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The Story of Odilia Ch. 14

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Odilia is tied to the whipping post and whipped.
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Part 14 of the 16 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 12/13/2013
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As a slave in Lady Svetlana's house, I soon learned my place. Lady Svetlana and her servants quickly defined my role in her home.

I slept at the foot of Lady Svetlana's bed every night and I knelt at her feet whenever she dined. Lucinda would order me across her lap every morning and spank me before I was permitted to eat breakfast. Lucinda never gave me a reason for why I was to be spanked, and submitting to Lucinda's stinging spankings simply became an expected part of my daily routine.

Lucinda was a loyal and valued member of Lady Svetlana's household. When I submitted to Lucinda and allowed her to punish my naked bottom, I saw it as truly submitting to Lady Svetlana. It was Lady Svetlana's wish that I be spanked and my buttocks reddened. Lucinda was simply a tool that Lady Svetlana used to accomplish that goal.

After my morning spanking, I was given to Becca, to assist her in the kitchen. Becca had two scullery maids to assist her, however she never had difficulty in finding work that she could give to me. I was sent often to fetch water from the well, to scrub the cutting block, to sweep the kitchen floors, to scrub the floors on my hands and knees and a multitude of other tasks.

After having spent much of the day working in Becca's kitchen, I would be fed, then given to two female servants who would wash me, massage me, groom me and bring me to Lady Svetlana's bedchamber so that I might use my tongue to lap at her eager sex and bring her to a resounding, turbulent orgasm. Some nights; if the mood struck her; I would be ordered to use my tongue for hours and bring her to uncounted, boisterous orgasms until my tongue ached and the two of us were left panting from the experience.

I was happy, belonging to Lady Svetlana. I delighted in kneeling naked before her and serving her desires. I delighted in giving up my will to her entirely. I delighted in being punished by her, even when she ordered one of her servants to be the one to actually lay their hands upon my naked, defenseless body.

I was Lady Svetlana's naked possession, and that gave my life color and purpose. I loved being her slave and I wished to be her slave always. She loved being my mistress, and wished to own me always.

Then came the day that Lady Juliana came to Lady Svetlana's home.

I had been fetching water from the well when I saw Lady Svetlana and her loyalists. They had ridden up on horseback and left their horses in Lady Svetlana's stables. Lady Juliana entered the home of my mistress with her usual grace and arrogance and made herself the center of attention.

Of course, I returned to my duties in Becca's kitchen. Lady Juliana was a great lady and I had assumed that the purpose of her visit would have nothing to do with me. Becca had plenty of labors for me to perform and I set my mind to focusing on those.

I was wrong about Lady Juliana's visit having nothing to do with me, and soon I was to learn just how mistaken I was.

"Becca, I must extract the slave-girl from your kitchen," Lucinda said hurriedly, the instant she came through the doorway and into Becca's realm, "Lady Juliana wishes to see her immediately."

I felt some fear and trepidation at those words. Lady Juliana was not a kind woman, and if she wished to see me, she probably wished to inflict some sort of harm upon me.

Lucinda marched over to where I was scrubbing the cutting block and grabbed me by the arm.

"Come with me, slave-girl," she whispered urgently, "Crawl ahead of me on your hands and knees.

Keep your eyes down, your head down and lift your knees gracefully. Stop when I tell you stop and attempt to look as graceful as possible."

It wasn't customary for Lady Svetlana or her servants to order me to crawl. They normally permitted me to walk upright. I concluded that Lucinda was ordering me to crawl for the pleasure of Lady Juliana.

Obediently, I did as Lucinda said. I crawled on my hands and knees and did so as gracefully as I could. I kept my eyes down and even kissed Lady Juliana's boots when I was presented to her. And once I had kissed her boots, I kissed the slippers of Lady Svetlana and Lucinda's slippers as well.

Lucinda was dismissed, and she left the room swiftly, as if she feared what Lady Juliana might do to her if she stayed an instant longer.

Lady Juliana then walked around me in a slow circle, examining my naked body leisurely. At one point I felt the tip of her leather boot between my legs.

"You're wet, aren't you little girl?" Lady Juliana asked, and I felt the toe of her leather boot pressed insistently against my wet, slippery pubic lips. I answered her in the affirmative, however I was panting and whimpering as I did so.

"Have her stand for inspection," Lady Juliana said sternly, and my mistress ordered me to stand with my hands behind my neck.

I stood for inspection as my mistress had ordered, and kept my eyes downcast, not wanting to offend a free woman by looking her directly in the eye.

I stood very still and very quiet and waited for Lady Juliana to find fault with me. Lady Juliana was rather famous for being strict and unforgiving with her slaves. I was certain that she would find a way to leave me in tears.

"Oh yes, you are exquisite," Lady Juliana conceded, "I can see why Lady Svetlana wanted you."

She touched my defenseless breasts and then my smooth stomach and said, "But how does Lady Svetlana treat you? Has she made you aware of how helpless and vulnerable you are? Has she treated you like a slave?"

"Yes, Mistress, of course she has," I replied nervously,

"Truly?" Lady Julian inquired, and then she proceeded to examine my entire naked body with her hands and her inquisitive eyes. She pinched one of my nipples, pulling at it cruelly. I whimpered and trembled, but did not attempt to evade her cruel fingers. I remained standing at attention with my shoulders back, my breasts thrust forward and my hands behind the back of my neck.

Lady Juliana then cupped my breasts with both of her hands and lifted them up, squeezing them, fondling them leisurely, making certain that her fingers explored every inch of my round globes. She then took my other nipple between her thumb and forefinger and pinched it painfully, causing me to gasp in response.

I remained standing for Lady Juliana's inspection, with my legs shamefully far apart, my hands behind the back of my neck, my elbows back as far as they could go, hoping that Lady Juliana would approve of my self-control and obedience while she tormented my naked body, however she never said a word to me.

Then she reached between my thighs, cupping my nether lips, she leisurely traced the slick folds of my pubic lips from the back to the front with her fingers. My legs trembled as she stroked and rubbed my pubic lips repeatedly, stirring up my loins and making me feverish with lust, then she took my pubic lips between her thumbs and her forefingers. She spread the lips of my vagina wide, pulling me wide apart. She even pinched hard at my swollen clitoris, making me cry out in pain.

She touched my thighs, rubbing her hands across my naked skin, caressing my thighs slowly, feeling my soft, naked skin and the hard muscles underneath, she took my naked buttocks in her hands, squeezing one and then the other, and then she stroked my pubic lips and made me moan in sexual torment as she made my loins feverish with sexual heat, yet she never drove me all the way to orgasm.

She spread my buttocks apart and examined the tender flesh of my anus, causing me to moan and gasp as she rubbed the tender pink flesh with thumb and then her finger. Even after Hansel had taken my anal virginity, I was still apprehensive at the prospect of anyone touching my sensitive anal cavity.

"She is well behaved," Lady Juliana finally proclaimed after an extensive examination of my naked body, "She has excellent control of her responses, however I do not believe that you have been treating her as a mistress should treat her slave."

"Lady Juliana," my mistress challenged, "How can you say that? She is kept naked day and night! She is worked relentlessly every day in the kitchens! She sleeps on the floor, at the foot of my bed! What more could you possibly expect me to do?"

"Have you taken the girl to the Place of Public Punishment?" Lady Juliana asked. "I go to the Place of Public Punishment quite often, and I have never seen your slave there. Also, I've examined her entire body. There are not welts and no abrasions. I cannot even find any spots where her skin has been reddened. When is the last time she was punished?"

"She was spanked just this morning," Lady Svetlana replied defensively.

"The spanking has left no long-lasting marks," Lady Juliana accused, "When was the last time she was whipped?"

There was a hostile silence in the room, followed by a confrontational response, "During the time Odilia has been my slave-girl, she has given me no reason to whip her."

Lady Juliana made a tutting sound of disappointment and glared at Lady Svetlana.

"She's a slave with beautiful and pertly shaped buttocks," Lady Juliana countered, "That should be reason enough. If she were my slave that would be reason enough."

"Well, she is not your slave," my mistress said sternly, "She is my property and I will decide for myself when I have a good reason to whip her."

"Odilia is your property, of course," Lady Juliana said smiling, "However you made an agreement with the queen. You told her that you would be cruel with your slave-girl. You said that you would treat her just as any other slave is treated. Should I go back and tell the queen that you're not honoring your agreement with her?"

"You may tell the queen whatever you wish," my mistress spat vehemently, "I do not intend to take my slave-girl and whip her when she's done nothing wrong. I shall whip Odilia for disobedience, impertinence or laziness, however I do not intend to whip a perfectly-behaved slave, merely for your entertainment."

Lady Juliana sucked in her breath and then forced it out through her nose. She smiled at my mistress, however there was no warmth to the smile.

"I'll be out at the stables, tending to my horse," Lady Juliana said, her voice somber, "Come and find me if you decide that you do not wish to offend the queen."

Lady Juliana patted my naked bottom softly and swept out of the room, in a flurry of burgundy velvet and flying braids.

* * * * * * * * * *

I trembled at the thought of my mistress making an enemy of Queen Eleanor. Queen Eleanor was the most powerful person in the kingdom and she was not known for being kind to those who offended her.

"Mistress, may I have your permission to speak?" I asked when the two of us were alone, nervous of what could happen if Lady Juliana returned to the queen and told her that Lady Svetlana was not abiding by her agreement.

"I give you permission, slavegirl", my mistress said magnanimously, "Talk to me."

"Mistress, I would not have you ruin your reputation with the queen on my behalf! If she requires that an innocent slave be whipped in order for you to keep your good name, I offer myself up as a sacrifice! Tell Lady Juliana that you shall have me whipped this very day!"

"I love you, my adorable slave-girl," my mistress said to me, "And you're an ideal slave for offering your naked flesh up for the whip, however I'm willing to antagonize the queen a little bit, if it means that I can treat you better than the other slaves in the kingdom."

"But mistress, I'm not. I adore you and I would never be at peace with myself if I allowed you to ruin your own future in an attempt to protect me. I owe it to you, to volunteer my naked flesh for the whipping post, both as your slave and as the woman who loves you. It would be selfish and disloyal for me not to offer to take my place at the whipping post. I would be remiss in my duties as a proper slavegirl, my duties to try everything in my power to protect my Mistress."

"I understand your motives, sweet girl, and I shall allow you to sacrifice yourself for me, however it will hurt terribly. If I am going to impress Lady Juliana, your whipping will have to be quite cruel and painful."

"Yes, mistress. Thank you, mistress."

"You're welcome, my pretty girl. "

I flung my arms around my mistress. She had not given me permission to break position or to touch her, however she allowed my willful behavior and said nothing about it. Indeed, she embraced me and held me close, pressing her clothed body against my naked breasts and allowing my head to rest upon her shoulder.

"You'll have to be tied for it, of course", my mistress said.

"Yes, mistress," I agreed, "I could never hold still for a whipping wicked enough to impress Lady Juliana."

Lady Svetlana began to plan my whipping and told me precisely how she intended to go about it. She would have me tied to the whipping post outside and she would invite Lady Juliana to witness my punishment. She would order her entire household staff to come outside to witness my whipping as well. Lady Juliana and the queen would both appreciate a large audience for my painful humiliation. The queen always appreciated it when a slave's punishment was turned into a form of grand entertainment.

"Go find Lucinda," my mistress ordered me, "Tell her that she is to find rope and to tie you to the whipping post. I shall go talk to Lady Juliana and tell her that you are to be whipped and that she is invited to witness your punishment."

My mistress kissed me passionately, her lips pressed urgently against my own and her hand found one of my breasts and I moaned into her mouth as she rolled an erect nipple in between her thumb and forefinger. My mistress thrust my mouth open with her tongue and slid her warm tongue into my mouth. We kissed like that for several minutes, my vagina growing wet from the intimate contact with my mistress. I continued to moan into Lady Svetlana's mouth as we kissed like two lovers brought together after years of being apart.

And then she pushed me away, moaning and panting, so that she could go and speak with Lady Juliana before she departed.

"You adorable vixen," my mistress scolded, "If I don't leave you now, I shall shed my clothes right here and then it will be hours before I dress again. Now go!"

Lady Svetlana swatted my bare bottom and I scurried away to find her most trusted servant.

I found Lucinda and told her that she must tie me to the whipping post. Lucinda did not believe that I had done anything to deserve a whipping, however she found a length of rope, grabbed me by the arm and led me outside to the whipping post.

Lucinda made me raise my arms high above my head and she then tied my wrists to the heavy iron ring near the top of the post. She did a very competent job, the ropes biting deep into my bare skin and unerringly securing me to the wooden post.

"Poor girl," Lucinda said to me, after I was helplessly bound to the post, "I doubt you did anything much to deserve a whipping, however slaves are sometimes forced to endure unfair punishments."

"Lady Juliana thinks that Lady Svetlana has not been a stern enough mistress," I whispered, "She will make trouble for our lady if she does not prove that she can be harsh with me."

"Ah," Lucinda whispered back, "I suspected that Lady Juliana had something to do with your punishment. You've been a perfectly obedient slave, Odilia. Were it up to me, you would not be whipped today, however women like Lady Juliana maneuver women like me around like pawns."

"I understand, mistress," I whispered to Lucinda and she held my gaze and gave me a kind look.

Lucinda had barely spoken to me since I was brought into Lady Svetlana's household. She had her responsibilities and she largely ignored me unless her responsibilities somehow had something to do with me. She never seemed cruel, however I never truly thought of her as kind either.

"Lady Svetlana will very likely order me to be the one who whips you," Lucinda said.

I nodded in agreement. For some unknown reason, Lady Svetlana very rarely punished me herself.

"I will only be doing it because I have to," Lucinda continued, "You are a very well-behaved slave. I have enjoyed having you become part of Lady Svetlana's household."

I stood with my naked body rubbing up against the whipping post and softly asked, "And those times when you spanked my bare buttocks, did you take pleasure in it?"

Lucinda gave me a mirthful look and replied, "Of course I did, foolish girl. I would have to be carved from stone in order to resist beauty such as yours. Your buttocks are such that I would eagerly grasp at any justification for touching them. If your buttocks were not so beautiful and perfectly shaped, I would not enjoy spanking them nearly so much. But I should much rather have you in my bed; lapping shamelessly at my secret lips; than subjecting you to harsh punishments."

I nodded at Lucinda's proclamation. She would hurt me in all manner of cruel ways if ordered to do so, but what she really wanted was for me to use my lips and tongue on the tender, intimate, delicious parts of her body.

Lucinda's eyes were bright blue, girlish and kind. She was tall, slender, comely and elegant for a servant. Up until now I had thought she seemed cold, however her face now looked to be full of warmth and empathy. I found myself wishing that Lady Svetlana had loaned me to her. I wondered what Lucinda's moans of desire would sound like and I resolved that when I next had the opportunity, I would ask my mistress if she would loan me to Lucinda.

"I must leave you for now, pretty girl," Lucinda told me. Then she rubbed my bare buttocks affectionately and headed back inside the house.

I was left alone and made to wait for my whipping. The way Lucinda had tied my wrists, I could not lower my arms or walk away from the whipping post. My freedom of movement mostly consisted of shifting my weight from one foot to the other, rubbing my bare thighs together or rubbing myself against the hard wood of the post.

I squirmed and pulled against the ropes that held my wrists. It had been brave of me to offer up my naked body for the whip, but now that I was tied to the whipping post, helpless, defenseless and my whipping imminent, I found my courage ebbing.

A cobblestone street ran across the land just in front of Lady Svetlana's home. Patrons of the shops and taverns traversed this street quite often and passed in front of Lady Svetlana's home in their travels. And once I was bound to the whipping post, I was on display for every traveler who used that street.

My naked body created a great deal of interest and travelers began to cease their wayfaring and stared at my naked body instead.

As I was tied to a whipping post, there could be little doubt what my fate was to be, and many people in Queen Eleanor's kingdom enjoyed the spectacle of a naked slave being whipped or paddled. Soon there were almost a dozen spectators, standing about, waiting to see me suffer under the punishing crack of the leather whip.

These spectators were soon joined by the servants of Lady Svetlana's household. And then Lady Juliana and her loyalists joined the crowd as well. I soon lost count of how many people would be present to witness my painful humiliation.

Of course Lady Juliana appropriated the most advantageous spot to view my punishment for herself. Many others had taken up a position to witness my punishment before Lady Juliana arrived, however woman of Lady Juliana's wealth and status can quite often just seize whatever they wish from the common people.

Lucinda's prediction that she would be the one who whipped me proved to be prescient. After the crowd finished gathering, she appeared at my side with a long, thin, leather strap, perhaps thirty inches in length.

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