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The Spirit of Lady Macbeth Pt. 01

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Erotic Trans Femdom.
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Part 1 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 09/28/2020
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For 6 years running the philosophy class at the university had gained a reputation as part of the 3rd wave of feminism.

Oddly enough Lady Lizbeth's last name of Duncan was the same as that of the murdered King in the famous Shakespearean play of which her course 'The Spirit of Lady Macbeth' was taken from.

Listed under its title was the declaration 'Systematic Misogyny in Literature throughout the ages'. The cost of male privilege and entitlement to the world's detriment at the expense of women as a whole.

Lisbeth was a coven-witch schooled in the black arts of deception and witch-craft by her aristocratic mother and 3 aunts who mirrored the wisdom of the 3 witches in the play. Among other things skilled in casting spells and sorcery the woman had learned early on that power isn't given it's taken.

It was said Lady Macbeth had even more ambition than her husband who was portrayed as a tragic hero in the classic sense. Perhaps more anti-hero Macbeth's desire to be king at any cost was surpassed only by her own quest for power.

In the stadium-like seating of the lecture hall Lisbeth wrote the words on the chalkboard...'The key themes of good versus evil, the dangers of ambition, the influence of supernatural forces, the contrast between appearance and reality, loyalty and guilt'.

Leaving his roommate Josh sleeping had he not arrived late for the 3 O'Clock Friday class Tracy Ballard would have heard her addressing the lecture hall that was filled with 90% females. Of the 55 in attendance only 6 slots were filled by males.

Slipping in with a few minutes left he didn't see the foot of the female student quickly yet intentionally stuck out. Tracy fell to the stairs his books clanging loudly on the floor to the amusement of the rest of the class.

Chalk in hand Professor Duncan stopped what she was doing to briefly look his way before continuing. She raised her voice to drive home the point.

"As I said earlier male privilege and entitlement...does he really think he can come to class late and disrupt it free of consequence?"

Head down clothing disheveled Tracy skulked to his open seat between the two intelligent female athletes. At 6' a well-muscled Lori Smith was captain of the 'crew' team along with her friend and teammate Wanda Polewski that sat on the other side of Tracy.

Shaking her head Lisbeth returned to lecturing.

"Act one scene 4...line 14 "Duncan clearly values loyalty. He has the first Thane of Cowder executed and rewards Macbeth by making him the new Thane."

Wiping off part of the blackboard to clear an area she went on.

"Shakespeare cleverly uses loyalty as a dramatic device as well. Duncan is in the middle of talking about 'absolute trust' when Macbeth walks we know Macbeth's already has talked about 'the loyalty he owes in the 14th line of act one scene 4...he again touches on 'his duties' in the 24th line of the same act."

"Early on in the play perhaps it is likely his wife who is manipulating him...yet in the later scenes it's Macbeth making the decisions...and also shows he hates disloyalty by threatening his messengers and servants."

"Now once the murder is committed Macbeth lets his guilt rise to the surface...he had been unsure before the murder and regrets it immediately after..."

Lisbeth turned to her captive audience.

"One must remember a lowering of one's consciousness is always preceded by an act of stupidity...certainly murder qualifies."

It's tattered edges a sign of use a glance at her 3-ring notebook she spoke forcefully.

"...Yet Lady Macbeth seems to displays no such guilt...her comment in act 2 scene 2 line 64 she talks about how a 'little water' cleans away the blood."

Writing down his notes as fast as he could Tracy looked up when he heard her next point.

"Today's feminist can see the inference... now back then women were meant to be seen and not heard...they should value looking pretty and being feminine in both appearance of clothing and how they speak...often deferring to alpha men...I would add a woman was raised believing they should be only interested in being a sexual vessel for powerful men...and should she pursue power as most males do then she is looked on as being devious and cunning."

"Lady Macbeth's increasing madness is shown by her later guilt ...where she imagines her hands to be stained with blood her quest for power...therefore the male play write sets her up as being too ambitious for a woman and certainly possessing feminine manipulative traits towards her husband in seeking power."

A loner of sorts Tracy's internet habits often had him searching themes of female dominance and male submission. Was it becoming more and more common? The answer may surprise recent statistics have shown the word 'Mistress' is in the top ten searches on Pornhub. The site had some 300 million visits worldwide every day.

Hoping no one would notice he slid his hand down to adjust his cock in his jeans. All the talk of woman and power was exciting him. Sitting up in his chair Tracy leaned in to listen as Professor Lisbeth was near finishing.

"What a character wears and how they appear is also an important aspect of this theme category we'll call 'appearance and clothing...what is real and what is appearance?...dwell on this for our next lecture on Tuesday...we will delve into thoughts and dreams and how Macbeth gets stuck there sometimes..."

"Macbeth asks Ross and Angus...'Why do you dress me in borrow'd robes'...act 1 scene 3 line 109...there is always that sense that what is fair is not so, and vice versa...does this play out as an allegory?...and if so then how?"

The line itself fueled his fantasy Tracy had become increasingly curious about the enticement of women's clothing and lingerie while developing the habit of viewing t-girls.

It was a shift in what excited him. Like many his internet viewing habits had changed from the basic 'boy meets girl, boy fuck girl boy leaves girl to go brag about it to his mates'. Now days he found himself occasionally wanking looking at dominant mistresses and males turned feminine.

Lisbeth looked at her students pleased to see most were fully attentive.

"Any questions?"

On scholarship Wanda Polewski stood erect showing off her musculature frame. A sturdy 6' 1" her voice bellowed out.

"Professor Duncan am I wrong or does Shakespeare have issues with women? From the Taming of the Shrew to King Lear seems to me he's never quite comfortable with us."

Nearly all in the classroom laughed out.

"Yes at times respectful other times not so much...later we'll go into it further as well as how he addresses the subject of cross-dressing in The Twelve Night. You could read more about this in a book by Clare McManus...a woman who explores gender in the history of Shakespeare performance."

With Tracy sitting between them Wanda reached over and took a 'high-five' from her friend Lori saying 'see... we both were right again'.

Tracy bounded down the stairs taking them two at a time to catch her before she walked out the side door near the chalk board. Lisbeth was listening to one of her female student's ask the question.

"Being in France the same time Shakespeare lived is this male-mind set similar to what Cardinal Richelieu thought...'that intellect in a woman is unbecoming'?"

Lisbeth looked at the young woman.

"Yes but don't even get me started on the Catholic church and how they persecuted intelligent women and coven witches who dared challenge their authority."

Lisbeth saw Tracy standing in front of her.

"Excuse me professor."

"Yes what is it? You're the one who was disrespectful enough to come to my class late. This material is hard enough to absorb without being distracted by an immature male too lazy to arrive on time...walk with carry this...I need to check my emails"

It was a simple request yet she knew if he took her purse it would say something. Awkwardly he looked around to see if anyone noticed. Stopping for a second she adjusted the strap of the woman's purse on Tracy's shoulder.

It was a violation of the man-code that said no male should use or be seen carrying a women's purse. Truth is go to any mall and one could see plenty of males who were overtly being gradually stripped of their masculinity as society defined it. Their women often handing them their purse to hold in a subtle form of emasculation they would spend the day carrying it and their shopping bags being led from store to store.

The same could be said at the makeup counter of large retailers. Men's makeup had become a growth area now driving 30% of new sales. Their clothing too was also taking on the look of gender-neutral designs often with feminine leanings.

As she walked she commented.

"Your act of male entitlement should come at a cost. I really could use an assistant...someone to help keep things clean and maintain order in my office perhaps even my home while answering phone calls getting me the occasional cup of coffee."

Lisbeth stopped at looked at Tracy as they made their way down the hall walkway.

"You better be good at obeying orders'll discover I am a bit of a perfectionist liking things the way I want...tell me do you have a talent at making tea or coffee?"

"Hmmm yes Ma'am...I am."

Her hand reached out with both his tied up carrying his books, backpack and her purse he held still has she adjusted his hair behind his ear. Typical of most college students the 24-year old male had unkempt hair near touching his shoulders.

"Fine then ...keep your schedule clear you'll act as my personal assistant is that understood?...You have nice needs to be taken better care of yet it has wonderful potential."

It was a compliment a young woman might get yet he accepted it with a smile after listening to her describe the requirements that sounded like secretarial duties if not those of a maid.

"Thank you Ms. Lisbeth I'll Look forward to working with you.'

"You mean working for me or better still under'll realize the difference in the days ahead."

"Yes Ma'am ...Ummm I wanted to ask you something."

Seeing her glare at him he hesitated as though he had gone about asking the wrong way.

"...I mean if it's alright to inquire."

Tracy had no idea one of the reasons she had allowed him to take her course was that she identified him as a candidate she'd might enjoy enlightening to the wisdom of the feminine.

Each year she would allow only a few males she'd selected into her course that was filled with females. Her seating chart had him put between the two alpha women that were smart, beautiful and intimidating.

By power of her persuasion Lisbeth Duncan had secured a large office in the modest house near campus that she lived in. The woman used her witchcraft skills on the dean and president to have them give her the home as part of her tenured benefits and salary. That was a story for another time.

Tucked away down a quiet area off campus back in 1924 it had been the original care-takers home and was too nice for any students to use. The first floor had a living room with her large office converted across the hall taking over where the dining room had once been.

Upstairs she had a large spacious bedroom with a smaller bedroom down the hall near the modernized bathroom that had been femininely appointed.

"Tell me what do you know of the Macbeth the final battle scene contains many aspects of this theme ...are you familiar with you know of the powers an authentic witch possesses?"

Inside her house back on his heels Tracy listened.

"Hmmm...Macbeth believes he is invincible because many of the witches prophecies appear impossible to fulfill...and yet in act 5 scene 8 as the witches predicted Birnam Wood does indeed move to Dunsinane and Macbeth is killed by Macduff because he is not 'of woman born'...that would be line 31."

"Yes well Ms. Lisbeth...I really don't know much about witches and stuff."

"Are you staying along with the material...keeping up with the rest of the females in class?...Do you know what Lady Macbeth's traits are?...her ambition and resolution ...her dissimulation and cunning, her presence of mind...her energy and affection?"

Lisbeth pointed for him to put her purse down on the chair. A quick scoop with both her hands pushed her deep brunette hair back behind her ears as she arched her back partially showing off the sumptuous breasts beneath the chiffon blouse.

"What did you want to ask me...follow me upstairs I have a cocktail party for a university fundraiser to attend."

Her large rounded bottom cheeks rolled on each step she took. A look in the mirror at the top of the stairs let Lisbeth see him caught up in the sight of her bum as she moved.

Her bedroom meticulously clean she opened the twin closet doors pulling out a smart looking skirt suit. A glance at Tracy made him realize she wanted to hear his question.

"It's just I'm not sure what Shakespeare means when he has Lady Macbeth say 'unsex me here'?"

"In Act 1 scene 5..."

The words reminded him she knew the play inside and out.

"It's a soliloquy spoken by Lady Macbeth...she had read her husband's find out from the messenger the king would be arriving that night..."

Her arms lifted Lisbeth removed her blouse in front of Tracy likely knowing her state of undress would unnerve him. As though his presence was a non-factor she unclasped her skirt zipping it down slipping it off. Walking towards the closet she selected the pair of high heels that would go with her outfit. The matching lace thong to her bra did little to hide her pretty bottom.

Tracy held spellbound watched her move about the room half naked as he sat on the edge of the king-sized bed. Near the same body size as Tracy though larger and firmed muscled out of her shoes he could see she still was a few inches taller than him.

At 42 years old she had him by twenty years. Lisbeth moved to stand in front of him holding a red chiffon blouse on a hanger. He couldn't help but stare at her large d-cup breasts held captive in the lace embroidered bra.

"Here unbutton this while I change into a fresh bra and pantie set...your question what is it?...your t-shirt has a mustard stain on it...what did you have a hot dog for lunch?"

He nodded his head.

"I never see the sense in males promoting sports team by wearing the branding logo's...the owners have captured your's called identity fusion yet all they are interested in is profiting off the skills of athletes while playing off your emotions."

Tracy held up the unbuttoned blouse for her to take. She kept him holding it aloft as she walked back to the closet.

"Yea I guess you're right Ma'am...I never thought about it that way."

Flipping a clean t-shirt his way she looked at him.

"Take the dirty one off...and wear this...Lady're missing the tone of it as well as the theme of what my course teaches...She says 'Unsex me' as way of declaring there isn't enough manhood to go around between herself and her husband so she asks the spirits. It's her vivid way of asking to be stripped of perceived feminine weakness and be invested in masculine strength and resolve."

Lisbeth looked at Tracy

" part of my courses point...a myth fostered by this day many still consider the fallacy that females are looked on as weak and only men are capable of being strong."

One hand reached behind her back as she unclasped her bra. Her milky breasts held exposed momentarily she slid the fresh bra to her waist hooking the tabs before spinning it in back and lifting it up into place as she scooped and dropped each breast separately.

Tracy like many a male would held still with his mouth agape at seeing their beauty. He had always like full rounded areolas like she had. Tracy looked down to see the unusual yet attractive looking tattoos at her bikini line.

On one side was an oddly shaped 6-pointed star. Beneath was a collection of colorful flowers paying tribute to her femininity. On the other side was a moon with two other quarter-moons pointed out opposite each other.

"Pretty isn't should know I like to leave my mark on my lovers as a sign of their devotion.'

It was the first indication they could be together if she wanted it. Lisbeth saw the shift in his mind as the small brain of his sex took over for the one between his ears.

"I'm wiccan...a unicursal hexagram...the 6 points represent continuous movement ...a oneness that is found in the harmony of nature that has me believing that the divine is feminine in spirit."

Her finger pointed to the 3 phases of the moon tattoo. Tracy was impressed at the muscled look of her arm half wondering if she wasn't stronger than him.

"Now this represents the triple goddess...Mother, Maiden and the Crone...there is a reason the spirits have entrusted the feminine with the ability to create life...some thing far too important for male to possess."

Lisbeth condescendingly touched the tip of his nose with her finger as she said it

"Now should we become involved you'd be inked with a Hecate's wheel...perhaps some flowers put where I'd want as well. The Hecate's wheel is a feminist tradition ...a symbol of her Greek origin where she serves as the protector of crossroads before evolving into a goddess of magic and sorcery."

Lisbeth looked at him holding his attention.

"Know this with me you would be brought to a crossroad...before evolving into a better way of living...hotdogs? Mustard...No... a special more healthy diet that would bring change with...Now the maze inside represents her power of knowledge and life."

Her gaze and words as powerful as a thunderbolt touched something deep within Tracy.

Her hands held at her hips tightfisted Lisbeth spoke while just in her bra and panties.

"Well you've seen me bare-chested let me see you...put on the freshly clean t-shirt. I do hope you aren't hairy, I prefer the smooth hair-free look...I'll take that dirty t-shirt for my laundry basket."

Snapping out of his glaze as though he'd been momentarily spellbound he suddenly became flustered with Lisbeth pleased to see it.


Other than a little puff of hair between his loose-skinned boy-boobs he was hair free. The woman made an instant assessment glad to see he looked like he hadn't used a gym or lifted a free weight in years. Her blouse on she tossed him a pair of tights still in the cellophane package.

"Help me with these I hate putting on it correctly go slow free of bunching... every few inches pull them tight and smooth...while I'll tell you more of Lady Macbeth...conjuring the spirts to give her the courage..."

Her legs spread toe pointed Tracy began to lift the tights upward on the voluptuous woman's body. As though a creation of the Bard herself Lisbeth performed while having Tracy attend to her dressing acting like the feminine spirts intended it to be so.

"Come, you spirits that tend to mortal thoughts, unsex me here...and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of dirtiest cruelty...make thick my blood..., stop up th'access and passage to remorse...that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose...come to my woman's breasts and take my milk for murdering ministers..."

The potent and powerful fragranced vagina juices were released on her command. The sound of Tracy's breathing becoming labored his nostrils flared taking in her scent that was filling up the bedroom. Tights in place highlighting her sculpted thighs and rounded bottom she once more gave an order.

"My high heels next."

The back of her hand caressed his cheek as she let it run along his smooth facial skin. Tracy let out an un-masculine whimper kneeling down to slip the heels on. Lady Lisbeth seemed so tall and strong as he looked up at her completing the task.


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