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The Supervisor's Demands

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If he doesn't fuck her, he's fired.
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The events in this story are completely fictional and the characters are made up.

It was a big leap for me as I started my new job at a cable company call center. My name is Carlos Sanchez and for this humble fella of 34, I never had a job that wasn't related to retail or being a waiter.

After being laid off at Juanito's Taco Place, I had to find work elsewhere so I can settle down with my girlfriend Lori, and was referred to this call center. No experience necessary? Doesn't require some kind of degree or whatever? Sure, why not?

Standing at 5'6 with long curly hair, dark black eyes and a slight tan, I kinda stood out as probably the only Hispanic guy in the room. I wasn't toned or fat, just a regular average guy.

Anyway, training was quick, about a week or so, and soon I was starting my first day at the job. The training showed just how complicated taking calls and helping people pay their bills really was, and from the team of 12 or so, only 5 of us made it.

My first day went slow, and I made several mistakes. Accidently had some people lose their cable signal, and made the wrong payments to the wrong people. The second day went better, but there were still points I would get stuck on. When that happens, you put the person you're talking to on hold, and then you call the supervisor for help.

We had several, one for each team, and one that overlooked all the employees, but whenever you need them, one would come to you even if they are from another team. In this case Stacey came to my aid.

Stacey was cute, around my height, her long hair tied back into a pony tail that went past her shoulders. She wore glasses and usually wore a red sweater and blue jeans. Like I said, she was cute, not someone I'd call hot or sexy, but I had to admit she had a nice ass in those jeans.

"So what seems to be the problem Carlos?" Stacey said as she smiled and leaned over to look at my computer screen.

"Um... this guy said he got a higher bill than usual, but I can't find there he missed a previous payment."

Stacey looked over the account and told me where to look, "See? It's right here. He only paid half of what he owed last September, that's where his past due came from. He never paid the whole bill." I saw where I misread and looked over to thank her, "Oh, thanks Stacey. I'll tell him right away."

She smiled and said, "No problem cutie." and returned to her post. I was surprised by the compliment since the workplace was so serious and formal, but I didn't think much of it and let it slide.

The third day went well, though I accidently cancelled someone's premium service subscription and needed help. Stacey came to help once again and fixed everything for me. As she did she noticed the pic I pinned on my wall of myself and my girlfriend, in deep embrace and smiling towards the camera. "Cute girl. That's your wife?" "No, she's just my girlfriend."

Stacey smiled and set a hand on my shoulder, "Bet you keep her satisfied." Before I could say anything, I saw her walking back to her post. Girlfriend or not, I couldn't help admire her tight ass in those nice snug jeans.

Things got a little more intense during my lunch break the following day. I was talking to one of my fellow trainees, Charlotte, about how we were settling in. "So what do you think of the job? Getting the hang of it yet Charles?"

I took a bite out of my burger and looked at her, "I guess. How is it with you?"

Charlotte looked up at me from her smart phone, "I suppose it's OK. But it's too strict for my liking... I might leave if the job is too boring." Charlotte was another cutie, a tad shorter than me.

She had long wavey black hair tied in a ponytail that spread across her back. She was a tad on the thick side but not too bad, and had a nice set of boobs still visible under her loose fitting grey sweater. She wore form-fitting black pants that showcased her big round ass. Yeah, I couldn't help but stare at her either.

I was a tad envious of her for being able to just walk away if she chose to. For me, the job was pretty much make or break so I could start a new life with my girlfriend. I didn't want to waste another month or so looking for another job if this one fell through.

Charlotte's break finished so she left, as did a few others, leaving me mostly alone for another 15 minutes. As I finished my burger and took a sip from my soda, Stacey stepped in and was about to head out, when she suddenly saw me and changed direction.

"Hey there, how is my favorite trainee doing?" She soon approached me.

"Um... OK I guess. Still trying to get a handle on all of this. It's a lot to remember, Stacey."

She smiled and sat up against the table, her butt just a few inches from where I was sitting, "It takes time there Carlos. Don't worry about it. I'll make sure to take care of you."

That comment did sound a bit weird. She then looked at me, "So... you and the girlfriend been together long?"

"Um... yeah. Lori and I have known each other for 2 years... and we were trying to buy a house when I lost my last job. I'm trying to make up for that setback with this job. It pays a lot more than the resteraunt, that's for sure."

Stacey smiled and rubbed her glasses her glasses against her sweater, "You're sweet Carlos. I bet you two have all sorts of fun on your day off." "Um.... Yeah..." I hope she wasn't talking about what I think she was talking about.

"You sound lucky Carlos. My husband and I don't have that kind of fun anymore.... He's always on these long business trips... and I think he has his fun with other people... if you know what I mean.."

I was surprised she was confiding her personal business with me, "Oh... I'm sorry to hear that.... I thought you were happy, I see all those pictures of you with your husband and kids looking like one big happy family."

Stacey got up and dusted her butt off, "Well.. I don't like everyone knowing my personal business. As far as anyone else is concerned, things are perfect at home, but I trust you. Glad we had this talk Carlos. See ya later."

I noticed it was almost time for my break to finish and I headed back to work. That was an interesting conversation. But things really got even more interesting the following day. It was the final minutes of the day and everyone was packing up to leave. It was Stacey's turn to close down and I was just finishing logging off my computer and putting my headset down.

As I got my things ready to leave for the night, I heard Stacey call out, "Is anyone still here? I'm going to close things up for tonight."

I called out, "Still here Stacey. I'm getting ready to go."

She peeked into the room and once she saw me, she motioned for me to follow her to the break room. "Alright. How about we go to the break room real quick before we finish for tonight?"

I was a bit confused, "Um... sure. Ok. What's up?"

Once we were both in the break room, I felt her look me over as she started to talk, "I've been looking at your records, and while you do show some improvement, I see you're still making some serious mistakes. As supervisors, we're stuck fixing those mistakes... and the more we devote time to doing that, the less time we have to work on our own call flow."

I didn't like the sound of this. Earlier that day it took them forever to find out where I accidently transferred money to one of our best customers. I was thinking I was getting canned.

Stacey walked over to me, her eyes scouting me out as she spoke, "I think you have potential to improve, but you might need more time to get where we need you be to stay with the company. I would be willing to overlook a few mistakes and even fix some of them without the company knowing. In other words, I can cover you until you improve to meet company standards."

I was surprised, but greatful, "Wow. You'd do that for me? Um... thanks, but I don't want you to do anything that will get you in trouble."

She smiled, "Oh, don't worry about that. I know my way around the system. Of course this means that you'll have to do something for me."

" sure. What do you want me to do?"

Stacey walked over to me, "Well... you remember what we were talking about the other day... How things have been getting a little distant between my husband and me..."

"Oh yeah.... You said he was... um.... Messing around.."

She made a face as I said that. I could tell it still hurt but she kept her eyes fixated on me as she continued her proposal. "Yeah.... Well.. I figured if he's going to be getting his kicks elsewhere... I'll have to start doing the same... It's only fair right?"

"Um... I guess so Stacey, but won't that make things worse for your family...?"

"Oh Carlos, you're so sweet for caring about my family... when you hardly even know me... but yeah, the bottom line is... I can't even remember the last time I had a good hard fuck... and if James is too busy to fuck me... then you'll have to do it."

That sentence almost knocked me back, and I expecting her to say she was only kidding. The look on her face told me she wasn't. "Um.. you're joking right...?" was all I could say.

"No. I'm very serious. C'mon... I seen the way you look at me.... you always follow me whenever I walk past you. I figured you thought of this too, haven't you?"

Honestly, I did check her out, and maybe I undressed her with my eyes once or twice, but this was going too far. There were other hotter women in the workplace I entertained my fantasies with, and I had a feisty girl waiting for me at home to have sex with whenever I wanted. "Stacey... you're married... you have kids... I know what your man is doing is messed up... but I don't want to fuck up your family.."

"You leave my family out of this Carlos. This is just between you and me. Whatever happens at home is my business and if I do leave him it would have been his fault, not yours. You just focus on taking care of me... and I'll take care of you... alright?"

"Stacey... I have a girlfriend... you'd be ruining things for me... and MY home... and I still think all of this is too risky... we could both lose our jobs.."

Stacey was now less than a foot away from me, and her smile slowly turned into a look of sternness.

"Listen Carlos... I don't want to be a bitch about it... but I'm not asking this as a favor. I'm telling you to do this. I want you to know I already covered you a couple of times today. The way you're going, you'll be out of here in a week, and I'm offering leniency to prevent that cause I see potential in you. If you turn me down... I can arrange it so you're fired as of right now. You have no idea how easy I can grab you for sexual harassment. All I have to do is say you told me some pervy comments that made me feel uncomfortable whenever we're alone in the break room, and I have the friends here to back me up without doubting my words for a second."

"Why me? I'm just an average guy... why not someone like Russel or Bradley...? You're pretty attractive, I'm sure you can find someone here to do.... tend to your needs... someone single? Hell, I doubt Ruseel would care that you're married."

Stacey laughed a little, "Oh yeah.. that little horndog is already shagging it up with Bethany and Angela. He's a playa and an idiot. I know the type... he brags about his little conquests.. and sooner or later he'll tell someone and get me fired. And Bradley, no he's too much of a loser for my tastes.. and everyone else, they're not really any one I'd imagine myself going to bed with... if you know what I mean."

She finally moved up against me and wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling my face up against hers, "Don't make this difficult... it doesn't have to be that way Carlos... let's just have our fun. It will work out for both our benefit. I get what I want... and I'll help you keep your job and make more money to make you and your girl happy. Besides, doesn't every man wish they could have more than one girl? Here's your chance. What do you say?"

I looked into her eyes and saw her little lustful smile. More than that, I almost felt her begging me to say yes. She really wanted it, and I felt bad for how her man was treating her, but I did have someone and didn't want to do the same mistake. She had me where it hurts however, I really needed the job. And what I didn't need was some sexual harassment case on me.

"You're... not really giving me much choice here Stacey...."

Stacey smiled again, "I guess I'll take that as a yes for now. C'mere you."

She pulled me close and kissed me right on the lips. It started slow, but soon she deepened the kiss and I felt her tongue force its way into her mouth. I didn't know what to do. It felt awkward and I didn't want to wrap my arms around this woman that was forcing herself on me. I had to admit, the kiss was getting pretty intense as our tongues began to intertwine and soon my arousal was bulging from my pants.

I felt awkward with my hands still to my side. As the kiss went on, I gently set my hands on her back, not wanting to actually hold her and show her I wanted this. My cock had a mind of its own, already burning with the desire to take her. As her tongue tasted mine, I had to fight my hand's urge to grab that sweet ass of hers. This was so wrong, but my body was starting to want this so badly.

She kept me close, her body's warmth firmly against mine as we continued to lock lips. I could feel the shape of her firm breasts rubbing up against me showing me they were a bit bigger than her loose shirts usually let on. One of her hands left my neck and soon trailed downwards as she confirmed my arousal with a tight grip. I could feel her fingers slide across it as she tried to get a feel its thickness and length.

Stacey looked at me, a lustful look in her eye as her hands played with the hard bulge formed in my pants. "Mmmm.... I knew you'd see it my way.... Admit it. You want this just as bad as I do." She then started to unzip my pants.

"Whoa Stacey.... We're gonna do this here??? Aren't there supposed to be security cameras..."

Stacey worked her hand inside my pants and soon seized what she was looking for. "Relax... Noone's gonna know about this... there aren't any cameras in the break room..." She pulled my hard cock out and I could almost hear her gasp at the sight of it. I couldn't help but moan as she held a tight grip near the head and started to stroke it.

"Doesn't that feel so good Carlos...? Oh I just can't wait til this weekend when we really get down to it... Mmm... we're gonna have so much fun..." She continued to stroke my shaft, going a little faster. I could tell she really liked how it felt in her hand.

"I want you to fuck me hard baby.... Every which way... let me be the one on top a few times... take me from behind... I want you to eat my pussy... you do eat pussy, don't you?"

I nodded nervously, my head spinning from her eager hand. "Good... cause my husband never did that... so I expect you to more than make up for it.... I want you do everything to me baby...."

She suddenly kneeled down in front of me and pulled my pants down. I was surprised and didn't know what to say expect "oh god...".

Before I could say anything, my cock already entered her nice warm mouth... and it was simply amazing. Instead of going with a slow start, she was already trying to see how much of my 7 inches she could fit into her hungry mouth.

"Oh baby.... I just love your cock.... Mmmmm...." She'd mutter lustfully before going down on it again.

I could barely breathe as one of my supervisors was rocking my cock against her throat. It was like something in her snapped, but she was slurping onto my shaft with desperate need and desire. It must have been the first time she sucked cock in months and it felt like she really missed it. I could barely speak and only let out moans and pleasured grunts as she continued to work on my shaft.

As I looked down to her, her eyes looked up to meet mine, glad to have my approval. I was at a loss for what to think, I just knew my cock felt so good in her sweet experienced mouth. Lori wasn't bad either, but Stacey's raw savage desire made it feel like something else entirely. I couldn't take it anymore as I felt the fire burn within my shaft. I wanted to cum...and I wanted to cum hard.

Almost by instinct I grabbed the back of her head and started thrusting against her mouth. The woman let out a surprised gag sound as I was suddenly the one in charge of her rhythm. "Aghhh... it feels so good Stacey.... I just gotta cum baby...." I felt her stop resisting and just let me fuck her mouth the way I wanted. The startled look on her face didn't hide the desire in her eyes. She was glad to see that she had me under her control.

I thrusted faster, feeling my full length roll in and out of her mouth. I felt how she tried to suck hard every time I pulled out, but for the most part her face was being jerked around by my actions. My hands took a firm grip of her hair as I felt myself getting closer to my climax. It felt like my hips were moving by themselves, and the sounds of her trying to keep up was driving me crazy.

I suddenly pulled her close to me, making her swallow my full length as I felt myself shoot out inside her. It was out of control, I didn't stop thrusting wanting to make sure I forced her to swallow every drop.

Seconds after I let her go, I was starting realize what I just did. I literally fucked my supervisor's mouth and came down her throat. We both took a few moments to catch our breath, and Stacey soon stood up, wiping her mouth with a mischievous grin. "I think you're forgetting who's in charge here, Carlos."

"Oh god... sorry about that Stacey... I didn't mean to... I mean you were driving me crazy.."

"It's alright. I love how you just took charge. I told you our little arrangement isn't gonna be so bad. I can't wait for you to fuck me so hard... just like that.... Just give it to me good baby... the way you just went wild and raped my mouth... Hell, I'll blow you any time you want, you just have to ask."

I didn't know how to respond. "I don't know what to say about all this Stacey... this is kinda fucked up... we could both lose our jobs..."

"Don't start, Carlos. Just admit it. You liked it. And you want to fuck me... just as much as I want you to fuck me..."

Fuck, she was right... but I didn't want to say it to her face. I started to zip my pants back up, noticing that she wasn't objecting. She got her keys out and was ready to lock up for the night. "He's taking the kids for the weekend. I'll tell you where to go tomorrow. You can do whatever you want with your girl on Sunday... but this Saturday, it's you and me..."


"No. Don't even say it. Don't even fuckin say it. I already told you... this Saturday is our time. You have all of Friday to think up of some way to excuse yourself. I don't wanna repeat the consequences if you don't show up."

I didn't know what to say or do. She basically owned me now. There didn't seem to be any way out of this situation. She opened the door and locked everything up as soon as we both stepped outside. She gave me a little smile and headed off to her car, "See you tomorrow, lover boy."

I waited for the bus to arrive, and it felt like the longest bus ride ever. I didn't know how to hide all of this from Lori... and the worst part was Stacey was right. All I could think about was bending her over and making the bitch scream. I felt like my cock was rock hard most of the bus ride home just thinking about what awaited me Saturday. I texted my girlfriend that I was too tired to hang with her tonight and just went straight to bed.

The following day went on rather normally. Stacey would carry on as if our little conversation never happened. As it was time for my lunch break I left the building and went across the street for a quick pizza. I just wanted to avoid her for the day, and I still needed some excuse to avoid Lori that Saturday since we were supposed to discuss future houses. I sighed. That reminded me why it was so important to keep this high paying job.


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