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The Seduction of Peter

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Young man is seduced by an older woman who shares his fetish.
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Peter stood at the front door of his parents' house and waved goodbye to his mom and dad as they drove off in their car to the airport and their two week vacation in the Caribbean. He closed the door behind him, ran up the stairs to his bedroom where he stripped off his jogging bottoms and tee-shirt and hurried into his bathroom. He had the house to himself for the two weeks that his parents were away and was intending to use the time to its maximum indulging in his favourite past time. Neither his parents nor his friends knew that Peter's favourite past time was dressing as a girl wearing fluffy mohair and angora sweaters and he had no intention of them ever finding out.

His cross dressing and his fetish for fluffy mohair and angora sweaters had started when he was eighteen and in his first year at university where he was studying IT. His first and only girlfriend at university had worn hand knitted mohair sweaters that were tight, short and showed her bare midriff and Peter had become obsessed with the feel of the sweaters covering her naked breasts. His girlfriend had ditched him after a few months but Peter couldn't stop thinking about the feel of the mohair, so much so that he bought a short fluffy mohair sweater and bra from the internet and would wear both items whilst laying on his bed, masturbating and stroking his boy boobs encased in fluffy mohair. It seemed a natural extension for Peter to then start wearing lacy panties and rubbing his throbbing dick through the lace while at the same time stroking the mohair covering his boy boobs. His collection of mohair and angora sweaters plus sexy lacy underwear grew and by the end of his second year at university his cross dressing had moved on to him wearing stockings (holdups and with garters), stilettos (shoes and knee high boots), short skirts (mohair, angora and leather) and one or two tight angora sweaters dresses. He had experimented with makeup and over time had become quite good at applying it and he had kept his hair really short which allowed him to wear the long wavy blonde wig that he had bought without the need for a net to cover his head.

As he stood in the shower shaving his legs and pubic area he had trouble keeping his dick becoming erect in anticipation of being able to wear his girlie clothing for a whole two weeks without any interruption. He had bought a very sexy silk lacy baby doll nightie with matching dressing gown from Victoria's Secret which he intended to wear every evening whilst lounging on the sofa watching porn on the huge TV. After showering and drying himself he went back into his bedroom and pulled out the fluffiest pink angora sweater, matching pink underwear, nude thigh high stockings and white leather mini skirt that he had chosen to wear on his first day. Fully dressed he sat down at his desk, carefully applied his makeup, put on his blonde wig and then stood in front of the full length wardrobe mirrors to admire how girlie he looked. Nobody had ever seen him dressed like this and, whilst the idea of actually going out dressed as a girl excited him, he had never summoned up the courage to do so just in case he didn't look as good as he thought and then met someone he knew who recognised him.

He spent the day wandering around the house admiring himself in every mirror that he passed. All of the windows in the front of the house had blinds that he hadn't pulled in the morning so nobody could see him from the street but, just in case, he spent most of the day at the back of the house which was completely private. By mid afternoon he was so horny that he had to lay on his bed, pull his skirt up and masturbate into his pink lacy panties. After his orgasm he lay on the bed and slowly rubbed his hands over the soft angora until he dropped off to sleep. When he woke an hour or so later he changed out of his day clothes, slipped into the cream coloured baby doll nightie and pulled on the matching dressing gown. He fluffed up his hair, applied some more lip gloss and wandered downstairs to the kitchen to fix himself something to eat.

As planned, he spent the evening on the sofa watching porn. He had always loved watching lesbian films and had fantasised about being made love to gently and softly by a woman whilst dressed as a woman, with both wearing fluffy and fuzzy sweaters. His ultimate fantasy was for his woman lover to also wear a strap on dildo and make love to his virgin arse. As he lay on the sofa in his baby doll nightie watching a soft lesbian porn film he slowly masturbated and, for the first time, stuck the middle finger of his spare hand into his puckered arse. As he moved his finger in and out he could feel himself starting to cum and when he came it was probably the most intense orgasm he had ever had.

The next morning he woke to the sound of the telephone ringing and ,still dressed in his baby doll nightie, he ran down the stairs to answer it.

"Hello Peter, is that you?", the stern voice at the other end said.

"Yes it is", replied Peter. "Who is calling?"

"Peter, it's Valerie Howard from across the street. Sorry to disturb you so early but I wanted to call before I headed off to work. I am having problems with my computer and I know from your mother that you are IT savvy and was wondering if you would be able to take a look at it for me?"

Valerie was a forty-something woman who had moved into the house across the street last year. Peter had never spoken to her but had seen her occasionally getting into and out of her car. She was a striking woman; reasonably tall with a slim figure, full breasts and dark red hair, which she wore tied up every time that he had seen her. His mother had told him that she was a teacher at the high school and had moved into the house after her divorce.

"Hi Valerie. Of course I can take a look at it. What problems are you having?"

"It keeps crashing for no reason whatsoever. I need it in order to mark my student's work so would you be able to pop over this evening?"

There goes my evening of dressing up and having to take my makeup off said Peter to himself. Bloody woman; why couldn't she have taken it to a computer repair shop?

"Of course. Would 8pm be okay?"

"Thank you very much. I shall see you at 8pm." With that she hung up the phone.

Peter spent the day wearing one of his favourite mohair sweaters with nothing underneath catching up on his university course work. He decided not to put on any makeup as he would only have to take it off before he went to Valerie Howard's in the evening. Just before 8pm he dressed in his boy clothes, went over the road and knocked on her front door. He was shocked when she answered the door. She was wearing what looked like a pair of cashmere jogging bottoms and an absolutely gorgeous hand knitted cream fluffy cowl neck mohair sweater. Her dark red hair was down, was long and wavy and went half way down her back. Peter stood there with his mouth wide open gazing at her firm breasts that were hiding behind the oh so fluffy mohair.

"Good evening Peter. How good of you to come and to be so punctual. Please come in."

She turned and held the door open for him, closing it behind him as he stepped into the house and he followed her into the study gazing at her tight firm arse as she walked in front of him.

"Can I get you a drink or something while you investigate the problem?"

"No I am fine, thanks."

"I have written down my password and it is on the sticky note on the monitor. I will be in the kitchen if you need me."

Peter spent the best part of an hour trying to work out what the problem was before deciding that he would have to take it home with him to investigate further. He removed all of the cabling and went into the kitchen to tell Valerie the bad news. She was sat in an armchair in the bay window knitting whilst listening to music. It looked like she was knitting something else in mohair and as he entered she looked up and stopped.

"From the look on your face I take it that you have been unable to fix it?", she said.

"I'm sorry but I can't work out what exactly the problem is. If it is okay with you I will take it home and carry on during the day tomorrow?"

"If you are sure that would be excellent, thank you so much. It is quite old and I suppose I will have to lay out for a new one if you are unable to fix it. Would you care to join me in a glass of wine before you leave?"

"Thanks, that would be great."

She poured them both a glass of crisp dry white wine and then sat back down in her chair and picked up her knitting. She continued to knit while they chatted.

"So how are you getting on looking after yourself while your parent's are away?", she asked.

"Fine. I can cook and mom has left the fridge and freezer well stocked."

"Are you on your own? You haven't had your pals round for a party yet?"

"No I haven't had anyone round yet. Just making the most of the peace and quiet being on my own."

"Oh I thought I saw a young blonde woman walking along your landing last night. I always look out of my landing window when I go upstairs to bed to check on the car in the driveway and was sure that I saw her."

Peter went noticeably pale and tried to control his breathing while thinking of an answer. Bollocks, I forgot about the blind on the landing and never gave it a thought that anyone would be able to see in.

"Oh that was Jennifer, one of my old school friends . She dropped round to give me back a book that I had loaned her", he lied trying to sound convincing.

"Well I didn't get a good look from a distance but she appeared to be very scantily dressed."

"Oh I didn't really notice as she was only there for a few minutes."

"Well if I had been in your situation I would certainly have taken a lot of notice", she said and gave him a smile.

To try and change the subject Peter asked how her knitting was going.

"I love knitting," she said, "I find it relaxing after a stressful day at work. Actually while you are here would you mind holding this against my back so that I can see if it is long enough?"

With that she stood up and handed Peter a piece of citrus yellow coloured fluffy mohair and turned her back to him. "Hold it up to my neck with one hand and against my waist with the other end." Peter did as he was told and took advantage to feel the softness of the mohair. "I think that is long enough, don't you?"

Peter nodded in agreement and held onto the knitting until she took it from him. "I love mohair. It is so soft and fluffy but at the same time tickly against my skin."

Peter was about to agree with her but didn't want to let on that he had actually wore mohair. "Well I had better go and pick up your computer and leave you to your knitting. Thanks for the wine."

Back home he closed the front door behind him and breathed a sigh of relief, glad that she hadn't asked any more questions. I must make sure that I close the blind on the landing before getting dressed up again, he told himself. He hooked up her computer and left some hardware diagnostics running before going upstairs to change into some underwear and a fluffy mohair sweater. He was too exhausted to dress up fully and only wanted to lie on his bed, relax by stroking the mohair and then watch some TV. His relaxation led to him slowly masturbating and using the palm of his hand to rub his dick through the lace panties until he came.

The next morning he sat down to troubleshoot her computer and by lunchtime had diagnosed the problem as a failed software update causing a driver to fail intermittently. He reinstalled the failed update which appeared to solve the problem and then performed a series of cleanup processes to improve performance. Being intrigued as to what Valerie did on her computer he started to look through her browsing history and was astonished to find that she visited erotic literature sites where she favoured lesbian stories. She also appeared to visit pornographic sites but he was unable to find out what sort of videos she watched.

He continued to browse through her folders and found that she had a huge number of photographs, mainly of her and her husband, as well as women wearing fluffy mohair or angora sweaters. He was beginning to think that she was definitely a lesbian when he saw a folder entitled "Peter". Totally intrigued he clicked into it and was shocked to see photographs of himself fully dressed in his girly clothes and fluffy sweaters. They looked as though they were taken with a telescopic lens looking through a gap in the blinds of his bedroom as they were always of him in the same place which appeared to be in the front of his wardrobe mirrors. There was even one of him wearing the cream baby doll nightie which must have been taken the night before last.

He sat back in his office chair with his hands behind his head and just stared at the screen. His first thought was why would she would have taken such photographs and, secondly, what was she intending to do with them. He hoped to goodness that she wasn't going to show them to his parents or put them online and tag him in them. He felt almost defiled in some strange way but also was quite excited about seeing photos of himself fully dressed as a woman. He had always thought that he looked quite good and the photos, even in their limited view, confirmed that he could definitely pass as an attractive young female.

After a period of staring at the photos the question came into his head as to what he should do about them. Should he delete them and not mention it to her or should he actually challenge her about them? He was in a real dilemma but was also starting to imagine what it would be like standing in front of her fully dressed as a woman. Would it turn her on? He was beginning to think that it would definitely turn him on. If it did turn her on what would she do with and to him? Did she have a mohair fetish or did she merely like wearing mohair? He spent the entire afternoon pondering and was still unsure as to what to do when the telephone rang and he went to answer it.

"Peter, it's Valerie. I was just enquiring as to whether you had managed to resolve my computer problem?"

"Yes I have Valerie. It was quite straightforward to sort once I had found the problem. I am just running some tools to defragment your hard drive and speed it up. They should be finished in an hour. Would you like me to bring it back over this evening?"

"That would be marvellous as I have a bucket load of marking to get finished this week and need access to the internet. When you are ready please come over."

An hour later Peter was standing at her front door carrying her computer still unsure as to what to do. He had installed some remote connection software on it just in case he decided to delete the photos at a later date but was minded to confront her. When she opened the door she was wearing a tight pair of white jeans and a slouchy round neck baby blue mohair sweater. The knit was loose and he could see that she wasn't wearing a bra underneath as her firm breasts were slightly visible. His dick sprang immediately to attention and everything went from his mind as he stared at them covered by the fuzzy mohair.

"Come in Peter", she said and turned to lead the way allowing him the luxury of looking at her round arse in the tight white jeans. He nearly dropped her computer as he stumbled through the door as he couldn't keep his eyes off her and the fluffy sweater. He went straight through to the study and put the computer onto the desk while she stood in the doorway watching him.

"So did you find anything else on the computer that I should be worried about whilst you were doing whatever it was you were doing to speed it up?"

Peter was about to face her and mention the photographs but he bottled it and mumbled that he hadn't and that it should be okay for a while.

"Have you eaten this evening as I am just about to cook myself some supper and there will be more than enough to go round?"

He hadn't eaten as he had been too busy finishing off her computer and thinking about the photos, but he thought that maybe he could use the opportunity of sitting down with her to broach the subject of her illicit photography.

"No I haven't and that would be great, thanks", he replied.

With that she went off into the kitchen and let him finish putting everything back. How can I work the conversation around to the photographs he asked himself and thought of several permutations while he worked. When he had finished he booted up her computer and decided that probably the best way to let her know that he knew was to leave the folder containing the photos open and then let the screensaver hide it until she went to use it. With that he checked that her internet connection was working, opened up the folder, left the computer running and went into the kitchen. She was standing at the stove cooking and turned round as he came in to tell him to sit down at the table as supper would be a few minutes but to pour them both a glass of wine which was open on the table. He sat at the table and poured the wine as instructed while staring at her arse and then running his eyes up and down her back admiring the fluffy mohair sweater. Wouldn't I love to wear that he thought to himself.

Over supper they discussed his university course and what he planned to do when he graduated and she spoke about teaching. He found that the more he spoke to her the more she opened up and he was actually starting to enjoy her company. After they had finished eating and the bottle of wine she made them a coffee before Peter said that he should leave as he knew she had marking to do.

"What do I owe you for all of your work?", she asked.

"Absolutely nothing; it was my pleasure. If anything else goes wrong let me know and I'll pop over and sort it."

"Are you sure? I feel really bad about taking up your time."

"Positive. Anyway you fed and watered me so that is payment enough. It saved me having to cook this evening. I have written my email address on a piece of paper and left it by your computer so if you need anything just email me."

They walked to the front door but before she opened it put both of her hands on his shoulders and kissed him lightly on his cheek. "Thank you so much for your help, I am most grateful" she said and opened the door for him. Peter hurried over the street and couldn't wait to get in and get changed into his girlie attire as the sight of her in that sweater and the smell of her perfume had made him really horny. Half an hour later he was fully dressed and made up wearing his favourite gold coloured mohair sweater dress and was just about to go downstairs to get a drink when he heard the sound of an email pinging into his Inbox. The name of the sender was somebody calling herself "Vixen Valerie" and the subject line said "We need to talk. I will be over in 5 minutes. Don't get changed". In the email there was a photograph of him fully dressed up wearing his gold sweater dress that must have been taken a few minutes earlier.

As he stood staring at the photograph the front door bell rang. He was in two minds not to go and answer it but at the same time was excited about her seeing him dressed up. He carefully navigated the stairs in his stilettos, went to the front door and looked through the spy hole. She was standing there dressed as she was earlier with a stern look on her face. He opened the door and stood behind it just in case anyone should see him from the street. She stepped in with purpose, closed the door behind her and stared at him as he stood there in full glory.

"My, my, don't we look a beautiful young woman all dressed in gold", she said in a husky voice. "So much sexier in real life than through a camera lens or in a photograph." With that she put her hands on his shoulders, pulled him into her and kissed him fully on the lips whilst at the same time running her hands across his shoulders and up the back of his neck. The feel of her hands caressing the mohair and her fingers going up his neck made him shiver in delight but he was taken aback with the force of her kiss. Within seconds his mouth opened and she thrust her tongue into it pulling him closer into her. The kiss must have gone on for minutes and, as they kissed, they both ran their hands up and down each other's backs feeling the softness of the mohair sweaters that they were both wearing.

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