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The Study Group Ch. 02

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The ladies profit from their government service.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/09/2016
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This story is a work of fiction. Only the really boring parts are autobiographical. Any resemblance of any character in this story to any real person is unintentional and pure coincidence. Please read Chapter One to get the context for this story.


The Monday after my meeting at Karen's condo, I called one of my connections. Jim Carr had served as Governor Warren's "political adviser" during her campaign for President. I had met him when he was in my state, and we'd had beers together a few times. He was now a K Street consultant by had good connections in Government.

After pleasantries, I started by telling Jim that my source for what I was about to tell him was privileged. I gave him the basic part of the story first. When I finished, the line was quiet for almost a minute.

Finally, Jim said, "I heard something about that during the campaign, but I dismissed it as urban myth. You are sure that what you're telling me really happened?"

"Jim, I wasn't there so I can't give you 100%, but I think my source is truthful."

"Well, the campaign was vicious and I know that there are folks at 1600 who wouldn't mind getting their own back, but Trout is pretty discredited now. I'm not sure anyone at a responsible level is going to be very interested in this."

"Does that change if you can tie in Speaker Rhoden and Majority Leader McDonald?" I asked.

"That makes a huge difference. What makes you think that they were involved?"

"I don't know their level of involvement, but they knew and ogled, "I said. Then I proceeded to tell him about the JSGFT's appearance at the White House.

"Let me make some calls," Jim said. "My guess is that someone will be getting back to you."

I waited a couple of days. I wasn't sure how to push the issue if I met with indifference in Washington. To my relief, I got a call from some on DOJ's Public Integrity Section. I fed that person all of the details I had been given and sat back to wait to see if an investigation developed.

That afternoon, my phone rang again. This was Karen.

"Harry, how are you? I have to be Downtown tomorrow at Federal Court to testify in an auto theft case. The AUSA thinks that I'll be done before lunch. If I am, are you free for lunch? You can bring me up to date."

How would I turn down lunch with Karen? "Sure," I replied. "Call my cell when you are finished and we'll work out the details." I gave her my cell number.

About 11:00 the next morning, my phone made the odd noise it makes when it receives a text with an attachment. The text said "DONE & HUNGRY. K." The attachment was a photograph, of Karen, facing the camera and smiling. She was nude in the picture.

I texted back "5TH & MAIN. 5 MIN."

I met Karen, looking gorgeous in a conservative business suit on standing on the corner. I couldn't resist teasing her.

"You look great, but I like your texting outfit better," I said.

Karen smiled. I attach that when I want to be sure to get someone's attention," she said. "They won't let me wear that one in court. Where are we eating?"

I took Karen to a new, rather pricey, place that had recently opened. Its shtick was "inventive cuisine." That notwithstanding, it wasn't a bad meal, but maybe that was because of the company.

Over lunch, I told Karen about my calls with Carr and DOJ.

"I've heard of that PI guy," she said, referring to the lawyer from Public Integrity. "The word is that he doesn't let go when he gets hold of something until he has a conviction. I hope they leave him on it."

A few moments later, Karen said, "Oh! I need to tell you that there is a third JSGFT girl in with us now. Remember that I told you we had a girl from the Coast Guard?"

I nodded.

"That was Carrie. She's a lot of fun. She doesn't look like anything special with her clothes on, but she is beautiful naked. Anyway, she's in."

That was the third or fourth time I had heard Karen or MaryLou comment on how their JSGFT colleagues looked nude. I couldn't resist asking a carefully worded question.

Karen smiled at my question. "Harry, we spent a great deal of time together stark naked. There were training exercises where the only clothes we took were footwear. If you spend that much time with people naked in stressful situations some, well, intimate bonding is going to happen"

"I see," I said.

Karen smiled again. "No you don't. You haven't been there, at least not yet. Don't worry, though. Just because we JSGFTers have a special bond doesn't mean that any of us, well at least most of us, don't like men."

I really wasn't sure how to take that. I tensed a bit and said, "Well, it is none of my business. Not that it would happen, but the ethics rules prohibit me from relationships with clients."

Karen smiled her high intensity smile. "I know," she said.

We didn't hear anything for about three months. Fortunately, Karen, MaryLou, and Carrie (whom I'd yet to meet) knew how government works. Finally, I got an e-mail from a lawyer at DOJ sending an agreement that allowed me to tell DOJ who I represented in connection with JSGFT without the Government being able to use that information against my clients. After talking it over with Karen, I signed and returned that agreement.

Two things happened very rapidly. First, I was e-mailed a draft "Report on Joint Study Group on Female Terrorism" with a covering message saying that the final report would be released in five days. The report was pretty accurate and thorough, although it portrayed the women who served in JSGFT as victims of "pornographic sexism at the highest levels of the Federal Government."

That characterization did not go over well with my clients. MaryLou said over the phone that "I have never been anyone's victim and I never will be."

Over drinks, Karen explained, "I feel victimized because promises were made to me that were not kept. I don't feel victimized from being in JSGFT. It was fun and it opened up a whole new aspect of life for me. I like people seeing my bare tits, ass, and cunt. It is a real turn-on. But for being in JSGFT, I'm not sure that I would ever have developed the courage to experience that."

The second swift development, which my clients liked a lot more, came in a call from a female lawyer at DOJ. The Government had decided that my clients and the other members of JSGFT had, indeed been victimized and were due compensation. The Government initially offered each lady $1.5 million in return for a full release. We negotiated that up to $2.5 million. Karen, MaryLou, and Carrie turned in their letters of resignation.

Two days before the JSGFT report was due to be officially released, Jim Carr called me to say that the report had been leaked to The Times and a story on it would run the next morning. With consent from Karen, MaryLou, and Carrie, I called The Times and disclosed their names as members of JSGFT. Their names were added to the story.

As MaryLou had expected, I, as the front person for the ladies, was bombarded with requests for interviews. Those were declined. We let the story pick up steam, which it did, for a couple of weeks. Slowly, the media figured out that my clients wanted money to tell their stories and money offers started. Those were uniformly well below what the ladies expected.

While the ladies started to get frustrated, I thought that the price would go up with time. My fear was that someone else who had been in JSGFT would cut a deal first. What I didn't appreciate at the time was that Karen and MaryLou were the only two who were really proud of their time in JSGFT. MaryLou especially can be very persuasive and had brought Carrie in with them.

Finally, the opportunity which the ladies wanted arrived. I was called by a cable TV channel not usually interested in news. They wanted to do a two or three part series that would involve extended interviews with the ladies "in uniform" as the TV people put it and would include footage of my clients re-creating the types of things they did (or trained to do) in JSGFT. After some discussion, we reached a deal that would pay each woman more than she had been paid by the Government.

The TV people rented an entire waterfront resort on an island in the Caribbean for a week to tape their program. That was when Karen reminded me of our deal that I was going to the Caribbean with them and would be just as naked as they.

"I'm not sure that will work. I seriously doubt that that the channel wants a naked old man on this program. This is about beautiful younger women," I told Karen.

I had underestimated my clients. They went directly to the TV execs and said that they were pulling out unless their lawyer was brought to the island for the entire week and was allowed, correct that, required to go nude the whole time.

I had more or less simultaneous calls from the TV show producer who, not knowing my deal with my clients, was begging me to go along with the nudity; and Karen who told me to "pack a bag for the islands, but don't put much in it."

I negotiated a modest five figure fee to compensate me for a week of enforced nudity and met Karen at the airport with my small bag. In San Juan, we met up with MaryLou and Carrie and the TV people who had chartered two small planes to take us to the island: one for people and one for TV production detritus. The limiting factor was a very short runway on the island, so we had to stop in St. Marten to refuel.

I spent some time on the flight talking to Carrie, my client whom I'd never met. She had blonde hair and a very cute face. She was bright and funny and great to talk to. However, Karen was right that clothed she didn't really attract much attention.

We landed on the island in the early evening. I climbed out of the plane after my three clients.

MaryLou adopted her command voice. "Harry, we're on the island now. Strip off. That was the deal. You're naked until you get back on that plane."

Well, I couldn't argue because that was the deal. So, I started undressing there on the runway apron while the TV folks unloaded the second plane. After I stripped, Karen took my clothes. I stood completely nude in front of my three clients.

MaryLou loudly said to Carrie, "See, I told you that he has a nice dick."

Karen looked at the other two ladies. "Girls, Harry is on our team. We can't let him go nude by himself."

With that, Karen began taking her clothes off. MaryLou just said, "cool" and began stripping down. Carrie looked a bit dubious, but started to undress too. When she finished, I saw that Karen had been right again. Carrie had a perfectly formed and proportional body. I glanced at Karen who winked at me.

When all four of us were naked, a young lady on the production staff noticed us and ran over. "What are you doing?" she asked. "We don't start filming until the day after tomorrow!"

In a voice that would leave a new recruit weak-kneed, MaryLou declared "The four of us are nude until, at least, we get on that plane to leave. Nothing in the contract says that we can't."

The girl walked away shaking her head. She huddled with two or three other TV people. Eventually, they went back to directing the movement of equipment.

Soon, we were greeted by a middle-aged lady wearing a polo shirt with the resort's logo. After a moment of hesitation as she took in our nudity, she said "You must be the stars. Please follow me."

MaryLou had given all of our clothes to the TV people to store for the duration. Karen, Carrie, and I carried only very small bags. MaryLou had a larger one. I wondered what was in it.

The resort lady led us up a sandy path a fairly long ways from the airstrip and a decent distance from the main building. "We put the ladies in the Lotus cabin and the gentleman in the Mangrove."

"Belay that," MaryLou barked. "Which cabin is nicer?"

"Uh, well, mangrove I guess," the resort lady said. "They're the same size but it is closer to the beach."

"Fine," MaryLou responded. "We're all four in mangrove."

The resort lady scowled just a bit, but led us on to the Mangrove cabin. The cabin was very spacious and modern, with a full kitchen, indoor and outdoor showers and hot tubs, and a patio that was only ten yards from the water's edge. The resort lady had left before we discovered that there were only two bedrooms, each with one king bed.

MaryLou, who had assumed the role of our leader, said, "No problem. We'll sort out sleeping arrangements as we go."

The man who was the head producer showed up in the cabin doorway. Upon learning that all four of us were staying in the same cabin, he gave me a look. However, he said, "you can do what you please so long as you give us the sound and video we want. Run around naked. Fuck each other's brains out."

Karen laughed and said, "That sounds like a pretty good plan!"

The head producer ignored her and said, "We've got a lot of scouting and technical work to do tomorrow. You get the day off. Just don't do anything that leaves marks. We start taping interviews at 9:00 a.m. Tuesday morning."

The producer left and we unpacked what little we had brought.

Once we had finished that, Carrie said, "Yeah, this is starting to feel right, like a training exercise. I was a bit uptight back on the airstrip. I forgot how good it feels." Turning towards me, Carrie added, "A naked guy is an improvement."

The cabin faced west and we could see that the sun was getting lower. Captain Johnson pronounced that our day of R & R started now. Naked, the four of us walked towards the main building for dinner.

The restaurant maître informed us that all guests had to be dressed for dinner. MaryLou retorted with a sharp "we don't" and that ended that.

After a really good dinner, the four of us wandered into the adjacent bar. Some of the TV people were drinking and telling stories, but the bar quieted when the three gorgeous nude women walked in. MaryLou went directly to the bar and ordered a whiskey "straight." Karen, Carrie, and I followed and ordered beer or wine.

The bartender and the TV guys enjoyed the hour or so that the four of us drank in the bar. None of Karen, MaryLou, or Carrie made any effort to conceal themselves.

After about an hour, Karen came up and said quietly, "Let's take a walk on the beach."

I started to follow her out when Karen saw Carrie standing slightly apart from everyone else. "Come on girl," Karen said to her.

We left a nude MaryLou in barroom conversation with the TV guys, and a few of the girls.

Once we left the main building, Karen had taken my left hand. I looked over at Carrie, who was a step behind. Carrie caught up and took my right hand. Hand-in-hand, the three of us walked naked towards the beach.

When we reached the water, we stopped. After a few moments, Karen said, "It has been a strange few years. I feel like I've left my old like behind. I like my new life, but I feel like the only real friends I have anymore are the girls from JSGFT."

Then Karen turned to face me. We were almost touching. "And you, Harry. Our deals are in place. You've done your job. It think that we can treat the attorney-client relationship as over."

Karen leaned forward and kissed me on the lips. At the same time, she reached down and cupped my balls in her left hand. I also felt Carrie running her finger up between my ass cheeks.

I hugged Karen tightly and kissed her for a moment. Then we broke partially free and I reached back for Carrie. Pulling Carrie in front of me, the three of us hugged. Karen's right hand was stroking me left ass cheek while Carries left hand stroked my right. The girls' other hands were stroking each other's asses.

After a few minutes of that, we broke and walked father along the beach away from the buildings. As we walked, both Karen and Carrie were playing with my dick and I was getting fairly hard.

Finally, Karen stopped us. "Here," she said. "Get on your back on the sand Harry."

I lay down on my back with my boner lying on my belly pointing towards my chin. Karen squatted down over me, took my dick in her hand, and guided it into her. Then she started to ride me. The beautiful, funny Carrie squatted over my face and I began to lick and then suck her clit. We kept that up for some time until Carrie came. She lost her balanced and basically collapsed onto my face. That wasn't all bad.

Karen was doing a good job on me as I tasted random parts of Carrie. I was close to coming myself, which Karen could tell. She instructed me to "hold on, hold on!"

I used all of the control I had, which caused a more powerful ejaculation when I finally did come inside of Karen. Fortunately, it sounded like she came just seconds later.

The three of us were lying breathless on the beach when we heard applause coming from somewhere. We all looked up but couldn't see anyone (it was dark now). A male voice said, "No privacy on this island." That was followed by a female giggle.

We got up, walked back to the Mangrove cabin, and washed ourselves off under the outdoor shower. It had been a long day. Karen, Carrie, and I collapsed together into one of the king beds.

I don't know how long we'd been asleep when I was awakened by MaryLou coming into the cabin. I heard her walking around. Finally, I heard her say "shit, everyone's asleep." She sounded disappointed.

Karen was awake too. I heard her giggle. She called out "No, we're awake."

MaryLou walked into the room. She saw the three of us in bed. She said, "Left out."

Karen got out of bed and walked over to MaryLou. Softly, Karen said, "you're not left out." The two women kissed and Karen began playing with MaryLou's left nipple. In bed, I felt Carrie run a finger along the underside of my dick. I reached out and fingered her clit.

Karen and MaryLou kissed and fingered each other for a long time. When they separated, MaryLou said, "I forgot that we have a new player here. Harry, do you want to try something different?"

"What?" I asked.

"Just a minute," MaryLou replied.

As MaryLou walked out of the room, Karen turned the lights on. In a few minutes, MaryLou walked back in wearing a strap-on dick and holding a tube of lube.

"Have you ever been fucked in the ass Harry?" MaryLou asked.

I didn't know what to say, so I said "no."

Carrie leaned towards my ear and said, "Try it. I really like it."

Karen added her, "It will be fun Harry."

What the hell. "Ok," I said.

Carrie said, "Let's do it outside."

She and I got out of bed. The four of us walked in the moonlight towards the beach.

Once again, Karen, holding the tube, said, "Here. Get down on all fours Harry."

I did. Karen spread my ass checks and began putting lube around and then into my sphincter. I felt more than heard MaryLou coming up behind me. I guess Karen was guiding the strap-on dick into my ass.

It hurt some as MaryLou penetrated my asshole. Then the strap-on began to touch my prostate. MaryLou wasn't violent, more like she was using the dildo to give me a prostate massage. I got really hard.

Suddenly, Carrie was below me on her back in the sand. She had wriggled on her back between MaryLou's legs and mine. She put her hand on my dick and guided it into her mouth. MaryLou fucked my ass while Carrie sucked me off. This was definitely new.

What I didn't know until later was that, after Karen guided MaryLou's strap-on into me, she ran back to the cabin and put on a second strap-on. Karen came back to the beach and fucked MaryLou in the ass while MaryLou did me.

We did that for quite a while. Carrie got me off while Karen got MaryLou off. My ass hurt a bit, but I chalked it up to team-building. Finally, we went back to the cabin. MaryLou and Karen took off the strap-ons and all four of us went to bed together.

The ladies were not scheduled to do anything the next day, so we slept in until about 10:00 a.m. I was about half awake when I heard knocking on the cabin door. I got out of bed and padded to the door. Upon opening it I was confronted with a man and a woman from the resort employees holding trays of breakfast foods and multiple pots of coffee. Smiling, they walked into the cabin and spread the contents of their treys out on the dining table.


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