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The Secrets of My Toy Drawer

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Advice about a sex toy led further than it should.
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 07/01/2017
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I first met Yvonne a few months ago when we both joined an evening art class and we became firm friends from there. She was a few years older than me, somewhere in her late thirties, but we hit it off together almost at once. It helped that we'd joined not only because we had an interest in art but also because we both found ourselves alone in the evenings - though for slightly different reasons. With me it was because Carl, my husband, had begun to work a late shift and was regularly out until the early hours, and with Yvonne it was because hers had walked out on her altogether.

At first we merely shared an after class coffee, but that soon developed into us meeting up at each other's homes at other times just for a good old-fashioned girlie gossip. That is, until one day at my place Yvonne took our chat off in an entirely different direction. She'd been looking a bit distant and preoccupied since she'd arrived, and then she suddenly looked directly at me as if she'd just come to a decision.

'Debbie, can I ask you a very personal question?' She asked me cautiously, sounding as if worried how I would react.

'Yes, of course.' I knew it was important by the way she'd called me 'Debbie' instead of the usual 'Debs'.

'I mean, you don't have to answer if you don't want to.' She was playing nervously with the hem of her pale blue skirt.

'No, it's fine. Fire away.' I was both puzzled and curious.

She looked up from gazing at her knees. 'Do you ever use a vibrator?'

That one caught me completely by surprise. I knew it was going to be something she found difficult, but that seemed so out of character. I just sat there with my mouth open and stared at her.

'It doesn't matter.' She was embarrassed by my startled reaction. 'I shouldn't have asked.'

'No,' I told her. 'I don't mind Vonnie. You just surprised me, that's all. The answer is yes, with Carl out so much I often have to.'

Her face cleared a little. 'What are they like?'

'They're better than just a finger.' I answered with a grin, trying to make light of the question. 'Why do you ask?'

A silly question really. I mean, the answer was pretty obvious. But maybe I just wanted her to spell it out. I hadn't expected a woman of her age not to know from her own experience.

'Well to be honest, I'm not sure.' She sighed. 'Ever since Jim left me I've been on my own.' She paused with her fingers still uneasily working at her skirt, and then continued. 'Well, we all have urges and I get really frustrated, but I'm not ready for another relationship yet. So I wondered if I should buy a vibrator. The trouble is that I know next to nothing about them and so I'm looking for advice.'

I thought about it for a moment and then told her. 'Well, I wouldn't be without mine, and that's a fact. Take a look through the online catalogues to see what kind you want, and then buy one through them, it's much less embarrassing that way.'

'Yes, I think that's what I'm going to do, but I've had a look at some online stores and there seems to be so many different kinds it's just confused me. They all seem to assume you know exactly what you're after.' She stated, sounding lost. 'You see, Jim wouldn't entertain the idea of anything like that. He said he should be enough and to be honest he was, in fact at times he was more than enough.' Her face brightened. 'Sometimes it gets me going just thinking about what we used to do together. So I never took a lot of notice of vibrators and such because I never needed to, but now he's gone, well it's a different matter and I need your help.' She stopped, and then asked suddenly. 'What sort do you have?'

The truth of the matter is that I have several different ones, so I wasn't sure how to answer.

'I've got more than one, but it depends what works for you.'

'I don't understand.' She said, sounding genuinely puzzled. 'How do you mean what works for me? Don't they work for everyone?'

'Well, different people like different things.' I waved my arms about, trying to explain without embarrassing myself. 'And so different vibes suit different people with different tastes.'

She still looked puzzled and so I tried again. 'It's simply that different designs are better at different things.'

'Yes, I've seen that's there's loads of different designs, but how am I supposed to know which one would suit me?'

This was getting awkward. I'd never dreamed that a grown woman could be so naive. I wondered which would be more embarrassing, to try and describe them or to show her some of my little collection. I opted for the latter, but I wasn't about to run up and down the stairs with different toys.

'Come upstairs, and I'll show you what I've got.' We got up together and made for the stairs, both of us looking thoughtful but for different reasons. She was no doubt wondering what she was about to see, and I was wondering what to show her. This was a side of my friend that I hadn't seen before.

I keep all my bedtime toys in a chest of drawers alongside my bed and so I sat on the bed next to it, indicating to Yvonne that she should sit the other side of me. I did that so that she wouldn't be able to see into the drawer. Carl and I don't get it together as often as I would like, but when we do we can be fairly experimental, kinky even, so there were some things in there that I wanted to keep private. Then as soon as she was settled I opened the drawer and fished around until I came up with my bog-standard seven inch white plastic vibe. It seemed a good place to start.

'Here Vonnie, this is just an ordinary one, but it can certainly get you off. Switch it on and see what it feels like.'

She looked at me incredulously and I suddenly realised what she thought I meant.

'Well, you can if you like.' I giggled. 'But I really meant for you to try it in your hand. You twist the bottom to turn it on.'

'Be careful what you say then, I might have taken you up on it.' She laughed. 'And Debs, twisting my bottom doesn't turn me on.'

'I'm glad to hear it.' I laughed back, our nervous amusement relieving some of the embarrassment.

She turned the knurled end cap of the vibrator and jumped as it buzzed into life. Then she wrapped her hand around it and began experimenting with the speed, turning it up and down, and then up again.

'I can see that feeling really nice.' She commented finally, holding it in her palm.

'It does.' I sat watching her, seeing the fascination in her eyes. 'You can use one like that either up inside you or just on your outside bits, or anywhere else for that matter. I think it works best with the tip pressed against your button. That really gets me going.'

'Don't say things like that?' She protested, smiling. 'You'll have my imagination working overtime.'

'You wanted to know about it.' I reminded her.

I was surprised how quickly our embarrassment was receding now that we had broken the ice on the subject. There was a lot less awkwardness than there had been to begin with.

'True enough.' She acknowledged, running the vibrator along the bare skin of her forearm. 'I must admit it does feel good, even on my arm.'

'Can you imagine how it feels somewhere else then?' I asked, raising an eyebrow.

'Stop it.' She giggled softly as the idea got to her. 'And yes I can imagine it.'

For a moment or two she simply sat there in contemplation with the vibrator buzzing against her arm, and then she laid it on her lap, on top of her skirt but with the business end resting at the join of her legs.

'Oh my god, Debs, I can imagine it now.'

'Can you feel it where it counts?' I asked.

'Pretty much.' She replied, letting her legs drift just fractionally apart and quietly pressing it down towards her pussy.

I smiled. 'I'm glad you like it, I'll show you a couple of different ones when you're ready.'

She didn't answer straight away, her focus was on the little humming gadget that she was holding against herself, but then she shook her head slowly. 'I'm not ready, I'm just getting used to this one.'

I didn't say anything else for the moment; I just watched her eyes, seeing her pleasure growing within them. She was, I noticed, also pulling her skirt gradually higher with her free hand. Whether this was an unconscious move or a whether she was doing it deliberately I wasn't sure at that point, but her fingers were slowly walking her hem higher and higher. Now I was transfixed too, wondering what she going to do next. Very soon her skirt was high enough for her pale lemon panties to come into view, but she was staring into space and seemed totally oblivious to what she was showing.

That is I thought she was, until she moved the vibrator over her rolled back skirt and deliberately placed it against her panties, sighing quietly at the stronger sensations. That didn't appear instinctive to me, and nor did the quick little sideways glance she gave me. It seemed she was trying the vibrator out as fully as she thought she could get away with. Her legs drifted further apart and she gently pushed the vibrator down between them so that her panties were the only thing separating my vibrator from her pussy. I didn't really mind too much, although it was a sight I hadn't expected to see. I just sat silently and watched, suddenly feeling my own body starting to react to what was happening beside me.

Her eyes were closed now and her face carried a frown of concentration. She was obviously getting turned on - and she wasn't the only one.

'God, this feels good.' Her voice was husky with arousal, but I had the impression she was really checking for my approval.

'I told you it could get you off.' I reminded her.

'You did.' She gasped in agreement, parting her legs further and pressing the vibe harder onto her pussy so that the buzzing deepened from the pressure.

I lapsed into silence again, just watching my friend play with my vibe. I began to think she was actually wanted to make herself come, because every now and then she would gasp at the sensations and her hips would jerk slightly. It was a fascinating thing to see, and very erotic too. I wondered if she could let herself come with me being there, and then I found myself hoping she would.

It was quickly clear that she could, her face still carried that frown, but she began first licking her lips and then biting the lower one, and then her free hand grabbed at her breast, mauling it through her summer top. Her gasps were becoming louder, more frequent and less restrained, and her jerking hips were jolting the bed so much that I could actually feel her movements.

I watched, feeling myself getting more and more turned on by what I was seeing and by listening to her gasps over the hum of the vibe, and knowing she was getting closer and closer. Soon her gasps became little cries and she went completely rigid, the muscles in her neck turning to chords - and then she was there, crying out a sibilant 'yes' and shuddering all over.

Slowly her orgasm subsided and her body lost its rigidity so that she slumped back on the bed, chest heaving, propping herself on her elbows with the vibe in her hand and gazing at me with a look of pure delight on her face.

'My god, Debs.' She gasped, her eyes wide in astonishment. 'That was something special. I don't usually come that quickly, or that hard. It caught me by surprise.'

'I guess you needed it.' I said, trying to stop myself from giggling.

'I suppose I shouldn't really have let that happen, should I?' The expression of pleasure faded and her face took on a guilty look.' I'm sorry, I got carried away.'

She turned the vibrator off and laid it on the bed beside her and then sat up, pulling her skirt down to make herself decent again, apparently regretting what she had done.

'Don't worry about it, because I'm not.' I assured her with a quick shake of my head. 'It was good to see someone enjoying themselves.'

I didn't add that I was probably almost as turned on by it as she had been.

'Right.' She began in a businesslike tone, seeking to get back in control of herself. 'I'm definitely going to have to get myself one, it's just a case of what sort now. You were going to let me see the different toys you have, weren't you?'

Yes, I thought, but not all of them. 'You're not thinking of trying them all out, are you?' I said it with a smile on my face but she still took me seriously.

'Oh, I'm sorry Debs, it won't happen again. I just got carried away.' She looked genuinely apologetic again.

'Don't be silly.' I laughed. 'I was only joking.'

'I thought for a moment I'd offended you.'

'No way.' I promised. 'I'm broadminded enough not to be bothered by someone trying out a sex toy. I don't mind if you want to try out some more.'

In fact I was bothered, but not in that way. I'd just watched a woman climax and now I was feeling jealous and as randy as hell

She looked as relieved now as she had apologetic before. 'The way I'm feeling I would probably wear them right out.'

'Don't worry, I've got spare batteries.' I told her, still chuckling to myself as I rummaged in my toy drawer once more. I knew what I was looking for, but sometimes things don't quite work out as intended.

'Take a look at one of these.' I held up two more vibes with a sudden flourish, my favourite rabbit vibe and one with a dolphin in place of the rabbit. Or at least that's what I meant to do. But a nipple clamp came with them, arcing through the air to land between us. It was one of the things in the drawer that I didn't want anyone to know about, and so naturally Yvonne was much more interested in the little device that I'd not intended for her to see than the two vibrators that I had.

'What's this?' She asked, picking it up and looking at it in the palm of her hand.

'It's a nipple clamp.' I told her, trying to make nothing of it but finding myself forced to expand on that when her face showed total bewilderment. 'You put the jaws around your nipple and then tighten them up with the little screw. The idea is to tighten them as much as you can stand, and then another half turn.'

'Doesn't it hurt?' She asked.

I nodded, not sure how to explain. Erotic pain is not like normal pain, its best described by the phrase that someone once conjured when they said "it hurts so good". Anyway, I don't go for it as much as Carl, he's well into it, and that was the something I was trying to keep private.

'Are you into pain, then?'

I found myself embarrassed again, but I had to try and explain without revealing too much. 'When you're turned on it feels good, even if it does hurt. The pain there seems to magnify the pleasure you get from whatever else is happening.'

'Hmmm, I'm not sure about that.' She began slowly, then suddenly grinned. 'What the heck, can I try it?'

I'd already said she could try other things, so I could hardly say no.

'Yes, of course you can.' I shrugged. 'There's a pair, do you want the other?'

'Please.' She was already pushing her top up and taking her white cotton bra with it.

Another quick dive into my drawer came up with the twin clamp and I passed it over. She reached out to take it while trying to fasten the other over one nipple, with the result that her top and bra both slipped back down, getting in her way. With a quick growl of frustration and a quick glance at the grin on my face, she pushed them back up and tried again, only to get the same result.

'Damn it.' She muttered, putting the clamps down beside her. She hauled both her top and her bra over her head, dropped them on the floor and sat there stripped to the waist. 'You don't mind, do you?'

I shook my head. I was a bit taken aback but I didn't mind, I was in a strangely adventurous mood. The idea of watching a half naked woman trying out my gadgets was somehow becoming quite appealing. And it has to be said that she had a lovely figure. Her breasts belied her years, not overly large, but full and still lovely and firm, and capped with gorgeous long pale pink nipples - just right for the clamps.

I watched silently as she looked down, frowning with concentration, and fastened one of my clamps over her nipple, fiddling with it before getting it fixed and tightening it up, giving a little hiss as it bit into her flesh. One done, she left it on as she gave attention her to the other, tightening it with a silent grimace that time.

'You're right; they do feel good when they hurt.' She gave me a quick smile. 'Shall I leave them on?'

'If you want to.' I told her. 'Tighten them a bit more when you feel you need to.'

She nodded her understanding. 'Now, you said they make other things feel nicer, so what were you going to show me.'

I still had my twin vibes on my lap, and so I presented them to her, one in each hand. I knew from what she had just said that she was going to want to try one out. Once again I didn't mind, in fact I think I was getting to the stage where I wanted to see her doing it. 'They both work much the same so it's whichever appeals.'

'That one.' She pointed to my dolphin. My preference is for the rabbit, I love how its ears work on my clit, but it was her choice. I passed it over to her, quickly explaining the controls and what did what.

'You know I want to try it properly, don't you?' She switched it on and ran her fingertips over the vibrating nose of the dolphin.

'I thought you might.'

'And I guess that, seeing as you've got two out, you must be thinking of demonstrating how the other one works.'

She was grinning, teasing, trying to embarrass me, but I don't think she had realised that by now I was aroused enough to rise to the challenge.

'I wasn't, but I will.'

Her eyebrows lifted in surprise and her face lit up. 'Without panties?'

'Well, yes.' I told her, thinking it was obvious.

She reached under her skirt and pulled them down, kicking them from her feet.

'Whoa, hang on.' I put my hand up in a stop motion, and then pointed to the jeans I was wearing. 'If I've got to take these off, you've also got to lose your skirt.'

'In which case I'll be naked, so you'll have to take your top off as well.'

That sounded fair but somewhat naughty too. I'd never done anything like it before in the presence of another woman, but I was in the sort of mood now to try virtually anything. 'Okay.' I agreed. 'Then we'll both be naked.'

It didn't take more than a minute or so before we had both stripped off rather self consciously, casting glances at each other and trying not to burst into giggles. Then, as women tend to, we stood and looked at each other, comparing ourselves and smiling when we saw that while I shaved down below she was natural. Don't get me wrong though, we weren't looking at each other in that sort of way, it was just curiosity.

We both seemed to come to the same unspoken conclusion at the same time - sitting on the edge of a bed is not the best position to properly try out a vibrator. So we climbed on and sat side by side with our backs against the headboard, completely nude, feeling very bold and now totally unable to prevent ourselves from giggling like schoolgirls, although I was still careful to make sure that I sat nearest to the toy drawer.

'Right.' She said with a grin, holding the vibrator out in front of her. 'You first, show me what to do with it.'

'You know what to do with it.' I told her, smiling just as broadly.

'But you said you were going to demonstrate it.' She reminded me, still grinning.

'I did, didn't I?' I agreed, not entirely sure that I had.

She was still looking to embarrass me in a fun sort of way, but with the mood I was in I saw it more as a dare than anything else. I think she must have triggered an exhibitionistic streak in me because the thought of showing myself to her gave me a rush of excitement. I switched my rabbit on and held the tip against my clit, feeling the vibrations surge through me. 'You can use it like a normal vibe, like this.' I told her, gasping from the sensations.

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