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The Taking of Cassidy Lynn

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Cassidy finds a stranger impossible to resist.
5.1k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/28/2013
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Cassidy was in a foul mood. Everyone at the party could sense it and the other guests were avoiding her as if there were a five foot quarantine surrounding her. Stress was ever present for associate attorneys at Sinclair & Lewis and the others had far too much of their own to be interested in becoming involved in hers.

For her part, Cassidy was vaguely aware that they were keeping their distance and that was fine with her. She glanced at the clock again and wondered if her obligatory appearance at the Firm's meet and greet had been adequately fulfilled. The last thing she needed right now was some political office bullshit or inane small talk with one of their soon to be drunken clients. Damn him to hell anyway! she thought bitterly.

Sinclair & Lewis was an old and conservative Law Firm and Cassidy wanted her husband Mark to be with her at the party. Initially he seemed supportive or even excited about the affair. After suffering through months of his inattention and downright disdain about anything regarding her work his enthusiasm for the party had made Cassidy very happy.

She wanted to look her best for him and bought a new designer evening dress that she felt was the perfect blend sexiness and class. The off the shoulder, open backed gown formed to her full breasts and trim waist and featured a ruffled skirt that flowed down beautifully over her legs. The raven black satin and silk fabric contrasted with her blond hair and the overall effect made Cassidy feel very sexy and desirable. She was certain that Mark would be proud to have her at his side.

Her good mood had been destroyed though when, at the last minute, Mark suddenly announced that he was not going with her. His buddy had called and offered him a ticket to the Yankees-Red Sox game and all he could say was that he couldn't pass that up! The fucking bastard! Didn't he understand how embarrassing it was for her to have to appear at the party by herself? She'd been ready to fuck him senseless and he'd blown it over a goddamn baseball game!

As Cassidy finished her second rum and coke she realized she shouldn't have been surprised. After eight years of marriage it was clear that he wasn't happy. He wanted children and a wife who would take care of them and that was simply not possible while she was building her career. The fact was she had grown as a woman over the last six years and he was still the same immature frat guy that she married when she was twenty four. I'm so tired of his shit,she thought bitterly.

She asked the bartender for another drink and then asked him for a cigarette. She didn't often smoke but figured that tonight she could use it. The party was being held in the spacious penthouse apartment in Manhattan that the Firm kept for special clients and while smoking wasn't expressly forbidden Cassidy knew that it would be frowned upon for a mere associate like her to light up inside.

She made her way as discretely as possible to the master bedroom so that she could step out onto the balcony. She needed a moment's peace and quiet while she had a smoke and tried to collect her thoughts.

As she opened the French doors that led outside she was greeted by the cool night breeze. The air embraced her body and seemed to flow right through her gown, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. She leaned against the railing and gazed out over the skyline, taking in the beautiful vista of the vibrant City's lights.

Cassidy placed the cigarette between her ruby red lips but when she attempted to light it her nervous hands failed her and she watched in frustration as the matchbook slipped between her fingers and fluttered away into the abyssal canyon of the street below.

"Well shit" she muttered. "What else can go wrong tonight?"

It was such a small thing but losing that matchbook was the proverbial last straw for her that night and she could feel tears begin to form as her frustration threatened to overwhelm her. So when the cigarette that was now back in her hand was gently pulled from her fingers Cassidy's heart skipped a beat as she realized that she was no longer alone on the balcony.

She turned quickly and watched as an unfamiliar man lit her cigarette and drew in, causing the tobacco to glow in the darkness.

Once he had it lit he offered it back to her. Cassidy had not yet recovered her composure and felt frozen as he gently slipped the filtered end between her glossed lips.

"You are Cassidy Lynn, yes?" His accent was slight but unmistakably Latin.

Cassidy exhaled a wispy cloud of the relaxing smoke before answering.

"Yes, I am. I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage."

"Of course I do," he said pleasantly enough but in a way that was perhaps too agreeable, as if he meant something more. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Manuel De La Cruz and I have recently become a client of your Firm."

The man was standing very close to Cassidy, close enough to be encroaching in that unexplainable zone of personal space that people usually reserve for those whom they consider intimates. Cassidy wanted to step back but found herself caught in the outside corner of the balcony. It was very disconcerting to her and she felt almost overwhelmed by his presence despite his seemingly unthreatening manner.

He was a tall man, standing easily five inches above Cassidy even though she was wearing heels. His bearded face and thick dark hair were impeccably groomed. His designer suit, obviously tailored to fit his muscular frame, indicated that he was a man of taste, class and wealth.

He had caught her completely off guard though and for a moment she couldn't decide if he was purposely trying to frighten her or not.

She watched silently as he lit a cigarette for himself as he spoke.

"Forgive me for intruding Cassidy but where I am from it would be considered impolite for a man to allow a beautiful woman to smoke alone in his company."

He addressed her as if they were long lost friends and Cassidy struggled with herself, trying vainly to remember where their paths could have crossed. It was no use though and between the alcohol she had drank and the almost hypnotic way he spoke Cassidy felt her head begin to swim in confusion. Manuel seemed to sense this and smiled slightly in mild amusement. It was only when his eyes caught hers that she found her voice.

"How...I'm sorry but have we met before? How do you know who I am?"

"No, I have never before been fortunate enough to make your acquaintance. I know your name simply because I asked one of the other guests who you are."

Cassidy could almost feel his gaze as his eyes roamed over her body and she had the distinct and uncomfortable feeling that his interest in her was anything but professional. A nervous knot formed in her throat as she tried to keep the conversation under control.

"Well thank you Mr. De La Cruz but I'm sure the Firm has your interests well represented. I'm afraid that there is nothing I can offer..."

"Cassidy do not pretend that you do not understand my intention. You do not do justice to your own intellect. I asked who you are because of your exquisite beauty. You are a rare jewel and as soon as I saw you I knew I must have you in my arms."

Cassidy was shocked at his directness but still part of her enjoyed his attention. This wasn't the first time she'd been hit on at social event. She was friendly and attractive and there were always some men who were willing to try their luck with her. It was all basically harmless flirting and deep down inside Cassidy felt it was flattering in its own way. Besides, she was still infuriated with her husband. It would serve Mark right if I did fuck this guy. At least he knows how to speak to a lady!

Pissed or not though, Cassidy didn't plan on just jumping into bed with the first rich and attractive man who came along, no matter how tempting the idea actually was.

"A jewel you say? Oh my, that's really very kind of you." Cassidy finished her cigarette and crushed it out. "Look, you are a very handsome man Mr. De La Cruz, I'll give you that but I'm just not that easy to have. Besides, I hardly think this is the place for a quickie."

Cassidy smiled at him playfully, hoping he had just had too much to drink.

Something about the way he looked back at her though told her he wasn't drunk or simply flirting with her. He seemed to move even closer to her and Cassidy's smile slipped away as the small knot of nervousness she had felt became a growing lump of fear in her throat. There was an intensity about him that was keeping her off balance, a palpable energy that was at once both frightening and exciting.

Silence stood between them for what seemed like a long moment before he spoke.

"Cassidy, I am a man who believes in being direct and honest about my desires and I have told you that I desire you. My hope, my belief is that you might desire me as well."

Cassidy hands began to shake as the reality of his words sank in. She was trapped alone with him eighty stories above the street below with no idea how much he would dare in order to have his way with her. Worse still, something dark deep inside her almost hoped he would at least try.

Almost as if Manuel could see the turmoil in her heart he turned and put his hands on the railing, breaking the intensity of the spell that he had woven.

"Of course if you do not feel the attraction, if you do not desire me as I desire you then you have but to say so and I will accept your decision. After all, the final choice in the passionate matters of the heart always lay in the hands of the woman."

He sounded gentle and sincere but there was something about him that felt dangerous. Maybe it was his close proximity or just the strength of his will but in spite of his protestations to the contrary she didn't believe he would just walk away. He turned toward her again and his smoldering gaze pierced through her, holding her in place and leaving her almost unable to speak. Her fear crept deeper into her breast and she began searching for a way to put him off without possibly angering him.

"Please, you don't understand, I'm married. This isn't right."

Manuel gently took her left hand in his and lightly fingered her wedding ring. His hands were warm and strong and his touch was electric.

"Ah, so I see. You must love your husband very much to show such loyalty. I humbly beg for your forgiveness" he said as he released her hand.

"Oh, well I'm glad you understand so if you don't mind..." Cassidy felt a moment's relief at his apparent acquiescence but still he stood his ground, not quite blocking her in but not truly allowing her by either. "So if you don't mind I'd like to go back inside."

Manuel smiled but still didn't move.

"I find myself wondering Cassidy, why your husband, whom you love so very much, is not here with you tonight? What man would make so loyal and beautiful a wife go to an affair such as this without him?"

"In my country a man would be proud to have such a wife at his side and he could never bear the thought of not enjoying her in such a lovely gown." Manuel let his fingers graze her arm as he spoke until he touched the silken fabric just below her shoulder. "But perhaps I misunderstand. Is he gravely ill? Is this why he did not escort you here?"

Cassidy felt that same flush of electric heat at his touch and instantly recognized the unmistakable pleasant warmth of arousal that was beginning to stir within her. It was a sensation that was as pleasing as it was alarming and for a brief moment she was unsure whether to reject or embrace its growing strength.

In the end though she brushed the urge aside and shook her head no in answer to his question.

"No, no he's fine. He just had...other plans."

Cassidy didn't know what else to say and swore silently to herself, damning Mark again for not being with her.

Manuel almost seemed to read her mind and continued to press forward.

"Cassidy, I beg you. How long will you deny your life for a man who offers you so little. You have no responsibility to anyone but yourself. A woman should be the center of her husbands' world, not an inconvenience. Why do you resist your own happiness?"

He leaned forward and gently kissed her shoulder. Cassidy felt paralyzed as his lips briefly danced on her skin. Warm and exciting sensations suddenly pulsed through her when he reached behind her to let his fingertips trace down her spine through the open back of her dress. The gathering heat she had felt quickly awakened in her body and glowed brightly with a life of its own.

His words had sounded so true and his voice was like a hypnotic song that made her want to give in to his advance. She felt fear again but this time she was afraid of what she was beginning to desire. She was only moments away from succumbing to his advance when she finally pushed him away.

"No! I'm sorry, I can't! Let me go!"

It took all of her strength to break his spell but she pushed by him and opened the French door leading back into the apartment and her escape.


His voice was strong and commanding but without anger or threat and she paused at the door, half expecting him to follow. She needn't have worried though. Manuel was still facing the railing, looking out at the City.

"Go then if it is what you want but if you only go because of what you fear then stay."

He turned and came closer but this time keeping a polite distance.

"In my life I have taken what I desired. I let nothing stand in my way. Is that not how you have seen yourself?"

Once again he wove truth into his spell and once again Cassidy couldn't find a way to disagree.

"Yes, of course but..."

"There are no buts Cassidy. Truth either is or it is not. What are you running home to? How often are you allowed the chance to live, truly live on your own terms! If you go now you deny me that is true but only by denying your own life and your own fulfillment. You fear lying to your husband yes?"

"Yes, of course."

"My dear beautiful Cassidy, you should only fear lying to yourself for that is the true tragedy of life."

He held out his hand and Cassidy wavered, caught by her loyalty to her marriage and by the call of passion that had for too long been denied to her by her husband.

Manuel was very handsome. He was mysterious and exciting but more than anything it was his eyes that held her there. They were deep and intense, commanding and gentle. They made her knees weak and her pussy damp with a longing that she had forgotten was possible. Slowly she reached out and put her hand on his.

Manuel gathered her into his arms and lifted her back through the doorway and onto the balcony. He kissed her hard and passionately, stealing her will to deny him while the subtle scent of his cologne filled her senses.

It was a musky, masculine aroma that fueled her desire and she kissed him back with the hunger of a starving lover. When his hands cupped her breasts through the gown her nipples pulsed and protruded against the fabric of her gown. His mouth traveled down to her neck and as he kissed and nibbled on her tender flesh she suddenly felt the cool air night air begin to flow freely over her legs.

As he gathered her skirt up to waist she remembered where they were and a surge of panic went through her.

"Wait! What are you doing? What if someone sees us?"

"Then they will be envious of our passion."

"Oh god no...I can't do this, not here...oh shit..."

Cassidy's protests were weak and her voice quivered and trailed off. Her heart was beating a mile a minute as Manuel continued to lift her dress. She knew she was taking a tremendous risk but when she felt his hands cup the pliant flesh of her bottom her whole body reacted to his touch and she just bit her lip, unable to find the resolve to make him stop.

He drew her hips against his crotch and Cassidy felt his hard and throbbing cock through his slacks. The desire to feel its shape against her belly was too strong to resist and before she even realized it she was grinding her body against him.

His lips on hers were hot and hungry and were devouring her self control. His brazen willingness to take charge of her so thoroughly had melted her resistance, so when his fingers slipped down under her ass and touched her now very wet slit from behind she moaned wildly in excitement.

The man pulled her panties down over her hips and soon they fell away to her ankles. He teased and tickled her ass in the most wonderful way as his touch circled downwards until he was again able to find her wetness. When his searching finger slipped deeply inside her enflamed entrance she trembled in his embrace.

As his fingers explored her most secret of places he nuzzled her cheek and she was pleasantly surprised by how soft his beard felt on her skin. She wondered briefly how his beard would feel against her thighs when he spun her around so that her back was against his chest. As he rubbed the bulge of his cock against the bare skin of her ass he began tickling her clit with his hand.

She was very wet now and the sensation of his finger separating her labia made her gasp with pleasure. He slid it up and down the length of her pussy, massaging her folds until her hips begin to flex in response to his skilled and delicate touch. Cassidy turned her head to kiss him as he fingered her and their tongues flicked together, dancing in passionate delight.

Cassidy felt beads of moisture begin to leak down her inner thigh as he once again lightly played his finger over her clit. She was still very afraid of being found in such an act but she was caught by this strangers will and unable to truly resist him. A bit longer,she told herself,just another minute. Then I'll go with him anywhere he wants, anywhere but here!'

Every second that passed though made it more and more difficult for Cassidy to separate her fear from the hot excitement that ran through her veins. The twin emotions began to entwine in her body, coiling together like serpents and coalescing into pure adrenaline fueled arousal.

This man she had just met played her body like a master musician, circling her clit with his fingers and tapping a rhythm on her button that sent chords of pleasurable sensations reverberating all through her being. Soon the telltale signs of a coming orgasm began to spread through her belly and a low deep moan escaped her lips.

She felt the thumb of his offhand flick over her nipples through her gown as the other teased and caressed her aroused flesh. Moments passed as the slow climb he was inducing built up; layer after layer of sensations ran through her like St Elmo's fire.

"Oh fuuuck! Don't... don't fucking stop! Oh fuck yessss!"

Cassidy's long legs tensed sharply and her body flooded with impending release. Her hungry pussy clenched and squeezed in its frustrated emptiness and then her entire body rolled with thunderous rapture as her orgasm rose and engulfed her like an unstoppable tide. Ripples of pleasure traveled through her like the cascading rings on the surface of a pond until she felt nothing but the warm embrace of sensual delight.

Manuel held her in his arms and supported her body against his while she passed through her moment. He caressed her thighs and whispered in her ear, telling her how incredibly beautiful and exotic she was. Slowly Cassidy recovered and, turning to face him, rested her head on his shoulder.

"Oh you do know how to treat a lady," she said with a slight giggle.

Manuel laughed with her.

"I did nothing but show you the way. Your hunger and lust for life is your strength and all you will ever need to experience such heights."

Cassidy wasn't so sure about that but she was sure that fingering her to orgasm wasn't what he had meant by 'having her' regardless of how hard she had cum. She kissed him and ran her hand down his stomach until she found the hard shape of his cock through his pants.


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