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The Senior Trip Ch. 10

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Female teacher and students in Washington, D.C.
5.3k words

Part 10 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 11/29/2013
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SENIOR TRIP 10 (of 12)

Startled, Kenny jerked his cock from her cunt and whirled off of the bed just in time to see the intruder turn and run for the door. Without pause, he followed the ghostly figure, overtaking it just as it tried to open the outer door. Grasping the person's arm, he dragged her (as it turned out) back into the bedroom and turned on the light. "Beth! what the hell are you doing here? How the hell did you get in?"

It was a peculiar tableau, both Kenny and Linda completely naked (although Linda futilely tried to cover herself with the sheet) and Beth, dressed in a short, white robe and slippers. Beth's face was pure white, both from the shock of, first, seeing her boyfriend screwing her teacher, and second, from being caught spying and dragged back to face them. Stunned, she at first couldn't find her voice, but then, defiantly, she burst out with, "I was watching you fuck Mrs. Kramer, that's what I was doing, damn it!"

Kenny's reaction was immediate, not waiting for further explanation. Five days ago, the thought of punishing a woman by spanking her would not have occurred to him, but the experience first with Linda and then the girls last night, it was almost automatic. He still held Beth by the arm, and with little effort, pulled down on her robe, causing it to fall down her arms onto the floor, leaving her standing, momentarily, in a shortie nightgown, buttoned up the front and barely covering her pantyless buttocks. He sat back on the bed, dragged her over his lap and, sweeping the tail of the nightgown aside, he began to give her a furious spanking. While he didn't think it out, his action fit the circumstances. He was enraged by her appearance, the anger flowing partly from being interrupted in the act of screwing and her insolent attitude but, at least as much, from fear and confusion. He was shocked by her unexplained appearance and really upset by what her presence would mean. What would she do what would she say? What did it mean for Linda'? His mind was a confused mess and physical punishment, rather than reasoned discourse, was the automatic reaction.

Linda, of course, was horrified and the thoughts that ran through her mind were too fleeting to catalog. She was, of course, horribly embarrassed, caught in the very act of adultery, a girl, her student, seeing her with a cock buried in her cunt. The nightmare fears that had been suspended since yesterday morning surfaced again, more menacing than ever. That headline that had terrified her in her dream changed to Teacher Caught in the Act in Sex Scandal. Actually, there was no coherent thought, just a stream of horrible scenarios flashing through her mind as she lay there, almost cataleptic, waiting for whatever happened next. She became aware that something was happening when she heard the sharp smack of Kenny's hand hitting Beth's bottom. Brought back to reality by the sound, she sat up, ignoring the sheet falling from her breasts, and watched the walloping and listened to Beth's shrieks.

Beth was draped over Kenny's knees, writhing and twisting as she tried, with no success, to get free. As the first blow came, she let out a resounding "Ouch! Stop it, let me up!" Her demands, of course, had no more effect than had Linda's a few days before. As with those spankings, the smacks were interspersed with cries of pain, commands, warnings of dire consequences and, occasionally, swear words. Smack....shriek..... smack....."Oww!" "Stop It".... smack....."Ooh, it hurts, don't!"....smack....."Ouch! I'll get you for this!"....smack....."Damn it, quit it!".....smack.....smack.....smack..... The blows continued to rain down, first on one cheek, then on the other. These were not tentative, pro forma spanks, but real, serious punishment. Beth's ass began to take on the look of being very badly sunburned, and the pain pyramided, became excruciating as the same areas were pounded time after time. Gradually, the screeching segued into wailing and moaning and demands and threats became pleas.

At first, Linda sat huddled against herself at the head of the bed, but, as the spanking went on, a funny thing happened. Her first horrified fear began to wane, or at least, to move to \the back burner, she began to feel a tingle in her cunt, just as she had the previous night when the girls were spanked. She had been well aroused as the screwing had progressed and, as the first terror subsided, that arousal began to return with this new stimulation. Without thinking or planning, she roused herself and moved to the bottom of the bed, sitting where Beth's feet were kicking up and down. Her eyes were drawn upward to where Kenny's hand was still belaboring the reddened ass, and, again without any organized intent, focused on the exposed cunt. She found herself comparing the luxuriant growth of dark hair exhibited by Angela and the sparsely covered cunt lips displayed by Beth. As the night before, she felt a tingle in her own cunt as she watched Beth's legs open and close as she struggled.

The end came quickly, as it usually does when a woman reaches the end of her resources and her defiance fades. Smack...."Oh, please Kenny, stop!".... smack.... Kenny, please! I didn't

intend to spy on you!"...smack ......"I came up to be with you!" That statement finally got Kenny's attention. Crying profusely, partly from the spanking, but in large part from shock and disappointment, Beth gasped out, "We were supposed to try and find a place to be alone....and you didn't even try! I took the key off of the table so I could sneak up here and surprise you. And I found you.....screwing her! She...she...told us that you had made her last night, and I....I didn't...didn't mind that so much, but ....I....I didn't think that you would be doing it again! And...and...I saw you doing it!" Her tears flowed even more copiously as she wailed out that last statement.

Thunderstruck, Kenny lifted her to her feet and hugged her close, saying, "You should have told me. You never said anything and I thought you didn't want to do anything now." Actually, of course, Kenny had been so busy with Linda that he'd had little time to think of sex with Beth despite his original plans for the time in Washington. As they stood there, tight against each other, he quickly became aware that her nightgown had become unbuttoned in the struggle and that she was naked in front against him. For a full minute or more, they stood, both now feeling a thrill from the intimate contact, something they had never enjoyed before. Beth could feel his cock hard against her stomach and a surge of excitement surged through her, momentarily causing her to forget the circumstances.

Suddenly, however, she saw Linda out of the corner of her eye, and was brought back to earth. Turning from Kenny, tears starting again, this time of remorse, she reached for Linda, threw her arms around her and cried, "Oh. Mrs. Kramer, I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you!"

Linda felt tears of compassion in her own eyes as she replied, "Don't apologize, dear. It must have been an awful shock for you too, seeing us together! Things just happened between Kenny and me, and it certainly doesn't mean that he doesn't care for you!" As they embraced, neither woman was conscious, at first, at least, that, with Beth's nightgown open, their nude bodies were squeezed against each other, but it just felt good in the intimacy of the moment.

Kenny, however, was very aware of their naked bodies and, with the shock and trauma fading away, he was ready for something more. Separating them, he slid Beth's nightgown off and then gently pushed them back onto the bed, side by side. Both women just lay there, waiting for his guidance, neither having the will do anything on their own. He was the ringmaster, the master of ceremonies; they were the performers who waited his commands. Lying down next to Linda, he rested on one elbow and looked across her at Beth. Reaching over, he took her hand and placed it on Linda's breast, saying, "Doesn't that feel awesome? I'll bet you've never felt anything like that!"

Beth, who, of course, had never touched any breast other than her own, was stunned, but, nevertheless, couldn't help but enjoy what was in her hand. She fondled and squeezed the breast, fingering the hard, erect nipple, and saying, "Oh, Mrs. Kramer, they're perfect! They're so large and firm! I saw them the other night, but I had no idea that they would feel like this!"

Linda wasn't thinking clearly and really was in a sort of daze. Still not completely recovered from the shock of discovery, wondering what was coming next, she just lay there letting herself be felt and, fortunately, admired. Vaguely, she thought that she should say, "Thank you," but her mind was closed down and words simply didn't come.

Knowing how sensitive Linda's nipples were, Kenny bent over and lightly licked the one near him and then, began, lightly, to suck it. Beth, taking her cue from him in everything, followed suit, lifting the breast to her lips as she did so. The impact on Linda was obvious as she arched her back, pushing her breasts upward toward their mouths. Then, taking Beth's hand and placing the palm on Linda's abdomen, Kenny began sliding it slowly, moving in small circles, down over the slight curve of her belly to the mass of curly, fluffy hair crowning her pubic mound. He moved her fingers into the hair, ruffling it, and, then, slid between her legs which spread open to accommodate them. As he directed her fingers downward, she felt, first, the small bump of the clitoris and then the slick, well lubricated slit between the cunt lips. At that, Linda moved her feet up to her hips, spread her knees further apart, making herself even more accessible. Taking advantage of the openness, he moved their fingers up and down the channel a few times and, when, Kenny took his hand away, Beth made no effort to withdraw hers. Instead, she continued her exploration, finally slipping her finger deep into Linda's vagina and, hesitantly, moving in and out gently. The reaction was immediate, Linda's hips began to raise and lower, matching the rhythm of the "finger-fucking."

At that unmistakable sign of real arousal, Kenny shifted down below Linda's raised hips and signaled for Beth to move also. Both knelt between her legs and, without prompting or even thinking, Linda pulled her knees up to her chest and opened them wide, giving them complete access. Even in her almost comatose state, a flash of acute embarrassment surged through her as she knew that everything was exposed. Still, she made no effort to conceal herself, and Beth stared intently at the first live cunt that she had ever seen. She had seen her own, of course, in a mirror, but this was nothing like hers. This was a mature cunt, fully developed with hair-lined outer-lips bordering the red inter-lips that protected the opening into the vagina. Beth was not in the same comatose state mentally as Linda, but she still was reacting primarily to Kenny's directions. Following his gestures, she once again began playing with and fingering the cunt. Seeing Linda responding to having her clit tickled, she concentrated on it with one finger while probing and finger-fucking the cunt opening with one on her other hand. She was increasingly excited herself as Linda reacted to her manipulation.

All this time, when she was working on Linda, Kenny's hands were running all over Beth, even down to her cunt. Suddenly, one of his hands ran up her back in a caressing motion, ending up at her neck, and, then, on the back of her head. She was concentrating deeply on this totally new experience, so she, at first, wasn't even aware when the hand began a slow, almost imperceptible urging forward. Actually, she had moved very close already, eager to see every detail and to better observe Linda's reactions. Consequently, she had her head right between Linda's legs, within inches of the cunt, itself, before she suddenly became actively aware of the pressure and what Kenny wanted. Confirming that epiphany as she pulled back slightly, Kenny whispered, "Go on, lick her! Use your tongue!" Beth had never dreamed of doing any such thing, never had any particular sexual interest in another girl, but, this situation was like no other! Under Kenny's direction, she had already felt, fondled and caressed Linda's body and cunt, building Linda up to a fever pitch as well as becoming very excited herself. At this point she wasn't thinking of Linda as her teacher, nor was she thinking of the lesbian connotations of her actions. In fact, she wasn't really thinking at all as she leaned forward another inch or so and, tentatively, flicked the tip of her tongue over Linda's clit.

At the contact, it was almost as if a charge of electricity flowed through Linda, bringing a moaning sigh of excitement and an up-lifting of her pelvis toward the teasing tongue. Encouraged by that reaction and the realization that the touching was not unpleasant, Beth began licking in earnest. She stayed at the clit at first, then moved downward, running her tongue between the spread cunt lips, slipping over the lubricated tissues and probing the hole with the tip. She went back up and then back down several times as Linda became increasingly aroused, her motions indicating the oncoming orgasm. As when Kenny licked her, however, she drew her knees up even higher, mashing into her breasts, and lifted her hips until the entire area between her legs and buttocks were on a level, offering her anal area to be licked. As Beth went downwards, actually backwards now, she, without realizing it, went past the end of the cunt and over the asshole. At that contact, Linda really moved, jerking upwards against the tongue, asking for more. Excited herself at this demonstration of arousal, Beth stayed there for several seconds, flicking and probing with her tongue, before moving back to the cunt. This process was repeated several more times until, as she reached the clit again, Linda exploded, crying out as she surged upwards, clamping her thighs around Beth's head, and holding herself rigid -- and then collapsed, falling back, legs splayed open.

Beth sat back on her heels, startled by the force of Linda's climax. She had masturbated, of course, and, at least once, Kenny had used his fingers to bring her to what probably was an orgasm.....but nothing like this! And to think that she, herself, had caused it! She felt a tremendous upsurge of heat in her own cunt as she stared between Linda's legs, hardly believing that she actually had licked it. Her reverie was interrupted by Kenny moving to take her place, however. The unbelievable series of events culminating with Beth's initiation to female-female sex finally was too much, and he had to get relief. He abruptly took Linda's limp legs, placed them over his shoulder and mounted her, sinking his cock into her open cunt. She was bent double, hardly able to move as he began a ferocious pounding of her crotch. This time, Beth was not standing in the door of a darkened room: instead, the room was lighted and she was no more than a foot from the conjuncture of cock and cunt. Every detail of the screwing was laid out before her, every squishy sound was audible, as Kenny drove into and out of Mrs. Kramer (as Linda still thought of her). Beth wasn't even aware of it, but her thighs were squeezing together and relaxing, squeezing together and relaxing, matching the rhythm of the sex act she was observing, fanning the sexual heat building up between her own legs. Kenny was too hot to last long as he plunged in and out. Linda could hardly move, her cunt merely acting as a receptacle, waiting for the inevitable climax. Still, the continual pounding of her clit was exhilarating, arousing her again. Whether she came when Kenny did is questionable, but her moans and harsh breathing showed that the screwing was not completely one sided.

In any case, Kenny did explode inside of her, grinding against her in a burst of orgasmic frenzy, flooding her, once again, with his cum. Pausing for a few seconds, he withdrew his still semi-hard cock from her cunt and lay down beside Linda, pulling Beth between them. Resting on his elbow and looking down at two naked women, he was in nirvana, a situation too far out to even be part of a fantasy. On the other side, Linda rose up on her elbow and had something of the same reaction -- it certainly had never been a part of any fantasy she had created! Not waiting for Kenny to guide her, she ran her hand over Beth's abdomen and up to her breast, cupping and fondling it. "Oh, Beth, your breasts are lovely! They're so firm!" To Beth's timorous reply that they were small next to hers, she answered, "Well they may be smaller, but they are lovely, and they'll grow. Heavens, you're only 18!" That was the last "conversation" for some time, as both Linda and Kenny played with the breasts and kissed and sucked the nipples. Beth was in a weird state: she could feel things being done, but it was almost as if they were being done to someone else. She was no longer there, just her body which was feeling sensations that were so intense that she couldn't think, just experience them.

Again, without prompting, Linda slowly worked her hand down over the silky skin of her stomach into the feathery, curly blond fleece that crowned her mound. Linda's rotated her fingers through the hair, barely grazing the clit, but Beth's legs immediately opened, involuntarily asking for more. Taking the hint, the fingers ran over the cunt lips and cupped the entire crotch area before, finally, slipping between the lips and sliding through the slippery channel. Beth's reaction was immediate, her legs spreading wider and her hips flexing upwards. Linda continued the caressing, lightly tickling the clit and then running downward through the cunt and back up, taking her cue from Beth's movements as to what stimulation was most effective. She continued this for some time, oddly reluctant to take the next step, waiting this time for Kenny's leadership. When, at last, he moved down to Beth's feet, she quickly joined him, and, with his guidance, moved, on her knees, between Beth's widely spread thighs.

Without waiting for instructions, Beth drew her knees up to her breasts, opening herself completely, giving Linda her first ever direct look at another woman's cunt. In comparison with her own, the hair was, of course, much sparser, the lips almost bare. The lips, themselves, were much thinner; much less fleshy than her own, more mature, folds, and the entire area was pinker, giving a very neat, clean appearance. Oddly enough, for an unquestioned heterosexual, it actually looked appealing, and she had absolutely no hesitation in moving her mouth to the small clit and begin licking. She flicked her tongue rapidly, enjoying Beth's immediate response, a moan of pleasure and an upward movement of her pelvis. Slowly, she ran her tongue between the cunt lips and began actually licking the entire area, staying in one place if Beth reacted strongly, and then moving on. Trying to do to Beth what she enjoyed herself, she lightly tickled her anal region with her finger tip, licking the whole way back occasionally. Then, while licking and gently sucking the clit, she inserted her finger into Beth's cunt, but, to her surprise, it would not go in all the way, encountering a barrier not too far inside. In a sudden burst of awareness that almost made her stop licking, she thought, "My god, she's a virgin and that's her hymen! I don't believe it!" Actually, her own hymen had been broken in some non-sexual way long before her first intercourse, and she was well aware that most girls had theirs punctured in some way (e.g. fingers, candles, vibrators, bananas, screwing, etc.) long before their 18th birthday. Somehow, it seemed sexier to be licking a real virgin.


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