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The Swimming Pool

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Sara's after hours swim gets hot.
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(This is my first submission anywhere at all and this was my first attempt at writing, happy to hear feedback, please be nice and don't run me off ... hehe)


Sara was annoyed, this traffic was crazy and looking at the time she was getting worried she might not make it to the pool before it closes and boy, did she need to swim out a few laps to get rid of the days stresses from work. It was her favourite pastime, after a hard day's work she would head off to the pool hopefully getting in about a half hour of laps before it would close. Not only did this help her work out any stress or frustrations from the day it also helped keep her figure in the shape that it was.

Pulling into the car park of the pool she noticed it was rather empty, although at this time of day it wasn't uncommon to be so. Grabbing her bag she practically ran in the front door and being a member didn't have to stop at the front desk to pay, which was a good thing as she couldn't see Andrew behind the counter who was normally on at this time. She headed into the change room and started to get undressed then opened her bag for her comfortable swimming bathers, a lovely dark blue one piece, which the sole purpose of was for swimming and not for showing off. Standing there naked rummaging thru her bag she couldn't find her bathers, she pulled out the towel and any bit of junk she had but still it wasn't there, suddenly she remembered, it was still hanging up at home and she had meant to get it on the way from work but she got held up and clear forgot to stop by and get it.

Sitting down on the bench, she threw her towel at the wall for no other reason than she could, and noticed something fall out that was wrapped up in the towel. Walking over she realised it was her exhibition bikini, the top barely managed to hold her breasts in place and the bottoms were worse being a g-string with a small triangle at the front that barely hid her small neatly trimmed patch of hair above her vagina. No, she thought to herself she couldn't wear that not here, there could be people she knows inside and she preferred doing her exhibitions at beaches where she doubted anyone knowing her would be, but she really wanted to stretch out a few good laps.

Sara sat back down on the bench holding her bikini in her hand and her thoughts went back to the times she had worn it. Sara was an exhibitionist, she really enjoyed doing it but it had to be on her terms in where and when, right now wasn't one of them though and she agonised between possibly showing off a little too much to someone she knew or getting a great swim in. Now when Sara wanted to show off she really put in the full effort, she would drive any distance to find a nice beach and when she was happy with what she found the show would begin.

The bikini would already be on under a tight pair of shorts and usually just a tank top or even just the bikini top itself. Getting out of her car was the start, lots of bending and stretching possibly dropping something and then having to bend right over to pick it up, by the time she left the car park for the sand she usually had a couple of guys, even occasionally girls, following her along. She would then take her time finding just the right spot to set up for her show, laying out her towel slowly peeling off her shorts revealing her butt to whoever was watching behind, then laying down and stretching out, of course this was then followed by the slow sensual application of her sunscreen. This part usually got a lot of attention as she paid careful notice of every part of her body rubbing the edges of her breasts and right along the inside of her legs.

She knew there would always be some guy wanting to put the moves on her but she was here under her terms and was putting on a show, not looking for some guy thinking he was every woman's fantasy trying to pick her up. Usually her show would end around the time that would happen and whoever caused her to move on usually got given a hard time by the others that had just been happy to watch. What none of them ever knew though was how hot she would get from displaying herself like that, it was for her a immense turn-on to be viewed by so many and have her body appreciated like that. In fact she was usually so hot that the drive home usually consisted of her playing with her clit as she drove and had even at times risked driving with nothing on if dusk was settling in. By the time she would get home she would just run for her room and dive onto her bed, her fingers slipping inside her vagina while her other hand played with her nipples and would bring herself to such an intense orgasm.

Suddenly her mind snapped back to the pool as she realised she was sitting there naked and her fingers had slid down to start to play with her clit. She shuddered a little from her own touch but pulled her hand away saying to herself "Not now Sara, not here, may as well put this bikini on and get a swim in before it's too late, might even help cool yourself down a little" she giggled to herself at that last part of her thought. Slipping the tiny bikini on she took a quick look at herself in the mirror and thought that she really better take it easy in the pool or she might show a lot more then she really wanted, but looking at her reflection with the sheer black of the bikini contrasting against her light tan, she did understand why people liked to watch her so much.

"Well Sara" she said to herself "no time like the present" and wrapping her towel around herself she walked to the door of the change room and looked out. To her surprise there appeared to be absolutely no one around, which suited her nicely right now, and she headed to the deep end of the pool and looking around once more for good measure quickly dropped her towel and slid into the water, a sense of relief coming over her once she was immersed in the pool. She relaxed there for a minute before pushing off from the wall and striking out with powerful strokes began her first lap. Not long after she started swimming she realised that something felt different in her swimming and realised it was probably to do with the fact she was wearing her bikini instead of her normal full figured one piece.

The first thing she noticed was as she turned her head to breath she could actually feel her long hair brushing across her back, something her one piece didn't allow, then she also realised that her butt was moving around a fair bit which wasn't a bad thing just different and due to the fact her one piece held everything in place very well. Her breasts certainly weren't staying where they normally would and with each stroke they would shift around causing her nipples to rub against the fabric of her bikini, a feeling that was actually rather enjoyable. The most prominent difference was the fact that the bikini bottom had hardly anything covering her vagina and as she was kicking the movement was causing the lips of her vagina to rub together which was definitely something new in her swimming and something that was certainly warming her up rather than cooling her down.

Sara tried to go on for a few more laps but it started to become too much for her and she decided to stop at the end of the next lap to take a breather. When she pulled up she looked around and couldn't believe there was no one around still, then she noticed someone standing in the back doorway that led to the storage area leaning against the door looking straight at her. She was a bit shocked at first then suddenly more shocked when she realised it was Andy the afterhours cleaner. Andy suddenly stood up straight with what appeared to be a look of shock on his face as he started over towards Sara, she couldn't help but watch as she had seen him many times as he would usually arrive early to prepare and they had chatted a number of times and she certainly liked the way he looked. Andy stood about six foot tall, his dark brown hair cut short and neat, his body was very well toned, probably from a lot of swimming as she had seen his name on some of the plaques and trophies kept around the pool centre. He always seemed to wear a t-shirt that was a size to small as they were quite tight on him and showed off his chest and shoulders quite nicely.

"Sara?" he called out questioningly "is that you?" he continued walking closer and Sara suddenly got a bit embarrassed as she didn't mind showing herself off to strangers but this was Andy, someone she quite liked and if she was truly honest with herself very much liked and being dressed as she was suddenly had her face turning a little red so she moved quickly to the side of the pool right against the wall so he wouldn't really be able to see anything. "Hey Andy," she called back hesitantly "It is you Sara" he exclaimed then a strange look came across his face "oh I am sorry Sara" She wondered what he meant "What are you sorry about Andy?" "Well I didn't realise it was you swimming and I had been standing over there for some time now having a very good look at this near naked woman swimming in my pool after hours."

Suddenly Sara's mind exploded .... "After hours?" "Yes Sara, I closed the centre down about 20 minutes ago although I did forget to lock the front door after I let Andrew out and only just locked it before I came back and heard someone swimming." Andy told her. "Oh, I am so embarrassed Andy, I was running late and just sort of ran in the door not really noticing Andrew wasn't there and then had a little problem which took me a while to sort out before I got in the pool." Sara explained. Andy had now gotten close to the edge of the pool and was crouching down so they were at least closer to eye level than if he was standing, "Oh, I wondered how someone ended up in here and when I saw you do a turn at the end of the lane I thought I had a skinny dipper in the pool because your butt looked like you weren't wearing anything, then after I watched for a while I realised whoever it was must be wearing a skimpy little number and thought I would enjoy the show. I must say sorry again, If I had known it was you I would have spoken up to let you know I was here. I feel like a bit of a peeping Tom now."

Sara was trying to listen to him but her eyes had wandered a little and she noticed that the way he was crouching actually gave her a view straight up his shorts and she could see he had red bathers on underneath and what appeared to be a rather interesting bulge beginning to form. She pulled her eyes back up hoping he hadn't noticed and thought she should explain about her outfit, "I guess you are wondering about what I am wearing." She asked of him, "Well once I realised it was you I did wonder at what you had on as you always have that lovely deep blue suit on when I see you." He answered. "Well I didn't realise till I got here but I had left it at home by accident and when I was about to give up and go home I noticed I had this bikini in my bag, it isn't something I normally wear around somewhere like this but I really wanted to have a swim and there wasn't anyone around so I thought why not? Now I guess I better get out since it's after closing."

Andy replied rather quickly "Oh no Sara, you don't have to yet, it will be a good half hour before I chlorinate the pool so you can keep swimming for a while yet. I sometimes let a friend in occasionally which they do know about so it's fine for you to stay for a while." "Oh thank you Andy" she replied noting how quickly he had stopped her from going "I might swim a few more laps." Neither of them seemed willing to move, Sara because she wasn't quite ready for Andy to get a good close look at her and Andy didn't want to move since the bulge growing in his shorts had gotten bigger while talking to Sara. Eventually Andy moved, he tried to quickly turn and stand up at the same time but not before Sara managed to catch a glimpse of the now larger bulge that was visible thru his shorts. Once he had turned and moved off she pushed herself from the wall and began a slow leisurely swim.

Many thoughts started going thru her mind as she swam along, besides the fact of the sensations she was feeling from just swimming she found that the image of Andy's bulging bathers would not leave her mind. Sara had at times thought perhaps something may happen between them but there had never really seemed to be the chance as she was leaving when he was turning up so they might have chatted a bit and certainly seemed to have checked each other out but that first extra step just never seemed to eventuate. By what he said about watching an unknown person in the pool he obviously really did like what he saw which certainly added to the tingling she was feeling between her legs.

As she swam along she would look carefully out from the pool with each breath to see what Andy was up to and quite often all he was doing was looking back at her. Sara finally decided that she would do something to see what reaction she would get and at the end of her next lap she stopped for a moment and turned herself around before pushing off from the wall on her back and slowly stroked her way up the pool back stroke style. As she moved along the pool she noticed that Andy had completely stopped what he was doing and now was obviously watching her, after all, on her back her breasts were almost falling out of her top and her nipples were now well and truly erect which if Andy came closer he would plainly see. The kicking from doing back stroke seemed to cause even more of a rubbing sensation around her vagina and she was almost sure that if she kept kicking she could almost bring herself to an orgasm.

Sara knew one lap was all she could manage doing this or she would get way too worked up and as she glanced towards Andy again she noticed that he was walking toward the pool which excited her even more, hoping he was coming closer because he was enjoying what he saw and wanted a better look. She was so focused on the rubbing between her legs and watching Andy move closer that she completely forgot her stroking and suddenly ran head first into the end of the pool. She felt a hard bump as her head hit the wall and reached out her hand to grab the wall while her other hand went to the back of her head. "Sara" she heard Andy call out and came running over "are you okay?" he asked as he stopped near the edge kneeling down right beside where she was. "Ow" she says rubbing her head "don't worry too much Andy I think I hurt my pride more than my head, I usually have my timing running fine but just didn't seem to get it right this time." As she finished speaking Sara looked up and once again got a wonderful view up his shorts again and could see Andy's bulge had definitely gotten larger.

Andy reached down and rubbed the back of Sara's head, his hand brushed over hers and she felt a shiver run thru her like an electric shock, "Okay Sara, as long as you are sure, I have to roll the ropes up so I will be right next to the pool and keeping an eye on you but please take it easy." Then he stood back up and moved back down the side of the pool continuously looking back at her as he went. Sara's mind was racing, he obviously liked what he saw and his touch on her hand was electric but then he just up and moves away again. "How can I be sure?" Sara thought to herself and all of a sudden a thought sparked in her mind and her exhibitionist tendencies started to take a hold of her. She slowly moved to the ladder at the side of the pool and looked to see where Andy was and seeing him only halfway down the pool decided that now was the time to put on a little show.

Sara slowly, almost sensually pulled herself up the ladder and stepped out onto the side of the pool, she just stood there for a moment noticing Andy out the corner of her eye stopping what he was doing rolling the ropes and was totally engrossed in looking at her. The water from the pool ran down her body, her hair hanging long and straight down her back, then she turned her back on Andy to move around to the blocks at the end of the pool giving him a totally unrestricted view of her behind and she was sure he would be staring at her but which of course was totally uncovered. As she turned around at the blocks she saw that Andy had dropped the ropes in a pile and was openly staring at her now which was really exciting her.

Sara stepped up onto the block and steadying herself stretched her arms straight up in the air giving Andy a very nice view of her from the front with her breasts standing out and her nipples fully erect. In a smooth motion she bent down and launched herself off into the water, as she hit the water she felt sudden tug at her neck but didn't really think much of it and glided thru the water as far as her breath would allow her before surfacing. It was when she surfaced that she suddenly realised what the tug had been, her bikini top was missing and her breasts were floating free in the water. Sara froze, thankfully she was at a point in the pool that her feet could touch the ground but only her neck and head were out of the water, so she moved back to the side of the pool looking back to where she had come from hoping to spot her top so she could quickly grab it. After her thoughts just before about showing off to Andy she realised she acting a little silly but she had been wanting to put on a show not necessarily show herself off naked to him.

"Sara is everything okay?" came Andy's voice and she turned to see him moving up to where she was, her mind was racing, she was conflicted, on one hand she was not wanting to just show him everything in case she still wasn't quite reading things right but on the other hand she wanted to just grab him and hold close. As he moved closer she looked back up the pool hoping to see her top and when she looked back she noticed Andy also looking to where she had been. "OH!" he exclaimed "I think I see your problem Sara" and without another word he slipped his pool shoes off followed by his t-shirt. Sara took a deep breath as she saw for the first time his naked chest and her eyes wandered across his lovely smooth looking chest which was clear of any hair and she wished her fingers could be where her eyes were. Her eyes continued down his chest across his taught tummy, her tongue ran slowly across her lips as she was enjoying greatly what she was seeing, then as her eyes were about to move even lower he stepped past her.

As Andy moved past Sara he dropped his shorts as well showing her his butt held tightly in place by his red bathers and she wished she was now in front of him to see what was showing there. With just a couple of steps he moved right to the edge of the pool and dived in causing hardly any splash at all, showing he obviously did do a lot of work in the pool. Sara followed him moving thru the water and when he surfaced he had her top in his hand and asked "Is this the problem Sara?" She turned a little red as he showed her the top she had lost and while still hanging on to the side of the pool just nodded her head at him, and then he shocked her a little as he put the top in his mouth and began to swim back towards her.

When he was almost to her he stopped swimming and standing there before her he held out her top. Sara was really Saraoyed at herself right now, here was a gorgeous man right in front of her obviously interested, she was interested in him, yet she was still pushed hard against the wall hiding herself like a silly school girl. As she was looking towards him her eyes dropped below the water and noticed that the head of his penis was showing out of the top of his bathers, whether from the force of his dive or that his bathers couldn't contain his erection any more she didn't really care and he had not yet seemed to notice.

The sight of Andy's penis poking out of his bathers was all she needed to finally make a decision and slowly pushed away from the wall and turned to face him. He appeared about to say something but as she turned his eyes dropped and focused on her breasts floating just below the surface of the water, his mouthed opened but no sound was forthcoming. A smile spread across her face at his reaction to her facing him and moved a little closer to him to take her top from his hand when he said "Oh Sara, I have to admit that I have fantasised about seeing you naked before." His eyes continually looking at her breasts floating just out of his reach. A sudden mischievous urge gets her all excited and says "But Andy, I am not completely naked" and she slides her hands down her sides and quickly pulls at the ties that hold her bikini bottoms on and lets them fall away "I am now though."


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