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The Story of My Telepathic Life Ch. 03

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Julian and Angelika begin to train Shelly
8.5k words
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Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 10/14/2023
Created 10/03/2023
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The Story of My Telepathic Life

by Gary LM Martin

Tom contacted me via holo.

"Shell! How are you doing?"

"Fine, Tom," I said. I hadn't spoken to him since his engagement, which had been what, two years ago? I noticed something different about his uniform. "A promotion, Tom?"

"Yes." He looked almost embarrassed. "I'm a lieutenant now."

"Congratulations." He looked as handsome as ever!

"I'm actually posted to Earth now."

"You are?"

"Yes. I'm on assignment to HomePlanet Security. A number of Survey Service officers are. It means I won't be travelling much anymore."

I won't be travelling much anymore.

What was Tom telling me?

Fact: Tom was calling me with no apparent reason.

Fact: Tom was telling me he was staying on Earth and was no longer travelling.

Could it be... could it be that his marriage to Melissa was on the rocks? Was he trying to say he wanted to rekindle something between us? Hope started to grow in my womanly bosom.

"But that's not the big news."

"What's the big news, Tom?" I hoped my voice sounded calm.

"Melissa just gave birth."

I hope my expression didn't change.

Tom's wife just gave birth.

All my hopes died an untimely death. My hopes of rekindling with Tom, completely gone. Now that he had a child he would stay with Melissa forever and ever.

"Shell, did you hear me?'

I smiled at him. "Yes, Tom, I heard you. Great news! Is it a boy or a girl?"

"A girl. We're naming her Megan, after Melissa's mother."

"How truly wonderful. Well, I'm very happy for you, Tom. Listen, I have something I have to do, I have to go now. We'll talk another time, all right?"


"Another time. Goodbye, Tom."



I was lying in bed, on my back, completely nude, my fingers rapidly moving inside my hairy muff, with tears streaking down my cheeks.


How could he do it to me, again! Not again!

I rubbed myself vigorously, but I couldn't get there. I just couldn't get there on my own. I looked at my Pad. I would have to do the unthinkable. I had already lowered myself so far... what difference did a little more make?

I wiped the tears off my face and punched in a comm code. A familiar face appeared.


"No hard feelings," I said.

"My apartment. Seven o'clock."


I stepped into Julian's apartment with a blank expression on my face.

Julian gave me a broad smile, savoring the moment.


He was the man, and I was the woman. And he was going to use me as men have been using women for thousands of years. Once I gave him what he wanted, then he would give me what I needed.

Exactly. Now you understand.

He opened his arms. "Come here, Shell."


I was crying again even as Julian pumped my pussy hard. He was enjoying it all. My reluctance. My capitulation. The taking of my body.

But as Julian released into me, he also gave me what I needed with the movements of his fingers. He was a man of his word. As I climaxed around his spasming tool, I realized I didn't want to have Julian inside of me.

I needed to have him inside of me.


Julian pulled out, his penis glistening with our combined juices. "I'm sorry about Tom," he said quietly.

"No you're not," I said curtly. He wanted me back on his own terms and that's exactly what he got.

"That's true," said Julian, smiling. He didn't deny it. I was just trying to be polite.

We're both telepaths, that's impossible.

You've changed. You've gotten bitter, Shell.

Does that mean you don't want to fuck me again?

No. It just adds a different flavoring to our lovemaking.

We set up another time for another fuckfest. It was all business now.

Well, not all business, Shell, he thought as he kissed me tenderly.


During the time I got back together with Julian I vaguely remember having some other kind of job, another kind of fuckery with the World Government, but it made so little impression on me that I don't even remember what it was.

I do remember talking to Claire about it, though.

"You and Julian are back together?" She gave me a giant grin, and actually pinched my shoulder. "Way to go, girl!"

"What? He cheated on me, Claire!"

"So you told me," said Claire. "But he's quite a fuck, isn't he?"


"Sister, you're a beautiful girl. You know I love you. But... you're a little odd." She wiggled her nose. "Let's be honest. That's why you drove Tom away. That's why you're still single at 26. Julian is the most handsome and accomplished man you could hope for. I'd fuck him if I could."

"Would you really like that, Claire? I could talk to Julian on your behalf if you like. Assuming Jamal would approve, of course."

"You might be surprised at what Jamal would approve of," Claire grinned. "But we're talking about you."

"Claire... what we do now... it's just sex... there's no love involved."

"Yeah, I know," Claire grinned again. "Listen, Shelly. You're hurting right now, I understand that. Julian's handsome, and fuckable, and available, and willing to comfort you, with no strings attached. So use him! Use him until you find someone better!"


I had sex with Julian twice a week for two weeks. I didn't express endearments to him; it was all business for me. To feel a handsome man's body against my own. To feel Julian's penis inside of me. To feel his fingers bringing me to orgasm as he stared me in the eye.

I gasped and cried out but I never one told him I loved him. I was just a body to fuck and be fucked.

And I love you so much for it.

We sat in bed after one particular episode. "You're still seeing her, of course, aren't you?"

"Which her would that be?" That irritating grin.

Are you going to make me say her name?

Does it really hurt you to say her name? I thought you don't have any feelings for me anymore.

I don't!

You could have fooled me. You certainly fooled yourself. He smiled, "Yes, I am still seeing Angelika, as you put it. Not only am I seeing her, but I am also fucking her. Do you have any objections to that?"

I turned my head away as I lay on my pillow.

"I think the two of you should be friends. My firm is having a party this Saturday. I want you to come. Angelika will be there."

Why do you want me to come? So you can show me around like a trophy prize again?


And what if I don't want to come?

Deafening silence.


I was wearing one of the sexy dresses that Julian had bought me, the one with my titties nearly spilling out of it. It was a blue dress; Julian said he always liked me in blue "just like Tom did". Julian took me by the arm and showed me around, making everyone aware once again that I was his property.

"Shelly! So nice to see you again," said Jimmy Murphy. "I didn't realize you and Julian were back together again."

"I have trouble believing it myself," I said. "How have you been, Jimmy?"

"Fine, fine," he said. I didn't have to read his mind to know what he was thinking. He was staring at my creamy white eggplants. I wonder how much they bounce when he fucks her! I wonder if she cries out his name when he comes inside of her!

"You know, you're a very attractive woman, Shelly."

"So I've been told."

Jimmy looked at Julian. "She has more of an edge now, doesn't she?"

"She does," said Julian proudly.

"I like that," said Jimmy. "If you can tear yourself away from Julian sometime, how would you like to have dinner with me?"

I tried not to show my surprise. Jimmy was asking me out for a date... in front of Julian? What did he think I was, a common whore?

Not exactly.

Not exactly? What the FUCK does that mean?

Are you going to answer his question?

I smiled sweetly at Jimmy. "I'm sorry Jimmy, I can't have dinner with you. I'm getting all the mindless transactional sex I need from Julian right now. But if something changes, you'll be the first one I call."

Jimmy was unsure how to process that. As Julian led me away by the arm, he thought, Shelly, remember, play nice!

I always play nice when I'm around you.

Then be sure to play nice with my lover.

And there before me stood Angelika. She wore a dark shirt showing off a lot of cleavage. She also wore tight shiny brown leather pants which showed every curve of her ass and thighs, and tall black boots. I recognized her outfit because it was mine, one that Julian had bought for me, ages ago it seemed.

Angelika smiled. "Shelly dear! I heard you were back in town! Come, dear, give me a hug." I reluctantly leaned into her hug. As she hugged me tightly I felt something pressing against my groin

Her chikdik.

When she pulled back I saw it pitching a tent in her pants, pointing straight at me.

That's right dear, I'm hot for you.

I was startled.

"It's nice to see you again, Shelly," said Angelika. "I was pleased when Julian told me you returned. Pleased, but not surprised. He's an extraordinary man, isn't he?"

I looked up at him. "Oh, he's extraordinary, all right."

Angelika frowned at Julian. "Julian dear, why don't you leave me with dear Shelly so we can have some girl talk in private?"

Julian looked reluctant. What do you want to say to her?

"Never mind that. I'm not going to bite your chippy's head off. Just give us some space, dear. Shoo, shoo!" She waved her hand dismissively.

I'll be nearby. Julian reluctantly walked away.

He's so charming when he's protective like that, isn't he? I think he fears I'm going to eat you up!

Would you?

"Why not? You're a very sexy woman, Shelly."

Angelika's smile made me feel uncomfortable.

"But you shouldn't be. We're all friends now, aren't we?" She paused and ate a chocolate from the snack bar. "I so enjoyed that makeover I gave you. I see you're wearing the lipstick he gave you and the rouge, but not the eyeliner or the chikdik. Why not?"

"The eyeliner made me look like a whore," I said bluntly, looking at Angelika's. "So did the chikdik."

"Oh, so you do have some rough edges now, don't you? I think I like the new you better than the old one." She rubbed against me for a moment, letting me feel the chikdik between us. "The old Shelly was soft, malleable, and had a certain charm in her way. But the new Shelly is defiant, resistance. Nothing tastes better than defiance," she said, popping another chocolate between her plush, red lips.

"What do you want, Angelika?"

"What do I want? What do I want? I want to be friends dear!" She squeezed my hand. "After all, we have so much in common, don't we? Did you enjoy Julian? I taught him everything he knows, did you know that?"

"I guessed that."

"You guessed right. And just as I molded Julian, Julian molded you. You're like an imperfect copy of a copy." She smiled at me. "But imperfections can always be fixed." She paused again, giving me a sexy look out of the corner of her eye. "Julian loved the sex with you. And I can see why. He shared his memories with me."

"He... he did?"

"Um hm," said Angelika, munching on a treat. "More than once I climaxed to the memory of Julian, putting it in your tight snatch, Julian making you moan, Julian making your heavy, sweaty breasts bounce as he filled you with his seed. You were the subject of more than one exercise session between the J man and myself, you should know."

"Good to know," I said, feeling horrified at this intense violation of privacy.

"But you should feel flattered, not horrified." She touched my arm. "You're a very beautiful woman, you know that, Shelly Diggler, don't you?" She looked into my eyes. "Your heavy breasts... your luscious lips... your firm ass... your long, muscular legs...." As she spoke her face got closer and closer to mine. I felt an unnatural attraction. No, I wasn't like that! I couldn't!

I pulled away fractionally, and that was enough for Angelika, who also pulled back without any remorse. "I will enjoy you."

"I don't think so. Even Julian could never make me do that."

"Julian won't make you do anything," said Angelika. "You'll want to."

She saw the horror on my face and in my mind. "I know everything about you, Shelly Diggler, probably more than you know yourself. I know all about your history with your delightful Tom. I know of your great love for your Aunt Tammy, your homicidal father, and your delightful sisters and your even more delightful Mommy who all seem to have a special hankering for my lover. And I know how you usually need clitoral stimulation to climax."

My face turned bright red.

"There's no need to be ashamed, dear. Some women need it. But what if I told you that you could come normally, with a man inside of you, without needing to rub your clit?"

That got my full attention.

I thought it would.


I could teach you.

Teach me?

She ran a finger down my arm. "If you... do certain things for me, I will do certain things for you. Are you interested, dear?"

To be able to come like a normal woman... with vaginal sex with a penis....


But the price!

The price will be worth the cost.

Let me think about it.

Don't think too long.


Julian and I were lying in bed two days later, enjoying the afterwards. I looked at him. He was a handsome, sexy man. Why couldn't I find a man like that to love me?

I do love you. He put a hand on me, but I shook him away.

"You didn't mind me touching you just a few minutes ago."

"That was before."

"Because I made you come?"


Julian gave a loud laugh.

But then I heard movement in the hallway. What is that?

Angelika came into view. She stared at our naked, spent bodies, at Julian's red, shrunken penis and my obscenely stretched pussy lips. "Hello dears, am I early?"


I looked at Julian. She wasn't supposed to be here for another hour.

"I'm sorry, I guess I got my appointments mixed up," Angelika said innocently (or insolently? It was hard to tell). She gave Julian a sexy look.

Julian obediently got out of bed and embraced her, kissing her passionately.

Now? You're going to have sex with her now, right after... right after what we just did....

Angelika gave me a silky smile. You should know better than anyone how often Julian is able to perform, dear.

As Julian took off Angelika's clothes, I realized she was correct. Julian only seemed to demand one orgasm from me now, whereas in the past he wanted two or three. Now I knew why.

I hurriedly grabbed my clothes and got dressed. By the time I was dressed, however, Angelika was completely nude. She had long, shapely legs, a nice, firm upraised ass, a thick curly mat of pubic hair between her legs, firm round melons and a gorgeously thin and athletic looking body.

Why thank you dear. I think you're attractive too.

I hurried to get past them even as Julian started kissing her. But a hand reached out and grabbed me by the arm.

Join us. Join us dear.

My eyes narrowed, and I pulled away.

As I left the room, I felt the vague sound of laughter... but my ears heard only silence.


"What was it like, the first time you saw him again? Tell me!"

Audrey's eyes were shining. I had told my sister that I had gotten back together again with Julian, after a fashion. She knew about his infidelity. She knew how he had betrayed me.

And she didn't care.

My sister Audrey was smitten with Julian. I think at this time in her life (at 22 she had just graduated from college) she was doing some kind of temp job for the World Government and was going through a dry spell. Or maybe she really found Julian so very attractive. I know I did, at one time.

I saw I wasn't going to get any sympathy, or understanding, from my cute red haired little sister. But I could give her something, something that she wanted dearly. So, because I loved her, I gave it to her.

"He took me in his arms, and gently kissed me and said, welcome back," I said. Actually, he said "I knew you would come back", but I didn't think Audrey would find that as appealing.

"Oooh!" Audrey shivered.

"He kissed and hugged me all over. He told me to lift my arms, and I did. He pulled my shirt off. My control collar came next. He threw it across the room and hugged me tightly. For the first time I felt my breasts against his hairy chest."

"How did it feel?" Audrey looked so eager, so youthful.

I gave a grin I didn't feel. "Incredible!"


"He caressed my breasts ever so slowly. Oh, Aud, it was like torture." I gestured with my own hand, moving over my own breasts with superficial brushing moves. "And then he took one of my breasts in his hand, and he told me he missed it, missed it so badly! And then he kissed me hard!"

"Ooooh, Shelly!"

I didn't have to read my sister's mind to see that her nipples were erect now, poking out of her shirt.

And so I semi-fabricated a story to please Audrey. I mean, it wasn't entirely fabricated--I just enhanced romantic elements of it that didn't exist. But as I described the sort-of lovemaking we had, I could see Audrey imagining it in her mind, imagining Julian, on top of me, filling me with his long, hard, masculine sex organ. Only it wasn't really me he was filling.

It was her.

As I stared at my redheaded sister's brilliant smile, glazed eyes, and erect nipples, what I felt most was envy. Envy that she could feel such lust, at a time when I was basically dead inside.


Three days after my last appointment with Julian, I returned to his apartment at precisely 8 PM. We had appointments now. We always had appointments. Just like an appointment with the hairdresser to get my hair done, an appointment with the dentist to get my teeth cleaned, an appointment with my vaginologist to get my pussy vaginated, I also had an appointment with Julian to get my pussy pounded. (And pounded hard!)

But when I arrived at his apartment I was in for another surprise. "Julian?" I said, looking around.

In here.

I found the faint sounds I heard to the bedroom. What I saw astounded me, though I suppose it shouldn't have.

Julian was on top, pounding into Angelika's pussy. She had her arms and legs wrapped tightly around him.

"Hey Shelly," Angelika said, in a musical voice, as she waved with a free hand.

I looked at Julian, who was still faced away from me.

Shell, I'll be with you in just... just a few... seconds...... AHHHH!

Julian gasped as he climaxed, pumping the beautiful redhead beneath him with his sperm. He collapsed and lay on top of her like a dead fish.

Julian, don't be rude! You're keeping dear Shelly waiting!


Julian pulled out. His penis was red and wet and semi-deflated.

You'll fix that for Julian, won't you, Shell?

My jaw dropped open. You expect me... right after you.....

"I'm sorry dear, we ran over. It's all my fault," said Angelika, stretching her legs. Her pubis was glistening with sweat and sperm. "But I just can't get enough of Julian!" She got up slowly, very slowly, and started to get dressed.

I turned to Julian. "Would you like me to come back another time?"

"No, no no no, I'll be gone in just a minute," said Angelika, closing the fastener on her pants. As she reached for her breast control collar, her melon shaped titties flopped around pleasantly.

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