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The Submission of J

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Revenge is not always sweet.
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With great excitement, Jay and I scheduled our monthly hookup at a posh hotel in between the Northeastern towns where we lived. These mini dates were always a thrill. We were monogamous, so having to wait a month to see each other was torture at times. It felt illicit, like we were cheating. Not that I needed very much to get me excited - Jay was a handsome, fit and tall black guy with silky skin but hard muscle underneath.

About a week before the time came for our September date, I discovered a secret profile for Jay on a popular social media app. I admit, ever since I discovered that he'd fathered a kid one year into our relationship, there had been suspicion in the back of my mind, but I dismissed it as a one-time slip-up. However, he could be very secretive at times, so every once in a while, I would do a little digging. At one point, the digging yielded photos of Jay at a gathering with extended family, his arm possessively around a plain Asian woman. Her pale moon face stood out in a sea of glowing black. You know that game, "Which one of these things is not like the other?" When I confronted him, he said that she was a friend of the family. Think about it for a moment.

This time around, it looked like I had hit on something even bigger.

It turned out that my mild-mannered wall Streeter had some fetishes - a lot of them. Some were kind of run-of-the-mill things that I suppose most men dream about. But others... let's just say that I had been sleeping with a freak for years and hadn't known it.

What to do? Should I just cancel our plans and give him no explanation? Should I pretend that I hadn't found what I had? I was torn. I knew that I should break it off, because his freaky fetishes had put my health, my life, at risk. We had unprotected sex - a lot of it - that whole 8 years we'd been together, and I would never know what he had exposed me to with his slutting around.

The more I thought about it, the angrier I got. I loved this man, may god forgive me. But I reluctantly admitted that, yes, I did have to end our relationship. Before I did that, my anger and disappointment made me want to give Jay a taste of what it was like to be humiliated and hurt. Plans proceeded for our getaway, including some special surprises for my cheating, beautiful man.

___Lights, Camera, Action!___

The lights were turned low how I liked them, with soft jazz for Jay playing in the background.

I welcomed Jay at the door, giving him a light kiss and telling him that I had a surprise for him. He grinned his sexy smile in anticipation. In the past, my "surprises" had included some imaginative sex toys, lubes, and fantasies that I'd asked him to play out with me. So when I asked him to go along with my latest adventure, he said "Of course! What do I need to do?"

I grinned and told him to strip bare, lay down on the bed, and stretch his arms over his head. I am sure that he was expecting some more of those fuzzy little restraints that we had used before, so he was shocked when cold metal snapped over his wrists. A little twist of rope, and he was bound to the headboard soundly.

"Whoa, what are you doing?" he exclaimed with a combination of panic and arousal in his voice.

"Shhh, you will enjoy this!" I answered smoothly before slipping a blindfold over his eyes. Jay was struggling against the handcuffs, and I have to admit I liked the sight of that.

I wiggled onto the bed next to Jay and started to gently kiss his neck where it met his muscled shoulders. That seemed to calm him down, and by the time I moved to his hairless chest, he had stopped struggling. I carefully circled his sensitive nipples with my tongue, flicking one then the other until he started to moan quietly. I could feel his hips moving slightly, as he anticipated where I was headed.

Teasing him, I dragged my long hair down his chest, tickling and tantalizing. My tongue darted out to lick his navel, making small circles that I knew he wanted to be repeated lower. I inched down and exhaled warm breath against his straining cock, and watched as it swelled even more.

"I'll be right back, honey..." I whispered. Jay wriggled in protest and croaked out "Hurry, Lara!"

I eased off the bed and quietly opened the hotel door. I signaled for my guest to come in, then placed my finger against my lips, whispering "Shhh..."

He grinned broadly, eyes sparkling with mischief.

Yes, my "revenge" masquerading as a surprise was a man. A rather tall man, to be exact, with broad shoulders and large, strong hands. In all the years' I'd known him, I'd never felt those hands on me, unfortunately - Jamie was gay, and he was perfect for this job.

Whispering "Follow me..." I tiptoed back into the bedroom where Jay was shifting restlessly on the bed. He might be agitated, but his cock was straining, looking harder than I had seen before.

"Hi baby" I cooed. "I've brought you a present!"

Jay began to pant as he worked his wrists against the restraints. His head rocked from side to side, desperately trying to see beyond the blindfold that was bound tightly across his eyes. I admit, my own breathing was coming a little faster, too, as I imagined what was to happen to the man who betrayed me. Jamie looked over at me quizzically, and I grinned.

Gesturing for Jamie to stay put, I padded over and eased onto the bed next to Jay. He let out a huge sigh, relieved to have me back next to him. I ran my hands lightly down his thighs, then up his chest. He arched his hips towards my hands, desperate for me to touch his raging erection. I smiled to myself as I bent down to kiss his beautiful, lying mouth.

Looking up towards Jamie, I raised an eyebrow and signaled him to come over. He moved silently to stand by the side of the bed. I ran my fingers down Jay's cheek and over his chest, then removed them while Jamie placed his hands where mine had left off. The fun had begun!

___Love hurts___

Jamie and I had spent a lot of time plotting how to pull off this switcheroo in the best way. So he perfectly coordinated where to put his hands to continue the illusion that it was still me. I shifted my body down closer to Jay's hips so that it would be feasible that I had access to touch all of him. Jamie continued to lightly stroke Jay's chest and stomach, coming very close to Jay's bobbing erection without making contact. Every time that Jamie's hands came close, Jay would hold his breath then let it out in a whoosh when the hands moved away. I had to stifle a giggle every time.

Finally, it was time to step up the game.

"Baby," I whispered, "do you want me to touch you? Do you want me to wrap my hand around you?"

"Ohhh yes, Lara, babe, please..."

Jay could hardly get the words out, he was so aroused. I nodded at Jamie, who slowly reached down and wrapped his fingers around Jay's straining cock. It was kind of an awkward position since he was still standing, but we'd deal with that shortly. Jay certainly hadn't noticed anything awkward; as soon as Jamie's fingers made contact, Jay started to pant and arch his hips into Jamie's hand. It was really too delicious to see my big, macho man getting his cock stroked by another dude.

Jay was so turned on, I thought that he might cum just from the hand job. That certainly wouldn't do. So, time to move on to the next stage. I shifted off the bed, saying "OK baby, I'll give you what you want now..."

I remained standing while Jamie eased himself onto the bed, at Jay's feet. Jamie looked over at me for the OK; I nodded with a wolfish grin. Ohhh, Jay was going to know very soon what it felt like to be duped and humiliated!

It was all Jamie's show now, and he knew exactly what to do. He moved to kneel between Jay's legs, and nudged them apart to make room. He wasted no time in bending over and beginning to tease Jay with his tongue. Now, Jay and I had been together a long time, and even though I had a lot of tricks in bed, Jamie's movements were nothing like mine. I was waiting to see how long it would take Jay to realize that it was not my tongue bathing his cock, or my lips wrapping around the glistening head.

Jay didn't seem to be aware of much at that point. With every downward plunge of Jamie's mouth, Jay would arch his hips up and thrust his cock deeper into Jamie's mouth. For his part, Jamie seemed to be enjoying it, too - Jay did have a beautiful, clean cock with an enticing musky scent. I was worried that Jay would blow his load any second; that would ruin my plan, but I had to trust that Jamie knew what he was doing.

He sure did. He slowed way down, only using the tip of his tongue to tease Jay, making him writhe in frustration. Jamie nudged Jay's legs further apart, and even though I knew what was coming, I almost gasped when I saw Jamie's hand inch towards Jay's balls. He cupped one orb in his hand, then the other, while using his thumb to trace little circles at the base of Jay's cock. It didn't look particularly hot to me but Jay was going nuts.

"Lara! Where'd you learn that move, baby?" I ignored him.

Jamie reached out with his middle finger to gather the drops of silky pre-cum that were gathered at the tip of Jay's cock. With no warning, he reached down and slipped that lubed finger right into Jay's virgin ass. My eyes widened as I saw Jamie's long finger disappear, but it was nothing compared to Jay's reaction.

He howled "No!" and seriously tried yanking his hands out of the handcuffs. I smirked. It served him right for all of the times that he had deceived me with his lies. His shock was nothing compared to mine when I had found out that he had fathered a son, had numerous risky encounters, put my life at risk, and lied at every turn. I had little sympathy for the pain or anything else he was feeling right now.

"Jesus, Lara, what are you doing?" Jay howled.

He was bucking hard, trying to remove the intrusion from his ass, but all he succeeded in doing was provide some serious stimulation to his prostate. He was still protesting, but his writhing was subsiding. A slew of pre-cum glistened in the light. Yeah, he was enjoying it... who knew?

Continuing with Jay's anal torture, Jamie leaned down and resumed his first-class blowjob on my cheating man. From my front-row vantage point, I watched as he slid Jay's cock all the way down his throat, then slowly eased it out again. I knew that Jay wouldn't last much longer at all, so it was time for surprise number two.

___Jail bait and switch___

I wanted the timing to be perfect for this one, so I carefully watched Jay for signs that he was getting ready to cum. Jay actually made it easy for me; he had a habit, every time, of saying "Oh baby, here it comes, here it comes, get ready!" and then three seconds later he would erupt.

I silently stepped closer to the bed, near Jay's head, and waited. What a sight! Jamie was clearly relishing the job. His eyes were closed, his breath was rapid, and I could see a huge erection through his jeans. Jay was on another planet; I was almost concerned that he was going to have a heart attack. The combination of the restraints, the fear, the mystery, the pro BJ, and the anal play was a lot to take in.

A moment later, I heard my cue: "Oh Lara, oh baby, here it comes, I'm gonna cum!"

I immediately answered "Come on, babe, show me what a stud you are!"

Jay's head jerked in my direction, not comprehending how I could be there and have my lips around his cock at the same time. But he only had a moment until his body went into auto-pilot. Jay was gasping while shaking his head from side to side in protest, as his body erupted. A geyser of hot cum shot out of Jay's pulsing cock, splashing over Jamie's tshirt. Jamie still had his finger deeply embedded in Jay's ass but popped it out as he jumped back to avoid being drenched.

As soon as Jay came back to his senses, his head pivoted towards my direction and he exclaimed "Lara! What the hell is going on? Who is here? Take this blindfold off NOW!"

"Sorry, babe, that's not happening..." I replied smugly. "I have more surprises for you!"

"At least tell me who she is, Lara!"

Instead of answering him, I leaned down and kissed him. This was a man who was used to always being in control, and I knew my little game was killing him.

"Good!" I thought to myself bitterly. "Things don't always turn out how you want."

Jamie was watching me, waiting for the signal to move on to the next step of my vengeful plan. We all needed a few minutes to recover and recharge, so I plunked down on the bed next to Jay. Jamie stepped into the bathroom to clean up.

"Jay, I know you are wondering what is going on here today, right?"

"Hell yeah! I want to know everything!"

"Well," I replied slowly, "you know that we've been together for a long time now, Jay. Almost 9 years! That's a long time for a guy to be with one woman. I can imagine that it's been hard for you, at times, to keep your promise to me and stay faithful."

I was watching Jay's face as I spoke. He nervously licked his lips but said nothing.

I continued, "So, I wanted to give you the reward that goes with your loyalty to me."

Jay let out a small sigh of relief, having no idea the true meaning of my words.

"Since it has been so long since you were with someone else, I wanted to let you experience that thrill." I was having trouble keeping a straight face and was very glad for the blindfold. "So, I brought Jamie here -"

"Jamie??" Jay exclaimed loudly, arching off the bed. "That was JAMIE? Oh my god, Lara, THANK you, thank you so much!"

It was my turn to be shocked. He was glad that a dude just had his lips around his cock? What, more secrets that he'd been hiding? Then it hit me: boom. Not this Jamie, as they had never met. Jay was talking about his little blonde high school Senior neighbor named Jamie!

Holy shit... holy shit! That fucker! Another dirty little secret to add to the list. Oh, this upped the ante on his punishment, for sure. I was boiling.

"Anything for you, babe! So, yeah, I brought Jamie here as a way of thanking you for your devotion to me all these years."

God, I could barely get the words out, but I knew that it would be worth it when Jay finally understood my hidden meaning.

Meanwhile, Jamie sauntered back into the room and eased his fine ass onto the foot of the bed. He had overheard the exchange and saw that I was fuming.

Jay was still obsessing about teenage Jamie. Addressing the absent neighbor, he asked "Girl, where did you learn how to suck cock like that, at your age? I mean, I knew that you were a hot little number but that was the best BJ I've ever gotten! Damn! Even better than how I've imagined you'd be!"

At those words, I almost lunged at Jay but Jamie shot out a restraining arm. I took in a deep breath and managed to squeak out "You're getting everything you've earned, babe!"

___Acting 101___

Time for the next phase in my revenge plan. I wanted to tweak it, though, to take advantage of this new information about Jay's teenage obsession. I couldn't let Jay touch Jamie because he would know right away that the muscles and hair didn't belong to his little fantasy girl. I needed a new diversion before I went on to the final act of humiliation. I decided to play with his mind instead of his body, for a moment.

"Jamie," I cooed, "since Jay already has gotten to enjoy your talents, how about giving me a little something, too?"

I heard a deep moan escape from Jay's lips at the mere mention. Jamie was looking at my quizzically but had a smile on his face. He'd play along with whatever I said, I wasn't too worried.

"Stand up, girl, and let me see you!" I ordered the absent teen. "Why don't you let me see a little of what has been making Jay's fantasies about you so crazy?"

Jamie let out a small giggle but it was soft enough to pass for a girl. He obligingly stood up.

"How about taking off some of those clothes, honey? Let's see that hot little body that you tease all the boys with!"

"Lara, please, puh-lease take off this blindfold, I want to see her, too!"

Fucker, I thought to myself, I'll bet you do!

Instead, I sweetly replied, "No, babe, you're just going to have to imagine the sight for now. Just wait, it will be even more exciting when you finally get to see!"

Turning to Jamie, I said "Girl, how about going over and giving Jay a little kiss, just to make him feel better about not seeing you?"

Jamie grinned broadly and walked his tall frame over to the head of the bed. He leaned down, careful not to touch Jay with any part of his body. He lightly placed his large hands at either side of Jay's head and leaned in for the kiss. Jay was struggling to raise his head closer; their lips met and Jay moaned. Jamie was having fun with this, I could tell. He stuck his tongue out and ran it lightly across Jay's lips.

"Ohhh," Jay moaned again, "you taste so good! I love that your mouth tastes like my cum... oh Jamie, I've dreamed about this so many times! I wish that I could taste your sweet little pussy, too!"

Well, that was going to be a little harder to pull off, considering the 6' 3" gay man who was actually kissing him. Inspired, I reached into my panties and dipped a finger into my own wet pussy. Jamie stopped what he was doing while I reached over and ran my finger along Jay's lips. His tongue flicked at my finger then drew it into his mouth, sucking on it.

"Mmmm," he sighed, "you taste so fucking good, Jamie! Your pussy tastes just like I've imagined! I just wish that I could see it!"

Seriously, he would be lucky if he ever saw anything again. Perv!

I withdrew my finger and ordered, "OK, Jamie, that's enough for now... let's get those clothes off so I can see all of you, baby girl!"

Jamie stood up and walked back towards the foot of the bed. He made a show of rustling his clothes, making noise with zippers and snaps to enhance the images in Jay's twisted mind.

"Oh my, girl, you are hot! Your boobies are so perky and sweet... and those nipples, I've never seen nipples so pink and ready for sucking!"

I glanced down at Jay, whose mouth had fallen open with desire. His cock was rigid as could be, with the pre-cum gathering at the tip again.

I continued Jay's verbal torture. "Honey, put your leg up on the bed so I can see that sweet pussy of yours!"

Jamie obliged by placing his large foot up on the bed. He was really getting into the game, himself; his cock was rock hard again, clearly outlined through his jeans.

"Ohhh, wow, you are a true blonde after all! Look how wet you are, Jamie! What a yummy pussy! If I were a lezzy, I'd have my face buried -"

"OHMYGOD, take off this blindfold!" Jay interrupted loudly.

I grinned to myself; this was awesome!

"Babe, take it easy! I'm just admiring Jamie's pussy... I totally get why you'd want to get your hands on it, Jay! In fact, I may just have to take a little taste, myself... Mmmm, so pink and juicy, and OH look at that tiny sweet clit!"

Jay was thrashing from side to side, utterly tortured at the images that I was conjuring up. I felt absolutely no remorse, though; he deserved all of this, and more. Jamie, on his part, was holding both hands over his mouth to stifle his laughter.

"Thank you for that lovely show, Jamie... you are just delicious, honey. Why don't we give poor Jay a little something to relieve his misery now?"

Turning towards Jay, I asked, "What would you like Jamie to do, babe?"

"Oh man... I want to do everything to her! I - I can't even think straight, I've wanted her for so long!" He was panting. "I just want to ram my cock deep inside that sweet pussy and fill it up with my cum!"

He was clearly getting into his fantasies now.

"I want to fill her up so much that my cum pours out of her... and maybe... hopefully... she will get PREGNANT with our love baby!"


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