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The Secret Woman

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He changes into a woman - but no one can tell.
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Note to readers: this is a greatly revised and expanded version of the story with the same name that I posted a while back. I received a number of helpful suggestions about the first version and incorporated them all, as faithfully as possible. I am grateful for the interest and assistance, and hope you like it!


"Eric, I think you'd love having huge tits."

"Like yours? You know I also love your mind, Tina."

"And a pussy, and a gorgeous face and legs."

"I love your pussy. And your face and legs. And don't forget about your mind."

"Can we talk seriously, Eric? I love you and know you pretty well, and have no doubt you love everything about the female body. I really think you'd love to have one of your own. Think how sexy you'd feel?"

"Maybe that's the difference between men and women, Tina. Women focus more on being sexy, but men focus more on having sex. Maybe that's why I don't want to become a woman, not even one with an incredible body like yours. Maybe that's why I want to marry a sexy woman like you instead."

This was a conversation that could never have taken place before the new technology gave people the ability to change their gender and their body in any way they wanted. The changes were fully reversible, so people experimented a lot.

"But the sex act is so much better as a woman, Eric. Why are woman so much more passionate during sex? You guys just groan a bit, but girls often go wild and scream! We love making love so much more."

"Tina, you've never been a man for even a day - so how do you know?" Eric replied defensively.

"But you find everything about being male boring, and everything female sexy."

"That just means I'm not gay. I am a normal heterosexual guy."

"Which is great considering we are going to going to get married."

But, privately, Eric thought Tina might be right. Everything he read and heard suggested women did enjoy having sex more. But he felt very comfortable in his male body. He liked being a guy, it was "him", he was used to it.

One day Eric's curiosity got to him. He went to a Transformation Center and sat in a private room in front of the console. He clicked "complete gender change", and the screen displayed a huge number of options.

Eric set the controls for the type of woman he liked best - a great figure and a beautiful feminine face, just like Tina. Eric stripped, pushed the master button, and in a few minutes he became his ideal woman, right down to the DNA in every cell. He became Eric if he had been born female, adjusted according to the settings on the console.

Eric looked into the full length mirror and was astonished at his beauty. He stared for quite some time, taking his new body in. My gosh he was sexy - maybe Tina was right? To go through life being this beautiful, and 38-24-36, instead of in his boring male body - wow? Eric then noticed that his - actually, "her" - nipples and clit were expanding and getting rock hard. He was turning himself on! Eric lightly rubbed his nipples as a test and, indeed, they had turned into otherworldly erogenous zones. Tentatively he rubbed his clit, and his knees buckled from the first light touch.

With superhuman willpower Eric went back to the console. He surveyed the options and started with breast size. He picked "completely flat chested", a rarely used option. He then saw the smallest sized nipples available and selected them. Another push of the button and his magnificent breasts shrank until they were flat, with nipples so small they could have been large male nipples. Eric looked in the mirror and sighed at the loss.

Eric then went through the leg options and picked one that looked almost like his old male legs. He did the same things with options for his rear, face, vocal cords, and dozens of other areas. Each time he picked the (rarely used) female options that looked as close as possible to his old male body. Until he came to the genitals.

He saw that the console indicated his clitoris was ¼ inch long. He picked a 1 inch long option and pushed the master button. In seconds it was an inch long. Eric studied it and went back to the console. He increased the clit size option to 3 inches, and then to 6 inches. Another push of he master button and his clit looked exactly like a penis (minus the slit in the front, but you had to look carefully to see that). Then he had his vaginal lips expand greatly and swell, and made his pubic hair grow very long. You had to look closely to tell that the genitals on the screen weren't male.

After countless tiny additional adjustments, he pushed "final" and stopped. He was now, from a genetic perspective, including every bit of DNA, 100% female. But he - actually, she - was a woman who looked almost exactly like his old male self!

As Eric drove home he could feel his new supersensitive nipples rub against his shirt. If anything, putting all those female nerve endings into a smaller area had made his nipples even more sensitive. His 6 inch clit, sitting in his male underwear, also felt more sensitive than his old cock had been. Eric had to admit that the sensations were incredible, and he wondered with anticipation what sex in his new body would be like.

Eric also made a mental note to wear a softer shirt and softer underwear. His new girl nipples were becoming erect because of his thoughts, and were now visible through his shirt. He could see them as they poked further and further out, and decided that from now on he would have to wear a loose shirt or sweater to hide them.

When he got home to get ready for his date with Tina he had to go to the bathroom and noted with amusement that his cock - actually, it was now a 6 inch clit - was useless for this purpose. But, how would it perform when it counted? Eric put on his softest underpants and a soft, loose shirt.

On their date Tina didn't notice that Eric's nipples were sometimes erect under his loose shirt. Afterwards they went back to her place to make love, as always. Eric dimmed the lights so Tina wouldn't notice any of the physical changes.

But as soon as they kissed Eric could feel the differences. Kisses were so much more pleasurable now. Was there a physiological difference, or did he just feel naughty at the idea that he was now really, secretly, a girl! That sexy Tina was now kissing another girl! And she didn't even know it!

As they got undressed and began to rub and kiss each other all over, Eric was surprised at the amount of pleasure he was receiving. Just the feel of her hands on his nipples or - he couldn't believe it - his nipples against her nipples, was almost too much to bear. He started to whimper - his vocal cords were male-sized so the sound was a male sound- and gradually his clitoris became erect.

Feeling how his clit rubbed against Tina paralyzed him with pleasure. Eric was now sighing ("Oh God, oh Tina, ohhh, ohhhhhh") as never before - in the past he had been silent whenever they made love. He panted as never before but was unable to do much moving because he was overwhelmed by the sensations.

Then Tina spoke. "Eric - you seem incredibly passionate today, but passive also. Why don't I do all the work? Just lie back and enjoy yourself."

Tina mounted Eric and continued to kiss and rub him all over. Eric couldn't control himself and his sighs turned into moans. Tina engulfed his clit, and rocked back and forth as he began to scream, and then screamed even louder, and twisted so violently she almost fell off of him. She made love to him until she came, screaming with a passion equal to his.

Afterwards, Tina looked down at Eric. She was almost sure Eric had cum while she was coming, but because she had been so turned on by Eric's moans and screams, and because she came so long and hard herself, she could not be certain.

Tina stared down at Eric, who was still inside her. "Did you cum yet?" He answered her by placing her hands on his girl nipples, which were incredibly hard. He asked her to stay on top. Tina thought to herself: "He has not cum yet, I was wrong." So Tina smiled, kissed him again, and rubbed his nipples while she resumed fucking him from the top position. Very soon he moaned again, and soon after that he started to rock violently and vocalize as he had never done before. Again he almost threw her off while he screamed screams that were almost identical to the ones she had just uttered (but in a male vocal pitch).

Almost as soon as his screams subsided, they picked up again, followed by more whimpering, and then moans, and then more screams. Tina was pleased that Eric was so turned on and pleased she was getting her guy off so wonderfully. But she also was puzzled. Really puzzled.

In the past Eric had only cum one time unless he waited quite a long time between sessions, no matter how turned on he was. Also, Eric had never come so long or so passionately before. It really seemed like his cum was actually two, or three cums, not including what might have happened while she was cuming. But since it is impossible for a guy to come only seconds apart - let alone three times so quickly - she decided Eric must have almost cum several times before he actually came, and that she had been mistaken when she thought he had cum earlier.

"Eric - that was wonderful. You were so wild - even though you were passive - that you really turned me on. That was the best sex we have ever had, by a wide margin. I love it that you were so passionate today! And I could tell that it also was the best for you."

"It was, Tina. By far."

"You came more crazily than ever before. Nothing you ever have done in bed prepared me for dealing with you today. I found it a real turn on. Yet, you barely did anything to me. I guess you are a 'bottom person' at heart. You like being the bottom one, the passive one. That's fine - I like being on top more anyway."

As Tina put her head on Eric's chest to cuddle Eric wondered what to say. He felt Tina's cheek against his sensitive and still erect nipple, and it felt great. Two things flashed into Eric's mind. First, would Tina notice that his nipples now stuck out almost as much as hers? Second, was he really a "bottom person" and, if so, what did this mean?

Tina lifted her head, got up onto her elbow, and looked down at him, her beautiful face smiling knowingly: "Eric, today you sounded like a girl, in a way. You enjoyed our lovemaking so much."

Seeing him wince Tina quickly added, "I mean that in a good way, as a compliment, because you were so sexy. You were right when you said men can enjoy sex as much as women. Its just that all along you have been a bottom person, and there is nothing wrong with a guy being the one on the bottom. We both didn't know it, but now we do, and we both just had the best sex of our lives. I love being on top, so we are a perfect couple."

Eric looked up at her: "Tina -- I guess I really am a bottom person. Do you still love me? I still love you and still want to marry you."

"Of course I still love you and will still marry you, silly. Just because I like being on top better, does that -- she briefly lowered her large breasts onto his face, and then went back up onto her elbow - mean that I am a man? Or that you are a woman?" They both laughed, and hugged one another tightly.

Their kiss seemed more erotic than usual, perhaps because their still-hard nipples were squishing against one another. Eric reflected that he had cum 4 times, and even the smallest cum was much better than the best cum ever had been in his old body. Today was for sure the best sex ever, and Tina was right that he most liked being the "bottom person". But Eric also was sure that if he stayed in this body he would eventually get used to it and take a more active role.

On Sunday Eric returned to his apartment. As he woke Monday morning he reflected that because he was a woman he did not have to shave any more. Nice. Nor did he have to put on makeup even though he was a woman because everyone thought he was a man. Also nice. He also noticed that his hair - which had been starting to get a bit thin on top, was now as thick as could be. Even nicer.

Then came the shower. The hot water felt better on his body than usual, more sensual because his skin was more sensitive now. He had to be careful when the full force of the water hit his nipples because it now stung.

When the water hit his clit, however, the effect was electric. It almost felt like those times when Tina had given him a blow job, but infinitely better. He focused all the shower spray on his throbbing clit, and moaned so loudly he startled himself. Eric then felt his nipples become erect and rubbed them as the shower directed to his clit drove him wild. But before he came he closed his eyes and his mind drifted, and he pictured his tits growing into those of the woman he had briefly become in the Transformation Center. He imagined his straight body transforming into her curvy body. As he pictured himself as that woman he came so hard that, afterwards, he slumped to the floor, almost passing out.

After Eric recovered he stood up and finished his shower. He realized with delight that he felt totally refreshed. He had masturbated in the morning and felt totally awake and alert - unlike his old male self which would have been in a daze. Another befefit from his new body!

At lunchtime that day Eric drove to a shopping mall far from his work and entered a lingerie store. Nervously he picked out a number of pairs of soft panties that were unisex looking, and also a few sports bras that were his size (he had measured himself before coming to the store). Eric reflected that the woman he had briefly become in the Transformation Center - the one he had imagined himself becoming in the shower - must have been at least a C cup, and he briefly thought how sexy some of the C cup bras were. But he went to the counter with the panties and sports bras instead. The saleslady either didn't care or pretended not to but, regardless, rang up Eric's purchases and he left.

Eric entered one of the mall's men's rooms, went into a stall, and put on panties and a bra (which no one could see through his heavy shirt).

Back out into the mall, Eric felt smug as he walked. Two secret weapons on his chest - he felt so sorry for the men he passed because his tits were so much more sensitive than theirs. And his huge clit could come more times than any of their cocks! How wonderful! How superior he was to any of the men! If only they knew the sexual passion they were missing. Poor guys - Tina had been so right about female sexuality.

Eric also felt smug as he passed the woman in the mall. After all, he was actually one of them now, and was even wearing panties and a bra just like they were. He could even cum like they could, as many times and as passionately. His nipples were smaller than theirs, but just as sensitive. In fact, they had become erect as he thought about how wonderful his new body was. But they had no idea. They all thought he was just a guy. Eric decided he had the best of both worlds. He felt more confident and sexier than he had ever felt in his life.

Perhaps it was his imagination, but Monday night his sheets seemed to rub his nipples in an unpleasant way, so he decided to sleep in something softer. Tuesday Eric returned to the lingerie store and bought some nighties. Tuesday night he slept more soundly, either because his nipples had not been scuffed by the hard sheets, or because his new self preferred to go to bed in something feminine. Regardless, Eric wore the bra, panties and nightie all week.

Eric did remember to remove his bra before his next date with Tina. After they went back to her place he dimmed the lights and stripped down to his unisex panties as she stripped down to her lacy panties. As they looked at each other their nipples each became hardened.

Each removed the others' panties and again their lovemaking was an order of magnitude more passionate than when Eric had been a guy. Tina noticed how much pleasure he was getting from nipple play, and responded with gusto. She got on top and turned around, her large tits hanging over his face. As he started to suck her large nipples she did the same to his small girl nipples. Right nipple, then left, each alternated on the others' nipples at the same time. And again they alternated, as each moaned so much that they had to gasp for breath as they sucked each others' nipples lightly and then more passionately. With one of Eric's nipples in her mouth Tina reached for Eric's "cock", so he did the same with her nipple and clit. As they rubbed on each other's clit they both came so violently they almost rolled off the bed, each coming multiple times.

Afterwards Tina looked down at Eric, her large girl tits dangling over his small girl tits, and saw that his "cock" was still erect. Again she was puzzled because Eric had been so passionate during their lovemaking. He must have postponed cuming - that was the only explanation. Tina decided to give him a blow job.

As Tina went down on him, Eric screamed so loudly he had to grab a pillow to muffle his cries. Just like girls lucky enough to be really turned on sometimes do. His arms - his entire body -flailed back and forth uncontrollably as his climax built, just like an extremely passionate girl in the throngs of lovemaking. But as he built into the most incredible cum ever, he again turned, in his mind, into the woman at the Transformation Center.

In Eric's mind Tina was going down on the Playmate-shaped girl he had briefly become. Despite the pillow, his screams got even louder as he pictured Tina and himself - two gorgeous girls - making lesbian love. Eric came so passionately and so long that his body shook with ecstasy. Even though his cum - or maybe it was, in a way, the cum of the woman in the Transformation Center - went on and on, finally he had to push Tina away and say, "Enough, please. That was the best cum of my life. But I can't take any more."

Tina smiled her beautiful smile, kissed Eric, and laid her head on Eric's chest. Her cheek was again on one of his still erect nipples, and she put her hand onto his other nipple, gently playing with it. As he recovered, Eric decided he had four options.

Option one was to switch back to being his old self, a regular guy. It was more "natural", more honest, the "real him." Sex was, after all only a small part of life and their old sex life had been fine. He would marry Tina and they would live together happily ever after.

Two, he could stay like this and remain a secret woman. He would wear unisex looking panties that Tina would think were male underwear. He could wear heavy shirts that would conceal a sports bra that would hide his oftentimes erect nipples. He would use male restrooms and everyone would think he was a man. But he would be an incredibly passionate man who was actually a woman. A "man" with supersensitive nipples and a "cock" that could come more times than any man's cock in history. He would marry Tina, and if they decided to have children he would change back to being a man for a while.

Third, he could stay like this and tell Tina the truth. But Tina might be upset that he hadn't told her earlier, that he had deceived her. How would she react to the fact that she had made love with another woman? That she had been conned into doing so? Above all, he didn't want to risk loosing her. Besides, if he told her, that would be admitting she had been right all along about woman getting more pleasure from sex.

Finally, he could become the woman he had briefly become in the Transformation Center. A woman that was the sexual equal of Tina. He could gain the pleasure of being sexy as well as the pleasure that came from having better sex. But he might well lose Tina because, as far as he knew, she was completely heterosexual. Tina loved being on top, and also got turned on by kissing and playing with his newly sensitized nipples. She really got turned on making love with a "guy" who was as passionate in bed as a woman.


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