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The Sultanah Ch. 08

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Hermaphrodite Sultanah is betrothed and meets her fiancé.
19.9k words

Part 8 of the 14 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/08/2015
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Dear Reader, thank you so much for reading this story. It has taken nearly a year of my writing life to get the whole thing finished. This is Chapter 8 of 14 chapters and the total is over 250,000 words. It is my Dirk Diggler/Jack Horner act of hubris: my attempt to write an erotic adventure story that pulls you in with a story you want to read, even when there isn't any sex going on (though there is a lot of sex. Crazy, weird, fun sex). It is the most ambitious piece of erotic fiction I have ever attempted. So I hope you enjoy it.

With that said, this book is not for everyone. It will be too long for many people (no shame in that, it is a big time investment). Some of the sex scenes are intense and include themes like hermaphroditism, non-consensual activity, incest, etc. For some people, that will likely be the appeal. In fact, while this story is definitely not for everyone, I think for a select group of people this story will essentially have everything you could ever ask for. So if that is you, congratulations, you found that thing you have been searching for. You can skip ahead to the sex and I won't be offended, but I think this story is more than the sum of its parts. If you read this whole story, you will not be disappointed.

In Chapter 1, our main character, Princess Varis, finds that her father has died and that, by virtue of the fact that she is a hermaphrodite and can father a child, she is now the Sultanah. In Chapter 2, Varis unearthed a conspiracy to destroy her Empire led by Rahip, the Cardinal of the "New Religion" and later she received her coronation. In Chapter 3, Varis humiliated the New Religion and raised the morale of her besieged people. In Chapter 4, Varis lifted the siege through a daring midnight raid. In Chapter 5, Varis survived an assassination attempt and visited her harem. In Chapter 6, Varis faced a challenge to her authority and seduced a noblewoman to maintain it. In Chapter 7, Varis defeats the raiders and comforts a peasant girl.

Some recurring characters you might want by name are Varis (the Sultanah and narrator), Cin (the head priestess of Gunes), Arkadas (Varis' friend and servant), Kardes (Varis' older sister), Nislani (Varis' younger sister), Rahip (a Cardinal of the 'new religion'), Duke Hain (an important lord opposing Varis), Lord Sadik (a minor lord who has spoken in support of Varis); King Sican (the leader of Dusman, a rival kingdom), Prince Lider (Sican's son); King Köylü (the leader of Temsilci, a rival kingdom); Agiz and Got (Subordinate Sun Priestesses); Saygili (Varis' guard); Soyguncu (a pickpocket and spy for Varis); Tutuklu (the head concubine of the harem); Kukla (a noblewoman). Further, Gunes is the name of the Sun God, Tanri is the name of the 'new god.' The city where the story is set is Şehir in the country of Ülke and the Empire of Bütün Dünya. If you need more...reread the earlier chapters.

Please, please, please, please, please tell me what you think after you read this. I put an embarrassing amount of work into this and I want to know what you think. Especially if it is good things.


Chapter 8: Betrothal

"I announce Varis, Sultan of Ülke and fourth of his name since the founding of the Hanedan dynasty, Emperor of Bütün Dünya, Lord-Mayor of Şehir..." the herald began.

"That is unnecessary," I interrupted quickly. The herald looked at me, quite shocked, but shrugged his shoulders and stepped aside. With the herald out of the way, I stepped through the large, arched doorway into the main hall of the Castle Inhanet. The room was essentially a long hallway made of dark stone. One either side of the hall were small, squat windows that let in a negligible amount of light. Regardless, it was very dark in the room and even at midday, there were torches burning throughout the area. The room was cold and humid, causing the stones to sweat. A somewhat tattered rug started at my feet and led to the far side of the hall. It was much smaller and far less grand than my throne room in Şehir, but it served the same purpose: the ruler in this castle would receive visitors here.

The ruler of this particular castle was standing next to a small throne on the far opposite end of the room. As I stepped into the room, I took a moment to evaluate her. I was surprised that she, a widow, appeared so strikingly young and beautiful. Of course, "young" is a relative term. She was young for a widow, though still more than a decade older than me. She was, I had learned, 35 years old. She was quite tall, around 5'9 with very long black hair. She had piercing, nearly black eyes that dominated her severely beautiful face. She had a small, pointed nose and thick red lips. Her skin was somewhat pale, but in a way that gave her an aristocratic air. She had large breasts that sat high on her body, seemingly without the aid of a corset. She had slender, delicate arms and long fingers. Her body tapered down from her large breasts to a small waist. Her hips flared slightly and she had a small, compact bottom. Her thighs were thin and she had long, delicate legs. She was smiling in an honest but somehow cold way but looked totally at ease. In short, I was pleasantly surprised. My fiancé was a beautiful woman.

I suppose some explanation is necessary. Just one week before I had been in a meeting with my Inner Council, discussing plans for future expansion of the legions. Most of the lords objected to the re-growth of the legions, as a threat to their power. But the Executive Assembly had approved my plan, 3-2. Manpower was not an issue. The Empire had shriveled, but Şehir remained the largest and city in the known world. The walled city itself and the surrounding countryside still a multitude of people. Many fighting-aged men were without work and ready to be placed at the Empire's service. Therefore, the only issue was figuring out a way to pay for the troops.

Our finances were already strained and an army, even an army receives little in wages, is expensive. Cin and Kardes were arguing over increased duties on merchants now that the Dusman raids had stopped. Cin argued that increasing duties a slight amount could give us the money to raise a 10,000 man army, 6,000 more than the current establishment. Kardes argued that increasing duties now, when trade was still recovering from the wartime deprivations, would simply deter commerce and cause more trouble than good. I, on the other hand, was trying to figure out a way to make the Peers pay for the army without allowing them to realize it. Regardless, while all of this was going on, Soyguncu suddenly burst into the throne room, excitedly holding a parchment over her head.

"Sultanah Varis! A message has come, something I think you will want to read," she called out loudly, over all of the other voices in the hall. Everyone else gradually stopped talking and turned to look at my scout and spy.

"Yes," I said sitting up straighter in my throne, "What is it?" Soyguncu bounded down the carpet in the throne room, all eyes following her. There was a sort of electric feeling; we could all tell that she possessed something momentous.

"Where is the messenger from?" My older sister Kardes asked.

"How did you come by the message?" Cin asked at nearly the same instant. Soyguncu, still striding confidently across the throne room, laughed good-naturedly.

"Let the Sultanah read it and all will be revealed," she said. As she moved closer, I quickly descended the stairs of my throne and reached the meeting table. Soyguncu arrived on the opposite side and she dramatically tossed a parchment onto the table in front of me. Cin, Kardes, Agiz, Got, and even the normally aloof Arkadas, quickly crowded around the table. Saygili leaned in from his post by the rear door, trying to catch a glimpse. I quickly scooped up the paper and started to read.

"To the illustrious Sultanah Varis first of..." I skipped past my long title, "It is with a heavy heart I write to inform you of the death of my husband, Lord Sahte, the Castellan and Governor of Inhanet, has tragically succumbed to the plague," I read, "Who in Gunes balls is Lord Sahte of Inhanet?" I asked while looking up from the parchment. I had never heard those names before. Instantly, Cin and Kardes began speaking at once. Cin stepped aside and let Kardes continue.

"Inhanet," my sister explained, "Is little more than a small castle and the fields surrounding it. Maybe two or three square miles of land at most. I stayed there for several weeks when I was first traveling to meet my husband many years ago. Lord Sahte's father was the Castellan and Governor at that time."

"Where is it?"

"It is a few days ride to the East of here, near the frontier between Temsilci and Surgun, right on the edge of our own territory. I saw no more than 500 people living in the castle and the surrounding village. The castle straddles the Haraç River, a tributary of the Güney," she explained. I gazed at the map spread across the table, finding the rough area she described. The borders of Ülke, Temsilci and Surgun came together a single point, about 45 miles from Şehir. A small dot I had never noticed before read "Castle Inhanet."

"For whom did Lord Sahte hold his territory then?" I asked. I knew that he was not my Castellan or governor.

"No one," My sister replied.

"An independent duchy of only two square miles? Between two of my most powerful enemies?" I asked incredulously. Kardes shrugged her shoulders. Now Cin stepped in, to fill in the gaps.

"Castle Inhanet had been controlled directly by the Sultan of Ülke for centuries," She explained, "Temsilci and Surgun grew more and more independent as the empire decayed, to the point that Castle Inhanet was essentially isolated from imperial control. Both Temsilci and Surgun desired the castle but, at that time, they were afraid that by taking it they would provoke a war with the Empire, when it was still potent. Further, because they both wanted it, they were afraid of provoking a war with one another over an essentially worthless plot of land. So the last Castellan and Governor appointed by Sultan Bağımsız I simply declared the castle independent. It saved everyone a lot of trouble, so it was allowed to continue. They employ a small retinue of guards paid for with tolls charged on the Haraç River." I was, as usual, shocked by Cin's encyclopedic knowledge of imperial history. She seemed to have cleared up the issue, so I read on.

"Lord Sahte, Gunes rest his soul," I noted the choice of god approvingly, "and I produced no living male heirs. As such, Lord Sahte's exiled brother, Kayınbirader, holds the strongest claim to the Governor's Throne."

"Why do we care about this?" Arkadas asked, annoyed. Cin shushed her and I read on.

"I have never met Kayınbirader, but it has come to my attention that he currently resides in the court of King Köylü of Temsilci. My sources indicate that, in exchange for his support during the exile, my brother-in-law has consented to grant King Köylü sovereignty over Castle Inhanet upon his return.

"We at Castle Inhanet are weak, but proud people. We have maintained our independence for centuries. It was my late husband's fervent desire that Castle Inhanet remain free from foreign domination. While the legal succession is clear, in this case following the law would result in the eradication of all laws at Castle Inhanet. Therefore, I will not abide by the installation of my brother-in-law on my husband's throne. Unfortunately, I am but a young widow with only a small force at my disposal. I will not be able to resist my brother-in-law and his Temsilci forces for long.

"For many centuries, Castle Inhanet was controlled by Bütün Dünya. To this day our nations have never experienced rancor or animosity. I believe that, perhaps, it is time that the affection between the Empire and Castle Inhanet are once again renewed. I ask only for independence for my people. I offer the only thing which I possess, my hand in marriage. If you are, as I believe you to be, the hand of Gunes in this world and if you choose to accept this offer, please hurry to Castle Inhanet with all haste. There is no time to lose. I send you my undying love. Sincerely, Governess Cadı of Castle Inhanet," And with that, the letter ended.

"She is not subtle," Cin said immediately, "I am shocked that she would include so much information that could be intercepted by her enemies." Cin almost sounded disgusted by the lack of circumspection.

"She is a small town rube, what do you expect?" Soyguncu said.

"Let's not quibble about her sophistication," I said quickly, "We should not get bogged down in details. This is an offer of marriage." I said. No thoughts of romance or love flittered into my head as this idea took shape. I had no thought that I would love this Governess Cadı. But I had been fruitlessly searching for someone to provide me with heirs almost form the instant I was made Sultanah. This was the first actual offer I had received thus far.

"It is hardly a worthy offer," Arkadas said immediately, "We have been asking Dukes and Kings for their daughters. This is a dried up widow who controls a spec of dirt that the world has forgotten. Governess? I mean really..." I looked over at my friend and lover, but she refused to make eye contact. I wondered if jealousy, more than concern about the appropriateness of the match was her true concern. I did not have time to reassure her of my love at that time, I would have to approach her later.

"We haven't had much luck with that strategy," I said dryly in response.

"Even if you go and marry her, we cannot possibly protect such a small fortress in the midst of our enemies," Got said, pointing again to the map. She was right, our forces were spread perilously thin already. I could not garrison even a small castle.

"Don't be foolish," Kardes said, "Do you think this woman actually gives a damn about Castle Inhanet or its independence? Her brother-in-law is coming back to take over. She has no role there when he arrives. She will be out in the village with the peasants before she can bury her husband. She is looking for an out. She marries Varis and then, even if the castle falls, Varis can say she married a Princess (of sorts) and this Governess Cadı gets out." As usual, my sister had cut through the obfuscation and found the true source of the issue.

"Perhaps she was more subtle than I gave her credit for," Cin responded.

"Then we are both in great need of one another," I said finally.

"Grave mistakes are made in such circumstances," Arkadas offered.

"Alliances of necessity are made in such circumstances," Cin responded.

Given the precarious nature of my dynasty and my paucity of options, it was quickly decided that I must go to Castle Inhanet at once. My Inner Council seemed to accept the decision as inevitable, even if they were not enthusiastic about the rather weak match. Only Arkadas offered any real objection. But everyone knew the source of her displeasure and she was easily outvoted.

There was not much time to lose and I did not bother to inform the Peers of my plans. I had not yet formally decided that I would marry Governess Cadı, I had some questions to ask of her first. Therefore, their agreement was not necessary. Yet. I promised to send Cin a message as soon as my final decision was made. She could then present the marriage to the Executive Assembly as a fait accompli. I had no doubt a 3-2 vote in favor could be obtained.

Therefore, I quickly prepared for departure. I did not want to remove any of my existing troops from the city, as they were all needed for defense. I decided, with Saygili's assurance, to take the small, but growing, nucleus of my new legions. Two hundred new troops, well-equipped and trained daily by Saygili and his most competent fellow-soldiers. I decided to leave Cin in charge while I was gone and encouraged her to deflect questions regarding my whereabouts until I returned. Saygili and my scout Soyguncu would travel with me to Castle Inhanet.

The trip had been arduous, but uneventful, as we climbed through the hilly terrain leading to Castle Inhanet. And, just a short week after first receiving the letter, I was standing in front of Governess Cadı in her drafty castle, ready to hammer out the details on a marriage contract. Soyguncu and Saygili waited with my troops outside in the castle courtyard. My fiancé and I were alone.

"My exulted Sultanah, my love," she said, her voice sounding cool and silky, "I was certain that when I wrote to you that you would not fail me." As she spoke, she stepped down from the dais where the throne was located and bowed her head reverentially.

"Had your letter more clearly indicated your beauty, I would have arrived much earlier," I said, displaying my courtly charm, such as it was. Governess Cadı gamely played along, blushing and waving her hand as if to brush the compliment aside.

"You are too kind, my Sultanah," she responded. We then stood awkwardly in silence for a moment. It was not exactly clear how we were to move forward at this time. I took a few more steps towards her, getting a better look at her attractive form.

"I..." I began.

"May I interrupt?" Governess Cadı said as soon as I began to speak. I got the impression that she had been waiting for me to talk, just so that she could speak over me. Nonetheless, I nodded for her to continue, "I apologize for my rudeness. And I apologize still further for the bluntness I will now display. I do not believe we have time for the normal, courtly games of marriage. If you permit, Sultanah, I prefer that we simply speak frankly and quickly, to determine the terms of our agreement." Her voice sounded icier than before, but in a strangely enticing sort of way. This was not the sort of woman I was expecting. And I believe I liked it.

"I agree whole-heartedly, Governess," I said, wondering exactly what she had in mind

"Cadı," she said quickly, flashing a smile, "If we are to be informal."

"I cannot grant you the same indulgence Cadı," I said. This woman was clearly sharper than what I had been expecting and I did not want her to forget that, whatever our current needs, my position was well above hers. In fact, I vowed to display not only my legal superiority, but my mental superiority as well. I vowed I would knock this woman off kilter at some point, to let her know that even in a marriage of necessity I would be the dominant partner.

"Of course not, Sultanah. I have not earned that yet." she said deferentially and bound again. Satisfied, I walked towards her. She raised her head, watching me move. Rather than stopping when I was closer, I simply brushed passed her. I walked over to her late husband's throne, turned and sat in it. I looked up at her, affecting a most comfortable appearance. She turned and faced me, it was unclear if she took offense to my presumptuousness or accepted it as the normal, haughty behavior of a powerful leader.

"Well," I said after a moment, "You brought me here and demanded a blunt exchange. Perhaps it is best if you lay out your offer." Cadı nodded quickly.

"Yes," she said without inflection, "Excellent. I offer you my hand in marriage, officiated in any way you choose. I have heard of your full-throated embrace in Gunes and I have followed your path. If you would like a marriage under the Sun God's rites, I will be happy to oblige. In exchange, I ask that Castle Inhanet remain an autonomous region within the Empire. During my life, I will remain governess here, with any rights and responsibilities that entails. You will receive no rents from Castle Inhanet, but you will provide defense when necessary. Our eldest son will inherit Castle Inhanet upon my death, even if you, unfortunately, predecease me." She summed it up quite quickly. This was nothing more or less than I expected based on the content of her letter. I knew most of the requests regarding Castle Inhanet were simply her attempts to ensure she had some independent source of wealth. I was prepared for my response.

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