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The Still

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Sheriff and deputy search for a still.
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Sally-Mae was home alone when she got the call.

"Sally-Mae, it's your Pappy done speaking. Now listen, that damn Sheriff done arrested me. He reckons I own a moon-shine still and wants to know where it is. Aint that the craziest thing? I done told him I don't own no still but he just pure don't believe me. Where'd you get that jar of moonshine I found in your truck, he wants to know? Was a gift, I told him. Couldn't rightly remember who gave it to me.

He still stuck me in a cell and said he's going out there to search the place. If he asks you where the still is, you don't know nothing."

"Well, Pappy, it's easy for me to not know nothing about where your still is 'cause you done moved it and didn't tell me where."

"I did no such thing. I never owned no still. And you shouldn't have been pinching the 'shine from it. That's why I moved it. Or why I would have moved it, if I'd ever owned a still, which I hasn't."

"Well, when the Sheriff gets here I can just look him in the eye and tell him I don't know where your still is, if you had one, which you aint. Um, Pappy?"


"If the Sheriff done locked you in a cell how come you are able to call me?"

"Well, it might be because the Sheriff's little phone fell out of his pocket when he wasn't looking and I sort of borrowed it."

"Yeah, well you'd better not have it when the Sheriff comes looking for it."

Call over, Sally-Mae continued with what she was doing, grumbling to herself. "Don't tell the Sheriff where the still is. Pappy, you must think I'm an idiot. If I knew where it was I might just tell the Sheriff just to teach you not to hide it from me. As it is I have to tell the truth and say I don't know. It don't seem right, telling the truth to the Sheriff."

It was a couple of hours later that the Sheriff arrived. Expecting him, Sally-Mae still got a surprise. She met the Sheriff at the door.

"Two cars?" she asked. "Has Pappy done something bad and you're after him in earnest? Usually you just use one car to arrest him."

"We've already got your Pappy locked up. I'm here with a search warrant to find his still. Billy has come along to help search. Why don't you save us a lot of trouble and tell us where the still is?"

"Still?" asked Sally-Mae, smiling. "Them things are illegal. I'm sure Pappy wouldn't have one. If he did, he'd never tell me where it was. He reckons I couldn't keep a secret, being a woman and all."

"Now don't you be lying to the law, Sally-Mae. Everyone knows that your Pappy has a still. Why not make this easy on yourself and just tell us where it is?"

"Everyone knows? Not everyone, because I sure don't know any such thing. Still, talking about what everyone knows, did you know that Billy has a still in the shed back of his place? It aint Pappy's still, as he don't have one, but it's a still. Have a look and you can arrest Billy. Hell, he can arrest himself and drive himself to jail in his very own police-car."

"That's a lie, Sheriff. There isn't any still in my shed. You know there isn't."

"How does he know? Did you move it before he came looking? Awfully sneaky of you, Billy."

"Now don't you go trying to confuse me, Sally-Mae. We aren't here to talk about Billy owning any still, which he'd better not have. We're talking about your Pappy and his still. If you don't tell us and we find it anyway we'll have to arrest you, too. You're an adult now and could go to prison."

"Arrest me? For not knowing that someone is breaking the law? Since when was that illegal? Won't happen, anyway, 'cause Pappy aint got no still. I keep telling you but you aint listening."

"Well, you listen. This is a search warrant and we're searching the place."

"Knock yourself out, Sheriff," said Sally-Mae with a smile. "Just wipe your feet before you come in. You, too, Billy."

It only took five minutes for the Sheriff to check the house. Not much more to check the few out-buildings. No still was detected. Back to Sally-Mae.

"Listen, Sally-Mae, we're going to keep searching until we find it. Why don't you be a good girl and just tell us where to look. We won't tell your Pappy you told us."

"I know you won't, because I still don't know. I guess you'll have to search the entire property. Don't worry. There's only a hundred acres of brush and trees. You might get lucky. One thing. Our boundaries aren't marked. If you find a still out there, which you won't, how will you know it's on our place?"

The Sheriff gave Sally-Mae the evil eye and said nothing. He was beaten and he knew it. Billy stepped in and threw his boss a life-line.

"Listen, Sheriff, things is fairly light right now. Why don't you go back to town and I'll stay here and look around. I might strike it lucky. You never know, I might even coax Sally-Mae into telling me where it is."

The Sheriff departed, Billy and Sally-Mae watching him drive off.

"No good trying to sweet-talk me into telling you anything about any old still," Sally-Mae told Billy. "I done told you, I know nothing."

"Your Pappy done caught you raiding the moon-shine and moved it without telling you, didn't he?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about."

"So it wasn't you who sold a Mason jar of moon-shine to them tourists? They gave me a pretty good description."

"I still have no idea what you're talking about. Pappy hasn't got a still so how could I be raiding it?"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. What for did you tell the Sheriff I had a still in my shed?"

"Um, the fact that you do have one there probably helped."

Billy grinned and looked Sally-Mae over. It was a warm day and all she had on was a light dress. He was willing to bet that, in fact, that was all she was wearing. The way her breasts bounced when she moved screamed no bra.

"Anyway, I had no intention of sweet-talking you into telling me where any old still is. Matter of fact it would be better for the Sheriff if he didn't find it."

"I know it would be better for Pappy if the Sheriff didn't find no still, but how would it be better for the Sheriff?"

"He'd have to break it and charge your Pappy. No more top quality moon-shine available. He'd be voted out at the next election sure as shooting."

"So if you don't want to find the still and have no intention of sweet-talking me, why are you still here?"

"I figure I need to paddle your tail for telling tales on me. You really should have kept quiet about my still. The Sheriff will think it over and then go and check my barn. It will look bad."

"So maybe instead of bothering me you should be running home and hiding your still."

"Already done," said an amused Billy. "When the Sheriff announced his crackdown on stills I dismantled it for a while. This leaves me free to bother you."

Before Sally-Mae caught on to what he was doing Billy had seated himself on the edge of the veranda. At the same time he reached out and caught Sally-Mae's arm, dragging her over his lap. Her dress flew up as she landed and Billy smiled. He'd been right about nothing under the dress. One hand holding Sally-Mae firmly in place, his other hand was helping the dress to move higher, tugging it up and over her head, ignoring Sally-Mae's vociferous protests.

To Sally-Mae it seemed as though one moment she was standing there, having a few shots at Billy, then she was lying across his lap, naked, her dress resting on the veranda.

"Damn you, Billy," she raged. "What do you think you're playing at?"

The answer came with a firm spank on her bottom.

"Exactly what I told you, Sally-Mae," said a laughing Billy. "Paddling your tail for telling stories about me. Such a cute little tail it's almost a pity to paddle it. Almost."

He proceeded to demonstrate that almost meant Sally-Mae got paddled. His big hand came down hard, landing with a loud swat on Sally-Mae's bottom. She kicked and squealed and generally lost her temper. Billy laughed harder and continued spanking.

"Tell you what, Sally-Mae. When you stop wriggling and shrieking and carrying on and just lie there quietly I'll consider calling a halt. Until then. . ."

Sally-Mae told Billy just what she thought of him in no uncertain terms. Billy continued to spank her. It took a couple of minutes but it eventually dawned on her that Billy was serious. As long as she made a fuss he'd continue the spanking. Seriously angry she forced herself to swallow her pride and lie still. A couple more swats and Billy relented.

"There. That wasn't too bad, now was it?" he said, swinging her back to her feet and standing.

"Yes, it damn well was," shouted Sally-Mae, bouncing on her feet, her hands lightly rubbing a smarting bottom. "I'll get you for this, Billy. You just see if I don't."

She glared daggers at Billy and then stopped.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Now, Sally-Mae. You're standing there in front of me, naked. You're bouncing up and down, setting those lovely breasts of yours bouncing as well. I'm undoing my trousers. What do you think I'm going to do?"

Sally-Mae became rather abruptly aware of the fact that, yes, she was naked and standing in front of Billy who was most certainly aware that she was naked. She was also aware that Billy was a rather large man. Larger than she'd have guessed was her next thought, as Billy's trousers dropped away.

"You wouldn't dare," she said softly, barely breathing the words out. "I'd tell my Pappy and he'd come hunting you."

"And if you think that you don't know your Pappy as well as you think you do. He's more likely to congratulate you on distracting me from the search for his still. And he'll make a note of it hoping to use it to get him off if I catch him doing something he shouldn't."

Sally-Mae glowered at Billy. As much as she hated to admit it, Billy was right. That was exactly how her Pappy would react.

"I don't care anyway. It aint going to happen," she snapped.

"Uh-huh. And how do you propose to stop me?"

Sally-Mae didn't deign to answer that. She turned to depart. She considered herself to be quite fleet of foot and should be able to outrun Billy. It was a pity she didn't get a chance to find out.

Even as Sally-Mae was turning to leave Billy was reaching for her, catching hold of her arm and turning her back to face him. He pulled her towards him, his other arm going around her to hold her pressed firmly against him. Sally-Mae could feel his erection pressing against her, hard and hot.

Now both his arms were around her, covering her bottom and holding her groin firmly against him. She glared at him, flushed and flustered. What the hell was she supposed to do now?

There wasn't much she could do, she found, as Billy lifted her and tossed her over his shoulder. Turning he walked into the house.

"I think we'll find a bed much more comfortable than the ground. Don't you?"

Sally-Mae wriggled and hammered at his back with clenched fists. She fight as well have been throwing flowers at him. Billy totally ignored her struggles, whistling quietly as he strolled through the house to her bedroom.

Sally-Mae found herself flying through the air, landing with a bounce on her bed. She glared up at Billy, preparing to defend herself.

"What the hell are you whistling for?" she snapped at him.

"Declaring my feelings," Billy told her with a smirk. "I've got you Babe, by Sonny and Cher. A bit before your time, but it seemed appropriate."

Billy moved towards her and she kicked out, trying to keep him back. That was just what he'd been hoping for it turned out, as he deftly caught her ankles. Before she could do anything else he was lifting them high and wide, both exposing her and leaving her helpless. With all her weight upon her shoulders she couldn't even get the leverage to hit out at him.

"Damn it, Billy," shouted Sally-Mae, staring down at her own pussy and the cock threatening it. "You can't do this. You're a Deputy Sheriff. I'll file charges and you'll have to arrest yourself."

"You're right and I'm deeply ashamed and disappointed in myself," Billy assured her.

"Then why are you doing it?"

"I'd be even more disappointed and ashamed of myself if I didn't," he calmly replied, his erection now pressing lightly against her soft and yielding flesh.

"Billy," she yelled, drawing his name right out in outrage as she watched and felt his cock sliding into her.

Billy drove firmly home, not in a rush but not lingering on the job, either. He knew where he was going and how to get there and a firm thrust was all that was required. His cock descended, Sally-Mae's yells grew shriller, and then his groin was pressing against hers, his cock fully sheathed in her hot young flesh.

He smiled down at Sally-Mae who was glaring up at him. He winked at her.

"Truce?" he suggested.

"Truce?" she yelled. "You're assaulting me."

"And doing it extremely well, if I do say so myself. How about we finish the assault and then we can start arguing again."

To emphasize his point Billy drew back and then thrust in with more urgency than his initial entry. Sally-Mae gasped, her glare faltering.

"All right," she said in a most put upon voice. "Truce for now, but I reserve the right to kill you later."

"Threatening an officer of the law with bodily harm? That's a chargeable offence, but I'll let it pass for now."

Now Billy started moving in earnest, smiling as Sally-Mae moved with him. He took it nice and easy, sliding in and out at a steady pace, Sally-Mae matching his every move. His hands slid over her body, closing upon her breasts, rubbing them. She arched her back slightly, pushing up against his hands, almost purring at the attention.

Soon Sally-Mae was breathing hard, starting to give a little bit of oomph as she lifted her hips to meet his thrusts. Billy knew how to take a hint. He picked up the pace a little, wanting to keep Sally-Mae purring.

Time passes slowly when you're having fun. It also passes too damn fast. They were both well aroused and their excitement was building rapidly. Sally-Mae was making lustful little sounds, both enjoying what was happening and wanting even more. Billy, for his part, wanted to draw things about a little longer.

"Come on, Billy," groaned Sally-Mae. "What are you waiting for?"

Billy smiled fiercely.

"Don't be in such a hurry," he murmured. "All things come to she who waits."

"It'll come a damn sight faster if you pick up the pace," she groaned, pressing herself urgently against him as he thrust into her.

Billy paced himself. He had Sally-Mae right on the cusp, ready to explode with the right incentive. He made it his business to hold that incentive just out of reach, happily taking his pleasure.

Finally, deciding he'd better finish things off before Sally-Mae strangled him, he started coming in harder, faster, pushing urgently towards a finish.

He'd been right about Sally-Mae. She was screaming and climaxing almost before he was ready, her internal muscles clamping around him and dragging him to his own climax, whether he wanted to or not.

He lay on the bed next to Sally-Mae, both of them breathing hard.

"Ah, Sally-Mae, I don't think it would be a good idea for you to tell your Pappy that you told the Sheriff about my still," Billy finally announced.

"Why not? It takes the heat of him and I don't care if the Sheriff comes after you."

"Mainly because it's not my still. It's your Pappy's. He asked if he could move it there for a while as someone had been raiding it and pinching the shine. He's going to be pissed knowing I dismantled it for a while. I don't think you want to make him madder by letting on you sent the Sheriff after it."

Sally-Mae glared at him. Sneaky devils, the pair of them. It would have served them right if the Sheriff had caught them.

"I suppose I can still tell him you raped me?" she asked.

"Sure. That's not a problem. He'll assume you let it happen to distract me, you not knowing I knew where his still is. Just make sure you tell it right."

"Right? What's there to get wrong about it."

"Twice. You need to tell him I raped you twice."

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zazrix9zazrix9over 5 years ago

want the sheriff rape my ass, all night

DOC226DOC226over 5 years ago
Last Line Is Priceless

I laughed at the humor with which this story is written, until I got to the last line - then I howled. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

For some unknown reason I had Dolly Parton's voice in my head whilst reading this delightful tale. 5* for humour (humor)

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