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The Slave's Conquest

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An orcish slave is forced to look after her young master.
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Author's note: This story is quite a slow one, so try to read with patience. :) It contains shemale orc on human male action, and also has a strong emphasis on body fluids and body odors. Enjoy!


"Forgive me, my lady, but this is foolish!" Yari whined in a way unfit for her rough looks and bassy voice.

The black-haired woman gently set her glass of red wine back on the 20 feet long dining table. "How many times must I remind you?" she said, a slight stern tone cutting through her calm eloquence. "There is no need to refer to me as 'my lady'. Edna is fine."

"Edna, please reconsider your decision! I am a bodyguard, not a caretaker!"

"Oh, hush," she dismissed with a nonchalant hand wave. "Aaron and I will only be gone for a day. It's hardly worth hiring someone else for. Besides, you and Jonah get along quite well, don't you?"

"I... I suppose, but..." Yari began, searching the back of her rather simple mind for anything that could convince the carefree woman. "What if I... break something? What if he gets injured?"

"If he gets injured, you summon a doctor. You're no less capable than me or Aaron in doing that, nor in making sure that Jonah stays safe. And neither of us mind if you break something."


"Enough," said Edna. "It has been decided. You will do just fine, I assure you." Staring down the glowing, red eyes of the mountain of muscles for a slave standing at her side, she casually took another swig of wine and set the glass down on the table once more. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. You know how it is having you around. Even an old woman like me starts to feel the tingles after a while!"

Yari's green cheeks darkened in a sudden blush. "As you wish, my la-... uh, Edna." She gave a quick bow before reluctantly following her master's order, exiting the huge, luxurious dining room into the corridor. Like always, she had to be careful not to stumble as she continued past the rows of candelabra and vases, lest they shatter from the force of her huge body coming into contact with them.

She wasn't clumsy, but she certainly wasn't built to navigate through human-made buildings either, even fancy, spacious ones like this. But despite the concerns she had voiced moments ago, what she truly worried about had nothing to do with damaging neither any of her masters' material goods nor their son. Though in one way or another, he was definitely part of the equation... Not that Yari was about to tell them the specifics, of course.

"Are you sure you don't want any help, father?" a bubbly voice suddenly echoed into the corridor from the entrance hall.

Yari turned the corner to see a suited-up Aaron walking up to the front door with a suitcase in each hand. His strangely energetic son was following him so closely that anyone could see that he was being little more than a nuisance. Aaron, however, remained as calm as ever.

"I'm sure, Jonah," he said as he put the suitcases on the floor. "Go get your mother while I load the wagon."

"At once, father!" With that, the boy spun around and, on quick, light feet, headed right towards the same corridor from which Yari had emerged. He looked at her standing in the corner of the big entrance hall as he ran up to pass her, a big smile engraved on his face. "No nanny this time, Yari! Let's make the most of it!"

Unable to think of a reply to her young master, Yari merely gulped and nodded. Like always, she made sure to back up as far against the wall as possible as he went by her, still unsure of whether or not he realized why. Her tense body remained in place until he was a good half-way down the corridor, after which she took a deep breath and tried to collect herself to the best of her ability.

Hesitantly, she walked up to her older master as he fastened the straps of his boots. "I expressed my worries to Lady Edna..." she mumbled. "She would not listen."

Aaron went on to grab his coat without as much as looking at his slave. "And like I've already told you, neither will I. It is not up for discussion."

"Do you really trust me with all this?"

He turned to her with the usual blank look on his face. "The fact that you worry so much is all it takes for me to trust you. If something truly goes wrong, I will blame myself."

"Then I shall do my best, my lord," Yari said, complete with a rather deep bow that made her shoulder-length waves of auburn hair hang down around her face.

"Stand," Aaron ordered. "And do not call me 'lord'. Do your best to remember that until we return. Understood?"

She rose, her chin raised high. "Understood!" They shared a glance, allowing Yari to admire those brown, enchanting eyes that all three family members possessed in addition to a dusky skin tone, before her master turned to open the front door. With that, he took both suitcases with him and headed for the wagon at the ready outside.

Aaron may have been pushing 50, but he had truly aged like fine wine by orcish standards. His slim, toned body was almost perfectly preserved despite him having access to more food and alcohol than the average citizen could only dream of seeing in their lifetime. The faint wrinkles in his perfectly groomed face didn't really diminish his handsome looks either, and next to his much younger but largely identical son they actually added some character. Regardless, while young orcs usually went after humans close to their own age, Aaron would surely have been a target of desire, were he to be taken captive.

Before long, Edna and her son came to join Yari in the entrance hall, both of them seeming to be in a good mood, but Jonah especially so. "I trust your duties have been made clear?" said Edna to the towering, green brute, gently holding up the skirt of her huge, puffy dress as she walked up to the door.

"Yes, my-... Edna."

"Good," she replied with that textbook aristocratic smirk that seemed to hint at a feeling of superiority. "Now be a dear and go wait in your room while we say goodbye to Jonah, okay?"

Yari nodded and did as told, at once heading for the staircase leading to the second floor. She cast a final glance back before going up the stairs, knowing that the next time she saw her young master, the two of them would be all alone. And only the goddesses knew how it would play out to have an orc in her physical and sexual prime spend a whole day with a cute, young man like him...

As she closed the wooden door to her room behind her, Yari's mind was already working overtime in trying to plan out how she would avoid corrupting her young master. She looked around, searching for ideas within the small space that had served as her bedroom since her first arrival several years back, but came up short. She knew that even if she were to quickly wash herself in the little bathtub in the corner, it would hardly make a difference. Especially considering that she had done just that as soon as she had woken up that very morning.

Her scent just wouldn't go away. She was arguably more concerned with bathing than her highborn masters, and yet her orcish musk would always follow her like a cloud clinging to her huge body. Among her own kin it wouldn't be an issue; rather, it would be the norm. But in human society, especially the part of it consisting of the rich elite, she always stood out in spite of her every attempt at shying away from the spotlight.

Sometimes she wondered why her current masters wanted her in the first place. Back when she was first enslaved she was but a little girl, and throughout the years she had been bought and sold more times than she could count. Her tasks varied from place to place, mostly in some form of physical labor, but occasionally she would be required to stay closer to her masters. And seeing as how she was currently a bodyguard, such was the case in her relationship with young Jonah, who had been by her side for half his life. However, to her it was doubtful whether or not it was worth having orcish brawn to protect the future heir of the giant mansion when the whole family had to endure the powerful pheromones in her sweaty scent as a result. Not that they seemed to mind, but the last thing Yari wanted was for them to think of the all-shemale orcs as dirty, stinky brutes.

From out of nowhere, the wooden door suddenly swung open with a force that almost caused the frail thing to shatter against the wall, and in the opening stood a beaming Jonah. "What are you sitting there for?!" he said, virtually bouncing up and down. "Let's play!"

"B-but, my lord..."

"No 'buts'!" Jonah shot back, entering the young orc's room. "And no 'lords' either! Call me by my name!" With that, he reached out to grab Yari by her thick, powerful wrist, and went on to attempt to pull her onto her feet.

While his minimal strength alone could never have budged Yari's heavy body in the slightest, she reluctantly followed along with his demands. "Jonah, I am only meant to watch over you! We shouldn't stay too close to one another!"

"It's fine! My parents aren't the ones making the decisions right now."

"But it's not safe..." Yari said. By then she had already been pulled along into the hallway by her cute master, and he didn't hesitate to continue in the direction of the kitchen.

Jonah turned his head back, still trudging on. "You wouldn't want me to be bored, would you?"

Yari's throat dried up within an instant. Of course he had to do that to her. Of course he had to flash her his irresistibly adorable begging expression, piercing right through her orcish willpower with those big, brown eyes. Hemust have been exaggerating to get what he wanted, even going as far as to squeeze out a crocodile tear or two. Sure, he was barely an adult, and in Yari's experience a bit of a crybaby, but to this extent? No way.

"Fine, I get it..." she said nonetheless and ceased the ever so slight resistance in her steps. "What do you want to do?"

Jonah quickly went back to smiling. "Whatdon't I wanna do? There are so many things mom and dad forbid me from doing."

"Okay... Starting with?"

It was then that the two entered the luxurious kitchen, and Jonah immediately pointed to a wooden box on top of a huge cabinet in the corner. "Eating all the pastries they tried to hide, of course!"

Yari rolled her eyes at her young master's childishness, but more so at the prospect of allowing him to steal from his parents. They said they didn't mind if she broke something, and it was hard to imagine that having their son eat a few of their stashed away treats was a big deal, but there was no telling what kind of slippery slope that could lead them down. Next he might ask to play with a sword from the armory, which he surely knew that Yari had access to.

"With all due respect, my lo-... Jonah, why do you need me for that?"

"Why do you think?" Jonah said, one eyebrow raised at her as if the answer was obvious. "I'm only five and a half feet tall, and you're over seven. I can't reach it."

"Well, neither can I. It's still too far up."

Jonah sighed. "Iknow, silly! That's why we work together!"

"How?" the orcish slave asked. Jonah merely looked up at her in silence, condescendingly tilting his head as if awaiting her to find the answer on her own. And so she did, and felt all the more silly as a result. "You don't mean to... what, sit on my shoulders?"

"I knew you were a sharp one," Jonah said, smiling.

Yari tried taking a step back, but only found herself bumping into a wall. "W-wait, can't you just use a chair?"

"No!" the boy protested. "There aren't any chairs tall enough. Just help me!"

There was no way out of this one, Yari realized. She could probably have found a ladder or something that would do just fine, but somehow she doubted that Jonah possessed the patience required. Furthermore, she understood him. He was finally free to have someone to play with in this remote palace of a home. And as his slave, how could she refuse him?

"Okay, okay, I understand..." she said. "Don't blame me if you get hurt, though."

Jonah's dark features lit up. "I promise! Now lift me up!"

Taking a deep breath, Yari looked at the cute boy as he turned around with his arms raised to the sides. For as long as she could remember, she had always managed to stay far enough away from him to prevent any obvious signs of affecting him with her orcish pheromones. Now, all that was about to change. Hell, they had already been too close since his parents left, and if he hadn't noticed anything yet, he definitely would while on top of her shoulders.

Nevertheless she stepped forward and bent down, her rough hands reaching for the boy's waist. With only the thin, baggy fabric of his black tunic between their skin, Yari gently gripped him around his surprisingly sturdy midsection. From there, she lifted him up like he was nothing, and lowered him onto her wide shoulders. She could immediately feel him tighten his thighs around her head to get a better hold of her, and her body suddenly felt drained of its strength. His weight was not even close to being an issue, but the feeling of his slender, boyish body squeezing her sent tingles through every fibre of her muscles.

Jonah put on a bright smile, and grabbed onto Yari's copper-haired head. "See, there's no way I'll get injured! You're strong as an ox!"

"W-well, my strength was never the issue," Yari said. "I could still lose balance, or accidentally knock your head into something..."

"Nonsense!" said the young boy in response, his tone as childish and devoid of worry as ever. "We'll be fine, because I say so. Now take me to the pastries!"

"Okay, okay. Just... please try to stay calm, my lord."

"It's Jonah!"

"Jonah..." Yari mumbled, walking over to the cabinet at last.

"Hold still now," Jonah said, leaning forward against it so that his abdomen pressed into the back of Yari's head.

"Hey, careful!" It was clear to her that he was counting on Yari keeping him safe, hardly caring about how he was shifting her balance forward in his eagerness. Such was the norm for him; relying on others to do all the dirty work while he spent his time playing around in the mansion. She looked up to see him reach out above the tall cabinet with his thin arms, seeming to struggle to reach the box that he so desperately sought.

"Almost there..." he grumbled. "Try standing on your toes. That should do it."

Yari sighed, but did as told. Anything to end this childish endeavor as soon as possible. Part of her enjoyed being close to her master, seeing as it was exceedingly rare for them to even touch one another. But her orcish nature was threatening to get the better of her. She may only have been a mere slave, but she still took pride in being professional and doing a good job, and feeling Jonah's legs squeezing her tightly awoke something within her. Something that an orc living among humans would never be allowed to express.

And it wasn't only the physical contact that was to blame. Unlike her own species, humans seemed to always have a sweet, enticing aroma, and Yari's wide nostrils could confirm that her master was no exception. Indeed,her scent was supposed to be the issue, and yet young Jonah showed no signs of having fallen under its effect. Perhaps that meticulous shower Yari had taken at dawn had just about done the trick, even though she herself could have sworn that there was no difference. As far as she knew, there wasn't a single existing procedure to truly cleanse herself.

"Got it!" Jonah said at last, the wooden box firmly in his grasp. "Put me down, put me down!"

"O-okay." With just as much as ease as she had raised him onto her shoulders, Yari once again gripped his waist and lifted him down to the floor. Once at long last having broken physical contact, she backed off a few feet in an attempt to halt the potential buildup of orcish pheromones. Jonah paid her no mind. He was too busy gently shaking the freshly acquired box as if it were a birthday present.

He turned to her with an impish look of triumph on his face. "It's so heavy!" he exclaimed. "This will be a breakfast like you've never seen, Yari! Come with me!"

Yari was hardly given a chance to respond, as Jonah quickly scurried into the adjacent dining hall. She stayed behind for a moment, leaning against one of the kitchen counters as she gathered herself, a phantomic feeling of her master's legs lingering on her shoulders. It might all have been in her head how his scent seemed to have likewise etched itself into her nose, but rather than finding enjoyment in it, it was the source of a gnawing frustration.

Part of her wanted to take a quick trip to the bathroom in order to sort it out, but another part worried that it might come off as suspicious. Jonah was an innocent boy, but he wasn't stupid. And though he was rebellious enough to oppose his parents, Yari was unsure of how he might react if he were to find out that his smelly brute of a slave was committing indecencies rather than watching over him. Though that outcome might have been preferable to having him see her in her current state... Her masters really ought to have given her better clothing. The ragged shorts of leather she wore almost seemed on the verge of bursting from the inhumanly large bulge at the front...

"Yari?" Jonah called out from the other room. "What's taking you so long?"

"Oh, uh... My apologies. I'm coming." She took a deep breath, tensed every muscle in her body, and let her imagination run wild with anything that didn't involve young Jonah. Thankfully it did the trick to a decent extent, the flow of blood returning to her brain rather than groin, and her body cooled down with the droplets of sweat that started to coat her. Unfortunately, sweating was truly a double-edged sword in this instance. While it helped in bringing down her temperature, it also enhanced her orcish musk that was already threatening to rewire the innocent boy's brain.

Nevertheless she finally went to join him in the dining hall, finding him on the opposite side of the room, sitting in the same spot that his mother had been drinking wine in earlier. The chair was noticeably larger and fancier than the others, excluding the one right next to it. Normally serving as the seating of lord Aaron and lady Edna, they were now free to use by their son.

"What are you standing around for?" said Jonah across the table. "Come have a seat!"

Yari cleared her throat. "Oh, there's no need for that... I'd rather stand."

"Don't be such a bore! I'll command you if I have to."

"... Understood," Yari said. On heavy, stiff legs she made her way around the long table and came up to Jonah's side. She grabbed one of the smaller chairs and slid it back with a creak, only for Jonah to stop it with his hand.

"Not that one, dummy," he said and slid out the larger chair next to him. "This one. No need to be bashful."

Yari stood there quietly for a second, nervously eyeing the young boy. She had voiced more objections today than in the rest of her life, and yet they achieved nothing. Jonah seemed to have a new demand every five minutes, and while they were innocent enough, such behavior was still vastly different from that of his parents. Rarely did they ever ask anything of her; rather, they knew that she could handle her everyday duties without much guidance, and they were hardly difficult tasks in the first place.

By now she had at least realized that it was pointless to try to reason with him. Though he was a young adult by now, it was clear to anyone that he still possessed a childish mind. What his parents might think about allowing him to do as he pleased would remain to be discovered, but considering their calm and easy-going personalities, there was little chance that any blame would be pinned on her, should Jonah's shenanigans go too far.

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