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The Seduction of Mrs Walsh

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A young man and his older landlady keep each other company.
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/03/2016
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"So, why don't you just come and live at my place?" she asked.

"Well I don't know, wouldn't people talk?"

"Who the hell cares? At this point, I'm 60 years old and could give a darn less what anyone thinks," she exclaimed.

"Well, ok, I'm in," I said and with that, we shook hands and laughed.

Mary was a 60 year old widow who I had met when I first moved to this small Cape Cod town about six months ago. She was one of the first people I had met when I moved here after having been transferred to a job on the Cape. I'm 31 and work for a government contractor who supports various military agencies. I was really looking forward to being here for the outdoor activities as being an ex-soldier, I liked to work out and stay in shape and be active.

When I found out I was being transferred, my girlfriend was not pleased and demanded that I choose her or the job. I guess if you are reading this, you know how that turned out. Anyway, I figured being young and in good shape, being nearly 6 feet tall with blonde hair and blue eyes, I should be able to find something to keep busy.

Since I didn't really know anyone in the town, I signed up to join the Historical Commission since History had always been an interest of mine. They met every other Wednesday in the library and I went to my first meeting.

When I saw who showed up and met the other members, I chuckled to myself wondering if I met the age limit. Most of the members were in their 60s and older but I was immediately struck by the chairperson of the group. She was hard not to notice anyway as she ran a tight ship for the meetings and came across as a nice but firm, no-nonsense, tell it like it is old fashioned Yankee. She was about 5'7" or so, with short silver hair and what I would call a voluptuous but not fat body. She had nice round boobs and fantastic legs with a little cushion around the middle. What really got my attention was that she always dressed impeccably, wearing knee length skirts or dresses with nylons and heels and everything was always coordinated. The older gentlemen in the group were always hitting on her but she swatted them away like mosquitoes on a hot summer night. If you were not on her good side, life could be difficult and she was like the unofficial mayor of the town. Luckily, she seemed to at least tolerate me and dare I say, even liked me a bit.

I eagerly dove in and soon developed a routine between work and the Commission. I got to work on a number of projects and started to get to know her. After the meetings, a number of folks would go to the local diner and have coffee and dessert and just basically shoot the breeze. Most of the time, the rest of the crew would leave early to go home and she and I would sit there and talk late into the night.

Although she always projected an aura of strength, I could tell she was a bit lonely. Her husband had died a few years ago and he had left her pretty well off, with a nice house right on the water and plenty of money. Since she had never had kids, she spent a lot of time gardening, reading, and working on various things around the town to keep her busy. She was fairly well educated with a degree from Harvard, and had taught high school for 30 years before retiring to take care of her husband in his last year or so. Because of her money, she was very wary of scam artists and did not trust people easily. She had a few friends but for the most part, preferred her own company.

Over the course of time, we got to know each other pretty well and developed a pretty close friendship, and I was amazed at how much I confided in her about my life including my failed experiences with the fairer sex. She would laugh and say that I had plenty of time, and that if you needed someone to make you happy, then you could never be truly happy.

She had a decent size house with three bedrooms and garage on about an acre of land. It was literally on the beach and she had a nice above ground hot tub in the backyard. After a few months, she would ask me to come by on Saturday mornings to help her with various projects like edging the garden, fixing leaky faucets, etc. I didn't mind because I liked spending time with her and I figured I would want someone to help my Mom if she was in this type of situation.

I was surprised the first time she asked me to go to a presentation in Boston about the Revolution but I went and actually found it enjoyable. She could converse on a number of topics and she was extremely erudite. It was all completely innocent and while the time together was fun, I did not even think of it going to another level. I do have to admit that I would occasionally steal glances at her nicely toned legs and secretly wished that she would unbutton one more buttons to reveal some cleavage but she was a pretty classy lady and it never went beyond that. I would be lying though if I did not admit to sometimes going home and jerking myself off to the thought of her in stockings, garter and heels riding my manhood. I just figured that was as far as it would ever get.

Anyway, I had been in town about six months when my landlord told me he was selling the house I was renting and that I had to move out in about 30 days. Mary and I were having coffee one night when I told her about it and she immediately made the offer for me to move in with her.

"Ok then, Mike," she said. "I will have my lawyer draw up a lease and you can have one of the bedrooms upstairs."

"That sounds great! I don't have a lot of stuff so it should be pretty easy to move in."

"It will be nice to have some company around the house," she said.

A few weeks later, I moved in and a few nights after I moved in, she surprised me by cooking an amazing veal parmesan dinner which I smelled as soon as I walked in the door from work.

"Holy cow," I yelled when I walked in, "Something smells amazing."

"Wash up and come to the dining room, I cooked dinner for us."

I did as she asked and when I walked in, the table was set with wine poured. She was standing next to the table and I was immediately glad that I had not taken off my suit as she was dressed to the nines. She had on a white blouse with black skirt, black hose, and black heels with a strand of pearls.

I walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek and then seated her first before taking mine.

"Wow, Mary, you look beautiful," I said.

"Oh such a charmer, you are," she smiled, "I figured you would be dressed from work so I would dress up a bit to make you comfortable. Now come on, let's eat."

After dinner, I cleared the plates and helped her clean up, and we went to the living room where she carried the bottle of wine.

"Hey, how about a fire?"

"Great", she said.

I joined her on the couch, sitting on the opposite side from her and we clinked our glasses as we sat and idly chatted. She must have really felt comfortable around me because she kicked off her heels and put her feet up on the coffee table. Her skirt rode up to a little above her knee, giving me a glimpse of her thigh, which had the immediate effect of causing an involuntary erection. I tried not to stare (too much) and hoped that my pleated pants would hide my growing excitement.

"I can't remember the last time I cooked dinner for someone," she said.

"It was awesome, Mary," I said. "Do you take requests?"

She laughed. "Don't get too used to it; I just wanted to do something nice for you. But, if you are a good boy, pay your rent, and help me around here, there could be more of those in your future."

"Don't worry, I am ok with working for food," I said and we both laughed.

After a few hours and another bottle of wine, she stood up and said she was going to bed. As she bent over to pick up her shoes, I got to look at her and admire the way that her skirt hugged her curves.

"Goodnight, Mike."

"Goodnight, Mary," I said as I watched her go off to her bedroom which was on the first floor and heard the door close.

Damn, I thought to myself. I need to be careful. And, I need to relieve this pressure.

A minute or two later, I got up and walked up the stairs to my room. There were two bedroom on the second floor and they shared a common bath which unfortunately, only had one entrance. I didn't bother to shut the door to the bathroom, as I figured she was already in her room for the night and got undressed down to my underwear. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and then went back and pulled the covers back. I turned out the light and lay there, my boner creating an uncomfortable bulge in my shorts.

Well, I thought, time to take care of this.

I pulled off my shorts and walked back to the bathroom. I thought I heard some movement downstairs and figured Mary might have gotten back up to get something to drink. I grabbed a small tube of hand cream and lay back down in my bed.

I took a small amount and put it on my now throbbing erection and slowly began to stroke up and down the length of my shaft. In my mind, I was thinking about how it would feel to have Mary doing it for me. My cock was standing straight up as I worked my hand up and down its length. As I continued to stroke, I could feel my balls tightening up and I knew I was going to cum soon. All of a sudden, my cock head contracted and the first shot of my ejaculate spewed forth with such force, it hit my cheek.

"Oh yes," I grunted as wave after wave of hot white fluid shot from my slit, and I moaned as what seemed to be a gallon of cum came out, covering me from my face to my crotch. As my orgasm, subsided, I opened my eyes and I thought for a second I saw a shadow by the door. I figured I was just seeing things and I reached over, grabbed a t shirt, wiped myself off, and then fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up naked on top of the sheets. I took my shower, and got dressed, and then went downstairs to get a cup of coffee and grab a bagel before dashing off to work. I was surprised when I walked into the kitchen and the coffee was already made and the smell of bacon filled the air as Mary, dressed in a long night gown, was cooking.

"Well, good morning, this is an unexpected surprise," I said as I made my way to the coffee pot.

"Good morning," she replied and flashed a thousand watt smile.

"Geez, I'm sorry if I woke you up, it's 6:00."

"No not at all, I often get up early myself and walk but decided to make some breakfast instead."

"Well you're spoiling me."

"I didn't say I was making you anything did I?" she said and laughed. "How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby," I said as I grabbed my coffee and looked out the front window of the living room. "This is an incredible view looking out at the beach and the water."

"It really is, I love living here. Now come on, I have some eggs and bacon for you."

I went and sat down at the breakfast bar in the kitchen as she set the plate down in front of me. I quickly ate my breakfast as we chatted and then rushed out the door to work.

"So what time do you normally get off?" she said.

"It varies but generally about 5 or so."

"Ok, well have a good day, Mike."

"Thanks, you too!"

I ran out into the early spring air and paused to look at the water before getting in my car. I wondered for a second if she had been looking in on me the previous night but then put it out of my mind.

Yeah buddy, you wish, I thought.

From then on we settled into kind of a routine, sometimes seeing each other at breakfast and sometimes having dinner together. I started getting up a little earlier so that I could get back into my workout routine and she ended up joining my gym, and I started helping her with an exercise plan. She was starting to firm up a bit and she really filled out her yoga pants pretty nicely. Certainly, at 5 in the morning, she provided a nice site to look at by all the guys there. Sometimes during the week, in the evenings, I would be her partner for bridge with some of her friends. It was actually kind of nice and helped fill the void of no real social life, although truth be told, I felt like the AARP poster child.

Usually on Saturday mornings, I would get up and cut the grass and do yard work. I figured it was a small price to pay, especially since she was letting me live there pretty cheaply. Sundays, I would get up and run the beach which really became a great thing to do as the spring started to blossom. I was looking forward to summer and being able to go to the beach.

One Sunday evening, while having dinner with Mary, she brought up the subject of my dating life.

"Mike, where are the girls in your life?"

"That's what I love about you Mary, you don't pull any punches."

"I'm serious; a young man like you should have tons of girls chasing after him."

"Well, I appreciate that but as you know, my job keeps me busy and I'm pretty happy right now. Besides, I have a beautiful woman right here," and I stood up and kissed her on the cheek and sat back down.

Blushing, she replied, "Oh stop it, I'm way too old for you, besides you know what I mean."

"You're not too old, I think you're beautiful and you should get back on the horse too."

"Well maybe we both have that in common," she said. "Maybe we both should," she said and smiled demurely at me while looking over her wine glass. I felt the gentle touch of her feet on mine which she would do from time to time, but I always thought of it as an innocent thing and it wasn't like she played footsie with me or anything.

That Friday, I went out after work with a few of the guys and stayed out kind of late. I'm not normally much of a drinker but we were watching a game and pounding down the pitchers. It got to be about 11:00 and I was pretty tired and with a pretty nice buzz, I called an Uber to take me home.

When I got home, the lights were out which I figured they would be as Mary generally went to bed about 10 or so. I let myself in and quietly, after using the bathroom, went into the living room and put on the TV while sipping on a water to try to hydrate myself. All of a sudden, I heard Mary's bedroom door open and she came walking out in her robe. It wasn't tied shut and she had on a short black nightie underneath which really showcased her ample cleavage.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in?" she said, a hint of anger in her voice.

"Oh hi," I slurred, "I'm sorry if I woke you up," I said, the "s" sounding more like "sh".

"Well I was a bit worried when you didn't come home," she said.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't think you would be worried. Just having a few beers with the guys from work and lost track of time."

Smiling, she walked in and sat down next to me on the couch, pulling the robe around her which, while it hid her boobs from view, it showcased her legs as she pulled them underneath her to sit. I tried to have a conversation with her but soon I started to doze off. I was vaguely aware of someone pulling off my shoes as I lie down on the couch.

The next morning, I woke up to the sound of the door closing as Mary must have gotten up to go for a walk on the beach. A blanket was covering me and I noticed my pants were neatly draped over the back of the couch.

How did that happen? I wonder if she did that?

I got up, folded the blanket and left it on the couch, and looked at the time. Wow, 6:00 is too early, especially with this hangover. I grabbed my stuff and went up to my room and instantly passed out on my bed.

When I finally opened my eyes, it was 11:00. It looked like it was raining which was not enticing me to get out of bed, but I figured it was time. I got up, went to the bathroom, and took a shower and shaved which felt great. I put on a pair of bike shorts and a t shirt and went downstairs in search of a cup of coffee. As I walked into the kitchen, Mary was sitting at the breakfast bar, sipping some coffee and reading a magazine. She looked like she had been working out with a t shirt over a tank and some black workout pants.

"Well, good morning Mr. Party," she said, a slight grin on her face.

"Geez, good morning, sorry so late. Did you by any change end up cutting the grass?"

"I did," she said, a slight bit of irritation in her voice, "My lawn boy didn't show and I needed to get it done during the break in the rain."

"Yeah I know. My bad. Hey I'm sorry I woke you up last night."

"You really didn't. I'm glad you didn't drive though because you were pretty drunk."

"About that, I don't normally do that," I said and she cut me off.

"I know that, and besides, you are a young man, I'm glad to see you act like it a little bit."

"Well, I guess I owe you for doing the lawn," I said.

"I'm glad to hear you say that," she replied. "I'm a little sore from pushing that mower around."

"Is that a hint that someone needs a shoulder rub?"

"Wow, you aren't as dumb as you look," she laughed.

I stood up and walked over behind her and putting my hand on her shoulders, began to gently knead her, and her head hung down as she sighed softly. After a few minutes of rubbing her shoulders and neck, she put her hands on mine. Without a word, she removed her t shirt.

"There, the shirt was rubbing me a bit."

"Ok," I said, "Does this feel good?"

"Oh yes, silly," she replied, "Don't stop yet."

I looked down as I continued to slowly slide my hands on her back, and was a little disappointed to see she had a workout bra under her tank, although I could see a little cleavage. As I stood over her, I could see the faint outline of her nipples through the tank and instantly wished I had worn something other than bike shorts because I could feel my manhood stiffen. She continued to slowly move her head around. After a few minutes, I moved my hands and began to rub up and down the side of her torso, and was able to get in a few touches of the side of her boobs. Since she didn't say anything, I did it a few more times and then moved back to her shoulders. By now, my boner was fully outlined in my shorts and I was wondering how I was going to avoid her seeing it when we got done.

"So, "she said, "I've got tickets to go see a play tonight in Hyannis. Would you want to join me? I don't want to go alone and besides you still owe me for the lawn."

"Oh, so the massage isn't enough?"

"Oh no, I am going to milk this," she laughed.

"Sure why not," I said, "Do you want to go to dinner as well?"

"Sounds good," she replied, "As a matter of fact, I have reservations at the Chart House for 6. I figure we can go have dinner and then go to the play."

I leaned over and kissed her on the neck. "Sounds like a date." With that, I let go and walked around to the other side of the counter and took a sip of my coffee.

"Thanks, Mike, that was great." And with that, she got up, grabbed her shirt, and as she walked toward the sink, she patted me playfully on the ass, smiled, and I thought I saw her glancing at my crotch as she spun and walked out.

Damn, now I'm hard again. What the hell am I doing with her? I wonder if she feels the same?

I didn't really have a chance to do anything about it as I called for an Uber, to go get my car, ran out and did some errands and mercifully, my little friend deflated. Realizing that we were going out for a nice dinner and show, I put on a pair of dress pants and a coat and tie when I got home. Coming downstairs, I walked into the living room and sat down to wait for her.

A few minutes later, she came out and my jaw almost dropped as she walked in. She was wearing a black, knee length dress with a slit halfway up her thigh. The sleeveless dress was a little lower cut than she normally wore and showed off a little cleavage. She had black hose and red heels on which accentuated her legs, and she wore a string of white pearls with a white shawl draped over her shoulders. Her red lips were matched by the red nails she had.


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