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The Story of Odilia Ch. 04

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Odilia's naked body is examined by Lady Svetlana.
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Part 4 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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When I awoke the next morning, Mistress Jarvinia untied me and immediately put me to work. Indeed Hansel, Gretel, Maleen and I were all given labors to perform. In Mistress Jarvinia's home, slaves do not eat breakfast until they've earned it through hard, physical labor.

My mistress sent me to her garden in the back of the house and ordered me to crawl on my hands and knees and pull any weeds out of her garden with my bare hands. It was filthy work and Mistress Jarvinia punished my tender buttocks again and again when I ignorantly attempted to pull a medicinal plant out of the ground, instead of a weed.

As a princess, I had never been taught the difference between a weed and a useful plant. Thus Mistress Jarvinia hovered over me with a paddle as I crawled naked around her garden and elicited yelps of pain from my lips every time I guessed wrong and soon my naked buttocks were burning with delicious pain and hot, wet tears spilled down my face and watered my mistress's garden.

Soon after I came inside, I witnessed Hansel and Gretel being punished by my mistress's leather belt. Hansel had been whispering some secret message to his sister, and Mistress Jarvinia did not allow any of her slaves to keep secrets from her.

Within seconds, brother and sister stood in the center of the room with their hands on the backs of their necks and their legs spread. Hansel had admirably muscular legs with firm calves and slender, well-developed thighs and high buttocks. I longed to feel his firm, naked buttocks underneath my hands, but the most I could hope for on this day was to watch as my mistress reddened Hansel's naked buttocks with her strap again and again, as she made Hansel moan and weep in pain.

His poor sister likewise moaned and wept in pain as Mistress Jarvinia also reddened her poor, abused, naked buttocks with the strap. However watching Gretel's buttocks whipped didn't make my sex throb between my legs and my heart pound in my chest. I have never been in the habit of lusting over women; however I have lusted for Hansel's firm, naked, boyish, slender body from the very first minute that I gazed upon it.

Luckily my mistress did not see me lusting over Hansel's naked buttocks and thighs. She was so intent on abusing both Hansel and Gretel's bottom and legs and turning them to an angry, red color, she never noticed that I was even watching.

I was then put to work scrubbing the floor of the main room for an hour before breakfast. Hansel and Mistress Jarvinia's entire collection of slaves eat their meals from bowls placed upon the floor. As I lapped up my food I would occasionally look up and eye Hansel's naked flesh. His legs and bottom still looked sore; however they looked no less desirable. Indeed, the marks from my mistress's strap seemed to make his naked flesh even more beautiful.

And while I dawdled, a stranger came into my Mistress's house.

"Svetlana," my mistress greeted the stranger. "What brings you to my remote and humble home?"

Her tone was playful, almost mocking. I dared a look up from my bowl and saw that Svetlana, was a well-dressed woman with well-fitted leather walking boots, silver rings on her fingers and a dark blue gown that was fashioned in such a way that it was tight about her waist and torso, yet very loose from the waist down. It was a well-crafted garment that only someone from the upper classes could afford.

"Jarvinia," the woman responded with a voice that was as sweet as honey, "I came to congratulate you on the purchase of your newest slave. I was admiring her at the slave auction with her remarkable buttocks and thighs. She's absolutely adorable! I had hoped to get a much closer look at her at the place of public punishment; however you have yet to send her there."

The woman looked me over the way a hungry dog will look over fresh mutton. I felt defenseless and exposed as I knelt naked on the floor with my breasts and buttocks exposed for this woman to leisurely ogle.

I ate my food and attempted to hide my face as the woman stared at my naked body, but then Mistress Jarvinia asked, "Would you like to see her?"

Apparently Svetlana answered in the affirmative, for I was soon called over and ordered to position myself so that this well-dressed woman could examine my naked body intimately-both with her eyes and her hands.

"Odilia, I want this woman to get a good look at you. So, place your hands flat against the wall, bend over with your buttocks up and spread your legs as wide as you can get them."

And as an afterthought she commanded me to balance on the balls of my feet and keep my heels from touching the floor.

Obediently I placed myself in the revealing and humiliating position which my mistress had commanded. It left my bottom and my wet, throbbing sex very much exposed and I blushed with the shame of it, however neither Mistress Jarvinia nor her guest had any sympathy for my plight. Dignity and modesty are things that are forever denied to a slave.

"And no matter what this woman does to your naked body, you are not to move. Do you understand, Slave girl?"

I closed my eyes tightly, expecting horrible things would be done to my vulnerable nudity, yet answered "Yes Mistress".

In this position, my wet, swollen pubic lips were even more exposed and vulnerable than is usual for a slave. I worried over what fate might befall them. My legs began to tremble before Lady Svetlana even touched me.

Lady Svetlana took her time, examining me at her leisure, first with her eyes, allowing the fear to build up inside of me as I anticipated the moment when her hands would touch my naked, vulnerable flesh. What sort of painful, humiliating, ignoble things would those hands do when they finally touched my exposed, defenseless, young body?

"The slave girl's sex," Lady Svetlana observed, "is completely devoid of pubic hair."

My face and upper body felt suffused with heat at this comment. It was demeaning enough to be denied clothes and to be seen naked by all peoples at all times. But I found it to be even more humbling and unjust to be denied the scant covering of pubic hair to obscure my poor, tormented pubic lips from impertinent eyes.

"I shave all of my slaves," Was Mistress Jarvinia's response. "It helps to break their spirit. A slave that's been shaved between her legs is far more naked than a slave that's been allowed the luxury of pubic hair. Have you never noticed that I shave Hansel and Gretel in the same way?"

Lady Svetlana and Mistress Jarvinia continued to discuss Mistress Jarvinia's treatment of slaves and how it was possible Lady Svetlana had never noticed certain aspects of our treatment. All the while I was forced to maintain the very humiliating and difficult position with my legs spread very far apart and my anus and wet, pulsing sex very much on view.

These two proud, privileged, wicked women kept me waiting in that humiliating and exposed position. I held this position so long that my legs started to feel weak and unsteady, the muscles in the back of my legs felt uncomfortably stretched and taut and sweat began to form on my torso and underneath my arms. My right leg trembled and I feared that I might be unable to maintain my balance in this position, and should I collapse or fall to one knee or break position in any way I was certain to be horribly punished.

And then, just as I thought the two women were ignoring my naked body, I felt lady Svetlana's hands on my thighs. They moved across the smooth flesh of my sore buttocks and thighs down to my calves and back up to my thighs again, massaging the flesh, as if testing it for softness and resilience. Lady Svetlana then pinched my calves and thighs several times and I bit my lip in an attempt to keep from crying out. Then I felt her hand under my sex, feeling the roundness and heaviness of my swollen pubic lips, painfully pinching them.

I gasped in response to the unexpected fingers touching me in that most sensitive place, yet managed not to close my thighs or fall to my knees. It was only with great effort that I was able to remain in that very humiliating pose, the fear of Mistress Jarvinia's wrath and her painful punishments giving my thighs and calves and the soles of my feet the strength to remain in that pose.

"They should allow us to examine slaves like this before the auctions," opined Lady Svetlana. "Standing in a crowd, in front of a stage, we never get this sort of intimate detail of exactly what we're buying."

So saying, lady Svetlana continued to stroke my swollen labial folds with her fingers. She elicited whimpers from my lips and caused the heat between my legs to become more intense. My need for sexual relief became so profound that my naked body became suffused with heat and I broke out in a feverish sweat. I closed my eyes tightly and attempted to ignore the fierce need between my legs, however Lady Svetlana's fingers were quite skilled at inflaming my passions.

When her fingers found my swollen clitoris, it was so desperate for attention that it was aching. I made pathetic groaning sounds and moved my hips in an obscene and suggestive manner, however Lady Svetlana's questing finger barely even grazed the hot, swollen flesh of my aching clitoris, and at Mistress Jarvinia's suggestion, she began to examine my defenseless and exposed anus.

I have an intense fear when it comes to being touched in that pink, secretive part of my anatomy and Mistress Jarvinia knew that when she suggested Lady Svetlana examine me there. That wicked woman was thoroughly intent on seeing me suffer!

Lady Svetlana gently stroked my tender pink, tender, anal orifice, causing me to gasp once more.

"She seems to have an irrational fear about being touched there," declared Lady Svetlana.

Then, pressing one finger very intently upon my tight, pink anus, she asked, "How would you feel if I were to spear your virginal, pink anus, slave-girl?"

At first I just moaned, sounding miserable and pathetic. As a slave, I could not stop her; however I dreaded being speared though that tight, most intimate orifice even more than I dreaded the paddle.

Then, suddenly I felt Lady Svetlana's hand come down sharply upon the already sore skin of my right buttock three times in rapid succession. I yelped in both pain and surprise at the stinging blows.

"Answer my question, slave," bellowed Lady Svetlana in a cold, commanding voice. "How would you feel if I opened you up and examined your pink, virginal hole with my fingers?"

Lady Svetlana's examination of my anus thus far had already left me feeling humiliated and defenseless and degraded. However being forced to answer her question about my degradation made me feel even more helpless and more disgraced than before. Hot tears of mortification were running down my face as I answered her.

"I would feel most humbled and ashamed, Mistress," I answered her. "It would be even more humiliating than being sold at the slave auction."

And as I silently sobbed, bent over with my legs far apart and my anus vulnerable and exposed to both of these wicked women, I felt Lady Svetlana's hard fingers stabbing into me, opening my tight, delicate flesh and exploring deep into my intimate orifice. My arms and legs trembled and I found it a strenuous ordeal to maintain the position my Mistress ordered me to maintain.

"I was right about her being virginal," Lady Svetlana proclaimed. "She's far too tight to be anything but a virgin.

Hansel was ordered to bring water and a cloth so that Lady Svetlana could wash her hands after fingering my anus. Looking back between my legs I could see Hansel's naked buttocks as he retreated from the room and Lady Svetlana as she washed her hands of me. Then I was ordered to stand straight, so that she could better examine other parts of my naked body.

The stress on the muscles in my legs and the soles of my feet had become so acute I was on the verge of collapsing, thus I was relieved when I was ordered to stand. However my relief was short-lived as I was ordered to stand with my legs far apart and my hands clasped behind the back of my neck. This pose forced my breasts to be lifted up as if I were offering them to Lady Svetlana.

Mistress Jarvinia caused my breasts to be even more prominent and on display by ordering me to arch my spine and force my elbows back. And to add to my shame, my nipples were swollen and erect, thus making my sexual need all the more evident to these cruel women who insisted on examining every inch of my nudity.

Lady Svetlana raised a hand to my left breast and fondled it, feeling the warmth and the smoothness of the skin, before grasping the nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pinching the poor, sensitive nub of flesh painfully and causing me to gasp. Soon the nipple's twin; on my right breast; was similarly captured and pinched.

Lady Svetlana manipulated my swollen, erect nipples, turning them this way and that, eliciting whimpers and labored breathing from me, while I obediently kept my naked breasts thrust up and forward, so as to give her hands easy access to them. Lady Svetlana's hand took possession of my breasts, groping them roughly and then massaging them gently, coaxing moans from my lips. Then without warning, capturing my nipples with her strong fingers and yanking upon them and stretching the tender flesh to an unnatural length and causing me to whimper at the severe agonizing pain she was inflicting on my tender pink flesh. I cried out in distress at the sharp pain and wondered how far this wicked woman could stretch the tender flesh of my now throbbing nipples before the flesh actually tore. She continued to abuse my poor nipples for several agonizingly long minutes, making me feverish and delirious with both pain and lust. When she finished, my face was covered with tears and my nipples were enlarged and swollen and no longer pink, but a reddish hue, almost the color blood.

Lady Svetlana had no mercy for my plight, even as tears of humiliation and pain slid down my face. "Don't expect me to believe that you want to escape my attentions," Lady Svetlana insisted, "I can tell from the wetness of your sex that this is exactly what you desire."

And then her hand was at my wet, throbbing sex once again. The expression on her face was filled with delight and intense interest as she pinched my swollen pubic lips once again. I gasped and whimpered and attempted to endure her attentions without complaint. My legs trembled once again and tears welled up in my eyes, but I did not cry out or beg for mercy.

And then two strong fingers were thrust deep inside my sex and I shuddered at the intensity of my sexual need. My sex throbbed and my juices flowed onto Lady Svetlana's fingers and I whimpered as Lady Svetlana gazed intently into my eyes. My lower lip trembled and then she brought her fingers up to my face, slick and coated with my warm juices.

My vision was blurry with tears and yet I could see how wet Lady Svetlana's fingers were with my secretions, and indeed I could feel the utmost wetness between my legs.

"You whimper and tremble at my touch," admonished Lady Svetlana, "But between your legs, your sex is wet. Your hungry little mouth knows what you need and desire even better than you do. Your wet vagina is grateful for all the pinches and the slaps and the intense scrutiny that I am paying to your naked body."

I had no way of responding to this wicked woman. I was raised to be a proper lady of noble birth and to be studious and refined and dignified and graceful. I was not supposed to be displayed naked for the entertainment of the common people. Nor was I supposed to be pinched or slapped or have my most intimate, sensitive parts of my anatomy closely examined and evaluated by total strangers. I certainly was not supposed to become feverish and aroused and moan with sexual desire at such humiliation and abuse.

And yet I did moan with sexual arousal as this wicked woman did such things to me.

I desperately wanted this cruel woman to thrust her strong fingers inside of me and to probe deep into my pink, throbbing sex and to explore and to stroke and pinch and examine and fondle until I finally achieved orgasmic release.

However, as a child of a proper royal family, I could never admit to having such wanton desires. And as a slave, I could never ask for a free woman to provide me with relief from the sexual torment I was currently experiencing.

"Say it," Lady Svetlana demanded. "Say that my touch excites you."

I moaned as Lady Svetlana's strong fingers once again stroked my swollen labia and thrust my loins ever so slightly towards her hand in hopes that she would provide me with what I so urgently desired, but sadly I was denied.

"Say it," Lady Svetlana barked. "Say that you are sexually aroused at having a woman sexually humiliate and abuse you and pinch your sex, or else I shall sexually torment you and leave you without relief!"

My face felt hot and flush and I am certain that my face must have turned red with shame. My eyes welled up with tears. I desperately wanted for this wicked woman to provide me with relief from my sexual torment; however the words that she wanted me to say were far more humiliating than I could bear.

The lady then slapped my breasts; first the right and then the left; and then the right again. Her fierce, stinging slaps hurt worse than I had expected, however I held my breath and bit my lower lip and struggled not to cry out.

"Impudent slave," cried out Lady Svetlana. And she stalked over to the wall where Mistress Jarvinia kept her whips and paddles and straps.

"Jarvinia, you're slave is being most difficult. May I have your leave to punish her?"

I hoped against hope that my Mistress would not acquiesce to this request, however my Mistress was not at all concerned about my hopes or desires.

"If my slave were at the place of public punishment, you would need to pay a fee before you could punish her," was my mistress's reply.

I had not been given permission to move from my position and Lady Svetlana stood well behind me, however I could hear my mistress and Lady Svetlana haggling over a price. The standard price at the place of public punishment was apparently one copper coin; however Mistress Jarvinia believed that the honor of punishing my naked skin was worth more than that.

Eventually the two women agreed on a price.

I flinched even before I saw the whip. My buttocks were already quite sore and I feared the sting of the whip on my already tender skin, however it was to be even worse than that.

Without ceremony, Lady Svetlana swung a wide, leather strap and smacked my naked breasts that I had so obediently displayed for her attention. I did not even see the blow land. A blinding fire of pain crossed my chest as the leather strap slapped across the pale skin of my breasts. The pain was unlike anything I had experienced before and I screamed out in unimaginable misery. Two additional blows of the leather strap rained down upon my poor defenseless, innocent breasts while I was still screaming.

"Shall I whip those lovely, firm breasts of yours again?" Lady Svetlana queried, "Or would you now like to admit that it excites you to be pinched and slapped and fingered and sternly examined intensely by a strong, authoritarian woman, such as myself?"

The soft, tender flesh of my breasts had just barely born the torture of being struck by the whip a mere three times. My poor, defenseless breasts couldn't endure a fourth or a fifth or a sixth stroke. I immediately cooperated with Lady Svetlana's demands.

"It excites me, Mistress," I cried out. "When you place your hands on my breasts it excites me," I admitted. "When you pinch my nipples it excites me and when you order me to spread my legs and display my pubic lips to be examined and pinched and toyed with, it excites me!"


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