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The Spinster Librarian

Story Info
Young college guy humiliated in front of older women.
5.8k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/13/2020
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The four of us had been roommates since freshman year here at U of F. Ever since the first time we were assigned to room together we got along great. There was Paul, Bret, Jim and me David.

Paul was a swimmer with a swimmers body. Basically a hairless body from the neck down mostly due to swimming. He had dark wavy hair and a strong ruggedly handsome face.

Bret was the funny one, he loved playing practical jokes on everyone. He had basic brown hair and fuzzy light brown hair all over his body. He was just a bit pudgy, but not overweight.

Jim was a looker, most people that knew us both couldn't decide who was more handsome. Jim had jet black thick hair that just naturally fell into place. He had a modestly muscled body but very defined.

Lastly there was me. My blond hair was very surfer like and had a natural flow. I played tennis and racketball almost everyday giving me a very all over well toned body.

We as a group were very typical 19 year olds in college.

On one Friday after exams we decided to go out and get drunk off our asses. That's exactly what we did. We were smart enough before starting out to walk instead of driving. The bars were not too far off campus so it wasn't a huge trek. We drank till our bodies couldn't hold any more.

As we were staggering back to campus, stopping to piss several times, we passed the home of the school's librarian Miss Smith. Miss Smith was in her mid fifties and had never been married. She had never even been seen with a man. She was somewhat of a campus joke. A very plain Jane woman. She wore no makeup or fashionable clothes.

Bret, the prankster, came up with an idea to play a prank on Miss Smith. We all gathered around to hear what Bret had come up with. "Let's tie a handsome naked man to Miss Smith's porch so that when she comes out in the morning that will be the first thing she sees. Hell she's probably never even seen a naked guy in her life, how fucking funny would that be."

"That's a great idea Bret but where the fuck are we going to get someone to tie up?" questioned Paul.

"Well we've got two right here, Jim and David," Bret said.

Both Jim and I said in unison, "Not me". And that is the last thing I remember. I evidently passed out at that moment.

The next thing I remember was someone softly slapping my face. "Wake up, wake up it's time you were awake." I struggled to open my eyes and after the blurring cleared I could see Miss Smith the librarians face in front of me.

"Oh, ah, what, where am I?" I asked.

"Oh you really don't remember anything do you," Miss Smith replied.

"No, I have no idea, what's going on?" I asked.

"Well last night a gift was left for me on my front porch," Miss Smith said.

"I'm not getting this, what does any of this have to do with me?" I asked.

"Well my dear you were my gift, left on my porch all tied up with a bow," Miss Smith said with a wicked grin.

The fog in my mine began to lift and I remembered getting plastered, staggering toward the campus and..."Oh fuck me, I passed out and those bastards did it," I said out loud. I then looked down to get a glimpse of my naked body. I quickly moved both hands to cover my nakedness.

Laughingly Miss Smith said, "Darling it's a bit late to show any modesty, you've been totally naked in front of me for hours."

"Where are my clothes, please give me my clothes," I asked.

Miss Smith answered, "My darling boy this is the way you came, I have no idea where your clothes are nor do I care."

"How am I supposed to get back to my room, I can't go like this?" I asked.

"That's not my problem and it's not your problem either, I believe you might want to stay a while." Miss Smith announced.

"You must be out of your mind if you think I'm staying here with you, you crazy old bat, now get me something to cover myself with," I demanded.

"Young man you are in no position to order me about in my own home, after all if it weren't for me you would have woken up naked as a jaybird on my front porch for the entire world to see," Miss Smith stated.

"I don't give a crap about that, I just want to leave and go home, NOW!" I shouted.

Miss Smith said, "You're not going anywhere till I say you can leave!"

With a chuckle I asked, "And just how are you going to stop me I'd like to know?"

"With these," she replied, handing me her phone.

I took her phone and glanced down at the open page. "What the fuck, how did... I didn't do...this can't be. There were pics of me stark naked with a raging hard on and I was sucking a dick. "How did this happen, I've never sucked a dick in my life?" In another pic it appeared I was being fucked in the ass by a man. "I've never had sex with a guy and I certainly have never had a dick up my ass," I pleaded.

I looked up at Miss Smith with a confused expression on my face. Miss Smith simply answered, "Isn't it amazing how realistic a well made dildo resembles the real thing! I do believe these pics prove that, they even fooled you. And unless you want these spread all over campus and the internet you will do as you are told."

I quickly started deleting the pics as fast as I could, one after the other, delete, delete, delete.

Miss Smith smiled and said, "My dear boy, do you think I was born yesterday, I have all those wonderful explicit pics backed up on my computer ready to post at a moment's notice. And just FYI I got your parents' email from the school records and they are also on my list of pic recipients."

I sat there in shock, how devious was the old woman and what had I gotten myself into? What did she have in mind for me? Why was she doing this?

Miss Smith observed my facial expressions and said, "All your wondering will be answered in time right now it's time to get ready for company."

"Company, what the hell are you talking about," I snapped back.

"I have three friends coming over for an afternoon bridge game and you will be helping me out by serving refreshments" she answered.

"You must be out of your everloving mind if you think I'm going to help you do anything," I retorted.

"Now now, have we already forgotten all I have to do is press enter on my computer and all your 'extracurricular' activities will be exposed to everyone you know plus millions you don't," she reminded me.

"Well you can't expect me to parade around naked while serving your friends," I stated.

"Of course not, that would be rude. I have appropriate outfits picked out for you to wear while entertaining, oh I mean serving my friends. Now follow me upstairs and I'll show you where the bathroom is so you can clean up, you smell like a distillery from last night's buffoonery," she said.

I followed her to the bathroom and took a long hot shower hoping I would wake up from this nightmare. After drying off I wrapped the towel around my waist and wandered through the house to locate Miss Smith. I found her in the kitchen preparing snacks for her upcoming card game, I surmised.

"Well there you are, you certainly look and smell better after your shower. Hope you washed everything very well. Now these are some of the hors d'oeuvres you will be serving my guests. Over here you'll find the wine for the drinks. You're going to be a combination server/bartender," she said.

"Ok,ok I get it, I'm to attend to you and your friends while they are here playing cards and then I can get the hell out of here right?" I asked.

"Well that all depends on how good of a job you do this afternoon, now doesn't it?" Miss Smith said with a condescending look. "Remember I will have my iPad with me at all times, I keep the game scores on it, and I only need to hit enter," she said.

I gave her an, I understand what you mean look and dropped my head down.

"Let's get upstairs and determine your outfit, that will be fun, well at least for me anyway," she said comically.

Upstairs in the spare bedroom on the bed were several things spread out on the comforter. There was a jockstrap type garment, a g-string, a loincloth and an apron. In my head I was putting together which ones I could combine to give myself the best coverage.

"Now let's see what goes with today's bridge game theme, let me think. Awe yes I think this apron will do, yes that's the one!" she said.

"And what do I wear under this flimsy apron?" I questioned.

"Oh sweetie, you were left on my porch in your birthday suit and that's exactly what you'll be wearing under it today," she said.

"You can't be serious, you expect me to parade around your friends in just an apron! There's no back to it and I seriously doubt that there's enough material in front to cover all of my junk, I'm not gonna do it, no fucking way!" I protested.

"Ok dear, excuse me I need to get my iPad, I'll be right back this won't take long," she said as she turned and headed toward the steps.

"Wait, wait please don't make me do this, I'll be practically naked in front of these women. I'll be completely humiliated. I don't even take showers in a public group setting. I don't get undressed in front of other people. PLEASE, PLEASE I'm begging you," I pleaded.

Miss Smith gave me a sympathy look and said, "These are my friends and I want to show off my new gift. They are all as old or older than me and are just looking for some innocent fun. You would only be giving them a little thrill at being around a young beautiful male in his prime. And besides remember I've got those pics."

I thought to myself, oh I remember those sinister pics she had. The ones that looked like I was sucking a dick and getting fucked up the ass too.

The doorbell rang and Miss Smith glanced at her watch exclaiming ,"Oh they've started arriving, I'll go down and let them in while you get your apron on. I'll give you a shout out when it's time to start serving. In the kitchen the snacks and drinks are ready for you to bring into the living room to serve them. Now get your apron on any listen for me to call for you."

She left the room and headed to the door to greet her guests. Meanwhile I sat there thinking about what all had transpired in the past few hours. It was bizarre to even consider what was about to happen. I slipped the towel off and grabbed the tiny apron. It was made of a thin black material. It was so small, the front panel couldn't have been more than four inches wide and maybe eight inches long.

Holding it up to get a good look at it I didn't think it large enough to cover my rather large endowment. The only material covering my ass were the apron strings hanging down after tying it around my waist. My ass was basically visible, the short strings hid hardly anything.

After getting It tied around my waist I stepped in front of the mirror. "Oh my god, this thing, it barley cover anything. Standing sideways I could get a non obstructed view of the side of my penis and balls. Every time I took a step the apron would move back and forth. The fabric was so flimsy when I walked the bottom of the panel would flip up revealing even more of my privates.

At that moment I heard Miss Smith calling,"David could you please serve the refreshments now."

I froze at that moment, my legs would not let me move. I thought I was going to pass out.what could I do, how could I get out of this humiliating situation!

Again I heard Miss Smith call out,"David, when you come to serve the goodies please bring my iPads charging cord, I wouldn't want the battery to get too low. The cord is on the kitchen counter next to the snacks, remember!"

The terrifying thought of those pics flashed through my head, I quickly remembered how to walk and headed toward the steps. I entered the kitchen and located the hors d'oeuvres andwine. Just then Miss Smith came through the door into the kitchen from the living room.

"Glad to see you finally made it down here. The ladies have decided we want to start with a glass of wine. My dear you look externally nervous and upset, maybe you need a glass of wine yourself, "Miss Smith suggested. "Here you can have my glass, I was enjoying some while preparing the goodies." She reached into the refrigerator and removed a nearly full glass of red wine and handed it to me. "Maybe this will help you calm down and relax," she said. "Drink your wine and then bring in four glasses for my guests and I," she said on her way to join her friends.

I was such a wreck I gulped that glass down without taking a breath. Anything to help me get through this trainwreck. I poured myself another glass and devoured it too.

With the two glasses of wine in me it was now or never, I couldn't take a chance on stalling any longer. Miss Smith might have her finger on the enter button right now.

I poured four glasses of wine and placed them on the tray. Picking up the tray and holding it as low as I could in front of my junk hiding as much as I possibly could, I opened the door by pushing it with my shoulder.

"David, come in and meet my friends. This is Mrs.Thompson, Mrs Stevenson and Professor Jane Williams," Miss Smith announced.

I froze in my tracks again, the Professor I had just been introduced to was indeed one of my current professors. I was a student in her communications class, a small class of only fifteen students. We knew each other, we had had one on one discussion in class and in her office. How was I ever going to be able to look her in the face again. Here I stood practically naked only feet away. I felt my embarrassment flow over my entire body as I blushed from head to toe.

Miss Smith continued with her introductions, "And Mrs Stevenson is a dear friend of mine and I believe a close friend of your mother."

Mrs Stevenson replied," Yes David your mother and I became acquainted when she attended college here and I was her sorority house mother. We've kept in close contact ever since she graduated. She's just like a daughter to me."

Oh my god what is happening to me, how can this be. First my professor and now a close friend of my mother's both sitting there seeing me nearly completely naked. Please let me wake up from this horrible nightmare! At least I had the tray holding the glasses to help hide my nakedness. I felt light headed and believed I might pass out at any moment.

"And finally David, this is Mrs. Thompson, Dean Thompson better half," Miss Smith announced.

Fuck me, it was the Dean of the colleges wife sitting there observing my intimate situation. I'm so screwed I've got to do something to get out of here. I'll just back up into the kitchen and make a run for it!

Miss Smith saw the fear and anxiety on my face and spoke,"David, you did remember my iPad cord didn't you? Look here the battery indicator is only half charged, see it right next to the enter button."

The vile pics popped back into my head and again I realized she had me by the balls, almost literally.

"Yes Miss Smith the charger cord is just in the kitchen," I said.

"Good, then would you please sit the wine down on the table and fetch the cord now David," she demanded.

"But Miss Smith...I ah...I ...I can get the cord when I bring the hors d'oeuvres in can't I?" I stammered.

"No David, we're not ready for the hors d'oeuvres yet, I just want you to retrieve my cord so that I can plug in the iPad. I don't want there to be any chance I might lose power. Afterall one never knows when there will be an urgent need to send something via the pad, right?" Miss Smith stated.

I gulped loudly or it seemed loud to me before slowly and gently setting the tray of glasses down on the table. Without looking at them I just knew the women were gazing at my crotch catching glimpses of my privates. I quickly turned and headed for the kitchen completely forgetting that now my naked ass would be totally on display. My walk turned into a sprint to get behind the kitchen door and not be visible to anyone.

I was breathing as heavy as if I had run a mile. The exhilaration of everything that had just transpired had me weak in the knees. My feelings were confusing, how could something be embarrassing and exciting at the same time? What the fuck?

"David, don't dally in there, just bring the cord and more wine to top off our glasses please," Miss Smith ordered.

I grabbed the charger cord and a bottle of wine and re-entered the living room. I held the wine bottle snugly in front of my crotch.

"Thank you David, please sit the bottle down and plug in the charger cord over there," as she pointed to a floor plug to her right next to the wall.

Now I was going to have to turn my back to the women, walk over to the wall and bend over to plug in the cord. Not only would my ass be on full display but the women would get a glimpse of my most intimate area when I bent over to plug it in. I wanted the floor to open and swallow me up.

I strolled over and as quickly as I could bent over and jammed the plug in the socket. I could feel my butt cheeks part and I knew they all got a wink from my ass hole. I had never felt that level of embarrassment in my life.

"Thank you David, that was very accommodating of you. Now please refill our glasses, some of us have developed a rampant thirst," Miss Smith said as the other women snickered.

I pickup the wine and started pouring with Miss Smiths glass filling it about three fourths full. I then started filling my mother's close friend, Mrs. Stevenson's, glass.

Mrs Stevenson spoke up and asked Miss Smith," My dear what kind of fabric is this beautiful apron made from?" It's simple devine, I'd love to have one like it myself."

Miss Smith answered, "I know, isn't it lovely. I really have no idea what material it's made from. It feels like silk but it's a much lighter weight fabric than that. Feel free to have a closer look if you want."

Again I gulped thinking oh great she's going to have a close look at the tiny material barely covering my private parts.

Mrs Stevenson turned toward me and lowered her head to get a better look. "Darling," speaking to Miss Smith, "I still can't tell anything about it." She then reached out and took hold of the bottom of the apron, rubbing it between her forefinger and thumb.

Her fingers were so close to my penis I could feel the heat from them. For reasons I couldn't explain the movement of the apron and the closeness and heat from her fingers were enticing my penis to start stiffening. I squirmed a bit to try and stop the advancement scurrying in my crotch.

"Hold still David, Mrs Stevenson is interested in the apron and wants to know what it's made from. If you would rather take it off so she could examine it to her satisfaction, would you prefer that David?" Miss Smith asked.

"OH NO, NO, I'll be very still so she can determine if she likes it or not," I blurted out.

With that Mrs Stevenson returned to her examination of my apron. Still rubbing her fingers together she slightly lifted the bottom upward.

"I wonder if both sides of it are the same or one is smoother than the other?" Mrs Stevenson questioned. "Well I guess there's only one way to find out," she chuckled. With that she lifted the apron up enough for everyone to see the head of my penis and the bottom of my hanging balls.

Fuck, what the fuck lady, what are you doing, ran through my head. Oh my god everyone can see the head of my penis. It's just hanging there out in the open! As these thoughts were rushing through my head(the one on top of my body)I felt her finger graze my penis. My penis responded immediately, starting to sturr again.

I felt my penis lift up off my resting balls. This couldn't be happening. I would not get an erection here and now. But yet it was happening with each pulse I could feel it growing.

Just then Mrs Stevenson drooped the apron from her hold and it fell back down to cover my penis. I quickly moved to Professor Williams to refill her glass. All the time praying that what little coverage the apron afforded me was still happening with my semi erection. I couldn't bring myself to take a look to confirm my hopes.


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