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The Stolen Heartstone Ch. 03

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Her virginity was sold, now it's taken.
5.4k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 08/01/2019
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This is a non-consent story. Ellinda is a member of the upper nobility, engaged to be married to a wealthy merchant in a month, when she learns that a heartstone has been made illegally and provided to an upscale pleasure house. Heartstones force the owner to obey, but attune gradually, with the first commands taking weeks to take effect. The more often it is used, the more rapidly the commands take effect.

Chapter 2 ended with her virginity having been won in an auction and the winner leading her out.

Chapter 1 //rosa-blanca.ru/desixxxphoto/s/the-stolen-heartstone-ch-01


The man walked with the easy confidence of someone who knows a place well. As he opened the door, he didn't look back to see if she followed, but follow she did. The room could easily have been her own bedroom. The four poster bed subtly to the side seemed to dominate the room, but in truth, the chaise lounge and two armchairs were more prominent, and the Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom was just as conspicuous. The rose and ivory color scheme from the hall carried into this room in the form of satin as lace.

The man sat on the lounge and gestured for her to do the same, commenting in his slow Eastern drawl. "If you won't try to punch me, I'll untie your hands."

For the first time, she took a good look at him. He was seven or eight years older than her, but probably not yet thirty. He had the blond hair and blue eyes typical of the Easterners. He wore a red jacket with intricate embroidery at the sleeves. Under it he wore the short sleeved, expensive linen common in warmer climates. Money was not a concern to him.

Regardless of her extensive physical training, she couldn't escape even if she bolted out the door. There was nowhere to run. "I'm not going to fight," she said, putting as much condescension into her voice as she could.

He chuckled, gesturing for her to approach. When she did, he punched the code at her wrists and nhe cord fell away. Crossing her arms over her breasts as she had when she'd first been led in to the auction room, she waited, much too obediently.

He smiled much too genially, patting the lounge beside him. "You look like a servant. If you have a seat, we'll feel a lot more like equals."

"We aren't equals."

For the first time broke into a hungry leer, his eyes traveling her body. "No, I don't suppose we are."

Her teeth clenched at he changed the meaning, and she refused answer.

Tired of waiting, he prodded, "We'll probably both have a more comfortable chat if you sit. I'm not going to start mauling you, if that's what you're worried about."

A chat? Maybe there was hope of making a bargain. She sat on the far side of the lounge, crossing her legs and keeping her arms folded.

"I'm happy to make a deal with you," she jumped to the topic far too quickly, but normal negotiation protocols didn't apply. It wasn't as if she could offer him tea, ask about his homeland, introduce him to the family at dinner before finally getting around to business. "I'll give you double what you paid if you let me walk out of here." It might take a couple weeks to get the money together, but she could probably do it.

His hand went smoothly to pull off a ring and set it on the side table. At a quick glance, it was probably worth twice what he'd paid for her. "Double? I have no need of money. You'll have to do better than that."

She'd been afraid of that, but prepared. "Introductions? I could offer you meeting- with the most powerful families in Arisi."

He shook his head, leaning forward as he pulled off his jacket, folding it carefully and laying it on the end table, smoothing out the wrinkles. "I already have the contacts I need."

With his focus on the jacket, she hazarded a glance. His arms, she couldn't help noticing, were well muscled, but with the light skin of someone who probably spent his time in a gym rather than working in the sun. If he was a trader, that shouldn't be surprising, but there was something about the smoothness of his movements that implied a life not spent behind a desk. He should be used to bargaining. "Information?" She forced the desperation from her voice.

"You think I'm a spy searching for information?" He didn't look back from the wrinkles, but his voice rose.

The thought of spies hadn't crossed her mind. She'd heard stories of some of the Eastern provinces grumbling about breaking away, but no one gave it serious thought. Hopefully she hadn't insulted him.

"Then what do you want?"

Finally he turned back to her, unhurried, and his eyes ran down her body again. She shifted, her fingers tightening against her arms.

"I'd think it's perfectly obvious what I want."

She'd been foolish to hope for anything else, but couldn't give up quite yet. Maybe guilt would work. "I'd thought you were better than this."

He raised an eyebrow. "Given how we met, and that you know nothing else of me, I can't think what would make you think I'm anything other than a man who bought your virginity in an auction." He shook his head at the thought and continued. "But tell me, whatever brings a woman of your class here? When Delron first approached me, I assumed that for some unfathomable reason, perhaps debt or sexual appetite, some noble woman had wanted to sell herself. It seems I was wrong, so please do tell me you're story."

The muscle tension that she hadn't previously noticed faded just a bit, replaced by hope. Would he be sympathetic if she told him? There wasn't really any point in keeping it a secret. He already knew she was contracted to obey, if not why. The stolen heartstone might persuade him to let her leave. Second stretched on as she debated, and at last stalled. "I'd have thought a man of your class wouldn't come to a place like this."

He chuckled. "It's a classy establishment, yes? But I'm sure your story is much more interesting than mine. And if not, it's the story I'm interested in hearing, so please do share."

"Why would I want to share?" she went on stalling. If he knew of the heartstone, was there anything else he would demand of her? Would Delron make sure it wasn't used for some other, even worse purposes?"

He smiled. "Well, for one thing, it will delay me mauling you, yes? But also, because you were told to please me, and it would please me to hear the answer."

"I wasn't told to please your curiosity about my personal life." She was arguing out of obstinacy more than anything. It was foolish.

The smile went out of his voice. "I don't believe there were restrictions placed on how you would please me. Still, if you'd rather we moved to the mauling, I can accommodate." He leaned over and placed his hand on her arm and pushed downward.

She clenched tighter, holding her arms in place, but his actions spurred the decision. "Fine, I'll tell you if you'll just wait."

"Oh, excellent." His accent dragged the word out and he left his hand on her arm a moment to long before finally removing it.

She took a deep breath. Now that the decision was made, there was a relief in the telling. "I don't know how, but someone was able to make..." her voice caught and her mouth wouldn't move. It was as if she'd forgotten how to speak.

He waited, then prodded. "Yes?"

She opened her mouth, but still no words came out. The heartstone. The first command she'd been given, Delron had said, included that she not tell anyone about its existence. She'd somehow thought its power would be different, a compulsion that she could override with determination, not an absolute inability to break it. This was horrible, like being paralyzed, as if the connections between her brain and mouth had simply stopped working. "I can't bring myself to say it," she tried. "Do you have any paper, perhaps?"

More puzzled, he fished a small paper out of one pocket of the jacket and a pen out of another, smoothing it yet again and handing them to her.

She held the pen poised above the paper. It was the same feeling, like trying to move a hand that had fallen asleep, except it was neither numb nor incapable of moving in any other manner. It simply would not write those words.

The man looked on, his eyebrow lowering into a frown. "If you are procrastinating, or have taken me for having infinite patience, you have grossly misinterpreted my civility, Lady."

She shook her head furiously, hair brushing her shoulders. "I am not. I just, when I try to explain it, I can't."

"Then you have a very short time to find the ability."

Had it only been a few minutes ago that she'd been debating telling him at all? "No, I mean there is something that stops me from telling you. I want to. You can see it, I'm sure," the words came rushing out.

His eyes bored into hers as he nodded slowly. "Or you're a good actor. If this is all an act, you'll find you regret it later."

She shook her head more frantically. "Maybe if you ask questions? I can tell you if you get close."

He sighed and strung together the logical guesses. "You got yourself into debt and can't let your family know. You are being blackmailed. You secretly wanted to know what this was like, and then acquired cold feet. You have a secret lover and he is in debt. You, or your lover, are a gambler and lost an exceptionally unwise bet."

She shook her head through it all. This wasn't going to work, and they'd be here all afternoon playing the world's worst guessing game until he decided he hadn't paid to sit next to her.

He read her thoughts. "This is going to take far longer than my patience, or interest, will hold for."

She nodded and wracked her brain for a way around it. Not knowing the actual wording of the command, or even whether she was bound to obey the literal words or the spirit of them, it was difficult to think of a means of communicating.

Taking back the paper, he wrote the alphabet. "I'm going to spell it out. When I point to the correct letter, you move closer, or do whatever I tell you to do next."

She started to shake her head, imagining what his orders would be. She wouldn't let him force her. He had no right to do any of this.

Except that legally, he did, and Delron's threat hung too heavy. "All right," she mumbled, then hated herself for the tone. If you're going to do something, at least do it properly. "Very well," she said, more firmly.

"Excellent." He beamed as if he had reason to be pleased with himself. "First, you'll uncross your arms and legs."

She nodded, not letting herself look at him as he pointed to letters in turn. "H" came far too fast, but she released her hold on her arms and placed both feet firmly on the floor. It wasn't such a horrible thing. He'd already seen her in a much intimate action, and she still wore the harness and ball between her lower lips. She shifted forward as if to hide behind the ball. It didn't work, but this wasn't so bad as having it turned on in front of a row of gawking men.

"Excellent." He went on beaming as he wrote the "H" at the bottom of the paper. "Next you're going to sit on my lap." His words were casual, matter of fact, as if he'd told her she was to stand up or sit down or touch her hair. She couldn't nod, was unable to move by way of acknowledgment, and was less sure she'd be able to obey when he got to the "E."

He took her lack of movement as consent and the pen moved across the letters. Five letters in, she couldn't quite stand, but raised her hand for him to stop.

He paused. "You either obey or we go on to what I paid for."

With a deep breath, she stood, willed her feet to propel her the few steps toward him until she perched lightly on the edge of one of his legs, back to him, his knee pressing into the soft flesh of one cheek.

From behind her, she heard him sigh. "All right. I guess that is technically my lap. Next time you're going to turn around and straddle me properly." A finger traced upward along her spine. At her neck, he rested his entire hand on her shoulder, then ran it down her back, sending a shiver through her. She tried to hide it, tried to keep her body from reacting, but she failed as he reached the small of her back. "Sensitive, nice. I was worried you'd freeze up on me."

The pen returned to the notepad, and she had to look behind her to see where he pointed. It was still no worse than what Delron had done to her in front of everyone, and this man was at least more polite.

"A" was the first letter and she stood again to turn, spreading her legs wide as she lowered herself. Her most private parts were now on full display and only inches from his. Her arms started to cross in front of her, but he shook his head, grasping her wrists lightly and pushing them back to her sides. "We went through that with the first letter. Arms stay uncrossed."

She let him, hunching her shoulders forward. He let go and leaned back, looking down her body slowly. His hands ran back up her arms to her shoulders, pausing to admire what he saw, before they moved onward to the V in her neck and then down to her breasts, holding each one tightly, squeezing them in turn. He licked his lips and she resisted the urge to slap him. Somehow the quiet intimacy of his touch was worse than Delron's aggressive groping.

When eventually he'd had his fill, he reached for the notepad. "Next you'll lean forward for me."

It was a small enough thing considering how she was already sitting, and she nodded. Again, his pen began trading across the letters. Halfway there, he paused to rest a hand on her stomach, fingers working their way across it slowly and up, again, toward her breast, then stopping suddenly and returning to move along the pad until she was forced to lean forward, pushing her chest toward his face at "R."

With a soft growl, he grasped her breast and pulled it into his mouth and sucked, teeth lightly grazing the edges of her flesh. His tongue flicked back and forth and he sucked down harder, licking and pulling. She couldn't hold back the shudder that swept through her body and she pressed toward him involuntarily. Moments later, she caught herself and yanked back away. Undaunted, he reached for the other breast, sucking with equal intensity. Prepared this time, she fought down the urge to grasp his head, to pull him tighter to her, and instead spoke with careful calm, "Next letter."

He took a deep, ragged breath and reached for the pen again. "You're right. No need to rush." He paused, looking her over with a hungry smile. "For the next letter, you're going to unfasten my trousers."

She pointed at the pad. Was he going to make her take him in his mouth like Delron had? Make her choke and gag as he took his pleasure from her? That would be impossible while sitting on his lap, though, so maybe he wouldn't do that. She hoped.

This time, he didn't stop until he reached the "T." When he did, and her hands fumbled at his belt, he frowned in bewilderment. "Heart troubles? Are you trying to pay off a debt for some medical treatment?"

The belt was unbuckled and she untied the cord holding his trousers in place. Behind them, his manhood looked bigger than she'd have expected, swollen, but at least it wasn't yet jutting towards her. With little experience to compare, it was hard to know how much it would. She recoiled, her hands moving back to the safety of her own legs, covering the place between them.

He shook his head. "That's not how the game goes. Hands at your sides."

Game? That was really what he considered her modesty, dignity, her very honor? Nevertheless, she moved them to the sides. It wasn't as if he didn't know what she looked like.

Satisfied, he began scrolling the letters again, telling her simply, "Next, you play with it."

When he reached the "S," she hesitated, not quite sure what to do. She reached for his manhood, and he stopped the pen, writing "s" after the "heart" at the bottom of the page. Gingerly, wanting to touch as little of him as possible, she took him in one hand. Her hand was better than her mouth, and she felt a wave of resentful gratitude. Still unsure how to "play," she stroked the length, feeling its moistness as she circled the tip with cautious fingers.

He shifted his hips forward, then changed his mind and pointed to the letters again. "Both hands."

Of all the letters, this command mattered the least. If she was already using one hand, what did it matter if she used the other?

He seemed to rush through the letters faster this time, barely pausing until she was forced to reach out with her other. He scribbled the "T" and turned sideways, adjusting a cushion so he could lean back and gesturing for her to start.

But start what, or how, exactly? With one hand, she reached down to hold it, and with the other she began stroking up and down its length. Gradually, the strokes stretched longer and longer as her fingers became accustomed to the feel of the warm flesh.

He spoke from the cushions, his tone a combination of amusement and surprise. "You really are inexperienced, aren't you?"

She glared, then couldn't think why. It wasn't as if she wanted to be experienced!

"Your hands are dry. You can lick them or run them against your pussy if you're wet."

"If you wanted someone experienced, why'd you choose me?" She went on glowering as she echoed Delron's words during the auction, but she licked her hands all the same.

He just laughed. "We both know why I chose you. But if you're going to be doing this much, you'd better learn how to do it properly."

"I won't be," she snapped. Hopefully it was true.

He shifted his hips slightly, a reminder of what she was supposed to be doing. With a sigh, she took him again. Her hands slid more smoothly now, and she began exploring, circling the ridge near the tip with first one finger, and then two, running gradually out to the end, then along the line that ran down the back.

"Use one hand up and down the shaft. The other on the head," he instructed, and a moment later, she was rewarded, if she could call it that, when he shuddered softly, his manhood jutting toward her now. She refused to admit it, but there was something gratifying, a new kind of power she hadn't known, when she could make his body react. Whether it was the realization or the feel of his growing hardness, she realized with sickening dread that she wanted to feel more, to have her own arousal match his, to be satisfied as she was satisfying him.

Slowly, watching to assure he wasn't watching her, she shifted. He didn't notice, eyes half closed, breathing heavier. She moved so her own lips spread over her leg, grinding into the metal ball that had felt so good, wishing she could bring it back to life. Her hands grasped more tightly, building a rhythm as she watched his muscles tense. Her own grinding hips were unaffected, serving only as a reminder of what she wanted. She moved faster, wanting to feel the same pleasure she was giving him, but the frustration mounted.

With a sudden growl, lower and more feral than she could have imagined from him, he sat up, brushing her hands away. "Heartstone is what you were spelling. The game's over." In one sweeping motion, he lifted her, stepping out of the trousers and carrying her to the bed.

Realizing what was happening, she jerked up. "You can't. I never agreed to do this when you spelled it."

If he heard her at all, her words didn't register. He loomed, holding his manhood and stroking it lightly as he positioned himself in front of the place she least wanted him. She jerked her legs shut, blocking him. No matter what she felt, or the burning desire, she couldn't let him do this. She had to save herself for her wedding night, even if it meant burning through the heartstone's attunement. Just three weeks until the wedding. She could hold out that long.

"Open them. Now." His voice was barely controlled.


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