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The Submission of Justin Ch. 01

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Calculating woman knows how to break gay college boy.
2.9k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 10/15/2022
Created 07/09/2011
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On a lazy Sunday afternoon, Justin was alone in his small apartment. He had just recently recovered from the hangover resulting from his debauchery last night. Evading the homework that, in the back of his mind, nagged him, he laid stretched out on his couch, wearing basketball shorts and a sleeveless shirt, while mindlessly flipping through channels on the TV. Until he heard the doorbell ring.

Justin sat up, startled. That's weird, he thought. He checked his phone. No missed calls or texts. He hadn't ordered any food. Who would just drop by? He rested his bare feet on the carpet, stood up, and walked to the door. Opening it, Justin's jaw dropped.

In the doorway stood Melissa, the girl who, several weeks prior, had shocked and humiliated Justin by groping his naked cock in the middle of The Naked Party while she was fully dressed, but Justin was stark naked and helpless. When he hadn't heard anything of or from the girl since the party, Justin had just assumed she had either gotten her fill after a night of ogling and manhandling his dick, or else had forgotten about him. He immediately and involuntarily took a step back.

In the daylight he could see that she was indeed a few years older than he. Probably 21 or 22. She was dressed similarly to how she was at the party – light top, skirt, sandals. She was shorter than Justin, though the shoes mitigated that. She stood on his doorstep, biting her lip to stifle a large grin. "Hi."

"Uh... hi," replied Justin. Just as at the party, he was torn between reactions. On one hand, he wanted to yell at the girl for having used him like she did; on the other, he was flabbergasted at her gall in showing up at his place like this. He was also simply curious, and slightly embarrassed that while she was clearly nicely put-together, he was wearing ratty clothes and his short hair was as much of a mess as it could be. "What the fuck are you doing here?"

"Well," she replied, cheerily, "it was so nice meeting you at the party a while back, and – oh, do you mind if I just come in?"

"Uh, I don't thi-" but, uninterested in his permission, the girl simply brushed past Justin into his apartment, running her fingers along his exposed shoulder as she did so. She sat on his couch.

"Wow! In this light I can really tell what a nice body you have. But anyway, I liked meeting you at the party so much that I asked around until I got your address. I thought we could hang out."

What was it about this girl? Somehow she had the ability to keep him completely off-guard no matter how angry she made him. His face registered disbelief as he shut the door. "Hang... out? Are you serious?! After what you did to me at the party?"

"What I did to... Oh, for real? You're mad about that?"

"You grabbed my dick and jerked me off when I told you not to!"

"I couldn't help myself! Plus, I was giving you a compliment. You have such a nice dick that I couldn't keep my hands off it."

To Justin's eyes, she genuinely looked as if she didn't know what the big deal was. Justin couldn't help but think she'd have a different reaction if she had been the one naked and handled like a piece of meat. "Well, look, I –"

"But listen," she said, cutting him off once again, "That's kind of why I'm here."

"I don't follow."

"I want you to fuck me."

"Ha!" Justin couldn't help himself. This bitch was clearly insane. He took a few seconds to compose himself and stop himself from bursting into laughter. Calmed down, he raised his palms. "You do know that I'm gay, right? You have to know. The whole reason you know who I am is because I hooked up with your friend Steve. Hell, I'm not even a top! I get fucked. By dudes." He emphasized these last points with hand gestures, hoping the information would sink in.

"I'm not asking you to date me!" Her demeanor was such that Justin might as well have said that he was a space alien. "I just want you to fuck me! I have a thing about getting fucked by guys with really nice dicks... and believe me, yours qualifies. I already know that and I haven't even seen it hard yet."

"Yet?? Are you kidding me? The answer is no. Hell no! I've never fucked a girl before, and I'm sure as shit not starting with you. Please, just get out of my apartment." He pointed toward the door.

"Listen, Justin." She walked toward him. "I don't want to be a bitch here. I just want you to fuck me."

"No." He made sure there was enough distance between the two of them so that his package was safe. Even clad in boxers and shorts, he was nervous.

"Fine. But I know who you are. I know where you live. I have your phone number now. I know your friends. You know that I'm just going to keep hounding you until I get what I want."

Justin swallowed. He believed her threat. If she was crazy enough to do the things she'd done already, there was no telling how much of an irritant she could become. Bugging him at home was one thing, but if she started stalking him or his friends, the situation could turn really ugly. But there was no way he was just going to give in and screw this crazy chick. "Then you're going to have to keep trying for a long time, because the answer is still 'No.' Now, please leave."

The girl stood for a minute and took Justin in, head to toe, with here eyes. Sizing him up. "Huh, you're more determined than I thought. That makes sense. I've never tried to get a gay dude to fuck me before. My loss, I guess. But listen, let's cut a deal."

"What kind of deal?" Justin cocked an eyebrow.

"If you're not going to fuck me with it, I at least want to see it again. Your cock."

"No," he raised his hands again. "No fucking way. Leave."

"Come on!" She took a step forward, Justin backed against the wall. "I've already seen everything you've got. I just want to get one last look at what I'm missing. You don't have anything to lose, and you'll get rid of me." The girl had her hands behind her back and smiled knowingly.

Justin, his back literally against the wall, considered his options. The girl wasn't wrong; she had already seen him stark naked while she remained fully clothed. That was nothing new for either of them. Still, that was at The Naked Party, and this was in the privacy of his home, while he was sober. But the opportunity to get rid of this chick once and for all... ah, fuck it. "You win. I'll show off for your again, if you promise that after this, you'll leave me the fuck alone, and never tell anybody about this."

"Oh my god, really? This is fantastic! See, I knew you'd come around." She clapped her hands together and smiled.

Justin rubbed his forehead. What the fuck had he just agreed to do? "How... how do you want to do this? Oh, fuck, no touching this time, I mean it. Your fingers do not handle my dick, at all."

"You're so uptight! But fine. Hmm. Just stand over there, in front of your couch." She pointed.

Justin awkwardly sauntered over to his couch. Just as the girl's gaze had made him keenly aware of his nudity at the party, it was now making him increasingly aware of his loose clothing and already exposed arms and legs. "So... here? And you just want me to... I mean it, now, no touching..." Justin hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his basketball shorts. "We don't have to do this."

"Stop! Take off your shirt first!" She shook her head, as if she couldn't believe Justin was too dumb to realize that she obviously expected him to strip entirely.

"Hey, you just said you wanted to see my dick. When did my whole body come into play?" He took his hands away from his waist and held them out to his sides.

"Oh come on! I'm trying to meet you halfway here. Completely naked, or no deal."

"Fuck... " Justin had hoped he'd at least be able to get away with keeping his sleeveless shirt on; that somehow felt a little better than being stark naked at this girl's mercy yet again. "Fine. You win. Again." Justin lifted his shirt over his head and tossed it on the ground, revealing his toned chest and abs. He stood awkwardly in front of Melissa. After a moment's pause with no verbal response from the girl (whose eyes were glued to his abs), he again moved his hands toward the waistband of his basketball shorts.

"Wait!" the girl shrieked. "At least give me a minute to take you in! Geez!" She took a step forward. Justin, already backed against the couch, shuffled his bare feet on the carpet back as much as he was able. She looked up and down his body, lingering on his muscular shoulders and abs. Justin wore his shorts and boxers low; she could see the hair running from his chest to his stomach into the top of his boxers, which disappeared into the top of his shorts. She reached out her fingertips to touch the space where she swore she could see his treasure trail expanding to the hair that surrounded the base of his cock.

"Hey!" Justin jumped. "The rule was no touching."

"You said no touching your cock! You didn't say anything about the rest of your body!" She brushed the space just above the waistband of his boxers with her fingertips.

"I mean it! No touching. It's bad enough I'm letting you ogle me naked. I'm gay, in case you've forgotten. I have a reputation to protect."

"Ugh, fine!" The girl withdrew her hand. She made Justin turn around so that she could admire his back, and his ass. Even clad in shorts, his ass looked muscular and, frankly, a bit large compared to the rest of him. "Okay, continue. Lose the shorts. But slowly."

Justin again faced her. He turned his head to the ceiling in disbelief over what he was doing. He put his palms to his chest and slid them down his body, running his fingers over his abs before hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his basketball shorts. His last thought before he started pulling them down was that at least he had boxers on underneath rather than the tight briefs he often wore. Justin pulled his basketball shorts down to his ankles and kicked them to the corner of the room. He now stood in front of the girl wearing nothing but light cotton boxers sitting below his waist, coming midway down his thigh. He again shuffled awkwardly, this time making sure that he hadn't pulled down his boxers with the shorts, and then realizing what a silly concern that was given the circumstances. Another pause. "So, uh... yeah..." His arms hung to his sides.

"Just hold on!" She bit her lip. "I can see why you get so many guys. You've got a sick body." She again reached out her hand, only to see her pawn's eyes widen. "Oh, right. No touching..." While bringing her hand down, she gave a soft tug to the waistband of his boxers. "Sorry! I can't help myself!"

Justin brushed his hand across his chest. As humiliated as he was, he began to realize that he had practically no control over the girl in front of him, no matter what bargain he made. As much as he protested, he was still about to let this girl ogle his dick as much as she wanted. He might as well get it over with. "Before I get rid of these" he snapped the waistband of his boxers against his stomach, "we have to be clear. You can look, but not touch. And not just my cock, the area around my cock, including my balls. Let me repeat: my balls are off-limits." He rested his thumbs inside the waistband of his boxers.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got it!" She noted how his boxers were lower than before, so close now to the base of his cock...

Justin let out a deep sigh and looked at the ceiling one final time. Here we go. In a swift motion, Justin closed his eyes and pulled his boxer shorts to the floor, leaving them at his ankles. He could feel the cool air of the room on his now-swinging dick and balls. He paused, waiting for a response for what seemed like an eternity. He opened his eyes to see the girl, unable to hide her grin, staring directly at his cock, which, though flaccid, had again expanded due to the attention his body was receiving.

"Get rid of them."

Justin, preoccupied with the experience of putting his naked body on display for a relative stranger, hadn't really been listening. "Excuse me?"

"The boxers. Get rid of them."

Shrugging his shoulders awkwardly, Justin kicked his now-useless boxers to the corner of the room. He held his arms outstretched. "Boxers gone. Pure, 100% Justin. You've successfully gotten me to show my cock off to you twice. Now go. Just leave. Do not bug me anymore." His voice was softer than it had been.

"Just a sec! Let me take you in..." The girl moved toward Justin, who couldn't move any further back without falling back on the couch. Finally, she stood so close that he could feel her breath on his skin. All the while, she scrutinized every inch of his body. She giggled to herself as she noted how his cock slowly expanded from her attention. She kneeled down to examine it further.

Justin sighed and tensed as he felt the girl's breath against his thick cock. The longer this went on, the more aware he was of his already-big dick getting larger. It wasn't that this girl aroused him, just that he wasn't used to being on display like this. He should do something, he thought. Kick her out. Grab her wrists just in case she tries to fondle him again. Why was he paralyzed?

"Now, get it hard."

"What?!" Justin hadn't thought this could get any worse. "No way, that wasn't the deal. You wanted dick, you got it. Now I'm going to put my boxers on, and you'll get out of here." He pointed toward the door, and suddenly felt ridiculous trying to be threatening while his long, fat cock was swinging between his legs.

The girl looked into Justin's eyes. She couldn't believe he thought he was going to fight her on this, and her face said it all.

Justin knew it, too. "Okay. You win. But you still can't touch..." The girl didn't bother responding. Justin knew that she knew he'd do what it took to get rid of her. Knowing that the girl's eyes caught his every moment, he slowly brought his hand to his hanging cock and gripped it firmly. Humiliated and defeated, Justin started to stroke his cock in front of his stranger who had invaded his home. Worse, the situation caused Justin's cock to stiffen to its full length almost immediately.

"Fuck, you're hot. Look at that cock..." The girl sensed that Justin had resigned himself to her control. Of course, that had been her plan all along.

His dick rock hard, Justin took his fist away from it. His cock stood directly out from his body, angling upward slightly, bobbing with his deep breaths. "There," he whispered. "Please go." His attempts at making demands were over.

"Mm... yeah. I don't think I'm going to go just yet." She had seen this from boys before. They had so much bravado at first, and it only took a few stern commands to turn them into putty. "I think we're going to go into your room. I think you're going to take me there." As she said these last words, she reached out her hand and wrapped her slender fingers, once again, around Justin's now-throbbing manhood.

Justin exhaled as he again felt her touch on his cock. Ten minutes ago he would have caught her wrist before her fingers got near his dick. Now, he saw no way out of the situation except to give this girl what she wanted. He felt his cock pulse under her touch. His earlier resistance was replaced by apprehension. "I...." In the time it took him to hesitate, Justin felt the girl's other hand take both of his balls. He instinctively tensed up, but he girl didn't hurt him. She caressed his balls now, but the look on her face let him know that the way to avoid pain was to do ask she asked. "My room's over there." He gestured with his head.

"Good boy." She gave his balls a light squeeze, even as she took slow strokes on his big, hard cock. "Let's go." She led the way, leading Justin behind her by his cock.

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NateBiDudeNateBiDudealmost 10 years ago
Go ahead dude

Fuck yeah. Give the chick what she wants, dude. You know you want it.

andreinamsterdamandreinamsterdamover 11 years ago
Pure gold

despite having read this story several times, I keep coming back to it. Gay cfnm is a definite niche ( one I've had a crack at myself) but its such a turn on to some of us! Justin is a great character and I really wish there was more of this calibre of writing out there! Please don't stop writing, you've made some people very happy (repeatedly ;)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
nice story

great read, keep them cumming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Good start, keep them coming

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