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The Story of 738 Pt. 01

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A new hucow at the farm.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 08/01/2017
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Every cow has a story and this is the story of cow 738. She arrived passed out. Her husband had decided he had enough of her and gave her to us. I will not go into the details here about what I'll do to keep off the radar of the authorities. Once she arrived I had to quickly determine how she submits, willingly or forcefully?

The first order of business was to blindfold her and restrain her. The blindfold was a piece of tyvex. It covered her eyes, and was attached to her face with liberal application of super glue at the edges. Care has to be taken when attaching it so none of the glue gets in the eyes. Once it was attached she looked like she had on Robin's mask from superhero team of Batman and Robin. However, this one had no holes to see through. The restraint was a hand cuff on a 10 foot chain anchored to the floor. We also added a remote controlled shock collar around her neck.

Once that was done we laid her on the bed, connected the chain to the anchored eye bolt in middle of the floor, and waited for her to wake up. We monitored her from the control booth via CCTV with full color sound and audio.

After about 4 hours she began to stir. I pushed button number 4. Over the speakers a prerecorded said "738 welcome to Smith Farm. We don't know where you came from, what you name is, or what language you speak, and we don't care. You are now 738. We look forward to have you as our guest"

"What? What is this place? Where am I?" She started to ask as she reached for the blindfold.

I pushed button 2. "Don't touch the blind fold" announced the prerecorded voice.

"What?" she said.

I pushed the button again, and again the speaker said "Don't touch the blind fold."

She continued to reach. "What the arggh..." she screamed as she convulsed from the shock collar. I pushed button 1, as soon as she did not comply instantly.

As soon as the shock was administered and before she stopped convulsing the voice announced "you will comply and obey all commands instantly, failure to do so will result in discipline being administered. Do you understand?"

"What the hell as argggh" again she was shocked. This happened four more times before she cried out "yes, I understand please make it stop."

I pressed another button and another messages played. This time it had a soothing tone. "Good, we are so glad you have chosen obedience, we don't like to see you in pain." I thought to myself at least she understands English, so this should go a lot faster. I next played recording 15 next. The voice announced "Find the bed and lay down on it, and put your arms at your side and relax." She was already on the bed so all she had to do was lay down and put her arms by hers side. She did so. The next pressed button played "Good job 738, in the future you will reply to all commands as 'yes master', is this clear?"

"You mother fuck..." her body convulsed and screamed in pain before she could finish her sentence.

"Is that clear?" the recorded voice repeated.

"Yes, yes" she cried.

"Yes, what?" the voice said.

"I will not call..." again her body convulsed, and she screamed. It continued until she yelled "Master, Master, Master, please make it stop"

The shocking stopped. I could hear her sobbing.

"Are you ready to hear the rules for our pets?" the voice asked. She continued to sob. I pressed another button and the voice said "We asked you a question; we would hate to discipline you again. Are you ready to hear the rules?"

"Ye, yeah, yes" she stuttered through the heavy sobs.

"Yes, what?" the voice asked.

She breathed heavily and fought through hers sobbing to say

"Yes, master."

The voice began again "Very good our pet. You are coming along well, and learning quickly. Keep up the good work"

The voice continued "The rules for our pets are simple. 1) Do as you are told. 2) Do it when you are told. 3) Always be respectful. and 4) always answer with yes master or yes, mistress as appropriate. Are the rules clear to you?"

Throughout it all she continued to sob. The sobbing continued and I wondered if the super glued tyvex would continue to hold or would it fill up with tears and fall off. But I had business to attend to so I pushed anther 2 buttons and the voice continued. "We asked you a question." Which was immediately followed by "Is that clear?"

"Yes, master, please, no more" she screamed through the crying and heavy sobs.

"Very good my pet you are coming along nicely" The voice continued in the soothing tone. "Take deep breathes my pet; you have been through a lot. Take a few minutes to collect yourself. There are tissues next to your pillow you can use them to blow your nose" She reached up and took a couple. "You can touch the blindfold, but do not try to remove it or open it. We don't have to tell you what happens if you are disobedient."

She held the tissues with one hand and blew her nose while the fingers on the other hand explored the mask on her face. Her sobs got deeper and longer. I am sure she was trying to come to grips with what was happening.

A day ago she was...never mind that is another story.

She sobbed for several minutes alternating between deep heavy sobs, and soft quiet ones. Then after several minutes when they finally subsided, I pushed the next string of button. "Sit up" said the voice. Followed by, "stand up and face the bed."

She sat up and was starting to stand, when I pushed another button and triggered the voice.

"738, Did you forget rule #4 always reply with yes, master or yes mistress as appropriate?"

"Yes, master I am sorry, please don't punish me again" she blubbered.

"Stand up and face the bed" the voice repeated,

"Yes, master" she whimpered.

"At the head of the bed is a tread mill move to it and get on it" the voce continued.

"Yes, master" came the tearful reply. I watched as she felt her way along the bed, and slowly methodically moved to the treadmill. Her hand found the hand rails, and awkward tightened her grip and step on.

"Be prepared for the tread mill to turn on." Two bells sounded and the treadmill started. She was startled and started to walk. Her sobs had subsided. The voice continued. "When you hear the two bells that means the treadmill will start." A single bell sounded and the treadmill stopped. She almost fell from the sudden stop even though she had only taken 10 steps. The voiced announced the meaning on "one bell." The bells and accompanying starts and starts of the treadmill continued for 38 minutes until she was able to walk in synch with the tones. "Now that you understand bell system of the treadmill, are you ready for your next task?" the voice asked.

"Yes, master" was the prompt reply.

"You will walk 3 miles, my pet you need to exercise" Two bells sounded, and the treadmill started.

"Yes, master" was her subdued reply. The treadmill steadily increased its pace. Soon she was walking briskly almost a very slow jog and starting to sweat. She had arrived wearing the clothes of a 40 something housewife that gained a few pound but was not fat. She had on black walking shoes, white ankle socks, blue Capri pants, and a button up shirt short sleeve shirt that was not dressy enough to be called a blouse but too dressy to be casual. I am sure she was wearing bra and panties also, but I could care less because we would be throwing them away soon. She continued to walk, and the sweat was working its way through the clothes until they were soaked. Sweat dripped off of her body, and her top was so wet that I could clearly see her pink bra. The stop bell sound and she stopped with the treadmill. She stumbled a little from the fatigue of the workout.

"Reach out to the right. On the wall there is a towel rack with a towel. Take it and dry your face and arms." She reached out and grabbed the towel.

"Yowl" escaped involuntarily from her lips as her body spasmed from the shock administered by the collar. She steadied herself on the hand rails of the treadmill.

"You forgot rule #4" announced the voice.

"I am sorry master, I forgot the rule, please forgive me master" she whimpered.

"Back off the treadmill and move counter clockwise around the room until you find the sink" the voice said.

"Yes, Master" came the prompt and loud reply as she felt her way off the treadmill and around the room. I watched as she shuffled her feet, and her fingers touched everything looking for a sink. It took her 15 minutes to feel her way to the sink even though it was less than two feet away.

The slow movement is not unusual when blindfolded. After about 3-5 days of this she will be moving about the room like she could see. But that is several days away. This is still day 1, and there is so much more to cover.

She finally arrived at the sink.

"Good job 738, you are learning so quickly. 738 to the right of the sink there is a laundry chute reach out and open it"

"Yes, master" came the reply. Her hand quickly found it and opened it.

"738 you are doing so well, you are a smart pet now put the towel in the laundry chute"

"Yes, master" she said as she dropped the towel in the chute, and let the door slam closed.

"Now, it is time to clean up your filthy sweaty body and your filthy sweaty clothes. Before you think or protest, let me lay this out for you. You can resist, and get shocked until you comply, or I can send people in to do it for you. Any way you slice you will have your clothes in the laundry chute and your body will be cleaned. Also we can see you naked and do anything we want toy you anytime we want. So before you answer think long and hard about what you want to do next and the consequences of that decision. There is a shower to the left of the sink. Take off all of your sweaty clothes and put them in the laundry chute. Then get in the shower."

She froze but slowly I saw her hand reach up and took a hold of the first button on her light yellow plaid shirt. She paused, took a deep breath and unbuttoned her blouse. She paused again, took another beep breath looked to the left and then to the right. I am sure she was instinctively looking if anyone could see her but she was blindfolded. She took another deep breath opened hers shirt and let it slide down off her shoulders into her one hand and realized that it was trapped by the cuff and chain locking her to the floor.

She pulled on the cuff, the chain, and then the shirt. You could see her get visibly upset when she realized that the shirt was stuck on the handcuff and chain. She pulled and pulled on the shirt until it ripped apart and came free in shreds in her hand. She hurriedly grabbed for the laundry chute handle. The panic swept across her face when she could not find it. Her hands frantically swept the wall looking for the chute handle. She found it, and pulled the handle hard but her hand slipped off. She grabbed it again and opened it. She hurriedly put the tattered shirt into the chute and let the door slam closed. She breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to cry again.

"738, you are doing well, and you are well on the way to being an outstanding pet, Finish getting undressed and let's get you in that nice relaxing warm shower and wash away all the tension"

"Yes, master" she murmured through her quiet sobs. Her hands moved to her pants, and she unbuttoned and unzipped them. She bent forward as she the waist band down over her butt. She pistoned her knees back and forth so she could shake her hips to get the pants off. Once over the butt and hips the pants fell to the ground. She reached down to take her foot out of the pants and realized she still had her shoes on. So she stood up and kicked off her shoes. She stepped out of her pants. She stood there in green hipster panties, an old pink bra that had seen its better days, and socks. She raised her right foot the left knee and balanced herself on one foot. She reached down and peeled off the first sock of her right foot. Return the foot to the ground and then repeated the process with the other sock. She dropped both socks on the floor, and they landed within inches of the pants.

She reached up and slid the strap off her left shoulder with her right hand. She pulled her left arm free of the bra strap. She reach up and slid the strap off her right shoulder, She started to pull her right arm out and realized that she still had the dilemma of the handcuff attached to the arm and then to the chain. She dropped her hand down and pulled the bra down, and with a quick pull spun it around to unhook it. Her breast fell free they were small c to big b and had started to sag a little, but the nipples were slightly erect probably from the cold.

I watched as she struggled to free the bra shoulder strap from the hand cuff chain. As she struggled her newly freed breast swung back and forth. She brought the bra to her teeth and started to chew it.

"There are scissors in the top drawer under the sink" said the voice. She dropped her hand to the sink while the old pink bra was still clenched in her teeth.

Her hands opened the drawer and searched for the scissors. They return from the drawer successful.

"Be careful you will poke your eye out" said the voice.

She snickered as she said "thank you, master."

"You probably think I am referencing 'A Christmas Story', but I was serious one of our other pets stabbed herself in the cheek when she was still blindfolded and got two stitches, but fortunately did not poke her eye out"

"Oh, thank you master" she replied. She moved the bra from her teeth and cut it, and pulled it free; it was at this point she realized that she had cut the wrong strap. She traced the chain, reverified the correct strap and cut it. She reached down and returned the scissors to the drawer and closed it.

"738, great job, we don't have to train you to clean up after yourself."

She knelt down and picked up all her clothes from the floor, reached over grabbed the handle on the laundry chute. She found it the first time. Either her blindfold was coming lose or she was getting used to her environment. She dropped her clothes in the chute and let the door slam closed.

She started feeling her way to the shower. She located it and started looking for the faucets and turned them on, only to be promptly sprayed by cold water. She jumped back and screamed. She retraced to the wall, found the stream of water and directed it away from her. She then adjusted the water temperature.

"738?" said the voice, with no response. The voice repeated it again still no response. "What is your name?" the voice asked.

"Sus" her voice changed to scream as she fell on the slick floor in spasms from the intensity of the shock.

"You are 738, let's try this again. What is your name?"

"738" she whispered. The collar crackled as it administered another jolt sending spasm through her body. She was still lying on the wet floor, and the spasms threw her body into the wall with a bang.

After the shock subsided, the voice asked "738, what?"

"738, master" she yelled through her tears.

"738?" the voice asked again.

"Yes, master?" she quickly answered as she was picking herself off the floor rubbing her shoulder that had hit the wall.

"Good, you are answering to your name already, you will make a great pet."


"Yes, Master" she quickly and submissively replied.

"Do you realize you still have your panties on?"

"Huh?" she answered as she looked at her panties. She shook her head when she realized she could not see anything, and moved her hand to feel for them.

"No, master" she sheepishly replied.

"You generally remove all your clothes before you shower" announced the voice with a slight laugh.

"Yes, master" she snickered as she pushed her panties over her butt and let them fall to her ankles. She stepped out with one foot, and picked them up with the other. Her hand moved effortlessly to take the panties off her lifted foot. The then moved down the wall the laundry chute opened the door and deposited the panties.

She worked her way back to the running shower. She stepped into the shower and let the warm water wash over here. The voice told her how to find the soap, shampoo, and conditioner. They were all neatly organized and hanging in the shower wall. After a period of enjoying the water she eventually soaped up, washed and conditioned her hair. She was starting relax and enjoy the warm water.

The voice informed "there is a fresh razor, and shaving cream in the caddy, make sure that you shave everything."

"Yes, master" she said with a hint of condescension that I let pass, "but I can't see" she responded.

"Do it by feel, my pet"

"What? Okay master" The crackle of the collar sent her to the floor again spasming and screaming the whole way down. This time I did not let it pass.

"Remember rule #3 always be respectful" announced the voice in a soothing town.

"Yes, master I am sorry it won't happen again" she said meekly as she picked herself off the floor, rubbing her body parts that took the brunt of the crash landing. She searched for the caddy in the shower. After finding it, her hands transitioned to looking for the shaving cream and razor. She then proceeded to shave her legs and armpits. She stood in the shower for several minutes enjoying the rivulets of water massaging her sore body. When she was done she turned off the water, and looked around with a quizzical look on her face.

"There is a towel on the rack to your right." She reached for the towel and started to dry off.


"Yes, master"

"Do you remember what I said?"

"Yes, master"

"I don't think you did, I said to shave everything."

"Master, I shaved my legs and armpits what more do I need to do?" she queried.

"I can see your pubic hair has not been touched."

"But Master, I have never shaved my pubic hair it is not natural" she pleaded.

"Maybe not but that is what master commands shave everything; there are clippers in the top drawer under the sink" She froze. Zap "argh" she yelped as I administered a short shock to remind her.

"Did you forget the rules?"

"No, master"

"Yes, you did rule #1 do as you are told and rule #2 do it when you are told, you waited too long now go shave"

"Yes, master" she said angrily. CRACKLE, the full shock went through her, and again gravity hammered her body to the ground as she screamed. She started to cry again.

"It appears you forgot rule #3 also always be respectful."

"Yes, master, I am sorry" she demurred

She worked her way back to the sink holding the towel. She opened the drawer and searched for the clippers. You could see the sense of satisfaction on her face as she found them and pulled them out.

"Put the towel back on the rack and make sure you clip your hair in the shower so you don't make a mess" said the voice.

"Yes, master" was her reply. Even though she was blindfolded she was starting to move quicker. Part of this is because she is starting to orient herself on her surroundings. The other portion is that she knows the consequences of not complying.

The towel was returned to the rack, stepped back into the shower stall. She instinctively looked down, and then shook her head. Her free hand touched her hip and slid over to her pubic hair. She moved the clipper hand down to her free hand and turned it on. Her free hand smoothed the path for the clippers. She paused and moved her fingers to adjust her lips to keep them out of the clippers. She continued and the tiny black hairs fell to the floor of the shower. After a couple of more seconds all that remained was stubble. She raised the clippers up and felt where her pubic hair had been. Her hand moved slowly searching the stubble, satisfied she turned off the clippers. She reached over to find the sink with her free hand. When she located it she placed the clippers n the sink and reached back to turn on the shower. She stepped in, took a deep breath, and found the shaving cream. She squirted a dab into her hand, paused looked down, looked up, and then paused. A look of fear came over her face; she swung her head around as if searching for something her blindfold would not allow her to see.


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