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The Story of Odilia Ch. 13

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Lady Svetlana becomes Odilia's new owner.
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Part 13 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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Lady Gabrielle had declared that she would keep me feeling helpless, shamed and vulnerable during my time in the Kingdom of Queen Eleanor, and she put a great deal of effort and creativity into accomplishing her goal.

I fear Lady Gabrielle, as she had a cruel genius when it came to discovering ways to humiliate and shame me.

One day she bound me to the two vertical poles in Mistress Jarvinia's yard. She tied ropes around my wrists and ankles and had me raise my arms and spread my legs. She tied me spread-eagled and then gagged me with a very unkind gag that forced my mouth wide open and caused my jaw to ache.

"Stay here," Lady Gabrielle said imperiously, "I need to fetch witnesses for your humiliation."

Surely this must have been Lady Gabrielle's cruel attempt at humor. How could I do anything else but stay there? I was helplessly bound between two sturdy poles and was utterly incapable of freeing myself.

When Lady Gabrielle returned she had Gertrud with her, and also a girl about my own age in a gray and black dress. She seemed familiar to me, but in a bewildering sort of way. I could not recall the girl's name, nor remember the circumstances of how I met her.

"This is Hildigaris," Lady Gabrielle said to me, "For six years, she worked as a chambermaid in the castle where you were raised. Now she works for me."

Suddenly I remembered. Hildigaris was Princess Catherine's chambermaid. She and I rarely spoke, however she had always been polite and deferential to me. She had never bore me any ill will, and now Lady Gabrielle had convinced her to come to the Kingdom of Queen Eleanor, to witness my humiliation as a naked slave-girl.

I jerked helplessly against my restraints. Hildigaris had served as a servant to my family for years. It was far more humiliating for one of my family's servants to witness my naked degradations and torments, than it was for a lord or lady, or even a village girl from Queen Eleanor's kingdom.

"Hildigaris," Lady Gabrielle said to the servant girl, "As long as Odilia is in Bellavalten, she is not your superior, she cannot give you orders, and she deserves no respect. She is a slave, and you must learn to treat her as such."

"Of course," Hildigaris replied without hesitation, "I am eager to learn anything you wish to teach me."

"She is constantly kept naked for a number of reasons," Lady Gabrielle explained, "Obviously one of those reasons is to reinforce her inferior status. Another reason is to assist in keeping her in a state of constant sexual distress. Have you examined her nether lips closely?"

"Not really, Lady Gabrielle," came the polite response of the servant girl.

"Do so, now" the noble lady said to Hildigaris, "Like this."

I was naked and bound with my legs far apart, so I could do nothing as Lady Gabrielle's hand slid down my pelvis and encountered my slick, swollen labia, between my thighs. She quickly found my clitoris; which was swollen and hot; and began to stroke it with her thumb.

"Her pubic lips are quite wet," the noblewoman informed the servant girl, "And her clitoris is quite hard and swollen. Place your own hand here and see for yourself."

I recoiled at the touch of Hildigaris's girlish hand. It was humiliating enough to be sexually molested by the grim-faced, stern aristocratic women of Bellavalten, however to be sexually examined and evaluated by this young servant girl from my own kingdom, seemed more humiliating by far.

"Trap the clitoris between your thumb and forefinger," Lady Gabrielle suggested, "Then rub it, softly at first, but then every sixth rub, rub her quite hard."

Following Lady Gabrielle's suggestions, my sex awaked and throbbed. My clit became even harder, and I closed my eyes, fighting the rising orgasm that threatened to overcome me, not wanting this girl to see me in the throes of orgasm. It would be an utter humiliation to reveal my most intimate moments to a young girl like this, a mere chambermaid from my own kingdom, from my own family's castle!

The throbbing between my legs became more intense as Hildigaris rubbed her thumb hard against my clitoris, making me pant and whimper. There was a flood of moisture between my legs and the young girl closely examined it, her eyes alight with keen interest in my defenseless vagina and the way it reacted to the manipulations of her young fingers.

I gasped. Despite my resistance, Hildigaris had taken me too far to hold back. I squirmed, sweated and attempted to thwart the orgasm that was building inside of me, however the orgasm broke loose and the servant girl watched intently, utterly enthralled at the sight of her princess screaming in passionate release as I reached the pinnacle of libidinous pleasure. It was an intense, wild, violent orgasm, accompanied with impassioned screams and uncontrolled jerking of my hips.

Hildigaris watched this all engrossed, unable to take her eyes off of me. Even when tears of utter mortification welled in my eyes and rolled down my face, she was still deeply captivated by the sight of me and refused to look away.

She was so pleased with my reactions to her vigorous abuse of my clitoris that she insisted on being allowed to play with my sex again.

Lady Gabrielle gave her assent, and then Hildigaris began again. This time she inserted her fingers deep inside my vagina, exploring the interior of my sex as she closely watched my face to study my emotional reactions to what her fingers were doing to me.

At Lady Gabrielle's suggestion, she pinched my clitoris and my pubic lips, causing me to cry out in pain. My clitoris throbbed in pain, however it also throbbed with a hot, delicious kind of heat that had more to do with wanton, sexual passion than with the sharp pain of the servant girl's cruel pinches on the tender flesh of my labia and the swollen nub of my sensitive clitoris.

Hildigaris's fingers worked me up to a trembling, sexual fever once again, however Lady Gabrielle instructed her to stop before driving me over the edge to the heights of sexual pleasure a second time.

"Keeping her in a state of sexual distress and denying her an orgasm when she desperately needs one, is also an excellent way to remind a slave-girl of her inferior status," Lady Gabrielle explained.

"She is no longer a princess," Lady Gabrielle elaborated, "She's merely a naked girl, covered in sweat, soaking wet between her thighs, feverishly desperate for an orgasm and miserable in the knowledge that she will probably not be getting one. A slave girl will be perfectly obedient when she knows that she's helpless to control her own libido and only by gaining the good graces of her mistress will she ever gain a reprieve from her sexual torment."

I sobbed mournfully at Lady Gabrielle's words. She was describing my current state perfectly. I would do anything to end the insistent throbbing in my aching loins, however the cold, uncompromising expression on Lady Gabrielle's face told me that no amount of begging or pleading would grant me the relief I desperately needed.

Of course, teaching Hildigaris how to subject a naked slave-girl to sexual misery and the humiliation of constant sexual need wasn't enough for Lady Gabrielle. She also insisted that Hildigaris be taught how to whip a naked slave-girl as well.

"What do you think of her bottom?" Lady Gabrielle asked, "When you were a servant in her family's home, did you ever suspect that she had such a splendid, firm bottom?"

"I had no idea," Hildigaris replied, her hand resting on my bare buttocks, feeling the smoothness of my skin as she rubbed her hand down to my thighs and then back up to my buttocks again, "She always kept her treasures hidden inside expensive gowns. I never had the opportunity to see how splendid a bottom she really had."

"This is an excellent whip for a novice," Lady Gabrielle said, holding up a long, thin leather strap, so the girl could see it, "It was practically designed to be used on a naked girl's bottom."

Lady Gabrielle demonstrated the proper way to wield the whip, stinging my naked buttocks with quick, cruel cracks of leather on my naked, defenseless flesh.

The whip was handed over to Hildigaris and she turned out to be an apt student. Her blows were uncertain at first, however she quickly learned how to wield the whip cruelly and cleverly, making me scream in helpless agony.

The thin leather strap made a cruel sound as it swung through the air and inflicted increasingly cruel pain on my bare flesh. My hips weaved reflexively as Hildigaris whipped my poor unprotected buttocks. My poor bottom jerked and recoiled from the whip as if it had a life of its own. Of course all the squirming and twisting did nothing more than cause the whip to cut me across my hips, and that hurt even worse.

"You're doing quite well, Hildigaris," Lady Gabrielle said, complimenting her student, "However a whip can be used on more than just a girl's bottom."

Lady Gabrielle then instructed her young student to use the whip on my thighs. She explained that a girl's flesh is tenderer there and the whip will sting even more.

She was right of course. The leather burned as it lashed across the backs of my thighs. Hildigaris marked my poor flesh, attempting to systematically work her way across the backs of both thighs, starting at my buttocks and making her way all the way down to the backs of my knees.

She never got the opportunity to finish marking me up, however my face was wet with tears and I was sobbing uncontrollably by the time Mistress Jarvinia appeared on the lawn and took the leather strap from Hildigaris's girlish hand.

"Jarvinia," Lady Gabrielle exclaimed, sounding affronted, "I hadn't yet finished amusing myself with this naked slave-girl. Please don't tell me that you're developing compassion for the slaves. That's never been your inclination before."

Mistress Jarvinia stared coldly at Lady Gabrielle and replied sharply, "Nor is it my inclination, now. I have just received a summons from the queen. I have been instructed to make haste to her castle and to bring this one with me. I have been told that is a matter of some urgency."

"Urgency? What sort of urgent manner could involve a naked slave?"

Mistress Jarvinia made a heavy sound of exasperation and replied, "I do not know, but rest assured I shall find out and return to my home expeditiously. I do not like being summoned away from this place. Much of my power is tied to this land, and being summoned away from it leaves me quite vexed."

I actually felt sympathy for Queen Eleanor at this point. Mistress Jarvinia was clearly upset with the queen for summoning her to the castle, and; should she wish it; Mistress Jarvinia could make the queen suffer greatly. She had the witch's power to curse her enemies and she had been known to use it on those who had offended her.

I was untied and led over to a group of soldiers on horseback. The soldiers were tasked with bringing Mistress Jarvinia and I to the queen.

"The queen has graciously provided a horse for you, Wise-Woman," the ranking soldier announced, "The Slave-girl will ride with me."

The soldier seemed to be afraid of Mistress Jarvinia and would not look her directly in the face. His attitude with me was quite different.

"Up you go, Girl," he said to me, and lifted my naked body over his shoulder easily, "Try not to squirm!"

The soldier that had thrown me over his shoulder rode in front, Mistress Jarvinia was on the horse directly behind, and the two remaining soldiers rode behind Mistress Jarvinia.

Because of the way I was hanging over the soldier's shoulder my bare buttocks was clearly visible to Mistress Jarvinia. She was able to spend the entire trip admiring how red Lady Gabrielle and Hildigaris had made my buttocks and the backs of my thighs.

Several times during the journey I moaned at the thought of view I was providing for Mistress Jarvinia.

It was a very humiliating way for a naked girl to be displayed, which was very likely the reason that the soldier chose to transport me this way. Lords, ladies, soldiers and other free people are always seeking ways to humiliate both male and female slaves.

After we crossed over the drawbridge and entered Queen Eleanor's castle, Mistress Jarvinia and I were separated. Mistress Jarvinia was taken directly to the queen, whereas I was taken to the Slave's Hall.

"You must be bathed and groomed before you may be presented to the queen," a soldier informed me, brusquely.

The soldier who had been carrying me, lowered me to the floor and said, "You will proceed forward to the Slave's Hall on your hands and knees. I trust you remember how?"

I felt my face grow hot with humiliation and nodded my head in reply. Mistress Jarvinia seldom made her slaves crawl. The majority of the time she allowed her slaves to walk upright, however Queen Eleanor's rules were quite different. She preferred to have her slaves constantly on their hands and knees, almost as if she thought her slaves were all animals.

It had been nearly two years since I had been inside the Castle of Queen Eleanor, however I remembered the protocols for how a slave was supposed to crawl. I kept my eyes down, my head down and lifted my knees gracefully. I looked neither left nor right and tried to keep my spine aligned straight forward.

"Yes, you do remember how," the soldier said as I crawled before him, "You had been gone so long, I'd feared you might have forgotten."

Clément had been my groom during the time I had served as a slave in Queen Eleanor's castle, and the soldier prodded me forward, until I was on my hands and knees directly in front of Clément. He had kind eyes. He was blonde and slender, and was a young lad of about the same age as me. He was an amiable and pleasing youth. Years ago; before I became a slave; he was exactly the sort of boy my romantic inclinations would have drawn me towards.

"Welcome back, Princess," Clément said as I was made to kneel before him, "I missed you greatly when they sent you to the Village."

"Thank you, Milord," I replied, respectfully, "You are most kind."

The soldier turned on his heel and left me alone with Clément. The boy was the same age as I, however I was naked and he was respectfully dressed in his tunic, breeches and boots. His clothes and his authority over me, made him seem as if he were my elder.

"Let us get a look at you, Princess," the boy said and he ran his hands all over my naked body, taking note of all the marks on my buttocks and thighs from my recent whipping. He also took great interest in the utter lack of pubic hair between my legs.

"Yes, I had heard that Mistress Jarvinia grooms her slaves that way," Clément said, "I have requested permission many times to trim back and shave the pubic hair on the slaves here in the castle, however I have always been rebuffed. The Queen and her son both prefer that such hairs be left alone."

"I am sorry that you were rebuffed, Milord," I replied, hoping that Clément would accept my comments in the kindly spirit that I had offered them.

"The removal of the public hair would make the slaves much more naked and exposed," my groom elaborated, "the female slaves would be unable to hide their libidinousness when their pubic lips were swollen with lust. And both the male and the female slaves would feel more vulnerable without the natural covering of their pubic hair to help obscure their genitals from the gaze of all the lords and ladies of the Castle."

Even as my groom said these words, I felt my face grow hot with shame. This was the exact same reason that Mistress Jarvinia shaved her slaves, and it had the exact effect Clément was describing. It made slaves like me even more naked than before and left our genitals doubly exposed. Mistress Jarvinia's slaves were far more naked than the slaves that lived in Queen Eleanor's Castle.

It was at this point that my groom had me crawl over to one of the wooden tubs in the Slave's Hall and climb into it.

The water was deliciously warm and scented with a delicious scent. I was ordered to kneel in that water with my legs spread wide and my hands clasped behind the back of my neck. It was the way Clément had all slaves kneel when he washed them.

Clément washed my naked body all over, even spots that Darina would neglect, like the soles of my feet and behind my ears. He was far more thorough and far gentler than Darina. Darina would use a brush with stiff bristles to scrub my skin clean. Clément mostly used his hands and a bar of soap. The contrast was extraordinary and I found myself sighing at the soothing effects of the hot water and Clément's gentle hands.

The gentle boy even washed my swollen pubic lips and the tight furrow between my buttocks. I whimpered slightly when he touched my throbbing sex. I had been in sexual distress for days and it would have taken very little effort on his part to bring me to climax, however he was efficient in his duties and his hands only touched me between my legs long enough to make certain my tender flesh was lathered up sufficiently and rinsed off.

"Hush, my princess," Clément admonished me when I moaned loudly, "I know that little pleasure cleft has been abused and tormented, however Queen Eleanor expects her slaves to suffer in silence. Slaves that are strident in their suffering tend to be gagged."

I valued Clément's warning and resolved to stifle my moaning, whimpering and sobbing. Like most slaves, I truly detested being gagged.

When I was washed and dried, Clément laid me down on a table and he began rubbing aromatic oils into my skin. Mostly, Clément's hands on my bare flesh were soothing, however when he rubbed the oil into my sore thighs and buttocks, I recoiled at his touch. As his strong hands moved confidently across my punished buttocks, all those sore places that Hildigaris had reddened became a riot of stinging pain. I squirmed on the table and struggled to hold back my sobs and my gasps.

"Yes, I know it stings," Clément said soothingly as he worked the oil into my punished flesh, "However the oil is good for your skin, so I must work it in thoroughly. It is for your own good."

He was right of course, and he was far more kind and gentle than Darina. I tried very hard to be good for him and remained as still and quiet as I could possibly manage, despite the stinging pain the boy's hands were inflicting on my poor, abused buttocks.

Clément continued to work the oil into every inch of my naked body, including my breasts, my aching, swollen nipples and my needy sex. I attempted to hold back my moans as my libido was unfairly stimulated, however it was impossible to keep totally silent, the way my needy flesh was being squeezed, pulled, stroked, squeezed and massaged.

"Now, Princess," Clément said once he was done working the oil into my naked flesh, "Were it up to me, I would allow you to rest now. It is apparent to me that you have already endured much today, however the queen was quite adamant that you be taken to the Great Hall, once I had finished washing and grooming you."

And much to my shock, Clément explained that I was to wear a shift when I was taken to meet with the queen.

Clément called it a chemise, however in my kingdom the undergarment he held up was referred to as a shift. It was made of linen and covered a girl from her shoulders down to her mid-thigh.

"But, I am a slave," I protested, "Slaves are not permitted to wear clothes! Why would the queen want me to wear this?"

"I am but a lowly groom," Clément answered, "The queen does not feel obligated to explain her reasons to me, however I must obey her commands. And you must obey her as well."

Bewildered, I allowed the boy to dress me in the simple undergarment and then I was led out into the Great Hall.

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