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The Story of Becky Jo Ch. 03

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The saga of Becky Jo and her unexplored needs continues.
6.3k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/19/2020
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Becky Jo was sitting next to me, still half naked, shaking and weary from telling me the whole story. She told me that she'd been with a couple of men since that time, that she'd tried to just have "normal sex" with them.

She told me that the guys would have had no trouble cumming inside her or making her swallow their cum, but that it always ended the same. She'd revert back to that night and it'd grow in her mind until she was disconnected from the reality of what she was doing and she'd just stop.

Then when she realized she'd disappointed the guy, she'd suck him off or just lay back and let him fuck her, then she'd cry, and the guy would leave or drive her home in silence and she'd never see them again. After three or maybe four instances like that, she just quit going out with guys.

A couple years later she met me and felt a spark and a pang that she'd not felt in a long time. She finished that night by telling me how much she'd wanted me and how I was the first one she'd ever told this story to and then she apologized and cried and said over and over "I'm so sorry, but I just can't."

I thought I knew what she meant. I thought she meant that what had happened had scarred her and she couldn't enjoy sex anymore. I felt for her. But I was just a young guy and I didn't know what to do. Strangely, I now felt closer to her and I felt sorry for her and I was really attracted to her and her hot body. And, I have to admit, hearing her story had turned me on. But, I wanted to find a way to help her. She was a woman in distress and I was a man. I needed to do something, but I didn't know what.

So, I held her and talked to her and tried to figure it out. She kept going back to what had happened and describing the ways she'd been treated and how it made her feel. After about an hour, it dawned on me. She wasn't saying she didn't like sex anymore. She wasn't saying that because what happened it now revolted her. She was saying that she hated to admit it but regular sex no longer turned her on.

She couldn't bring herself to actually say it to me, and it made her feel ashamed and dirty, but when she was with a guy she fantasized about what had happened before and now regular sex couldn't bring her to orgasm. She needed more.

Except, I thought "well, I'm not going to get a couple of guys and re-do the whole scene again" and I thought hell, there's nothing I can do. After awhile, she got up and was going to go home. But, she'd been drinking grappa punch and smoking and I wasn't going to let her drive down that winding canyon and maybe wreck. So, without much convincing, she stayed with me and we slept close together and she seemed very happy and content.

In the morning, things were a little, ummm, strange. She seemed embarrassed and anxious to leave. So, after coffee and a little small talk, I sent her on her way. But, I couldn't stop thinking about her story and the affect it had on her. I wanted to do something. I didn't want to just shrug my shoulders and walk away.

I hopped on my scoot and rode slowly down the canyon. I was going to see Becky Jo. I found her in the barn. She seemed very surprised to see me but she also seemed really stand-offish, like she really didn't want to see me. I understood, it was weird for me to be there, talking to her in the daylight, like friends.

She was back to wearing her baggy clothes and a baseball cap with no makeup. I asked her to come up for dinner the next night. She replied "I don't think that'd be a good idea - but thanks for the offer." But, I insisted and she still wouldn't accept. So, I just took charge, looked her square in the eyes and said "Look, I'm not asking you. Be at my cabin tomorrow at 6:00 and don't make me come down here looking for you."

Without another word, I hopped on my Shovelhead. Oddly, it started with the first kick. I revved the motor a few times, just for effect, and I rode off. I wondered what I'd do if she didn't show up. Hell, I wasn't all that sure what I was going to do if she did show up. I sort of had a plan in my mind, but wasn't totally sure it was a good idea or if it'd backfire or how in the hell I was going to get it going.

So, I just quit thinking about it and decided I'd make it up as I went. Then I went for a nice long putt and a few hours later wound up back at the cabin. The ride had given me time to really think. I had it all figured out - I was good with the whole idea - I just had no idea how Becky-Jo was going to react, even though I was about 90% sure she'd show up.

The next night, right at 6:00 she pulled into the dirt driveway. She looked apprehensive as I watched her though the window. But she gathered herself and headed for the door. She was back to the tight fitting snap front shirt and tight Wranglers that she'd tucked into her tall cowboy boots. She made it all look pretty hot. I didn't wait for her to knock on the door. I walked out, met her half way and gave her a kiss. It was short and not very passionate before she cut it off. So, I pulled her tight, kissed her again and pushed my tongue into her mouth.

She tensed up and at first it was strange, kissing this chick with her mouth wide open, my tongue in her mouth, but she was stiff and not really kissing me back. So, I squeezed her in tighter and made her take my kiss. She moaned and opened her mouth a little wider, but I was kissing her and she was just taking it. It was a kiss full of presumption.

I kissed her until my dick was hard. I was going to take her and she was going to take what I gave her. When I finally released her she was breathing so hard it looked like she'd just ran a 100 yards. Right then I knew I was on the right track and I was filled with resolve and anticipation.

One minute I thought she had hated it. The next minute I thought she lusted for it. So, I did the only thing I could do. I walked her over by the fire and said "stand there." I left her where she stood, while I went in and made us each a strong drink.

Only this time I avoided the grappa and went with vodka and 7-Up. We were both a little nervous. I, because I was going to do something that I knew might blow up in my face. And she, because she knew this was going to end the same way every other recent encounter she'd had with a man had ended; in disappointment for me and shame for her.

The first drink went down quickly because of our mutual apprehension. I made us both another, a little stronger, then as after thought, spiked it with a couple splashes of grappa too. When I came out, she was looking nervous, like she was looking for a way out.

I handed her another drink and we stood there in silence for a few minutes, just staring into the fire. She produced another joint. I don't know were she was getting it - probably growing her own on their farm, I guessed. But it was strong and sweet, not harsh at all.

By the time we'd finished that she'd downed her whole drink. I decided that now was the time. So, I said "come on inside, I want to show you something." She hesitated and started to say something about needing to go. Instead, I took another drink, stepped up close to her, so my face was only about 3 inches from hers and said in a very firm voice told her "I said, get in the house."

And, with that, I grabbed her shoulders, turned her toward the house, walked a couple steps with my hands still on her shoulders, then I gave her a little shove and said "go on, don't stop" or "keep moving" or something like that.

As she started walking, she looked over her shoulder at me and I put my hand between her shoulder blades and gave her another little shove. I remember that part very well because she stumbled a little, regained her footing, and hurried inside my cabin.

Once we were inside I made a big point of closing the door, hard and loud. It was nearly dark outside and I'd purposely left only one dim light on inside. She could see me and I could see her, but the darkness had a sinister feel to it.

We got to a spot where I'd cleared stuff away from the wall, leaving it bare. That spot was right next to a big couch, which was right across from the wood stove. It was late fall and getting cold, so I already had a good fire going in the wood stove.

She was heading for the couch. But when we got next to the open spot I grabbed her arm, spun her sideways and pushed her back against the wall. She looked at me with a surprised look and before she could say anything I came in close and backed her up against the wall.

My body was pressing against hers and I leaned on her to hold her against the wall. Then I reached around her, grabbed both of her wrists, jerked her forward just a little, put both her hands behind her ass, and backed her up against the wall saying "stand there and don't you move."

And I said it like I meant it. Her eyes got big and a funny look came over her face. It was part surprise, part fear, and part just a wide-eyed stare. I never did know if she did it without thinking or if she was testing me, but almost immediately she took both her hands out from behind her back.

When she did that, I immediately grabbed her wrists, jerked her forward, jammed her hands back behind her ass, grabbed her shoulders, and pushed her back against the wall hard enough that she almost bounced off the wall. "I told you not to move slut, now don't you fucking move again!"

Her eyes got big and immediately she was breathing hard with her chest starting to heave. I reached up, put my thumb on her chin and my forefinger under it and popped her mouth open - she was visibly trembling.

Then I kissed her hard for just a few seconds. She opened her mouth wide and took it - tonguing me back. It wasn't what you'd call passionate. She felt unsteady and resistant and she looked very unsure of me.

I was already in pretty deep, so I took control of her, pushed her shoulders back and pinned her against the wall and ordered her "don't fucking move!" Before she could even react both my hands came down, I grabbed each side of her snap front shirt and jerked, pulling it open completely!

I was making it up as I went, but I was already into it, into the role that I knew she wanted, the role I knew she needed! By that point, her body was throbbing, she was breathing in fast, deep breaths and she was staring right at me, her eyes open wide and she didn't move an inch.

Without a word I grabbed her shirt up by her collarbone and stripped both sides of her shirt down to her wrists, fully exposing her, except for the skimpy little lace bra she was wearing.

She leaned forward a little, like she was loosing her balance. So I again grabbed her wrists, pushed them back behind her ass, leaned in very close and hissed into her ear "I told you, don't fucking move!" She had fear in her eyes when she stared at me and, as an after thought I growled "do you understand me?" She nodded her head and I could barely hear a very high-pitched voice say "yes."

I grabbed her bra straps, jerked them down to her elbows, then I grabbed the rest and in less than two seconds her bra was down at her waist. Her beautiful tits were fully exposed and her arms were tangled in the bra straps and her shirt - she was essentially bound.

I grabbed her right tit, felt it roughly for a few seconds while I stared into her eyes. Then, before she could move, I leaned in sucked that long fucking nipple into my mouth and sucked on it, hard, and made her squeal!

I pushed her against the wall with both hands and her head bounced off with a light thunk! I leaned in and said "just stand there." I paused for a second or two and then in the most demanding growl I could muster I said "slut!"

By that point she was breathing so hard I thought she was going to hyperventilate. So, I stepped back and admired my prize. That tight, highly toned body, those soft tits, topped with rock hard nipples that were too long and so hard! She was breathing hard and rapidly, but still keeping both hands pinned behind her ass. She stared at me with wild eyes and a scared look as she breathed in deep, long breaths.

I quickly took off my flannel shirt, revealing a very tight fitting white t-shirt. I was tight and muscled up and I wanted her to see what was coming. She got the message and somehow managed to begin breathing even deeper and more rapidly and I could clearly hear a whine in her voice every time she breathed out.

I stepped back in close, grabbed her chin again, pulled her mouth open, and stuck my tongue in her mouth and kissed her as roughly as I could. I wanted her to know I was going to take her and that she was going to take whatever I fucking gave her. I held her very wet mouth open and she kissed me back, forgetting about keeping her hands behind her ass, as she put her arms around my waist.

I quickly stepped back a half step, shoved her back against the wall and barked at her "did I tell you to move bitch?" She went "no, nooo, I'm sorry..." but I cut her off saying "don't apologize, just do what the fuck you're told - got it?" She didn't respond, but she put both of her hands way back behind her ass and as she leaned back against the wall, I pushed her, hard enough that she bounced off it.

I stepped up close to her, leaned in, and growled in her ear "you'd better start doing what the fuck I tell you to do, little slut." Then I put my hands on her shoulders, felt her whole body trembling, and pushed down telling her "get on your fucking knees." I only waited about a second before almost yelling at her "NOW! Get - On - Your - Fuckin' - Knees - S L U T" and I pushed down on her shoulders harder and pulled her forward slightly.

She was immediately on her knees, looking up at me with those big beautiful blue eyes. I stepped in very close and made a point of quickly undoing the top button on my Wranglers and letting her think about it for a second. Wranglers are made with a locking zipper. So, when you lift up the zipper, you can just grab the sides of your pants and jerk and your pants unzip, fast, making a distinctive noise.

So, I moved in close enough that her face was almost touching my crotch. Then, I flipped my zipper, grabbed the tops of my pants and jerked them open, hard. It was dead quiet and the noise was palpable. She could feel it, she could hear it, and now, she could smell my cock. But she couldn't see it because she was looking straight into my eyes and I was looking straight into her eyes, glaring at her!

I grabbed her hair, pulled it back toward the wall. I told her "you're mine now!" and "You'd better do exactly what the fuck I tell you to do, slut!" And I followed that with "Do you understand me, bitch?" She nodded her head in short, fast little movements. And I could just barely hear her say, "yes" in a very high-pitched sort of whine.

I was fully committed now, but I was no longer concerned about how she was going to take it. Up until that moment I still wasn't completely sure I'd read things right. I still had a little doubt that maybe the incident with Les and Paul had scarred and she had been ruined for any sort of sex, and what I'd planned might push her over the edge and bring back a flood of terrible memories.

But, as I looked down into her eyes, saw her body shaking and trembling like she was freezing, saw her breathing deep, through her open mouth, right then I knew she was mine and more importantly, I KNEW she wanted to be taken.

I stepped back just enough, and she looked down, like she was ashamed and afraid to look at me. I quickly jerked my pants open the rest of the way, put my hand on top of her head and grabbed a handful of her very blonde hair. Becky Jo was probably 5'10", so as I pulled her hair, her head was just about level with my crotch.

She gasped and in almost a whisper she sucked in air and went "noooo, ohhh, ohhh" almost like she was seeing something terrible and she was responding with a whisper that was so quiet, it came from so deep inside her, she didn't want anybody to see or hear what I was doing to her, or what was now brushing against her face. And what she was seeing was my very hard and completely bare, swollen cock, less than an inch from her face.

When I'd dressed I'd made a point of not wearing underwear. I didn't want the hassle of having to remove them and, mostly, I wanted the visual and audible impact, the sensual force of her seeing nothing but a big, hard, naked cock. I wanted her to smell it. I wanted her to feel the heat. And, I wanted to be able to jam it into her mouth without any hesitation.

She was now shaking almost uncontrollably and I knew she wanted it bad. She'd been frustrated and ashamed and worried for so long. Now, there I was, a man she'd wanted so much she was willing to try one more time. The man that had taken the time to see through all the emotional clutter and recognize what she really needed. I was the man who was going to take her and MAKE HER a slut again.

I only gave her a few seconds to absorb everything and wrap her senses fully around what was coming. Then I slid my right hand down, behind her head, and pulled her forward. At the same time I grabbed my cock, pointed it at her face and said "open your mouth, SLUT!" She popped her mouth open immediately and I thrust my hips forward and jerked her head to my crotch as I jammed my hard fucking dick straight into her mouth, commanding her "suck on it, suck on it you little bitch, suck it!"

And, she did. She moaned in a deep moan and a high-pitched whine at the same time. I'd jammed my cock so deep into her mouth she was gagging! She tried to pull back, but I held her head firm while I growled and demanded "don't you stop sucking until I tell you to stop, do you understand?"

She nodded her head fast going "uh huh, uh huh" with her eyes bugging out with a long, thick string of slobber already running out of the corner of her mouth. I said "take it - take it." I wasn't waiting for her to suck it, I was fucking her mouth while I pulled her hair, jerking her head in every time I thrust my cock forward, into her throat.

I wasn't really hurting her, but I was using her hard enough and with enough assertion she couldn't control it. Every time her head bounced off the wall, she knew I was in control, she knew I was using her. She kept her mouth open wide, taking everything I had to give her!

She moaned and whined and noises came from somewhere deep inside her. I bent my knees, held her head against the wall with my cock stuffed in her mouth, and reached down and pinched a rock-hard nipple, hard! She moaned and whined and every time I pulled my cock out of her mouth she kept going "ohhh nooo" in a high-pitched whisper

But, I just leaned in, I felt my cock hit that tight place in the back of a woman's mouth, that place where the mouth ends and her throat begins, just before a man's cock goes all the way into a chick's throat. I pushed her back, slowly, until her head was back against the wall. I pushe my hips forward quickly and my cock slipped in, and into her throat!

She immediately began gagging and just as quickly I pulled my dick all the way out of her mouth. Long strings of slobber clung to my cock and more ran down onto her chin and neck and tits.

I let her gasp and heave for a few seconds, then I reached down, put my hands under her arms and lifted her up. She was tall, and she wasn't light. I couldn't quite get her to her feet because her knees were buckled and she was shivering and shaking and breathing in big, deep, quick breaths. It was too much for her and she didn't have enough control of her body to actually stand.

We were right next to the couch, so I pulled her past the arm of the couch, turned her the rest of the way so she was facing the couch and put her back down, onto her knees. I didn't want to allow her the time to think too much. So, I got down behind her, pushed her down so she bent at the waist and lay with her chest on the seat of the couch.


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