and remarked similarly to Sylvia's awful gift.

Everyday of the week I had to go through the similar humiliation at least once a day.

Weekend came soon and so did Natasha's 18th birthday. We had a small party and the guest list included her friends, few of our close family friends and also a few of my uncles and aunts. Thankfully she didn't mention the diaper thing in front of anyone, something that was a standing dread for me the entire party. I guess mom had warned both my sister's against it. She was happy with the books I got her and thankfully wasn't stuck on the diaper thing.

One of her school friends came up to me and said "these clothes don't really bring out how pretty you are."

I gave her a stink eye and moved on. Though most of her friends giggled at me and gossiped amongst themselves they didn't really bother me. So it ended up being a fun party. My birthday was also just around the corner so I was excited and also that was the diaper I would be out of my stupid diapers so I couldn't wait for it to arrive.

After the fun weekend I was back at school which meant I was back in diapers. I was probably now a bit more comfortable than I was initially, I still hated it but it wasn't even close to the way I felt during the first week. Even the anxiety and humiliation of having to Mrs. Smith for my change everyday had lessened in the previous week. It was humiliating but something I had definitely come to terms with.

Today I had wet myself just before lunch time, and as soon as the class finished I headed over to the teacher's lounge. Mrs.Smith let me in and she was alone there. I quickly laid down on top of the changing mat as she went to the cupboard to get the things she needed.

I heard another knock at the door and Mrs. Smith went to answer the door. The good thing about where I was being changed was that it couldn't be seen even if the door was open so I was not worried. I stared at the ceiling and got lost in thought for a couple of moments when I heard a voice I knew too well.

"Helloooo Nik."

"Nat!!! What are you doing here?" I was shocked.

"So Natasha told me that she would like to help and of course you are her brother so how could I say no?" Said Mrs. Smith.

"Please no! She is younger than me, I can't have her do this." I protested vehemently.

"That's enough Nik. I promised Natasha that she can help out today, so let her do this once. Any more delays from you and I will bring her in everyday for the rest of the time you have left." Mrs. Smith was agitated by the back and forth and put her foot down.

"Now Natasha, I believe this is your first time changing a diaper so I will walk you through it."

Natasha donned a pair of gloves and flipped my skirt up as I lay there more embarrassed than probably all my previous changes.

She was grinning ear to ear as she slowly undid my diaper. As soon as she unwrapped the flap she stopped and started giggling uncontrollably.

"Oh my god Nik. I am so sorry about my reaction." She said still laughing.

It was no mystery what elicited my laughter.

"Don't worry Natasha, we were pleasantly surprised as well." Chimed in Mrs. Smith.

"It's so small and cute. And how are you this smooth?"

"Ohh didn't your mom tell you? Nik had to get a Brazilian wax once he started using his diapers. Frankly I thought he would never use it." Another bout of laughter came with the statement.

"Now first the cream and then the powder." Mrs. Smith handed over the tube of cream and the bottle of powder to Nat as she removed my diaper.

She then proceeded to lather up the cream around my privates followed by a generous amount of powder. She then grabbed a diaper, slipped in under my butt and with instructions from Mrs. Smith, finally taped it shut.

"And you said I would never be able to see your diaper." Nat said sarcastically.

I was burning with embarrassment. This was definitely the most humiliating diaper change ever. Things just keep getting worse. About 10 days more and this will be a thing of the past. But surely there's nothing worse than getting changed by my younger sister.

A few passed.

"Happy birthday Nik." I woke up as I saw my mom and my sisters standing around my bed.

"Thank you so much everyone." I said rubbing my eyes. Finally the day was here. I had been looking forward to it like I look forward to most of my birthdays. But this one was so very special. Today was also the last day of my diaper sentence. Thankfully after the day Nat changed me nothing noteworthy happened. It was still embarrassed being in a diaper but I feel I have gotten over it a significantly since the first day I first put it on.

"So how do you feel? Just 8 more hours and you'll be back in your big girl panties." Mom joked.

"To be honest I never thought I would be this excited and relieved to be in panties." I joked back.

"Remember the party starts at 7 tonight. So get back as quickly as possible and change into the new clothes I bought you once you get home. Me and your sisters might be out to get pick up a few things."

I was excited for the party. It wasn't a huge party but it was the people I liked. Not a single person from my current school was invited. But a few my friends from middle school were coming. Of them I was especially looking forward to catching up Roxanne and Joe who were definitely my best friends. They had stayed back in public high school when I moved to this new private school and even though we promised to meet up very often I hadn't seen them in ages. In addition to that a few of Nat and Ali's friends would be there and so were a few of my mom's. I also didn't agree to any of Natasha's friends from our school since I didn't want them blabbering my secret in front of my friends.

At school I was focused as usual. It was the class before lunch when almost according to schedule I nonchalantly flooded my diapers, something I wouldn't even think of even a month ago.

I gingerly went to Mrs. Smith who already had the changing mat out and I hopped on.

"Last diaper change Nik. That is if you don't make a mistake again" She said undoing my diaper.

"I know and I am happy about it." I replied.

"Me too. I just hope you learned your lesson. And this wasn't too bad right?"

"Yes Mrs. Smith."

She finished putting my in a fresh diaper and said "Remember Nik I still have a lot of diapers left from the new packet I had bought a few days ago which I won't throw out. So if you ever feel like it just come on in."

I just nodded and left. I guess I would never volunteer to be in diapers. A couple of more hours in this and I am free. I was excited about the next classes. And they went by in a flash.

The final bell rang and as routine is kept put and kept reading despite the teacher walking out. But unlike every other day I didn't hear the chaos of my classmates running out. Finally when I looked up from my book I saw my entire class standing infront of me.

"Happy birthday Nikki." Everone shouted in unison.

I was a bit taken aback. I didn't expect such a gesture from them.

"You know all of us together got some gifts for you." Said one of them grinning deviously as everyone moved to clear my field of view.

I was horrified by what I saw. On the teacher's table was laid out a changing mat, something I had become all too familiar with.

"Noooo, nooo!!!" I screamed and I got up to run out of there.

But two of my classmates David and Jeremy caught me by the arm.

"Did you not know it is rude to reject gifts?" Someone chimed in as David and Jeremy lifted me up and placed on the changing mat despite me screaming and vehemently throwing my arms and legs.

They laid me down despite my protests with my hands held down my David and Jeremy and my legs held by two other classmates. I was shell shocked since I knew what was coming.

I saw to my further horror, Veronica, the girl I had a slight crush on step forward and stood between my legs.

"Everyone ready for the big reveal?" She shouted as she slowly lifted up my skirt to reveal my diapers.

Each and every one of my classmates started cheering as she slowly undid my diapers and yanked them off.

Suddenly silence descended on the room as everyone locked their views on my small cock.

"Oh my god, he does have a baby dick." A shriek broke the deafening silence.

A extraordinary loud laugh followed it along with more comments.

"Wow I didn't think they made it so small."

"It almost looks like a dick."

"Don't be so harsh, it's quite big for a one year old."

"It's so cute and smooth. I think all tiny cocks should be shaved and cute looking."

A barrage of comments and what seems like an eternity later it stopped and veronica pulled out a packet. As I had expected, pink diapers.

"Let's get you dressed sweetheart." She said as she doused me in powder and lifted my butt to slide the diaper. I placed my butt on it as she pulled the flap in front and taped it shut. I could feel how much more thicker this diaper was compared to the ones I was wearing till now.

That is when someone suggested, "why waste the other diaper, get it on him."

With that Veronica again proceeded to fasten a second diaper on me and now it felt really heavy and my legs were stretched wide apart. She then proceed to put my legs in a pair of pink transparent plastic panties.

I thought my most humiliating ordeal was over so I begged, "please let me goooo!!!"

"Aww little Nikki, you didn't think we would get you so little for your birthday right? We have so much more."

This was terrifying to hear. What else can be there?

I didn't get a chance to wonder, as I saw a dress held in front of my face.

"Little baby needs her cute outfits."

It was a very short frilly dress. Pink in color and it seemed to have layers of cloth inside to make the lower part fluffy. Surely this wasn't in my size.

They sat me up and stripped off my blouse and unbuckled my skirt. I was sitting there in a bra and diapers. Then they put my head and arms through the dress and pulled it down. Though the arms and shoulders were a fit I saw that the dress barely reached till my waist meaning my entire diaper was on full view.

"Wow now you are starting to look like a good baby."

This was followed by a huge heart-shaped bonnet which was put on my head and then tied around my chin.

"Guys, you had your fun, now please let me go" I shouted out again.

"Just a few more final touches Nikki."

They brought out the next horrible item. Before I could get a close look, it was shoved into my mouth and tied around the back of my neck. I realized it was a pacifier. Not a simple pacifier but one I just cannot spit out.

"Start sucking little baby."

I could no longer talk.

Then came the a pair of mittens which were placed on my hands and I realized they had tiny locks on them which were locked in one by one.

"Don't worry, you can have the keys." Veronica said the put a chain and the keys and placed it around my neck like a necklace. I knew very well that there was no way I can get out of these on my own, one of them had to help me.

Thankfully enough that was the last item. They made me stand up. I tried to take a step and I realized in these diapers all I could do was wobble like a pengiun.

"Let's go everyone."

What go where? Are they leaving me. I would be stuck here if they leave. I tried talking through the pacifier but to no avail.

Then they began dragging me. I can't go anywhere like these. I tried asking for my clothes back but to no avail. I doubt anybody could understand me.

We stepped outside the classroom and thankfully the school was almost desserted as most people had already left. The entire class with me started to walk towards the parking lot.

We reached one my classmates car and I realized what was up. Our school doesn't allow phones inside so everyone had to leave them in their car before stepping in. I tried to break free again. But now there wasn't really a point. Where will I go dresses like this?

"Little baby ready for some pics?"

I just stood there as the phone camera flashed. Each one of my tormenters stepped up one by one to get their photos clicked with me. Many of the girls held up the universal sign for a tiny cock.

Finally everyone had taken their photos and they started dragging me again.

"Don't worry baby we will drop you off to your house."

They are taking me like this to my house. I tried to say no by shaking my head violently but everyone just ignored it. We stepped on the road and within 30 seconds people on the road noticed this ridiculously dressed baby. I tried to keep my head straight as I wobbled ahead. But I could hear people laughing, cars honking. Through the corner of my eye I saw people stopping and clicking pictures of probably the biggest humiliation of my life.

We completed the longest walk of my life and we were now standing infront of my house.

"Here you are Nik, we will leave from here. But remember you better not snitch otherwise you would face something much much worse."

I just nodded my head and turned and wobbled forward to the door as quickly as possible. I saw in one of my classmates watch it was about 6:35 pm. The party starts in twenty five minutes and I needed to get changed. My mom and sisters were going to see me in this and that would be humiliating enough. I didn't need any of the party guests to see me like this. I just hoped there were no early arrivers.

I rang the doorbell but no one answered. I frantically rang it again and again but to no avail. I remembered mom saying they maybe out to get supplies. I had to let myself in but I just could not grab the key from the mailbox with these mittens. I tried to just cower behind the potted plants so that none of the neighbours could see me.

As the clock ticked, my heart also started to race. Guests could be showing up any minute and I had no idea where mom was. To make matters worse I really had to pee. I knew I was wearing diapers so I just let go and just as I was done I saw mom's car pulling with Ali and Nat, I was relieved to see them.

I slowly stepped out from behind the pots and everyone was walking towards the door.

They just stopped stunned. Ali dropped a couple of bags.

"Nik is that you?" Mom ran up and hugged me as I started to sob.

I looked up and saw even though Ali and Nat had concern on their face they were struggling to hide their smile.

"Who did this to you Nik?" Mom asked but I could reply. That's when she realized that the pacifier was locked in and so were my mittens.

Ali went behind my head and started fidgeting in order to unlock it. As Nat grabbed the keys from my neck.

"Oh my God. Nik why are you dressed like that?" It was unmistakably Roxanne's voice. All of us had completely missed when another car had come in.

"It is a long story." Ali replied.

"Are you wearing diapers? You look so cute."

She was overjoyed.

"Mom I think we didn't get a gift for the appropriate age or gender." She yelled at her mom who was in the car.

I saw Roxanne's mother coming out of the car.

"Sorry I was having car troubles, so my mom had to drop me off." Roxanne informed.

"Nik, I didn't think you were still in diapers. You look so cute." Said Roxanne's mom trying her best not to laugh.

Finally Ali manged to undo the pacifier and I immediately spit it out.

"Mom please lets go inside quickly before anyone else comes. I need to get changed."

Mom opened the door and I rushed in followed by both my mom and Roxanne's. Nat, Ali and Roxanne were still outside and I could hear their giggles from inside.

As mom tried to undo my mittens she realized that the keys were still with Nat.

"Natashaaaa" she yelled out as the girls scampered back in.

"Give me the keys to the mittens."

"Can I please get a picture with baby Nik?" Roxanne enquired.

"No Roxy, not at all." I shot back.

"Please Nik, just one single pic. I promise I won't share it but you look just too good." She pleaded.

"It's ok just hurry up. People would be getting here soon." I finally gave in.

She came and stood beside me, "oh you forgot something." And she shoved the pacifier into my mouth. She must have picked it up from outside

Nat took out her phone to click the picture and just stopped. It was almost as if she had frozen.

"What's wrong Nat? Are you done?" Roxanne asked.

"Ali, mom, please check your phones." Said Nat as she proceeded to click a few photos.

Just as she was done I heard to my horror the door open. It was Joe and his girlfriend Melissa. Also a few of mom's colleagues walked in.

They were all shell shocked. After a few moments of silence a roll of laughter filled the room.

I saw mom and Ali still looking at their phone with concern but had no idea what was up.

I again spat out my pacifier and said " mom unlock my mittens so that I can change into my clothes.

As soon as I said that everyone wanted one picture with me. I just wanted to get it over with so I just stood there as one by one everyone stood beside me and clicked a picture.

Finally Roxanne's mom came up and got a picture and told me, "I must leave now, I have a few errands and I am already late. Do visit our place when you get time. And especially let me know if you want to play dress up again. I would love to dress up a cutie like you. Your mom is so lucky."

"Now can I go?" I asked when everyone was done.

"Can you not stay dressed Nik? You look so cute like this." Said Melissa in her cute voice as everyone echoed her sentiment.

After some pleading from everyone I gave in. And as the guests rolled in every single one of them were surprised and laughed their heart out.

I gave up trying to change and focused on the party trying to forget the events of today. I ate all that I could since I was so hungry and similarly drank all the soda my heart wanted. The most embarrassing thing was whenever I wanted something I had to ask someone to feed me since my hands were still in the mittens. On a typically day my mom doesn't let me touch unhealthy drinks like that. Gradually after dinner all the guests had left except Roxanne, Joe and Melissa. We started reminiscing our old times in class together.

Melissa wasn't in school with us but she had been dating Joe for almost 6 months now so I had met her twice before and now even she has seen in diapers and a baby dress. Thankfully due to the second diaper she atleast couldn't see that I had a wet diaper inside. I sure wasn't going to mention it before the party was over.

Finally it was close to midnight as slowly everyone left. I was happy to see my old friends but not under the circumstances I hoped. But surely they were more than happy to see me at my condition.

"You still owe me a diaper change. I am your best friend after all." Roxanee said jokingly as she left.

I sat back down and said "Mom, please unlock these mittens I need to go pee."

"Just pee in your diapers baby brother." said Ali.

"No way!!!" I protested.

"Leave Nik alone, Ali." My mom quickly intervened.

"Mom, this is so unfair. Nat got to change him, why not me?"

Mom shot an angry look at Nat who replied, "it was my birthday gift mom."

"I don't need a changing anymore. Today is the end of my diaper punishment. You know that right."


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