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The Summer Before College

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A stranger forces Cassidy to discover her inner slut.
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This work is entirely fictional and a fantasy based on some of my favorite fetishes and experiences. Please heed the and do not read if it's not your cup of tea. The story gets dark with nonconsent/reluctance. Otherwise, enjoy (feel free to skip the backstory and down to the scandalous parts) and feel free to contact me with feedback or questions! -Alliekatxx


Life could not have been going better for Cassidy. A few months after her 18th birthday in the spring, she received a full scholarship to a private university. After graduating high school at the top of her class, she decided to spend the summer before her college journey volunteering full time at her local animal shelter to give back to her community. Cassidy had volunteered previously on weekends and past summers, and she absolutely loved spending time with her co-volunteers and the dogs and cats.

Her parents encouraged her volunteer work. They believed that as long as their little girl kept busy, she would keep out of trouble. Their worrying was unfounded. Cassidy had always worked hard at her studies and had never even had a boyfriend before. She was asked out several times due to her stunning hazel eyes, dark brown cascades of hair, and her curves not quite hidden underneath the sweaters she wore. Cassidy always declined them with a gentle lie- her parents didn't allow her to date. The truth was that Cassidy wasn't really interested in relationships. They were simply distractions to her. She would rather spend her spare time helping animals.

So, Cassidy spent her time volunteering at the animal shelter, and eventually, she was even trusted with working the overnight shifts with just one other person. Due to the overnight shifts having a lot of downtime, she could read beginner books in Italian between the hourly checks she made to make sure all the animals were alright. She loved her shifts.

One Friday night at the animal shelter, her co-volunteer received a call- her son had an allergic reaction to shellfish and was at the hospital with the nanny. Worried, Annie turned to Cassidy.

"Hey Cass? Would you be okay with doing the night shift alone? I know it's a lot to ask of you, but Henry had a bad allergic reaction and he's in the hospital right now."

"Oh that's awful! Is he okay?" asked Cassidy with concern.

"I think so! But I-"

Cassidy cut her off with a wave. "You don't need to explain, Annie. You should be there. I'll be fine alone."

"Are you sure?" asked Annie worriedly even as she began to gather her belongings, "I really owe you one."

"Yeah I'm sure! I hope he feels better soon!"

"Okay then. I'll see you later!"

As Annie pulled her minivan out of the now empty parking lot with its one dim lamppost, Cassidy realized how eery the shelter was at night, especially when alone. Most of the lights were turned off in the shelter except for the desk lamp in the front office. She quickly locked the front door and sat back down at the desk. She plugged her phone in to charge. It was 10pm. Time to make the rounds.

When Cassidy got back to the front office after peering in on all the cats and dogs, she noticed, through the glass doors, the headlights of a vehicle turning into the parking lot.

"Is that Annie coming back?" she muttered to herself. The black van parked but kept its headlights on.

Then a red car with dimmer headlights pulled into the parking lot and stopped by the van. The driver stepped out of the car and approached the driver's side window of the van. Words were exchanged, but Cassidy couldn't hear what was said. She saw the car driver hand the man in the van a handful of bills. In return, the car driver received a large manilla envelope and soon drove away.

Cassidy wasn't sure what she was seeing but it definitely seemed sketchy to her. She briefly contemplated calling the cops or the office manager but maybe this could be resolved with a quick word. The last thing she wanted was for Annie to get in trouble for leaving her alone.

The slim girl took a deep breath and unlocked the door. She opened it just enough to stick her head through and bravely shouted, "Um.. excuse me, sir?"

Despite his window being rolled down, the man in the van didn't seem to hear her over the engine of his van.

Cassidy stepped outside completely and waved towards the van as she tried again, "Excuse me, sir?!"

The man jolted up in surprise. As he stuck his head out of his driver's side window, Cassidy took notice of his features illuminated by the light from the lamppost. The mystery man in the van was middle aged with a square jaw and a grizzled look. He was handsome in a gruff way but Cassidy dismissed those thoughts. The man looked almost as old as her father.

He turned off the van as he responded, "Oh hello there, young lady. I'm sorry I didn't see you there."

"Oh um... that's okay," said Cassidy nervously, "I just wanted to let you know that this is private property."

The man tilted his head to the side as he tapped his fingers lightly on the side of the van door. "Is it?"

The man examined Cassidy from head to toe with his gaze lingering on her chest and then her face. Cassidy blushed and lifted her chin up. "It is. I don't know or care what you're doing here, but you have to do it elsewhere."

"Aren't you even a little curious?" he ventured.

"A little," she admitted, "but I think I would rather not know."

The man eyed her thoughtfully as Cassidy shifted uneasily under his gaze.

"Do you sell crates?"

Cassidy raised an eyebrow in surprise. She definitely wasn't expecting that.

"We don't sell crates, but we have a few spare ones you could borrow and bring back. Is it for a dog?"

The man huffed in exasperation, "Of course it's for a dog! What kind of weirdo do you peg me for? I need a large crate that can fit a hundred pound dog."

Cassidy giggled nervously. "I think we have a crate that would work but it's pretty heavy. Any chance you can come back in the morning? I might need help bringing it out."

The man stepped out of the van as Cassidy warily backed up towards the front doors. She didn't realize that she had naturally walked closer to the van as she talked.

"I can help you bring it out. Any chance I can buy it instead though?" asked the man as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a few bills. From the lamppost light, she could make out around 500 dollars in his hand.

"Unfortunately, we can't sell it. It's our only one. You can borrow it for free though as long as you bring it back."

"For your trouble then," replied the man as he waved the bills toward her again. He walked a few steps closer.

"I'm sorry, sir. I can't take that," said Cassidy as she hurriedly opened the front door and took a step back inside.

The man stopped advancing and ran a hand through his peppered hair. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize I was scaring you. At least let me show appreciation another way. I'm a salesperson and I have some samples in my van."

"No thank you, sir. I'm going to college on a full scholarship in the fall, and I don't want any trouble."

"That's wonderful. Congratulations! Your family and boyfriend must be proud." He smiled at her, and she couldn't help but smile back nervously. She was suddenly aware at how much larger he was than her small 5'2" frame. He towered over her.

"Oh um thank you. My parents are really excited for me but I don't have a boyfriend."

"Really?" he said, "A pretty and smart girl like you should have a doting boyfriend."

Cassidy's face reddened at his comment. She mumbled a response about her never having dated since it would've gotten in the way of her schoolwork. She wasn't sure why she was telling him about herself.

"Wait one moment!" said the man before he jogged back to his van and came back a few moments later with a clear bag in his hand. Cassidy eyed it warily.

The man smiled at her. "Don't worry. It's just fancy lingerie. Nothing illegal. I swear!" He tossed it towards her and she caught it with both hands.


"Yeah, as thanks for your troubles. I have multiple sizes if it doesn't fit. Why don't you try it on right now and let me know?"

Cassidy hesitated. The lingerie seemed harmless but even so, what would she even do with lingerie? Then again, she could just pretend to try it on and throw it out later.

"Okay then. I'll try it on and bring the crate out too."

"Do you need help with the crate?"

"I'll just bring it out here and you can put it into your van." Cassidy didn't want the man inside the building.

"Then I'll back up the van to here so it'll be easier."

Cassidy nodded and she briefly watched the man as he walked back towards the van. Then she went in through the glass doors and locked them behind her with the bag of lingerie in hand.

When the man heard the click of the lock and saw the back of her retreating form, he whistled. It was his lucky night. He found a stunningly beautiful girl who seemed to have never known the touch of a man. He was going to teach her that pretty little things like her don't belong in college. She belonged on the ground with a fat cock between her legs.


Cassidy stared at her reflection in the mirror of the bathroom. She was going to simply throw the lingerie in the trash but the softness of the cloth against her fingers and her curiosity got the best of her.

The man was definitely good at his job if he really was a salesperson. The lingerie fit her perfectly. Her breasts were full and her nipples perky, making the bralette with multiple straps across her chest look even more obscene. The garter belt hugged her hips nicely although she had struggled for a few minutes to figure out exactly what it was. The thong was mesh and barely covered her bare pussy. She hated the coarse feeling of pubic hair so she always kept herself shaven. The sheer thigh high stockings were comfortable and hugged her legs snuggly.

Cassidy felt sexy for the first time in her life. Knowing that she took a long time, she quickly put on her sneakers, shorts, and sweater back on top of the lingerie.


By the time Cassidy managed to drag the large crate to the front office, her arms and legs felt like they were on fire. She was out of breath and as she leaned on it, she was suddenly grateful that the man had backed up the van to the entrance and opened the back doors.

"You okay?" the man shouted from beyond the glass doors. He immediately noticed that she had the stockings on. He felt himself harden at the thought of the supposedly innocent girl being a slut for him.

"Yeah," she panted, "But I think I'll need your help for the rest of the way."

Cassidy unlocked the front doors and the man pulled them open. Together, they maneuvered the crate into the back of the van.

"Perfect," he said, "Can you show me how the crate opens?"

She nodded and showed him how to unlock the crate door. It swung widely open. "Just like that! Easy peasy."

"Thank you. You've been so helpful... umm-" he trailed off.

"Cassidy," she finished, "My name is Cassidy."

"Thank you, Cassidy. Did you like the lingerie?"

Her face reddened for the nth time. She was suddenly aware of how she still wore all of it underneath her clothes and how the large man was standing so close to her that she had to crane her head upwards to talk to his face.

"I-it definitely fits perfectly," she stuttered and laughed nervously, "You sure know my body better than me... but I don't think it's for me."

"Then why are you stilling wearing it?"

"Oh," she said as she looked down and realized that he must've noticed the stockings she still wore. The man placed his large hands on her shoulders. She looked back up at him in alarm.

"You like being a slut for me, don't you," he whispered.

She shook her head vigorously as she tried to pull away from his grip, "No, I'm not a slut."

"Even you said that I know your body better than you do."

"I didn't mean it that way! I was joking."

The man didn't lessen his grip as he leaned down to whisper into her ear, "I know how much your body is worth for the night."

He slipped the 500 hundred dollars into her sheer thigh highs. Cassidy, who was stunned for a moment at his words, returned to her senses and slapped him hard across the face. She turned around to run back into the building but he was too quick.

With a growl, the man grabbed her around the waist and swung her head first into the open crate. She yelped as she landed hard on the cold metal base of the crate. Cassidy turned around just in time to see the man slam the crate closed and the van doors. She crawled rapidly to the crate door and shook it. Despite not being locked, she could only open it a crack before it his the closed van doors.

Her screams for help blended into the screech of the tires as the van began moving.


When the van finally stopped, Cassidy heard the sound of a door opening and slamming shut before the back doors of the van opened. She squinted upwards and by the bright moonlight, she made out the gruff face of the man. He smiled smugly at her.

"You can try screaming, but no one's around for miles, girl."

"Please," she begged, "Just let me go. I won't tell anyone."

"Just step out of the van and don't try anything stupid."

Light reflected off of a knife in his hand. Cassidy sobbed as she slowly crawled out of the crate and the van. They were underneath and off to the side of a stone bridge on what looked like a dried up stream.

"Take off your clothes and shoes. Everything except the lingerie."

Wiping the tears from her face, she glared at him defiantly even though she obeyed his orders. She kicked off her shoes and pulled her shorts and sweater off, revealing the form fitting lingerie and her luscious curves.

The man whistled as he admired her breasts barely contained in the bralette and her perky nipples lifting the thin fabric.

She crossed her arms in a desperate attempt to preserve the last of her dignity. The man stepped closer to her and she took a step back, the back of her legs hitting the van. She looked at the knife in his hand in fear.

"You can't do this. Please! Don't you have a daughter my age?"

The man ignored her pleas and pulled her bralette down instead. Her pale breasts popped out obscenely from the top. He bent down and began to lick and nibble on her large nipples. They responded immediately and began to harden under his administrations. His callous hands squeezed her soft globes. Cassidy whimpered as she felt jolts of pleasure she had never felt before shoot down from her breasts to her groin. She couldn't believe this was happening. A man old enough to be her father was playing with her nipples and breasts. Worst of all, the unfamiliar sensations of pleasure confused her. How could she be feeling anything good from being touched by a stranger?

The man roughly groped her breasts and sucked on her nipples harder as he pushed her down onto the back of the van and into the crate. He let her breasts go reluctantly only when he realized that he couldn't fit into the crate too.

As she lay there with her chest heaving up and down, he gently ran side of his blade down her belly and to her thong. She shivered at the cold metal and watched him with fear. With a flick of the wrist, he cut through her thong and pulled it down. His eyes widened in surprise and then a laugh escaped his lips. He closes and pockets his knife before running his fingers up and down her bare slit. She shivered at being touched at such an intimate place.

"I wonder why a good girl who has never dated someone shaves herself bare. You little slut. I bet you've parted your legs to be fucked many times."

Cassidy shook her head again and denied it, but the man raised his hand and slapped her bare pussy hard. She cried out more so in surprise than from the sharp pain.

"Tell. Me. The. Truth. Slut." The man slapped her pussy with each word.

"I-I am, sir," blurted Cassidy, "I'm a virgin. Please stop! You're hurting me."

"Then why is your pussy getting so wet? Good girls don't get wet from strangers spanking them. You must at least love showing off your breasts and pussy to men."

She looked down in horror as the man placed a finger at the slit of her reddened pussy and drew it down to her virgin hole. She knew he could feel her wetness because she could feel it too.

"I-I don't know. I swear I've been good. Please let me go."

"Hmm," the man contemplated as he slowly circled his finger around her clit, "I think a bad girl like you needs to be punished."

Cassidy bit back a moan. How was he making her pussy feel so good? She had to stop this now. This wasn't right.

"Please," she begged.

"Already begging for my cock? You're a naughty little girl, aren't you?"

"I'm not, sir! I've never been with a man. I'm not even on birth control! I'm not having sex until I find someone I love. So please let me go." Tears began to roll down Cassidy's face again.

"I'll let you go if you show me that you're really a virgin" responded the man with a smile.

"How?" Hope shone in her eyes.

The man turned her over so that her legs were on the ground but her upper body was in the crate. She obeyed without resisting.

"Spread your legs for me, bitch."

Cassidy hesitated but a swift hard smack on her round bottom made her part her legs for him. She felt his fingers part her pussy lips and a finger began to slowly push its way into her. She tried to pull away but the man simply spanked her ass cheeks until she stopped and gave in to his probing.

"W-what are you doing?" she questioned.

"Checking to see if you're still a virgin."

"Does that really work?"

The man ignored her as he began pushing his thick and coarse finger into her until he could only see his knuckle. She squirmed and tried to pull away again but he wrapped her long brown hair around his other hand and pulled her back.

He started pumping his finger in and out of her and she started to moan. He could feel her tight little pussy getting wetter. Her face reddened in embarrassment but she couldn't help herself. It felt amazing. His finger delved into the depths of her and awoke sensations that she didn't quite know existed.

"Yeah? You like that, you little bitch?"

He slipped a second finger into her and she pleaded for him to stop, it started to hurt. She had never felt so stretched and full before.

"So you weren't lying then?"

She shook her head no.

"Then I'm looking forward to making you a woman."

Her eyes widened in surprise and she tried to push him off but his grip on her hair was too strong. It hurt too much to pull away. She heard him unzip his jeans and felt his hard manhood pressing against her pussy lips. Cassidy could tell without looking that it was far larger than his two fingers that were already too much for her to handle.

"Please stop!"

"Didn't you say I know your body better than you? Look how wet you are, your pussy is begging to be fucked."

"I didn't mean it this way. There's no way you'll fit in me!"

"I guess you'll just have to be a good girl and take it."

He slipped the tip of his cock head into her with relentless pressure. She cried out. She felt like she was being split open. Cassidy knew she couldn't stop him at this point even as part of her couldn't even believe that this was happening. She was a good girl going to college in the fall. She had never even kissed a boy, and here she was, having stupidly spread her legs for him thinking he would let her go after fingering her.

"P-please, at least use a condom," she begged.

"The only thing I want wrapped around my cock is your tight pussy." He pushed a little deeper into her.

"I can't get pregnant. Please! I'm going to college in the fall. My parents are going to kill me!"


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