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The Substitute

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An unwitting participant succumbs to debauchery and torment.
8.3k words

Part 19 of the 23 part series

Updated 01/27/2024
Created 02/26/2021
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The bar is empty, the venue falling silent a little over half an hour ago.

Humidity hangs in the air to the point that it can almost be tasted glancing over to the main entrance the windows are misted with condensation from the heat within the building compared to the cold dark January night that lays outside.

I look up to Stevie as I hear her heeled footsteps approach. As we catch one another's eyes we don't speak and just offer a simple nod of recognition.

"Agreed," I quietly state.

"No arguments from me," Steve quietly offers by way of response as he stands the other side of the expanse of now disinfected bar from me.

The heeled footsteps grow closer as we both turn to face her as she steps across hard wooden floorboards of the bars floor, heading towards us but with no genuine idea what it is that she heads towards.

The petite blonde had been one of three females in a group of eight, who spent most of the night crowded into a booth in the far corner of the main room since much earlier in the evening. An untypical Friday night drift from the workplace into the City for a night to wind down at the end of a busy week.

In truth she'd not been the girl to catch my eye from the group, her colleague had been far more attractive, dressed better and looking far more alluring in many ways. In truth she was incomparable to the skinny little blonde in the blue loose-fitting dress that now stood before us.

"I... I guess I should get going" she offered on a quiet little voice pushing slightly wavy shoulder length blonde hair behind her ear. "I don't want to outstay my welcome."

"My guess is that someone else stole that taxi of yours," Steve offers without looking up while wiping a smear, that I fail to spot, from the surface of the bar.

"I was trying to call them... the taxi company..." The petite little blonde holds up a blank screen phone, "...Now my batteries dead."

"You're not having much luck, are you?" I keep the smirk from my face as her further predicament only plays into the plans Steve and I had discussed on hushed tones while she'd headed to the ladies restroom.

"You're telling me." She offers clearly exasperated. "I can't even get in touch with my friends now."

My mind flashes to her far more attractive friend once again as I take a step towards the bar stool over which her little navy denim jacket is draped. I consider enquiring further about her but realise to leverage such a conversation would not be easy. The more I consider the petite blonde and think of her colleague and the tight dark red dress she'd been sporting the more, however, I'm convinced that I've seen them both in the bar on previous Friday nights. The two of them with same group of friends come colleagues that she'd let disappear on their separate ways home, dispersing only to leave her to catch a pre booked taxi to a rural location nearly 25 miles from the City. A Taxi that had never arrived.

Picking up the denim jacket I hand it to her, casting my eyes over her tiny frame in the wrap around navy dress that contains a subtle darker shade of navy detail, that in the dim light I can't discern but concur might be a floral print.

"You've very few options," I offer looking to my watch as if to press the point, while I hand her the jacket, noting it's a little after two thirty in the morning. "Taxis will be few and far between... chances are they'll be unlicensed and unsafe .... Don't think you'll be able to find a hotel this late on short notice... and well any local friends aren't an option now."

"I know... I know." she offers a little flustered slipping the jacket over her upper body.

"We're not heartless bastards though are we Steve?" I offer looking to my brother.

"I dunno," is Steve's ignorant and ill-judged response for which I could throttle him, but for which I don't even offer him a sneer in response.

"We're not..." I continue "'s entirely up to you... if you're comfortable I mean".

Deliberately I struggle to offer up the words, so as to try and appear sincere to her.

"We've ...well we've a spare bed at ours we can offer as opposed to turfing you out on the streets... We only live the other side of the City."

Noting Steve look up towards her as I make my offer. Watching her hazel eyes framed by heavy dusky pink and purple eyeshadow glance from me to Steve and then back to me.

"I... I wouldn't want to impose." she timidly offers.

"It would be no inconvenience to us" I state back, trying not to glance up her thin black nylon clad legs as I speak.


Sat on the three seater sofa a little after three thirty in the morning I watch her.

Gemma, Gemma who's surname I can't even recall now. With her hair now pulled back into a pony tails she kneels before the glass topped coffee table as her head smoothly rolls from left to right as she inhales a thick line of cocaine from the surface of the table.

The class A drugs part of a batch that Steve and I had recently confiscated from a Weasley faced baseball cap wearing little shit under false pretences, having spotted him pushing the little packets of drugs in the bar a few weeks previous. I can't stand the stuff, or any drugs for that matter given how they either dull or over heighten the senses and only ultimately rot the brain. I've inhaled a line of the cocaine tonight to serve a purpose, to lure Gemma in. It's not really my style.

Glancing to Steve who sits opposite her in the single seat sofa as he lights up his second heavily loaded cannabis spliff he offers me a knowing smirk.

"Shit," Gemma offers dropping the rolled note on the table as she no doubt feels the burn of the drugs in her nasal passage. "Oh fucking... of fuck that stuffs strong."

"Here..." I offer passing her a glass of nearly neat vodka, "... this'll help with the taste in the back of your mouth."

Gemma grasps the glass and sinks back the potent clear liquid. Coughing and spluttering as she does.

"It's this that's supposed to make you choke" Steve states while leaning forward and offering the orange glowing tipped hand rolled cigarette to her,

Gemma takes the joint from him and takes a long inhale, a long inhale she copes better with than she has the Vodka and Cocaine. The plan to get her wasted is working perfectly I consider as she rests back on her haunches and blows a thick cloud of smoke towards the ceiling.

Taking a second deep lungful as she clumsily rises on to her feet. Stumbling a little in the heel of her square heeled ankle boots. Gemma makes to pass me the joint as she unsteadily steps towards me.

"You alright there?" Stevie enquires.

"Yeah I just..." Gemma offers, the colour a little drained from her face, while exhaling the latest plume of pungent smelling smoke into my face while holding out the spliff towards me "... I think... I just need the little girl's room."

Taking the hand rolled cigarette from her extended hand I look into her dilated eyes, "Door at the end of the corridor... you'll probably need to put the seat down."

Gemma misses my sarcastic comment as her eye-line focussed towards the direction I nod my head. She stumbles away crossing the living room with very little grace, I keep watching as she lurches forward and clutches the breakfast bar counter top for support, muttering to herself inaudibly.

"Think she's about ripe," Steve offers from behind me.

"Think you're right Bruv," I reply without looking back to him. "Stay put for a bit though... let me be the judge."

Clambering up off the creaking sofa I follow in the direction Gemma had headed, hearing her manage to lock the bathroom door before I hear her heavily moving about in the bathroom even before I slip into the corridor that's only illuminated by the dim light that spills out of the combined living room and kitchen area.

I lean my right shoulder to the wall of the corridor as I face the closed bathroom door. I wait, I take a deep breath to compose myself running through scenarios in my mind.

Within a minute I hear the flush of the toilets cistern and Gemma fumble once again with the lock to the door. Framed by the stark light behind her that bathes the hallway as she looks up a little startled to see me.

"Oh um hey," she offers a little surprised by my presence as she steps, still uneasy on her heels, into the corridor lined with three closed doors that lead to Steve's room, my own room and the smaller spare bedroom.

"You alright?" I offer with my best attempt at a sincere smile.

"Yeah... uh yes... I..." the combination of vodka, cocaine and cannabis clearly effects the very petite blonde as she sways, extending her left hand to support herself against the corridor wall, "I..I think I need to ...I'm sorry I need to get my head down."

"It's alright..." I offer, "...let me show you to your room."

Stepping closer I take her upper right arm in a gentle grip. Helping her forward one foot hesitantly in front of the other as I guide her towards the door to her left.

Lowering the door handle I let the door swing open to reveal the stripped back bed. In her inebriated state she fails to recognise or even focus on the four leather cuffs attached to thick black nylon ropes that lay across the floor tied at each end to the metal frame of the bed.

As we both step into the room, I keep her in my grip as I push the door closed behind us. I strike quick pulling her back towards me, her frail body crashes against mine wrapping my arms around Gemma's painfully thin frame I turn her and press her back to the now closed door hearing it latch as our combined body weights press against it.

Bleary eyed she looks up at me, with my left hand I nudge her jaw up, tilting her head back as she vacantly looks up at me.

In an unusual act given the circumstances that normally play out in the confines of the tiny spare bedroom I lower my lips to hers and kiss her.

There's no reaction at first as my lips press to hers and then she reacts, kissing me back I feel her hands press up across my chest before she drapes her arms loosely around my neck while she accepts my kiss. My hands waste no time pressing over her pitifully small breasts thorough the dress. Slipping down her sides to her hips my right hand immediately tugs at the fabric belt around her waist that ties and fastens the garment over her left hip. The knot unravels with ease and she breaks the kiss as I pull open her little navy dress.

"We... we shouldn't..." Gemma nervously offers.

"I think we should," my short reply as I look down her slender body, the dress falling open to reveal a little cream lace bra and the black tights that sit upon her waist.

As she makes to speak, I strike once more taking her hands from around my neck I step to her left, grabbing her left forearm in a tight grip and swing her away from the bed towards the waiting mattress sat atop the black metal frame bed. Gemma finds her feet barely a second before I then firmly press both my arms squarely between her shoulder blades.

Her shocked gasp fills the room as off guard and off balance she falls heavily face first across the bed. I drop upon her instantly as my body weight pins hers I reach between us as I hurriedly pull open my belt, button waist band and lower my zip fly.

Scrambling up across the bed as I pull my dick through my open fly, I drag Gemma beneath me taking to my knees between her parted legs as I press her loose dress up her waist before in unison yanking the black hosiery and little white briefs she wears down the backs of her skinny thighs.

"We shouldn't..." she breathlessly offers once more, "... no we shouldn't".

"I think we should" I reiterate partially on a sneer. Grabbing her wrists from her side I pull them up across the mattress above her head. Taking her slender wrists in the grip of my right hand and pinning them to the white sheet that covers the mattress. "And I don't think you're in a position to argue."

Gemma falls still her upper body rising and falling on fast breaths as I lay back across her tiny frame. Guiding my dick between her legs as I hold her face down. There is no struggle from her, no genuine resistance as I press my hips forward and feel my dick enter the tight warmth of her unbelievably tight little cunt. Shifting my body weight I press up and impale the little blonde fully as my dick fully penetrates deep into her tight dry walls.

Gemma's gasp fills the room, a gasp somewhere between pleasure and pain. At once my hips start to thrust deep within her. Taking her young body, claiming her, with a slow steady paced fuck from the outset, working through the slight discomfort that her unlubricated tightness causes.

"Oh god... oh my god" Gemma mutters into the mattress no doubt feeling the same discomfort from the rushed penetration.

She still doesn't resist me, she simply lays there taking me deep into her body allowing me to fuck her.

"I don't... I don't even..." she offers as pressing myself up over her on extending my right arm I arch my back and from the shifted angle of penetration I garner a further gasp as I slip even deeper into her.

"I don't..." she continues, "...I don't even know you."

"Just relax," I offer, "Just relax".

It's not an instruction I need to provide, her slender little body lies limp beneath me, she lets me fuck her, despite her verbal reticence, she allows me to fuck her either of her own will or in a sedated state from the combination of narcotics and alcohol we had coaxed into the little blonde on returning home to the flat from the bar.

I keep fucking her slowly stretching her out as I keep Gemma held face first to the bed.

As she lays there letting me claim her I realise that her reactions or rather her lack of reactions make for an insipid somewhat sterile fuck. She's far too compliant too submissive no doubt in the grip of her intoxication.

Gritting my teeth I arch my back further, deciding to use young Gemma to gain my release as quickly and as brutally as I can. Under the circumstance there's no need to prolong the reason she's been brought back to the Flat, she's a conquest nothing more

I start to fuck her harshly with deep thrusts into her frail body. The little blonde has one purpose as she lays beneath me, To that end I fuck her selfishly, harshly and she accepts me her pained little gasps and groans as she lays there her only reaction to what plays out.

Lowering my body weight back over her I slip my right forearm underneath her waist raising her hips as I fuck her body on increasingly harsh deep thrusts my left hand lets go her wrists as I slip my left arm around her upper body across the base of her neck and grip her right shoulder. Pulling myself up further over her body. My face over her left shoulder as I pin her beneath me.

I can't even bring myself to offer her any words as I just keep up my deep harsh repetitive thrusts with the bed frame steadily creaking beneath us.

Holding her in a tighter grip as I fuck her while she lays practically motionless beneath me. Her blonde hair obstructs her face as I use her in the darkened spare bedroom.

Gemma had desperately required salvation for the night, she would likely require salvation from myself and Steve by time morning light spilled through the skylight window above us.

My hips slamming against hers as I continue to use her, gasps of breathe forced from her mouth as I fuck her with little to no mercy.

"Fuck you Gemma" I honestly offer, despite her slender frame she has a tight little cunt. The kind of girl I'd overlook time and again but in this moment as I fuck her faster and faster she provides the same carnal relief as any girl, or woman.

I'd overlooked her this evening in preference of her colleague. As I fuck Gemma my mind lingers on the memory of unknown darker blonde associate, as I keep fucking the petite blonde beneath me my mind dwells on what it would be like to fuck her instead of Gemma. I imagine the dark red body hugging dress she'd worn pressed up over her hips as she lets me fuck her as I please. I imagine the breathless mewls of satisfaction she'd omit as I claimed her unopposed.

Looking up I spy the black nylon ropes that hang from the top corners of the bed. My mind darkly imaging Gemma's blonde friend tethered across this bed. Gagged, begging into the ball gag that sits between her lips. A thick black collar wrapped around her neck.

Her waist thrashing her arms and legs pulling at the grip in which she's held.

As my mind dwells on her forced submission my body uses Gemma, I fuck her harder and harder her breath fast and heavy as I rail her over the bed.

"Oh my god... oh my fucking god..." Gemma finally gasps as I offer her little respect and simply use her partially clothed body.

"Make me cum... make me cum...."

Almost obediently she nods her head in my grip, she so tight I barely notice if she tenses on my instruction. She lets go of a grimaced whimper as I as I pull her body down by her shoulder my right arm raising her waist as best as possible before pulling her up off the surface of the bed as I take a knelt position

Fucking her brutally I care little for her satisfaction, allowing Gemma to extend her hands to the mattress my mind passes back to the fantasy of fucking her friend just as harshly as I fuck Gemma in the doggie style position she now holds herself up in.

"Take it ..." I sneer "...take it."

Jack hammering my hips away now as I fuck her, as I use her.

"You little blonde slag" I offer breathlessly "You little blonde fucking slag".

I feel Gemma react for the first time; my words can't fail to register.

"I'm... I'm not..." she breathlessly offers while attempting to pull herself away, my hands grab her pale hips with the dress ridden up along her back, I refuse her any genuine movement as I pull her back against me and slam my hips against her ass.

Moments later my left and right arm release Gemma I pull her arms from beneath her swiftly to her side, and then behind her as she attempts to baulk,

On pinning her hands behind her back her upper body falls back to the bed her hips remain held high her bent knees splay her legs, offering me the best angle to fuck her at.

I unleash fucking her harder and faster than ever as I keep her held up in the fresh position, arching my back to gain deep penetration of that exquisitely tight cunt.

Her exasperated breathless gasps from deep in her throat increase as she feels the new grip I hold over her, she remains motionless her previous futile effort comes to an end. Gemma lays the right hand side of her face back across the bed, she surrenders with ease.

In that moment under the constant hard thrusts that she absorbs into her petite body and her tight dry pussy I feel my climax encroach.

I keep using her fucking her faster and faster breathlessly knowing the final throes of my brutal quick fuck approach.

"I'm ...I'm..." I try to offer the young's blonde fair warning but before I can I feel my balls unload, my shaft fill with ejaculate and as I press myself deep into her delightfully tight little cunt, I fill her with a heavy release of warm wet cum deep into her tiny body.

Holding myself behind her, keeping her wrists pinned in the small of her back I regain my breath as she hold herself there beneath me, surely contemplating what's just played out.

I let every last drop of my deposit seep from me into Gemma.

It's only as I feel a muscle cramp between my shoulders that I slip my still erect dick from her slim frame. Hearing her shuddered breath as I drop myself towards the mattress and roll away from her as she holds herself in the same position momentarily before collapsing onto the mattress and rolling on to her right hand side so that she faces away from me. Her frame rising and falling on heavy inhales and exhales.

Leaving her the shortest of rest bite before rolling her over onto her back as her dishevelled dress splays open beneath her, the waistband of her thick black nylon tights now sit almost between her knees, her legs slightly parted as she faces the ceiling whilst lay across the bed's mattress.

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