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The Story of Love Pt. 07

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Love experiences anal sex as the mistress of a club owner.
2.9k words

Part 7 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 01/10/2015
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K and I went to bed without making love that night. When I awakened he was gone. I started to feel sorry for myself, but then a thought came to me - you aren't a stupid cow - you are a smart woman and you can find a solution. I decided to leave the apartment and explore the neighborhood.

I pulled back the curtain to the room and looked in the hallway - Masuro was nowhere to be seen. I walked quietly through the hallway, not daring to look up, and walked straight to the front door. Releasing the lock, I quietly opened the door and stepped out of the hallway. I realized I had been holding my breath and, once in the hallway, exhaled, then inhaled deeply. I had a moment of fear: I had no money and I was in a part of the city I didn't know. But I pressed on; I had to get my bearings and think of a solution to our situation.

I quickly headed down the stairs and left the building. It was still early in the morning and the street was busy with cars and pedestrians. School children walked in groups. I made a point of taking in the surroundings and I decided I would set up a system of walking away from and then returning to the corner near the apartment. I had no watch and could not tell the time, so I made a note of where the sun was in the sky. It was a gently overcast day and the sun was low in the East; it had been just past 8 when I left the apartment.

Even though I had dressed plainly, I could feel men stare at me as I walked by. The old men seemed to regard me as curiosity, their eyes briefly drifting over me, but the younger men stared at me, assessing me with a placid malevolence.

"Come here," a young man beckoned to me. I paused, unsure of what to do, and while I was stupidly deciding what to do, the man walked up to me, standing insolently inches from me. "You're new here, aren't you?" he asked me.

I was flustered and I stammered out, "Yes, my husband and I just moved into the neighborhood."

The man laughed gruffly. "You walk the streets while your husband works?" he quizzed me.

"I'm on an errand," I started to say, but for some reason, corrected myself, "my husband doesn't have work yet and I'm looking for work, too," I told the man.

"I don't know what your husband does for a living, but I may have a job for you," the man told me, his eyes looking up and down my body.

"What kind of work?" I stupidly asked him. I suspected he was teasing or flirting with me, but I couldn't pass up the chance for work.

"I run a club and I need women who can entertain the patrons," he told me. He pointed up the street at what appeared to be a small bar. "I'm just coming home now. I'm too tired to interview you, but if you come by the club around four, I'll meet with you. Wear something nice," he told me.

"I don't really have anything nice to wear," I admitted.

He sighed heavily, as if in disbelief. He looked up and down my body. "Come with me," he told me. "My wife left me several months ago and she left many of her belongings - you can have anything you want."

I wasn't sure whether or not to trust the man, but he began to walk up the street and like an obedient dog, I followed. "You really shouldn't walk in this neighborhood by yourself," the man told me, as he held open the door to his building for me to enter. I waited in the foyer as he climbed the stair ahead of me.

He ushered me over to a sofa and instructed me to sit down. He then brought out several dresses and laid them next to me.

"Try these on," he told me.

"Where should I try them on?" I asked him timidly.

"Right here," he told me, looking straight at me in an insolent manner. "Look, I see naked women all the time - I'm not going to jump up and rape you."

I looked over at the dresses - they were fine silk and beautifully colored. After suffering degradation at the hands of Masuro, letting this man see me naked seemed unimportant. Wordlessly, I stripped down to my bra and panties and tried on the first dress. The man sat, reflecting no emotion.

The dress felt slightly tight, especially around the chest, where I couldn't button the dress completely. I felt self-conscious in the dress.

"It looks fine," the man told me. "Try on the next one."

I picked up a green dress with a forest scene embroidered in a full skirt; it was beautiful and my heart soared at the idea of possessing such a dress. I struggled to get the dress on properly and felt bitterly disappointed in the possibility the dress did not fit. Evidently, the man's wife had average sized breasts. I looked at the man and he was slowly shaking his head side to side.

"It's too tight, he told me." Getting up from the couch, he walked over to me. "Let's try this," he told me, removing the top half of the dress and letting it fall forward. I stood, wondering what he was going to do. He unclasped my bra and lifted it forward. Nervous, I crossed my hands over my naked chest.

The man walked in front of me. "It might fit if you leave the bra off," he told me. He pulled my hands back and finished removing the bra. He then stood inspecting me, straightening my shoulders. "These are beautiful," he told me, taking my breasts in his hands and gently lifting them up. I held quiet, thinking that if I stood still, nothing would happen. "If you improve your posture, you'll show your breasts off to great effect."

"You don't even need to interview," he told me, lifting the top half of the dress up and fastening it in the back for me. He handed me my bra. "Let me tell you what the job entails and if it sounds okay to you, you can stop by the club at four."

He proceeded to outline the job. I had to make conversation with the men and encourage them to buy drinks. If the men asked me to dance with them, I had to dance with them. Men could pay extra to have private moments with me in a series of rooms in the back. What I did during those sessions and how much they paid me was up to me, but the club kept half of my earnings and if I were ever to try to cheat the club, it would be the end of me. The other girls could tell me the going rate for the different acts in which I might choose to engage. He warned me that men might fondle me or take other liberties while in the main room and that I was to gently deflect these forays or suggest moving into the back rooms, if I wanted to find ways to earn extra money. When he asked me if I could tolerate such a job, it was all I could do not to laugh, having endured far worse at Miss Akemi's, not to mention the indignities I had suffered at Masuro's apartment.

"I don't mean to be impertinent," I told the man, "but my husband and I are living with a cousin and it is an unfavorable situation. How much does the job pay and how quickly could I secure part of the salary?"

The man looked at me seriously. "Things are tough?" he asked.

"Yes," I admitted, looking down at my feet.

"I can find you and your husband an apartment today under a few conditions," he told me.

I hesitated to be hopeful - whenever a favor had been offered me in the past, it always seemed that the conditions of that favor made my life even more miserable.

I waited for him to speak, but he sat, looking at me intently. "What are the conditions?" I asked.

"You must be my mistress. Not only today, but for every day of your life until I tire of you. Even if you quit the club, you must remain at my disposal. In return, I'll give you housing and 25,000 Yen a week for your work at the club and for your husband to run set up and close down at the club."

I knew instantly I would accept the offer, but I didn't want to blurt out stupidly my assent. I looked down and pretended to be seriously weighing the offer.

"I promise you, I am a gentle lover - you won't have to do anything crude with me."

"Yes, I accept your offer," I told him. "On one condition. I can't bear to go back to the place in which I live. Could you have someone retrieve my husband, K, for me and bring him back to the apartment you are providing for us?"

He looked at me queerly. "What's the name of your husband's cousin?" he asked me.

"Masuro," I replied, and saying his name felt like putting something foul into my mouth.

The man laughed. "I'd be happy to have someone retrieve your husband from Masuro."

Standing up, I removed my dress and stepped out of it. It seemed to me that the sooner I had sex with the man, the sooner I would have an apartment in which K and I could live - the sooner we'd have money for a life together.

"There is one more thing," he told me, interrupting my undressing. "To symbolize my ownership of you as a mistress, you will be given a small tattoo on the bottom of your foot. This tattoo will be recognized by a certain class of people - this tattoo will both protect you as well as ensure that you always remain mine."

I paused, my dress around my ankles. "Is that really necessary?" I asked him. He did not respond, but stared at me intently. "My husband will see it and wonder what it is."

"How you explain that to your husband is your own concern - and the same goes for our arrangement."

I felt powerless and couldn't speak. I simply nodded my head.

"You're not a virgin are you?" the man asked. I shook my head no. "Have you tasted sperm?" he asked me. I shyly nodded my head. He continued to ask me about the sexual acts in which I had engaged and, to my embarrassment, I had done all of them, even accepting a man's sperm on my face.

"Have you ever let a man fuck you in the ass?" he asked.

I paused, blushing at his language and shook my head from side to side.

"Very well," he told me. "That's what we will do. It's important to feel that I have your loyalty - that in some way, you are giving me your virginity."

"I've heard it is painful," I reluctantly told the man and as soon as I said it, I felt foolish. My pain was not his concern.

"I will initiate you in the act in the most gentle manner possible," he told me. He then walked up to me and held me by my shoulders. "I want you to admire me as your master - I don't want you to fear me. I want it to feel as though you are giving yourself to me freely. Do you understand?" I nodded. "I will treat you with love and respect so long as you are obedient to me," he added.

The man took me by the hand and led me into his bedroom. He undressed, carefully folding his clothes and setting them upon the dresser. He then motioned me over to him; I still had my panties on.

"What's your name," he asked me.

"My mother named me F___," I told him, "but my friends call me, Love."

"Love," he repeated, as if tasting the word.

"What am I to call you?" I asked him.

He paused, as if taken back by my question. "Call me, Boss."

He instructed me on how he wanted to please me. I spent several minutes merely kissing him, his tongue exploring my mouth. He then spent a long while caressing, kissing and sucking my breasts before he laid me upon the bed. I found myself being aroused by his attention and as he placed his mouth on my vagina, I let out a slow moan. He continued to focus his attention on me - it was like I was a puppet on a string - he would build me up, as if to climax and then withdraw his kisses. Involuntarily, I gripped his head and pressed him toward me. He lifted his head up, "you seek release?" he asked.

"Oh, please, yes!" I told him.

He then built up again, his delicate strokes becoming firmer and more rapid - it was as if a current was passing through me. I arched my back and screamed out, as unbearable ripples of pleasure tore through my body. He continued to kiss and suck on my vagina as I cried out. Panting, sweat running down my face; I finally pushed his head away.

He sat next to me on the bed. "I think you will enjoy the task of being my mistress." I felt embarrassed by his acknowledgement of my pleasure and I must have blushed. "We can have no embarrassment between us," he told me. "We will be fully intimate."

It struck me that he was right and that, because I could not tell K what had transpired, that I would in some ways be even more intimate with this man, than with K. I tried to hold back the tears, but I could not, and I began to cry.

The "boss" was startled but then he appeared angry. "I was very patient in pleasing you," he admonished me. "And I don't intend to wait for my own pleasure."

"I can't see you like this," he told me, rolling me over onto my stomach. Then I felt him clamber over me and, his hands spreading my buttocks, his penis entered my vagina. He slowly penetrated me with long, even strokes. He placed his hands on my shoulder blades, pushing me down. Somehow, feeling his weight upon me calmed me down and I gradually ceased my crying.

I was spent from my orgasm and was grateful to be able to just lie still as the boss continued to thrust in and out of me. My mind wandered and I began to wonder where K was and what he was doing. I hoped that he wasn't in trouble.

My thoughts were interrupted as the man withdrew from my vagina. But he continued to thrust, this time between my buttocks, the head of his penis rubbing against my anus. I wondered if this was how a woman was prepared for anal sex. I had heard that some of the girls in the house offered this to men. The man continued to thrust against me, his penis well lubricated by the juices of my vagina. My anus seemed to respond to the rubbing of his penis - I began to want his penis inside me and without realizing it, I began to moan and shake my hips slowly.

"You are wonderful," he told me - and as he spoke those words, he pressed downward, his penis slightly entering my anus. I could feel the muscles of my sphincter relax slightly to accommodate him.

"We will go slowly," he told me and he began to thrust softly with very short strokes.

"Tell me you want more," he urged me.

"I want it," I told him. I felt like a mindless animal. "I want all of you."

He began to slowly lengthen his strokes and I could feel myself stretching open. I felt a mix of mild pain and tingling pleasure and I continued to moan.

"Tell me you like this and you want it," he commanded me.

"Oh I love it!" I told him. "And I do want it!"

He began to quicken his pace and I couldn't control myself. I was groaning loudly and my head was thrashing from side to side. And then suddenly I felt him ejaculate inside of me and his hips bucked wildly. I felt as though he might tear me apart, he was thrashing about so recklessly. Finally, he stopped his thrusting and fell against my back. I could feel the sweat of his body upon me and the quick rise and fall of his chest as he breathed rapidly.

I seemed to eject his limp penis and he rolled me over. "You will make a fine mistress for me," he told me.

He left briefly and returned with a wet washcloth. "Clean me and then show me how much you adore my cock."

I cleaned him carefully with the washcloth and, once I had assured myself he was clean, I placed his penis in my mouth and tenderly sucked and caressed it with my mouth and tongue. He surprised me by kissing me tenderly on the mouth. He then curled up in bed next to me and we fell asleep.

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