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The Strange House Pt. 02

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Logan does what he can to endure...
7.8k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/09/2024
Created 04/30/2024
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My escape from the party took me through the dark looming forest, stumbling in the shadows of moss, fallen trees, and stuff like that. I was not one to be scared of the dark or anything, but wandering drunk through the forest in the middle of the night wasn't the most pleasant experience. I knew there were animals living out here, and that when I was startled by a twig snapping that was what it likely was.

Yet, here I was, scared shitless, hiding behind a tree, panting from having bolted through the forest utterly directionless. I was drunk and alone in the pressing quietness of the dark forest, except for the cracking steps of my feet shuffling through the snow.

"LOGAN!" I heard someone scream. I snapped around, stumbled and fell over, drunk as I still was.

It was Jeremy's voice. And soon behind was also Zach. No Robert to save the day now. Was the final reckoning upon me? Though behind them were both Amanda and Anna. What were they doing here?

"Hey, buddy," Jeremy said, extending his hand to me. "Get up from that cold shit. You gonna freeze to death."

"You're not gonna kill me?" I asked.

"Not today, shitbird," Jeremy said. "I guess I overreacted. I promised a month, didn't I? You just stood up too fast and drank too much, pussy."

"Yeah, and Jeremy was a real gentleman and helped me find a new shirt, so it's honestly okay," Anna explained.

I hated the sound of that. He helped her. Not me. Because of me, to make it worse. But did that mean... Did that mean Jeremy saw Anna in her bra? A pit filled my stomach at the possibility of my crush having accidentally exposed herself to my bully. Because of me, to make it worse.

"Look!" Amanda whispered. She pointed beyond a couple of old walnut trees, past a large, wrought iron fence.

There it stood. Hidden behind shrubs and overgrown trees and bushes. The old house.

It looked so much bigger up close, though I knew it was more or less the same type of factory-made house built in the 1960s that I lived in myself, perhaps of an even older standard. Yet the rotten planks and the dark windows seemed a more dominating presence as we stood so close. Come to think of it, I had actually never been this close, in fact, as it was now just beyond the fence and then a few steps. Not even living on the same street had I ever gotten such an up-close look. The front yard always acted as a small leeway between the strange house and the rest of the world.

My eyes wandered across its features until I found myself staring into a window. Heavy curtains hung on each side, gray with dust obvious even from out here. The moonlight reflected in the shards of glass as teenagers had practiced their throwing arms against those windows for years. I was one of them once upon a time, being the clueless little idiot I was.

"It's so ugly, why won't they take it down?" Anna snorted.

"Agreed," Amanda said, fear and awe in her voice as the five of us looked at the house.

Then we all gasped. There, in the kitchen window, one of the dusty old curtains was pulled aside. Slowly, and meticulously. The four others immediately bolted toward the woods, and me to round the house. There was a hole in the fence down the slope, so I hurried to get down there. Still drunk I slammed to the ground, scraping my knees, but quickly got back up and sprinted away.

Ice shot through my lungs as I heaved and my heart throbbed, leaning on a fence post outside my own house some minutes later. It was only a few houses over, in our little cul-de-sac neighborhood, but the street light and the closeness and safety to my own home were reassuring regardless. The fact that I had to run to a nearby chain link fence to slip through probably created some imagined distance too, which probably helped. Even if I could almost see the house from where I stood.

I clutched my chest as if I was gonna pass out. What was that? I swore those curtains moved. And... thinking back... did I see fingers wrap around those old dusty things?

No. No way. It was the wind, and then excessive drinking and the right mindset made me susceptible to bullshit. Yes. I shook my head.

"Logan?" I heard. This time it wasn't some high school bully, but Dad, who had appeared in the front door. He had stayed awake to make sure I got home safe, I figured.

"Yeah," I responded, turning to walk up the driveway. I shot a glance toward the strange house, but it just sat there. Quiet and alone. Sitting still and unbothered behind a series of unkept bushes. Doing nothing suspicious at all.

"What happened to you?" Dad asked worriedly, inspecting me.

I guess I had some bruising from Jeremy slapping me, then some scrapes from falling over again and again. Dad knew of my bullying issues, but I didn't want him to worry, so I scrambled for an excuse. And I had a good one. Things were getting good with Jeremy and Zach lately, so I didn't want to complicate things.

"The old house. I got spooked walking home and, erh, tripped," I said. It was the truth but just parts of it.

Dad looked at me suspiciously but decided to let it go. He instead guided me inside and to the kitchen.

"So how did the party go?" Dad asked. Yeah, I didn't lie to Dad ever, except when I just now withheld some information about my bruises, so I told him before that I was going to a party.

"Y'know. Cold. A lot of underage drinking," I said, confident my own intoxication had fazed itself out.

I had become quite clear-headed after throwing up, and a stroll and a sprint through the forest had sobered me right on up.

"Yeah. Kids do that," Dad said, putting a cup in front of me, filled with steaming coco. "I'm just glad you're responsible. And I know you may or may not partake, it's inevitable, but at least I know my boy is gonna be sensible about it. Right?"

"I know. I try to not get too mixed up," I said. It was the truth. Kinda. Next time I'd make sure to move around a bit more. No big deal.


Winter break came and went. Christmas was always my favorite time, as I got to spend it with my family. Gran and Granny had died a few years ago, while it had been devastating for me, it had led to my Dad and his siblings getting together more often. It was as if to fill the gap of those two. Gifts, food, and hanging out together. What a season.

But then it ended. Back to the assembly line. What do we assemble? Tired teenagers who could do with a few more extra days, and who had college scholarships to prepare for. I didn't have the greatest ambition in that respect. I knew I'd get into the local community college with decent enough grades, so I was among the few who chilled out. Relatively, of course. However, a change of scenery would be very much welcomed as well.

Something that had changed from the before the break, was Zach and Jeremy. While they had almost been friendly around that very last day before the break, they were back to their regular old selves afterward.

"Hey there, gay boy," Zach laughed, as I came walking towards them. "What you want? You can't suck me off right now, it's just before class!"

I don't know what I expected. Maybe I thought they would be different now that we had hung out together. What happened to a month with them easing off a bit? Indeed, I asked them as much.

"I thought you guys would leave me alone for a month," I said. "There's still two weeks."

Yet I had been the one who approached them as if they were friends, or I was part of their crew now.

"Sorry. Old habit," Zach smirked.

"Listen, burglar Sackins," Jeremy said, surprising me by even making a play on words with Bilbo Baggins' name. "Back to school party this weekend. Think you can hook us up?"

"What do you need?" I asked before catching myself. I couldn't make this a habit, but I also didn't want to be excluded just when I had a foot in the door.

"Everclear and forties. Same procedure," Zach responded eagerly.

But by now I had gotten a good dose of reason into my old noggin. This couldn't happen again. One time was bad enough. Twice? Would they ask me to rob that store more and more?

"Guys, actually-" I began, but Jeremy grabbed me by the collar and shoved me hard against the lockers, hurting me.

"Listen here, you little shit, you're doing it, or your ass is dead," Jeremy said, filling my face with his snarling, angry face. "What, you thought you were one of us just because we tricked you into being fucking stupid? You better do as you're told!"

"Heh, we filmed it, buddy. So you better get us what we need, or it's jail for you, butt boy. Though, I suspect you'd like that," Zach chimed.

"BOYS!" we heard from the other end of the hallway. A teacher had seen what was going on.

"Sorry, I, erh, fell on him," Jeremy said, shoving me against the lockers again before letting me go. "After school. Got it?" he muttered. I nodded.

"Hey, Anna! We got it fixed!" Jeremy exclaimed, walking away with Zach, leaving me to rub my aching shoulder. I think my shirt ripped too.

"Are you alright?" the teacher asked, coming over.

"Yeah. Just fell a bit hard," I muttered. The teacher eyed me for a moment and headed off.

Like I said, Jeremy's dad was a prominent figure in the community, and more or less untouchable anyway. If only I was big and strong like someone like Robert, or my Dad. I figured then no one would mess with me. Dad had tried talking with the principal several times as well as the two thugs' parents, but to no avail. The principal had insisted there was no bullying in his school and that 'boys will be boys,' and simply brushed it off. Mom had also tried, but she met the same resistance. Jeremy and Zach's parents were worse. They were either willfully ignorant or simply didn't care.

And as promised, after school Jeremy, Zach, Amanda, and to my huge dismay, Anna were waiting for me. I had to wonder how much the blondes knew of me being blackmailed. Amanda wouldn't care, but I had to believe Anna was better than this? I hoped I could try to explain to her later at the party or something, that I wasn't like this. I knew she was a decent person, and that she would understand

"Dildo Sackins," Zach chuckled as I jumped in the back. A small snicker followed from the others, and to my embarrassment, Anna too. "That's your new name from now on!"

"What's with the gay stuff, Zach?" Jeremy chuckled. Even from the trunk, I could see the redness in Zach's face as he was confronted.

"He's just gay. That's all," Zach answered angrily.

"Whatever dude," Jeremy chuckled, leaning back. "Can't wait until that party. Don't you agree, Anna?"

Jeremy turned and grinned, but rather than directing it toward Anna, he was looking at me. They knew I had a crush on her, thus here he was, tormenting me about her, and in front of her no less. It was humiliating as it brought me shame for not being able to do anything about it, being too scared to retaliate.

"Oh yeah. Last time was so fun. Despite getting thrown up on. Don't you agree, Logan?" Anna said, smiling back at me. "Cute boys can't handle their liquor, is all."

I blushed as she called me cute, and also for the underlying teasing. She probably didn't mean it that way, it was the truth after all, but I couldn't help but hear the snideness of her comment.

"S-something like that," I muttered.

"We should invite your mom, Logan," Jeremy continued. "I bet she'd love to get out of the house. Maybe feel like what it's like to be young again. She's one hot piece of ass I'd fuck for days."

"Yeah, would give my left nut to fuck the shit out of your mom," Zach agreed. Amanda shoved a foot into his back, making him groan, but said nothing.

"I should come over one day," Jeremy laughed. "Donkey dick her on the kitchen table! Right up the ass too!"

I was now beet red and utterly humiliated. Mom was regarded as very beautiful, but I knew she'd be livid if she heard any of this. And Dad? He was a fucking cop. He'd never stand for this... but Jeremy was untouchable. We knew he had several unreported DUIs swept under the rug already. Hence why Zach was mostly the designated driver. Not that he was some lamb either. But despite that, I knew Dad would murder Jeremy if he knew how he talked about Mom.

I felt so ashamed not standing up for my mom, but I knew there was nothing I could do. I was utterly powerless. For the sake of not getting torn up to pieces, I sat there unable to respond or look in any direction at all. Was this truly my way to survive? To mediate the torment, being made fun of, and the bullying? I guess survival of the fittest meant that I had to fit in with these folks, regardless of the moral cost.

I felt like such an idiot for believing they'd take me in. What a moron I had been... they had been my bullies since I was little, and that should suddenly change? I was now forced to just sit here in the back and feel sick to my stomach.

"Anyway, here we are," Jeremy said. "Get in there and get our shit. Then I guess you can suck off Zach or whatever."

"Hey, what the fuck?" Zach said.

"I'm just busting your balls, idiot," Jeremy laughed. Zach shook his head.

"Is sex all you ever talk about?" Anna asked, shaking her head dismissively.

But Jeremy never responded. He leaned past the girls and grabbed my collar like he did when I behaved in a specific way he didn't like. "Why the fuck are you still here? Get in there, Sackins!"

The door popped open and I jumped out. The store looked way more menacing now than before. Before it was scary, now it was terrifying. I had been talked into shoplifting last time, now it was sheer blackmail. With shaky legs, I went into the store. Immediately something was different. The older clerk eyed me suspiciously. Smarter heads would've bailed, but I wasn't some career criminal.

I did my old routine. I checked some chips, checked some chocolate, went to the sodas, then B-lined to the specific bottles I needed, and hurried toward the door. Only this time, the older clerk was blocking my way. I stopped dead in my tracks as the old man loomed over me, arms folded across his chest as he looked at me with great disapproval.

"Open your jacket," he commanded. There was no room for arguments.

I couldn't even meet his gaze, instead I looked at his knees. And as I stared at those knees, I slowly, as to not break anything, started to unzip, revealing several bottles. Guilty as charged.

"Above my head, to my left," the old man said, not taking his eyes off me. I looked where he said, and there it was. A CCTV camera. "You some kinda schmuck yahoo?!"

"N-n-no, I-I," I stammered. "I c-can pu-put it b-back again!"

"The fuck you will, you little shit," the old man yelled, getting his cellphone out of his pocket and obviously dialling 9-1-1.

I knew my Dad was on patrol too. This was the end of my life as I knew it. Whatever punishment was less than I deserved. Mom and Dad had raised me better than this, given me such a precious life outside of school, and this was the thanks they got? A juvenile delinquent?

When Dad picked me up, he didn't say a word. His expression was impossible to read. I sat glancing over at him as he was driving, and he stared ahead. When he picked me up, he didn't say a word then either, he didn't even look or scream at me. I wanted him to. Yell I was throwing my life away, I was being stupid, anything. But no. I was getting the silent treatment.

Until I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Dad-" I began.

"This what you think you have to do?" Dad asked. "Robbing old Simmons?"


"Listen, I know it ain't easy for you at school, and perhaps there isn't much we can do about that, but this?" Dad said. I could tell he was angry but wanted to remain calm. "You have to wait six months and never see them again. Instead, you're gonna shoplifting for, what, fucking Everclear? You can jump-start a car with that shit."

My empty eyes stared at the dashboard. I had nothing to say. Dad was right. This didn't earn me any stripes, not with anyone. That much was clear. I was throwing my life away before I had even had a chance to live. And for what? Get in with my bullies? Impress Anna? I knew she was better than them, that she likely didn't know my relationship with Jeremy and Zach, but this wasn't the way to show her I was good material.

"You can forget about going to any more parties with those shitbirds, if this is what that leads to," Dad said with finality. "You're staying home for a month."

As if I wouldn't have anyway. But I nodded and agreed. I wanted forgiveness for breaking his trust. I'd do anything. My soul felt like it had been ripped to pieces due to my own idiocy.

"And those scratches and bruises before winter break?" Dad asked. No more withholding.

"I was slapped when I had thrown up. But my knees were from falling, I swear."

"I believe you," Dad sighed heavily. "You got to stand up for yourself, Logan, you got to. I know I'm a cop, but I can't bail you out every time, nor should I have to. What if Simmons had a gun? What if I wasn't a cop? Your life would be over already."

"I know," I muttered.

"Your mother's gonna be furious," Dad said, as he pulled up in our driveway.

"You're telling Mom?" I was horrified.

"Oh, you're not off the hook yet," Dad explained, opening the door. "I'm still on the clock, so you're on your own. Consequences, is the keyword here."

And Dad was right. Mom was furious. Livid. So angry that tears streamed down her face. She was so disappointed in me. How they had raised me to be a nice young man, not a thieving little shoplifter. She yelled about how I had brought shame to the family, embarrassed her, and embarrassed Dad.

"What do you think his colleagues will say?! HUH?!" Mom had yelled.

I never even thought of that. Not only did I embarrass myself, but I had humiliated my parents too. They had failed as parents, in their view, and in turn, probably other's view as well, once the gossip had made its rounds. Dad was always a tough guy and well respected on the force, but still, I couldn't help but think how this would tarnish his image.

Mom's fury felt like it would never end, but it eventually did. Later, I sat in my room and absentmindedly shuffled through tabs of Middle-Earth maps, wanting so desperately to take back my misconduct. But I couldn't. It felt like I would have to live with this shame for forever. I had altered myself in a way I couldn't stand.


So after school, I was home the following days. I started doing chores around the house, unprompted even. If nothing else, then to show I was still the good kid they raised me. The shoplifting was just a stint. So I was shoveling the driveway, doing the dishes, washing my own clothes(I didn't dare touch Mom's fine wardrobe), taking out the garbage, and I even hosed the garbage can at my own initiative, as it was soaked with something yucky by the looks of it.

It even earned me a kiss on the forehead from Mom, something she hadn't done in years. Not since I was too old and too cool for that. But feeling her warmth and love was more than I could handle, so I shoved my face into her and I begged for forgiveness. Taken aback, she sat me down at the dinner table.

"I know you're sorry," she said way softer than she'd spoken to me in years. I looked at her blue eyes and her classy brown hair. How did she look so pristine? I guess she had to for her work.

"I fucked up bad," I said.

"And I see you dealing with it. But this is how you learn. Be a good boy, and work hard, and you'll find yourself friends much more worth your time than those folks," Mom explained. "In college, I'm sure you'll find more like-minded people. You're just a different kind of man, and you just gotta find your own path in this world. No one can do it for you."

"I know. I'll try," I said.

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