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The Start of Our Lives Together

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Story of how my wife and I came to be.
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I wake up and instantly notice the thin arms wrapped around me. My head clears a little and I feel my wife's breasts pressed up against my back. My wife. Wow it still seems weird to say. I'm now a married man and we are sleeping at her cabin on the first morning of our honeymoon and the rest of our lives together.

I slink out of her arms because I need to go to the bathroom. Luckily I ease out and don't disturb her sleeping. I stand up and look down on the most beautiful woman I've ever seen and the love of my life. I must be the luckiest guy on Earth to be married to this goddess.

I relieve myself in the bathroom and make my way back out into the bedroom. I stand over her and can't help but feel so blessed to have her in my life.

Let me go back 8 months when we first met and tell you how we came to be here.

I was raised in a single-parent household my whole life because my "father" ran out on my mom when he heard that she was pregnant. Mom was everything to me growing up. She always told me how much she loved me and that I was the most important thing in her life. And she was mine.

I only grew to 5'6" (Mom was 5'8") but she never jibed me about it. She told me that everyone grew to their exact height and were perfect the way they were. Still I would have loved to have been taller. And a little more manly. I shared many of her features and was a "beautiful boy". I didn't like the term because I would have rather been handsome or dashing, but Mom always had that gleam in her eyes when she called me that so I never said anything to her.

I was an A student growing up. I was very smart, but do to my slight stature, I wasn't any good at sports and so always dove head-first into my studies so that I could get an academic scholarship. Mom had a small lingerie business and did well, but I didn't want to have to depend on her. I wanted to prove that I could be a real man.

I was valedictorian of my class and so had a full academic scholarship to any state school in Texas . I chose Texas ATM because we lived right near campus and I could stay at home while going to school. I know not very "real man" of me, but Mom really hinted that that is what she really wanted. She never came out and asked me to stay, but the smile on her face when I told her that was what I was going to do told me that that is how she felt.

Things were going great the first 3 ½ semester of school. Well great school wise. I was well on my way to my accounting degree and lacked only one semester to go before graduation. Since I lived at home and was very shy to do my small stature I didn't make many friends. Really zero, except for a few classmates that I had in several classes that occasionally asked me for help with an assignment. No one that I would hang out with or anything though. I was all set to graduate summa cum laude, when disaster struck.

Mom had been going to the doctor's a lot more in the past couple months, but I had never thought much about it. She had told me that it was "women's issues" and so I never asked her to elaborate. What she didn't tell me is that she had been diagnosed with cancer. I didn't know until January of my final semester, and only then because she started doing chemo-therapy. I was with her for every appointment and every night was there to take care of and watch over her.

But that wasn't enough. She died in April right before finals. My grades had already slipped some due to the fact that she was taking away some of my time, but my finals were very below my standards. I passes, but just barely, and so my GPA took a hit. It's not how I wanted to end my school career, because it doesn't look good to future employees to end on such a low note.

But none of that mattered to me. I was a mess. I had lost the only person in my life that had ever truly cared about me, and I them. Mom had been everything to me. She was my best friend and now I had no one.

I sold her business and decided to move. I couldn't stay in our house or stay near anyone that I knew. I had to go far away and start fresh because that is what she would have wanted. She always wanted me to go out and be happy, but I was always so shy that I couldn't really meet people that easy.

I moved to Colorado because I always loved the mountains and the cold air. It was a welcome change from the hot humid airs of Texas . I had some money from selling the house and Mom's business, but no job prospects. I moved into a small apartment and set off job hunting. But no one was looking for an accountant at this time and I settled for working at a coffee bar as a barista/bus boy. I know it wasn't a great job, but it did help me come out of my shell more. I had to talk to people every day, even if it was just taking their order.

I had been working at the coffee shop about two months when I noticed this striking woman come in. She was always dressed very nice and was absolutely stunning. She was about 5'10" and very thin. I thought that she could easily be a model. I pegged her to be around 28 or 29 years old. She had beautiful chocolate brown hair that she wore short, and a bronze to her skin that made her look like she was always tan.

She started coming to the shop regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays around 3:00p.m. My shift was from 8-4 and so I got to see her at least three times a week for a little over a month. She always ordered a tall latte and then sat at a table and did work on her lap top.

One day after a month or so of her regular routine, I was busing some tables near her when she got my attention and slid a piece of paper to me. I opened the note and my heart fell into my stomach and I became instantly ill. The note said: "I just wanted you to know that your panty line is showing in those pants."

I wanted to die right there. This woman who I had been dreaming about now for over a month knew my secret: I wore panties. I have said that my Mom owned a lingerie shop, and so I was always around the lacey and silky wonders. I had started wearing them when I hit puberty. I just loved the feel and loved to rub them on myself. My Mom found (which was so embarrassing), but told me that it was okay with her if I wore them. She had seen that I had taken a pair of hers, because she saw them poke out of my jeans when I bent over to pick something up in the kitchen one day. She told me that it was okay, but that I needed to get my own and not use hers. Luckily she just measured me and brought me some home. I had been wearing them since I was 14 and absolutely loved it.

But now the woman who I adored had found out, and I was soooo embarrassed. I couldn't even look at her as a finished the note. My hands were just shaking the paper as I held my breath and waited for the floor to open and swallow me up. I dropped the note and quickly told my boss that I needed to leave earlier because I wasn't feeling well. She told me to go home and come back tomorrow and that she hoped I felt better.

I grabbed my jacket and rushed out the door and was quickly walking down the sidewalk when I heard the lady call to me. I heard her but couldn't face her and so kept walking. But do to my small strides, she caught up to me and turned me to face her. I kept my eyes down though cus I couldn't look her in the eyes after she saw my secret.

"Please don't tell anyone what you saw. These pants are a little tight and I never wear them but I forgot to do laundry and they were the only clean pair I had."

She cupped my chin in her hand and raised my face until my eyes met hers. I was trying to hold back the tears but they were forming at the corners and I knew she could see them.

"I would never do such a thing. I wasn't trying to embarrass or make fun of you. I just wanted to let you know so that no one else would see."

I sniffled back the tears and tried to be strong. I barely squeaked out, "thank you," before I felt a tear roll down my left cheek.

She wiped it away and pulled me to her. "I'm so sorry that I made you feel this way. This isn't what I wanted at all. Please forgive me."

I shook my head yes and whispered, "it's okay. Thank you for letting me know. I would be so embarrassed if they found out at work."

"Let me take you to dinner to make it up to you. I know a great place that we can go."

I looked at her in disbelief. "You don't have to do that. It's okay. You don't owe me dinner or anything. It was me being stupid and wearing something I proly shouldn't that's the problem."

"First off, you should wear whatever you like. I can't actually see your panties, but I bet they look amazing on that cute little body of yours."

I sucked in a deep breath and looked at her in amazement. She thought I was cute? She doesn't mind that I wear panties?

"Secondly, I want to take you to dinner because I want to have dinner with you. I've been coming to that coffee shop three times a week for over a month now and it isn't because your coffee is that great. I want to get to know you and wasn't sure of how to ask you out."

"You want to go out with me? Like on a date?"

"Of course. But only if you want to go with me."

"Yes!!" I screamed at her. Then I noticed how loud and anxious I was. "I mean yes of course I would love to go out with you tonight."

A smile crossed her lips and she pulled me close once again. "Well then let's go."

"Umm, can I change first. I live just around the corner and want to get out of my work clothes."

"Certainly. I'll walk you there."

After I had changed we walked back and got into her car. She had a BMW and I was very impressed. I had dressed nice as per her request. We went to a lovely French restaurant and since it was still really early, we were the only ones there.

Over dinner we opened up a little bit to each other and told each other about ourselves. I had told her all about Mom and my life and how I had come to be in Colorado . I don't know why, but I felt I could tell this woman anything since she knew my biggest secret, and didn't care at all about it.

Her name is Jasmine and she was an orphan now. Her parents had died shortly she had finished college with her business degree. She likewise had moved to Colorado to escape her old home of New Jersey and had used their money to open her own lingerie store. I later found out that she had several stores and was quite wealthy. But at the time she didn't say and I didn't care. She could have been a cleaning lady for all I cared.

She told me that she only noticed the panty lines due to the fact that panties were her way of life. She often looked for VPL (visible panty lines) everywhere she went and always discreetly told the women she saw about them. I lowered my head when she said that she told "the women" that she saw. I was still a little embarrassed by my panties, but she lifted my head and told me that she bet I looked better in the panties than over ¾ of the women that she helped every day. That made me smile and I felt secure with her.

Dinner ended all too soon and she drove me home. I nervously thanked her for a great night when we got back to my apartment. I sheepishly told her that this was my first actual date.

"Really? Then I guess that this is your first actual kiss then too huh?"

She then grabbed the back of my head and pressed her full lips to mine. My eyes shot open in surprise, but rapidly closed as I was swept away into heaven. I felt her tongue outline my lips, and when I opened my lips her tongue dove inside. I quickly ran my tongue around hers and then gently sucked on her tongue. This was the greatest moment of my life.

She pulled away and gave me a beaming smile. My breath was taken away and I felt light-headed.

"That was amazing," was all I could mutter.

"Thank you," she said and winked at me. "You were not too bad yourself."

I blushed and she told me how cute I looked. It at once reminded me of my Mom always calling me her beautiful boy, and for some reason I wasn't embarrassed to be called cute by this gorgeous woman.

"Can I take you out again tomorrow," she asked me.

I could only nod my head yes, which elicited a giggle from her. She told me she would pick me up the next morning since it was Saturday and we both had the day off. I could hardly sleep that night, and when I did Jasmine filled my dreams.

Jasmine picked me up at 10:30 and drove us out to a local park for a picnic. She had packed a light lunch and brought along a blanket for us to sit on. Once again we talked about any and everything. We just felt such a connection that the conversation flowed freely and honestly. I told her how I have always been shy and that she was the first person I had been out with because I was always to scared to ask any one out.

The picnic was great and when we were done eating we just laid there and soaked up the sun. We felt comfortable enough with each other that if there was a moment of silence, we didn't feel like we had to say something. The silence wasn't awkward, it was nice. I could have laid there and stared at her forever. I couldn't figure out why this beautiful woman would want to be with me, but I determined not to mess it up.

I really wanted to kiss her, but was still so shy that I didn't know how to make the first move. As if reading my mind, Jasmine rolled over and went up on her hands and knees over me and lent down and kissed me. I was so eager that when she stopped the first kiss, I raised up met her mouth and opened mine to accept her probing tongue again. I loved the way she tasted and couldn't get enough.

"My you are eager," she chuckled as she pulled away.

"I've been thinking about that since the last time I saw you. I just didn't know how to make a move. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize baby. It's all I've been thinking about too," she said with a bright smile. "And I like how innocent and submissive you are. I like being in control. Is that okay with you?"

"I like you that way too," I barely whispered out. She gave me that huge smile again and leaned down so we could make out again.

After the picnic was over she took me home, because she had to go out of town. She would be gone for the next week and I was already missing her that night. Jasmine called me on Sunday and told me she had been thinking of me the whole time too. My smile was so big that my cheek muscles started hurting while we talked.

Jasmine came back into town on Friday and picked me up at the coffee shop when my shift was over. As soon as we got into her car, Jasmine reached across and grabbed my face with her hands and we shared a steamy kiss.

"I have missed you. Especially how you taste Michael."

I blushed red all over, which only emitted a chuckle from her. She kissed me again and then drove me to my place so I could change and we could go to dinner. Dinner was great. I couldn't believe how hear-over-heels I had become for this lady that I had known for a little over a week. I could see the same in her eyes; I hoped.

She dropped me off after dinner and we had another mini-make out session in her car before I had to go. I wanted to ask her up, but lacked the courage to do so. She had to go to her store the next day to discuss with her employees some of the things she had learned form her other stores that she was at on her trip. I meekly asked her if she would like to come over tomorrow night when she got off and I would cook us dinner.

"That's sounds lovely. I didn't know you could cook."

"Well it was just me and mom growing up, and she taught me all she knew about cooking. Would spaghetti be alright?"

"Mmmmm. I love spaghetti. I hope you have meatballs too," she said with a devious smile.

"I will make them as well," I said as she kissed me one last time and I went upstairs to my apartment. Her comment had made me a little nervous because she had put a sexual innuendo in it. As one might have guessed from my small stature, I have a small penis. It's only 4 ½" hard. This was my second biggest secret and one that I didn't think Jasmine would enjoy as much as my first.

However, I had to put that out of my mind because I had to clean my apartment pristinely, and go buy groceries to make dinner. I spent all of the morning and the first part of the afternoon cleaning every inch of my apartment. It shined like it had never shined before. Then I walked to the local store and bought everything I would need to make spaghetti, meatballs, and French bread. I decided against garlic bread, because I didn't want the over-powering herb to be on our breath, for obvious reasons.

Jasmine came over around 7:00 as we had planned, and she wasn't a moment too soon for me. I had been anxious all day and just kept pacing around my apartment staring at the clock. She walked in and immediately said how wonderful it smelled. She then grabbed me in her arms and said, "I hope it tastes as good as you," as she leaned down and gave me a quick kiss. I just melted in her arms, but awoke out of my daze and led her into my small dining room, while I went to the kitchen to get the food. She had uncorked the wine when I came back with the food and was pouring it into the glasses I had set up.

Dinner was very good (as I my say so myself), and Jasmine repeatedly told me how good everything was. By the time dinner was over we had gone through the entire bottle of wine, and I was feeling just a little bit tipsy. I gathered the plates and went to the kitchen to clean them off and set them aside to dry. As I was washing the plates, Jasmine came up behind me and wrapped her arms around my waist. She leaned down as I turned my head and met hers in a lust-filled, wine-induced kiss.

"It tasted amazing baby, but I still prefer you though," she said with a look of hunger in her eyes.

I bowed my head sheepishly and thanked her as I continued with the dishes. Jasmine stood there with her arms around me until I finished. It was a little awkward to work with her holding me, but it felt so nice to be in her arms that I would have washed dishes all night to just stay like that.

Jasmine could tell that I was still a little nervous about moving our relationship to the next level, and so she decided that she wouldn't rush me; at least for tonight. She asked me something though that did embarrass me again though:

"Can I see you panty collection?"


"I want to see all of your panties. I do own a lingerie store you know. And I bet that you haven't bought any new ones since your mother passed."

She was right there. Mom had always been so understanding and had always brought home panties for me from her store. But since she had been gone, I hadn't gotten any new panties. I couldn't go into a store and look for them, because I felt that the women in there would know that I would be looking for myself and I couldn't handle that embarrassment.

"Well no I haven't."

"Well I want to get you some new ones, but I want to know what you have now and what your tastes are."

I tried to tell her that that wasn't necessary, but Jasmine would hear none of it. And I was glad. I really wanted some new ones. She had me show her all the ones I had, from bikinis to thongs to boy-shorts to you name it. Some she loved and others she had me throw out because they were either too old or not the right style for me she decided. She made comments about how cute I would look in certain items, which made me blush, but also made me smile. Then she let out a whopper.

"The store is closed tomorrow, but I would like for you to come in with me so that we could do a proper fitting." She could see the worry in my eyes, but would not be undeterred. "No one else will be there and I will not have my boyfriend walking around in ill-fitting undergarments. I want you to feel and look beautiful."

To be honest, I don't think I heard anything after she said boyfriend. Me? Her boyfriend? I couldn't believe it and so gave her a curious look and asked, "boyfriend?"

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