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The Space Fox Who Shagged Me Ch. 07

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A sexy, Sci Fi Erotica with Animal people and Humans.
2.6k words

Part 7 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 09/28/2022
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Seeing Captain Uwu slam his fist down in anger wasn't something you'd see much of, but I bet his anger was boiling over now. At every turn we have to deal with these theocratic crusaders sticking their fingers into everyone's business. I shared in Uwu's anger too. There was nothing more that I wanted to do than strap up and fly over to their ship and blow every single one of them away. Unfortunately, I wasn't some super hero. I was just some delivery girl/secret smuggler. I could only do so much.

Uwu let out a deep breath and stood up straight. He ran his hand through his furry head, "Sucker, open communication." Uwu turned to me, "Go get ready in the cargo bay. I'll handle this madness."

I nodded at him and quickly took off to the cargo bay. There was no need muddy up Uwu's mind with me there. I needed to let him focus. I had my own job to do.

Uwu's voice popped up over the intercom system, "Hail, we have a shipment of goods for Meowlith Prime. I find great pride in getting my shipments delivered on time. There's an awful lot of people down there that need these supplies."

A deep, grumbling voice came over the intercom, the same voice from earlier, "And what do I care if a bunch of Anthros and Traitors go without? They're all an abomination to nature and God. I should blast your ship to hell this very instant."

"And risk a war with some Corpos? This shipment is paid for by Hogg Industries, part of Amillion Corp, backed by Cryptovault investments. Do you think they would like the fact that their millions are being burned away by the Gellical Collective?"

I smiled as I turned into the cargo bay. Uwu was lying, but the dumbass Gellys didn't know that. My shoulders tensed up as the cold air hit me. The cargo bay was always colder than the rest of the ship.

Uwu was playing the Collective by pitting them against another beast of immoral decay. It was a smooth move from a smooth captain. The intercom was silent for an everlasting moment. I could tell the Gellical in charge was mulling over what Uwu had said.

Finally, the Gellical spoke, "You will be allowed to land safely only if you disengage your weapons systems." His voice was curt and shadowed by anger. "Failure to comply will result in destruction." The coms cut off, and I could tell that Captain Uwu was smiling at the coward's retreat.

"Hey, Vixie!" I turned to the gravelly voice of the ships Cook, Purser, and his most prideful role, Janitor. The only other human onboard the Yiffin II, Walter Beemus. His unkempt hair shot from the sides of his otherwise bald head. He always donned the basic Yiff Yiff Deliffery uniform, the teal and pink jumpsuit, but with an added vintage brown bomber jacket, with the fuzzy inside, from who knows when. With his handy digital clipboard in hand, Walter waved me down.

"What's up, Walter?" I glanced around the large cargo bay area. It was large enough to house a fighter jet or two, but was mostly packed full of crates all strapped down to avoid crushing any of us crew members to death in a negligent accident. I glanced over to the small area in the corner opposite of the bay door. I could see Echo suiting up with our top-of-the-line equipment that was more of a monetary crutch than a boon in this underworld of smuggling.

Walter noticed me glancing back at Echo. "Freaky little Anthro, right?" I turned to Walter as he scratched his short, scruffy beard. "I heard he once killed and ate several of his own kind..."

"Trapped inside a cave on a distant asteroid, blah blah blah," I interrupted Walter from the same damn story he would tell me every time he saw Echo. "We can't believe all the rumors we hear, can we, Walter?" I placed my hand on my hip, raising my eyebrows at him to get my point across. Walter was an uncouth rube, but he did a great job at everything he did. He'd risk his life for anyone on the ship, and he was just crazy enough to tag along with the rest of us.

"Yeah, yeah, I guess you're right." Walter was glancing over his tablet. "Everything is accounted for. Nothing damaged from the altercations with the Gellys." He swiped one more time, "And, I got your suit modded and ready to go ghost mode." He rose his eyebrows up quickly.

"Really?" My face lit up with joy. I couldn't help it really. I was looking forward to this mod for quite some time now. The perfect fit for a smuggler, and it only cost me a year's worth of work. The good things in life were never cheap.

"Yep, it's over in your locker, ready to go." Walter smirked as I jumped for joy and grabbed him in a tight hug. "It's on the purple one, like you asked."

I started to run over to my locker, "You're the best, Walter! I mean it!"

"I know!" He shouted at me as he went back to cataloging the cargo.

I could see Echo ahead of me. As I walked up to my locker, he pulled a black cloak over his body, flipping it around as he did so. The black cloth furled about, and I could see a multitude of weapons strapped to his chest and thighs. His dark brown, grayish fur spread across his body and up his oversized ears. A large floof of hair around his neck was an orange color that offset the rest of his grayish body. He flapped his wings to settle them down under his cloak. His little hands pulled inside until his whole body was enveloped in a snuggly, black blob.

I always thought the Anthro-Bat was a cutie, but I could see how others might find the large bat a bit offsetting. His head twitched as I came close. His beady eyes locked onto mine and he spoke in his raspy voice, "Vixie, hurry and ready for the mission. I don't want to wait around for you to put on your make up and seduce my Captain before I take on some Gellys."

"First of all..." I put my face up to my locker's scanner. The green light slit up my face, "What OUR Captain and I do is none of your business. We can, and do, fuck, okay?" The locker beeped and opened by itself. Inside was my favorite outfit. I could barely contain my excitement. I wanted to throw it on and test out the new mods as quickly as I could, but hey, I can't be rude to my friend now, can I?

"Second, we're not here to gun down some religious nuts. We're going to do some recon down in Carpetree." I pulled out the purple and black skin suit. I loved the soft fabric that was weaved from a nano-silk from the Europa colonies. Those damn sheep knew how to spin a fabulous and protective suit. It cost me dearly, but what else am I going to spend my money on? A house, in this economy. Shit my pants and clean 'em, please.

Echo scowled, "Tch, I was wanting to get some Gellys. It's been too long. You turret guys get all the fun. I get to sit down here and make sure all the guns work while Beemus talks my ear off about the 'Good 'ol days', and he won't shut up about my past. Sometimes I just want to..." Echo took a quick step forward and whipped out an auto pistol with one fluid motion I hadn't seen since an old, western holo-movie in my youth.

"Don't worry." I started to strip my own teal and pink jumpsuit. My boobs flopped out of my shirt as I zipped it down. I just looked up at Echo as he stared at my soon naked body. Just my thong was on my body now as I positioned my skinsuit for my feet. I could sense his eyes not leaving my boobs. "Some privacy?"

If I could see the skin of his face, it would've been redder than the cherries Echo loves snacking on. He turned away from me and stared at the wall, his body stiffer than a Martian's drink.

I heard a whistle from behind me. I turned to see Walter's head bob above the cargo containers. "Nice ass!" He chuckled as he went back to cataloging.

This time, I turned red from embarrassment.

"Anyway, keep your guns in your pants. We go quiet and keep a low profile. Once the goods are dropped off and we're refueled. Then go wild." I slipped my feet into the suit. The purple material had a silver hex pattern etched across it's surface with a thin black trim throughout, and a hood for concealing my identity, or just looking plane ol' badass. The feet were built in wedge heels. Not only did they look great, they were multi-functional. The suit was easy enough to pull on. It slid up my bare, hairless thighs and over my smooth, plump ass. I slipped my arms through but now always came the struggle of getting a shirt over my boobs. It never failed.

I realized something though. I have never been to Carpetree. I have no clue what the place is like, but Echo, he's been there before. I think. "You've been to Carpetree, right? What's it like?" I finally got the suit over my boobs and up to my neck. The auto suction feature initiated and the suit began to form to all the curves in my body. The majority of my arms were left uncovered. The suit only went up to my shoulders. My hyper gauntlets would protect the rest.

Echo turned around at the sound of the suit's auto suction. His ears always twitched and moved around, responding to every sound around us. I bet he could even hear my heartbeat.

"Yeah, I've been there before. After I got out of the damn corpo shit fest I found myself 'born' into. I took a detour here. Was better back then, but it only seems to get worse with time though." Echo's ears twitched in the direction of the entrance to the cargo bay. "I've seen pictures of it back when it was first colonized. Beautiful, now... well, you'll see soon enough." Echo nodded towards the door.

Mama came lumbering in, each step smashing out as she made her way towards us. Of course, Echo already knew she was coming, probably from the other side of the ship. He was one bad ass at close quarters combat, and I was lucky to have him around.

"Okay my dears, we're almost ready to touch down." Mama was wearing her own streetwear, just a set of flak pants and vest, along with a nondescript brown hoody. Simple yet effective. "Once we're down, we're just a few scavs looking for work. If you get any leads out in Carpetree, radio it in. I don't want anyone getting in over their heads, got it?" Mama stopped just shy of the weapon rack, placing her hands on her hips when we didn't answer right away. "Got it?" She eyed me first. I was the trouble maker after all.

"Yes, Mama, we got it. We'll stick together until we get a lay of the streets. Then we can chase any leads we spot along the way." I grabbed a small set of auto pistols from the rack and attached them to my thigh holsters.

"Right you are, dear." Mama grabbed a large slug rifle, the largest weapon on the ship besides her own two arms. She slung it around her back and the weapon folded up into a large backpack, nonchalant enough to keep unsuspecting people from being suspicious of the bear. She pulled her brown hood up. "Let's go."

"I got your back, Mama." Echo retreated into his black cloak and followed the giant Anthro-grizzly to the loading bay doors.

The ship began to lurch, and it's metal hull moaned out in creaks and groans as we entered the atmosphere of the small moon. The ground began to vibrate fervently as the reverse thrusters kicked in and slowed our decent.

I slipped my hands into some small port holes next to my locker. The thick metal scales of my hyper gauntlets rubbed against my soft skin. My fingers slowly nudged into their respective slots, and the gauntlets activated.

"Pairing...Pairing...Complete." The gauntlets chimed as they locked onto my arms. I pulled them from their slots and flexed my fingers. The dragon scale looking metal layered itself up my hands and onto my arms. I punched my own fist a few times, testing out the durability of the two beasts on my arms. I was ready for anything. Or so I thought. Carpetree was definitely far worse than I could have imagined, and I was about to find out how bad it could be.

I strode up to Mama and Echo as they held onto some hand rails near the exit. Walter Beemus appeared next to us from somewhere between the cargo.

He smiled at Mama, eyeing her up and down, "Looking better every day, Mama. How'd a grizzly like you get so damn beautiful?" His gravelly voice fell upon defiant ears though. I knew Mama still had a husband back on Earth that she was loyal to. She let some details about him slip here and there.

"Don't even think about it, Walter. I would rather eat a Anthro-skunk's stink sack then mate with you." She snorted at him and turned back to the door.

Walter held his hands up and chuckled, "I just like big women is all." He started backing away when I flipped him the bird. He returned the favor, "Just you cunts be back here in one piece okay? I don't like losing my crew to bullshit. It never feels good."

"Aww." I held my hand up to my chest, "So sweet, Walter-boo. Don't worry, I'll bring you back a souvenir." I grinned as he waved me away and went back to work.

"Ready up," Echo shifted as the ship let go of one final lurch and slammed down upon the landing zone.

The ship began to power down its engines, letting out a high pitched whine as the massive engines cooled. Several beeps and boops could be heard as the large hydraulic doors began to open, hissing out at us as the room pressurized to the outside world. The sirens blared for our own caution as cold wind whipped up and started to whirl around us from the ice world beyond.

I turned to the sound of footsteps behind me. I smiled reflexively as Captain Uwu came up behind me. He slipped his soft, furry arms around my waist and leaned into my ear. He pulled me tight to his body and pressed his hip up against my butt. I bit my lip as the Captain whispered into my ear, "Come back to me for a special treat, alright?"

"You know I'll be here." I turned my head slightly and kissed him.

"Get ahold of your hormones. We got a paycheck to earn you two." Echo scoffed as the loading bay door settled down on the landing pad with a loud thump. He began to trudge down along with Mama, pulling his hood up around his large ears.

"Be safe!" Walter shouted before they were gone from eyesight.

I chased after them, entering the new world for the first time. I pulled my hood up and glanced back at Uwu, Speck was at his side glaring at me. His tail was swishing about violently.

I whispered under my breath, "You be safe, Uwu." I turned to follow Mama and Echo when the city of Carpetree, and the moon of Meowlith Prime, hit me for the first time in my life.

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