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The Summons

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Victoria has been a pushy mom; now she has to debt to pay.
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The Summons.

Victoria sat uncomfortable on the bleacher. Trying with all her might to look calm, comfortable, even hoping to give off an air of playfulness as her husband chatted away with the other football dads. Fellow members of the booster club sat near bye, but of course they would. Victoria had become one of the most active boosters currently with a child in the program. Jason.

Jason. What sorry excuse for a football player. Was he a good boy. Sure. The best any mother could ask for, but he had no killer instinct. The fact that he played as much as he did was a testament to the amount of money she had poured into the program.

Game after game, Jason would fail his team in new and ever more disastrous ways. Victoria had though that with 10 other players on the field her sons inability to compete against even the least talented of the opposition would be masked by the efforts of his teammates. This was a school that had a long, proud football tradition. Surely their efforts would elevate his play. Surely, the other boys would help Jason become, what? A passable athlete? A somewhat acceptable player? She thought that would happen.



Six games into the season. SIX GAMES! Sure, the team was 6-0. But, unbelievably Jason was not improving. Not improving. He was actually getting worse!

After the last game Victoria received an email from Ted Smith, President of the Booster club. The thought of the contents of that email made it impossible for Victoria to enjoy the evenings game.

So she sat there. The cool fall air, breezy with the threat of the impending winter made her cheeks flush red. As the game wore on she realized that Jason would let her down again. He would put her into a position she dreaded. She, her boy. Her only son. She couldn't even look at her husband as he grinned and laughed with the other dads.

He had done this to her. His seed had given her this sorry excuse for an offspring. He was the father. He should be the threatened, the besieged. Not her! But, no. She was the one who pushed for Jason to play. She was the one who fronted the money. Then in a moment of shear bitchiness, had made it clear that these dollars were not given freely. That her boy would become a man.

Her gamble had backfired.

As the game ended, and the team won their 7th game in a row, Victoria felt no joy. Her son was an utter disaster. She heard the muttering from other parents, other students. They knew. They all knew. Her money had bought for him this opportunity, while more deserving boys sat on the bench. They knew, and some of them hated her for it. Ted Smith hated her.

By the time they got home, and Jason was sound asleep. Victoria stole a moment to check her facebook and email. Surely now would be the best time. No way that the Booster would have already emailed.


From: Ted Smith

Subject: Summons


As you are aware, your son is quite terrible. I can no longer cover for his ineptitude. You are required to meet with the fellow members of the Booster club tomorrow. 8Am. Do NOT

Ted Smith

Dread swept over her. Her blood ran like ice in her veins as she read the message over again. But, really, what did she have to fear? What could they possibly do to her? She had donated so much. Sure, they could yell, point out what she already knew. Her son was a bad football player. It couldn't be that bad. Could it?

She woke at 6. Showered. Dressed comfortably, and ate a lite breakfast. Her husband was also dressing. He was leaving town for a week that morning. His plane would be leaving not long after her meeting was to begin. In all honesty she hoped the damned thing would fall right out of the sky killing everyone aboard. Including her 'Mans man' of a husband. Maybe that wasn't fair to the others aboard the airliner, but hey. Make an omelet, break some eggs.

She gave the man a cursory kiss goodbye and headed for her car. She couldn't remember the last time they had made love, or had sex, or fucked. Whatever it should be called. Could not recall when the act had last taken place, but she remembered that she had hated nearly every second of it. She really loathed the man, and she was sure he was fucking a co-worker. She didn't care. She was fucking a buzzing toy, and messing around in chat rooms with strangers. Screw him.

The thought brought a smile to her lips as she drove across town. Almost forgetting the nature of the meeting. She felt herself tingle a bit as she recalled the last such interaction. Skyping with some young thing from... where? Canada? She couldn't recall. All she remembered was his massive cock, and how he stroked it for her as she worked the buzzing vibrator over her clit.

She could feel her juices started to increase as she made the last turn and saw the school athletics office a half mile off in the distance. The site of the building brought her back to reality.

'Just get through this lashing, and then maybe you can find a 'friend' to play with when you get home.' She told herself. Though her chest was getting tight, and her anxiety level was rising quickly.

She parked, grabbed her purse, and walked as confidently as she could manage to the door. She imagined the Boosters, 11 men, faces pressed to the class windows awaiting her arrival. She didn't want them to see her fear.

She entered the building and found quite the opposite. They barely noticed her arrival. The men were all seated in the corner of the conference room, where 3 couches were set up around a flat screen TV. They didn't even turn when she entered the room.

She stood there at a loss. From the other side of the long room it took a second to figure out what they were watching. Game film? But not last nights game. The uniforms of the opposition were not quite right. Wait, now there was a different opposing player on the TV. What the hell?

Realization swept over her just as Ted Smith, turned to look at her. They were watching Jason. A compilation of Jason. His highlights as it were. Her heart began pounding in her chest.

In the second game of the season, Chris Carpenter, the teams star quarterback suffered a horrid knee injury. It had been Jason's fault. He was supposed to block the blitzing safety and had missed his block completely. Allowing the all state safety free access to the Carpenter boy, who was unaware of the danger. The hit had folding the poor things knee over 90 degrees the wrong direction. Ben Carpenter had not been able to look Victoria in the eye since. He was now staring right at her, a strange smile on his face.

"Oh, don't just stand there Victoria! Come in, come it. Have a seat right there in that chair." Ted said, as jovial as she had ever heard him. He motioned to an office chair that was set up by a desk not too far from the couches.

Victoria smiled, nodded to Ben Carpenter who nodded back, and walked briskly to the chair.

"Victoria, or Vicky?" Ted asked

"Victoria to you, Ted." She responded, trying as had as she could muster to sound snotty.

"Fine, Victoria. You understand that your son is an embarrassment to our school?"

"Ted, I har..."

"Shut up, bitch." Ben said, not shouted. Actually he was a little on the quiet side, but his message was clear. Her face reddened.

"You see. Your son has not only been bad. He's been a danger to his fellow teammates. Did you know that? Chris wont be doing any walking for a few months. The way we see it... Its YOUR sons fault. That means its your fault, because without you, your son would NEVER have been allowed on that field."

Victoria just sat there, bolt upright. Looking at Ted, but she was aware that the others were now standing. Looking at her.

"There's a debt owed, Victoria." Ted stated "A Debt owed, and your fat bank account can't pay this one off, or make it go away. Your son may be the vessel for the accumulation of the debt, but make no mistake. You are the debtor. You, Victoria." He emphasized the last bit by pointing a thick finger at the center of her chest.

"I... But, I... I mean. What the hell do you think I have to give." She stammered.

"Oh, nothing that any of us really want." Ben now, from her left side, just far enough behind her that she had to turn not only her head, but swivel the chair a bit to see him.

"Your going strip." Ted began, her head jerked back at the sound as if she had been slapped, then she began to shake her head 'No'. "Don't, Don't you fucking dare presume you have any authority here to deny us anything. You are a fucking bitch of a woman, a worthless mother, and a disgusting human being. It took me three damned weeks to convince the other members that this could work. That this could somehow satisfy our need for atonement."

"Sure." Ted continued. "Sure, to someone who doesn't know you, you may be a 'beautiful' girl. But we know you. We see who you are, and frankly, your repulsive." He shrugged. "Your attitude, the way you carry yourself, the fact that you think your SO much better than the rest of us... It makes you hideous to us. That being said. You must be taught a lesson. You son, he is so awful. But, that is not his fault. Its yours. And your going to pay."

Her breath caught. What was he saying? Was she being blackmailed? No? They don't want anything in return? Hideous?! Fuck him! That asshole couldn't get her on his best day. She was better than he could ever dream to get!

"I see your trying to work this out." Ben again. "Its simple really. You owe me for the pain that my son suffered because your son can't play the game. You owe me, but I don't want your money. You have enough of that, so It wont matter if I take some of that from you. What I want is something that you can't have back. I want your dignity. I will have it."

She realized then that she was sitting, and they were all standing. Not only that but they were surrounding her on all sides. She was very trapped, Very scared, and very aroused. She hated them, but as she became aware of the wet spot in her pants she began to hate herself even more.

"Now, Victoria, strip. Be a good girl. If you think you can refuse, please know that the last little tryst you had on Skype was not with some hockey nut in the north. No, Not even close. That was my boy Jared. Your son Jason's friend. Yeah, he hates Jason. And he recorded your little adventure. So deny us this, and Jason sees that!" Ted stated. Smiling. Checkmate.

It took a moment for Victoria to work out the facts of the situation at hand. The consequences of her actions now were more enormous then she had imagined on the car ride over. Her head tilted back. She looked from Ted to Ben, then she looked into the eyes of the other Boosters standing around her. She swallowed hard, nodded, and stood.

The men did not back away, and she nearly tripped over the chair pressing into the backs of her knees for the lack of space to stand.

"Don't make us wait."

She nodded stupidly. Blushing deep red, her shaking hands went to the bottom of her sweat shirt and lifted it over her head. The T she had on under it came along for the ride and before she was ready she was down to just her bra on her running pants. She let the shirt fall to the ground and kept her eyes down. Her nipples pressed against the shear fabric of the bra. She was shivering now, but the room was quite warm. Next she slid her thumbs into the waistband of the running pants and slowly slid them to the ground. She stumbled over them as she again hit the chair and got tangled in her discarded clothes. Ted Smith caught her in a rough, strong hand and steadied her.

Ben moved behind her and sat I the chair. Victoria did not turn to look, but though she saw more movement than was needed to simply sit.

"Undress means all of it, bitch." Ted said from behind her.

Again she nodded stupidly. Her pussy was really wet now. Why?

She reached up between her perky breasts and undid the clasp in the center of her chest letting the bra fall away. Her breasts stood there for the Boosters to see. Nipples dark, and pointed slightly up. A single blue vein moving through the soft breast tissue.

Next she reached down to her underwear. White boy shorts style undies, with pink hearts in them. She drew these down as quickly as she could, before she lose her never. Now she stood there. Bare for all to see. 1O men stood around her. One seated behind.

"Now, your going to turn around and do whatever Ben wants." Ted said, in what was probably his 'fatherly' voice.

Victoria turned. Ben sat back, his legs slightly spread. A large bulge forming in his trousers. Her eyes went up from the bulge over his chest, and now looked into his eyes. Ben was smiling. "Kneel, bitch."

This was happening. Victoria. A proud, strong woman, was nothing more than a tool now. She knelt on the pile of clothes that just moments ago she had been wearing. She could feel the rough, industrial carpet beneath the clothes against the smooth skin of her knees. The men still had not backed off one inch, and the proximity of them crowded her in such a way that she was forced to balance herself my lifting her hands to Bens knees.

"Thats right, bitch. Now your catching on." Ben said. " Reach up, unzip my fly, and take out what I have to give you."

Her hands trembled, No. her whole body was shaking. She moved her hands up his legs and her fingers found his zipper. She moved the little metal tab so it stood out and Ben's hips thrust slightly forward.

She pulled down on the zipper and it moved easily. Before she was ready it was all the way down and the bulge was pushing black boxer briefs through the fresh opening. She glanced up and made eye contact with Ben. He just stared down at her, a mix of anger and anticipation on his face.

Victoria must have hesitated a heartbeat too long, because Ted spoke up from behind her then "Now, do we really want me to text Jared and make him send off this little video?"

Quickly Victoria shook her head and then her fingers resumed their motion. They fished around for the hole to the briefs, and finding it immediately found hot flesh beneath.

"His dick! That's Ben Carpenters dick your touching!" Her mind screamed, and her pussy was beginning to ache.

She fished her narrow hand all the way into the opening, and wrapped her fingers around the stiff, warm, smooth shaft of the waiting cock. Ben moaned slightly at the sensation.

She pulled to free it from the confines of the underwear but it seemed to catch on something. She stopped for a second, twisted a bit,and suddenly a thick, purple head appeared at the end of a long, thick, tan shaft. Without even thinking she bent her head down and quickly took the length into her mouth. His hips bucked forward and his throat released a deep groan.

"I think she's into this. What a sick piece of work this bitch is..." one of the other Boosters said from above. She was heard, but did not slow her assault on the prick filling her mouth and throat.

Then there was a new sound. What was it? Panic hit, were more people coming into the room? No... it was the TV. Someone had started the video again.

"Jesus, I can watch this a thousand times and still be amazed at how bad this kid is... its surprising he hasn't gotten someone killed!" On of the Boosters stated.

"Yeah, He's doomed to a life of servitude. He has absolutely nothing to offer." Another agreed.

Victoria heard, she knew, but she just kept at Ben Carpenters dick. She was alternating between deep, throat filling thrusts and fast, rabbit like bobbing on his bulbous head. His hand was now on the back of her head.

"Ted, I think we may have found something she is good at... no wonder that bastard she's married to keeps her around!"

"Yeah, looks that way. I think I may partake in the other end... I saw a video somewhere of the things she likes to put in there. I think I may have something that would give her little toys a run for their money!"

Victoria still had her eyes closed but she knew then that a simple blow job wasn't going to do it for today. She was glad, though for the life of her she had no idea why!

Gently she felt a knee between her legs, urging them apart. Then there was a large presence. She could feel hairy legs running up hers, rough, big hand were on her ass. Her legs were pushed further apart, and she felt something warm and heavy resting on her ass, just above the crack running up to the small of her back.

She slowed her work on the cock in anticipation of what was surely coming next.

"Jesus, she's really wet."

Then it happened. She felt his cock slide down her ass cheeks, over her anus, and it pressed against her swollen lips. Pressed. It was insistent. She moaned against the cock in her mouth.

"Its too big!" her mind railed. "Too big, I can't take it because Ted must have the biggest cock on the face of the earth!" Her eyes were now open wide. Her mouth still on the Ben's member.

Ted's dick slid into her wet cunt slowly. Inch by inch. Until it filled her up to the point where she was SURE she could not take anymore. That she would split in two.

"I don't know whats worse, the kids play on the field, or the site of her being stuffed from both ends by better men than she deserves... what a joke!" On of the men said from nearby.

She began moving again, not just with her mouth now. That moved, but so did her hips. Rocking, making sure that as Ted slid his cock into her he was hitting her in just the right spot. She was moaning. Her pussy was clenching on Teds dick. Her head was bobbing up and down on Bens.

The pace was quickening, it was getting hard to suck Bens dick because Ted was now slamming into her. He squeezed her hips hard and buried his cock all the way in as her orgasm rocked her body. She was growling on Ben's dick. Low and guttural, slurping on his shaft as she came on Teds cock. That sent Ben over the edge and without warning her mouth was filled with hot, salty cum. She gagged and came off his purple head allowing the stuff to run down the length of his still stiff member.

Ted was now back to stroking his massive dick into her, with an urgency she could barely take. Now orgasms were coming in waves. Ben pushed the chair back and she fell to the floor, face on the cool carpet, ass up against Ted. Impaled on his massive pole.

"Bitch, your son sucks, and so do you... at least when you do it something good comes as a result." Ben said breathlessly. "This isn't over, either. Don't think that you and I are even. Not even close. My boy is going to need at least 2 more surgeries to fix what you broke. This isn't close to over."

She was moaning, nearly screaming. She heard Ben but didn't really comprehend. It came from far away. She was cumming again, and again. Her juices were running down her thighs.

Ted pulled out, and put his strong arm around her waist. He picked her up easily and set her on her back on the desk. He pulled her by the thighs so her ass was over the edge and his cock was back into her. Slamming deeply. She could feel his balls slapping her ass.

"This is great! She's on her back, thats the position her son spends most of his games in!"

"Hey, did you hear the coach told Jason next game he wont be playing Half-back, or full-back, but Ass-back? When he goes out to play to coach is going to say "get your ass-back!" The men were now laughing and making fun of her and Jason as his game film played on the big screen.

Her tits were bouncing, her pussy was full. This man that she hated SO much was fucking her better than she had been fucked in how long? Forever?

She came again. This time when her pussy clenched with her orgasm, Ted thrust in deep, groaned, and filled her with his hot seed.

"Touchdown!" One of the men yelled.

"Alright, get the camera, lets get the fuck out of here..." another said.


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