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The Taking of Invincible Girl

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Superheroine sex slave torture porn.
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Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 06/20/2021
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Invincible Girl plowed through two hundred feet of concrete and steel like a bullet punching through cardboard. Straight down into Morningstar's lair, blasting through ten floors of his not-so-secret base. She made a dramatic entrance, descending onto the polished steel floor of the supervillain's command room in a cloud of debris. Rubble, pipes, bits of metal and glass, and a shower of dust rained down around her. The invincible heroine landed in a crouch, right hand placed on the floor before her with fingers spread, left hand drawn up in a fist, cape gently draped around her -- it was one of those dramatic poses that Morningstar thought she practiced because they always looked good in comic panels.

Morningstar sat in an elevated chair atop a dias that gave him a panoramic view of his many control screens. It was mostly for show -- he sent all actual commands on his smartphone nowadays -- but like Invincible Girl, he had a flair for the dramatic and a taste for old school aesthetics. If she was the four-color caped heroine, America's Sweetheart, who never missed a chance to strike a heroic pose for the cameras before flying off into the sky, he was the master supervillain who liked to confront his enemies in a secret base full of very expensive equipment and expendable minions. He even cackled maniacally when the situation called for it.

Invincible Girl rose slowly to her feet, and pointed an accusing finger at him.

"Your secret base wasn't so secret, was it, Morningstar?" she said in a triumphant tone. "Would you like to surrender, or are we going to do this the hard way?"

Trite, he thought. Cliched. She even spoke in comic book dialog.

Invincible Girl went through costume redesigns almost weekly, but Morningstar rather liked this one. It had a red and yellow color scheme with a white cape, and it clung to her perfect hourglass figure while chastely covering her curves. She had been a superheroine since middle school, but at eighteen, she had been blessed with a pair of tits as impressive as her super-strength and invulnerability. Her licensing and merchandising deals would be worth astronomically more if she were willing to show a little more skin, try a deep V-neck costume now and then, or cut a boob window into it, but the still-teenaged Invincible Girl was too modest for that. Now she stared at him accusingly, finger pointed, brilliant blue eyes full of righteous anger, dark auburn hair fluttering like her cape.

Morningstar steepled his fingers and smiled. Invincible Girl blinked and lost a little bit of her composure when she finally realized that the man on the throne-like dias was naked.

This was her first time confronting Morningstar face to face. Almost no superheroes had ever gotten this close to him. He maintained a small army of minions and a vast array of shell organizations and decoy bases to distract the costumed meddlers, until he actually wanted to meet one in person. That was how he had kept his true nature, his... special power secret even from the many heroes who called him their archnemesis.

He rose slowly to his feet. He was close to seven feet tall, and a perfect male specimen, with muscles that looked chiseled by a Greek sculptor, curly golden hair, and a smile that could drop panties even without the wealth, power, and infernal charm that was his natural endowment.

Usually, he dressed in something tasteful like a five thousand-dollar suit or, if he was in a particularly melodramatic mood, a suit of metal armor with lots of grooves, barbed wire, serrated blades, and spiky bits. He sometimes carried around a spiked ball at the end of a chain, though it was a little too on the nose thematically and not really that useful as a weapon.

But now, he was stark naked. His enormous cock was a textbook picture of "well hung." It was hanging between his legs at the moment, despite the little twinge from ogling Invincible Girl's tits. But he fully intended to bring it to attention soon -- or rather, she would.

Morningstar's skin, as always, shone with light, bathing the control room in a golden glow. He was both beautiful and brilliant to look at, though of course Invincible Girl would be unbothered even if he turned his radiance all the way up. At least, her eyes would be unbothered. She couldn't be blinded by his glow. By his infernal charm, on the other hand...

Her finger had begun shaking.

"Invincible Girl," he said, in a deep, resonant tone. "Welcome to my lair. I think that's the appropriate line, isn't it? Or would you prefer 'Bwahahaha, you've fallen directly into my trap'?" He looked up at the hole in the ceiling. "Fallen, indeed. Just like me." He smiled. "That was a pun. Get it?" He sighed at her blank look. "I don't suppose you've ever read Milton or Dante."

"Don't try to, um, distract me... I mean... with puns... and obscure literary references... I'm not stupid --" Invincible Girl, to her embarrassment, was having a hard time keeping her eyes off Morningstar's cock.

"It is a magnificent thing, isn't it?" he said, taking it one hand and lifting it up for her inspection. "Would you like a closer look?"

"Why don't you put some pants on, you pervert?" Invincible Girl's cheeks were flushed now. "What sort of creep sits in his secret lair naked?"

"Ah, my dear, you have no idea," said Morningstar. He descended from the dias, still holding his cock, and walked over to her with a confident step. "You see, all this --" He gestured around them at the massive secret underground lair. "Is a distraction. I've never been interested in manipulating the world's currency markets, stealing nuclear weapons, building satellite lasers, or any of those other puerile schemes. I mostly acquired all these resources from other madmen, and built my little private army and my multiple hideouts to avoid ever having to actually confront anyone until I felt like it, and keep the less interesting heroes busy."

He stood directly in front of her now. His cock was in his hand, and to Invincible Girl's horror, she felt an overwhelming desire to touch it, to taste it, to get down on her knees and...

Morningstar smiled. His smile filled her vision. "You're mine now."

Invincible Girl tried to argue with him. She thought about punching him. She couldn't. The thought of striking the most beautiful creature in the universe made her want to punch herself out of guilt. There was a rational part of her mind screaming in horror, but the rest of her wanted only to please this beautiful man, to do anything he asked, to fulfill his every desire.

Morningstar said, "No one can resist me. I wanted to get you alone to bathe you in the full effect of my presence. And I have been quite taken by you, little girl. Now I am going to take you, and take you, and take you. And share you, and pass you around as a plaything, and defile you in ways your naive teenage mind can't even imagine yet, until you cannot remember a time when you were every anything but a slave to carnal desires. Because I am the Morningstar."

"Please," said Invincible Girl.

"Please, what?" asked Morningstart.

"Please..." She looked down at his cock, and licked her lips.

"Have you ever sucked a cock before?" he asked.

She shook her head. Her eyes glistened.

"That won't do," he said. "Always answer, 'Yes Master', or 'No Master'."

"Yes, Master. I mean, No Master, I've... I've never..." Flustered and embarrassed, Invincible Girl stammered over her words.

"Don't say 'I' anymore, either. There is no 'I' or 'me.' You are a slut. A whore. Sluts and whores don't refer to themselves in the first person, they say, 'This whore' or 'This slut' or 'Master's dirty little bitch.' The more servile and abnegating, the better." When Invincible Girl's blue eyes crinkled in confusion, Morningstar said, "Oh, I'm sorry. That means self-abasing." When that didn't seem to help, he sighed. "Degrading. Do you know that word?"

"Yes, Master," said Invincible Girl.

"Good. Now, on your knees."

Obediently, Invincible Girl dropped to her knees. She still managed to make it look dramatic, as she tossed her cape over one shoulder with a flourish.

Morningstar snapped his fingers. Immediately, Invincible Girl saw herself, kneeling in front of Morningstar's naked cock, projected onto all the enormous screens around them.

"We're going live, baby," said Morningstar. Invincible Girl's eyes widened in horror.

"Tell the worldwide audience what you want to do," Morningstar said.

Invincible Girl opened her mouth. "I... I mean... this.... this slut.... This slut wants to... to..." Her face was crimson now.

"Beg," Morningstar said quietly.

Blinking back tears, Invincible Girl said, "Please Master, this slut begs to pleasure you."

"Good," he said. He held his cock before her face. "It's time for the world to watch Invincible Girl sucking her first cock."

She opened her mouth and took the head of his cock into it. He was of such girth that she had to open her mouth wider to get her lips around his shaft. She began sucking it inexpertly, and brought one hand up grab the base of his shaft to hold it steady.

Morningstar let her suck for a little while, then said, "You're terrible at this. College freshmen behind the bleachers at a varsity football game give head with more skill than this."

Invincible Girl looked up at him, with his cock still in her mouth. Her expression was like that of a kicked puppy. She took his dick out of her mouth and said, "This slut is sorry, she's never done this before. Please Master, teach this slut how to please you."

"First," he said, "use your tongue. Slowly. Stroke every inch of my magnificence with it. Start with the tip, and as I become more erect, you may use the entire surface of your tongue." As Invincible Girl obeyed, running the tip of her tongue along his mightily veined shaft, he said, "And make sure to turn your face towards the cameras. We want the world to see you learning to use your mouth. I want the entire world wishing they could use that dirty little whore mouth." He laughed. "For soon, it will seem to you as if the entire world is! Bwahahahaha!" He tilted his head back and laughed, while Invincible Girl stroked him. Looking at the cameras, she licked his cock from base to tip, and then began trying to curl her tongue around his shaft.

"That's good," Morningstar said. "To please me, you should always be thinking imaginatively. I don't want to have to instruct you step by step. Think of things that might please me. Always be thinking of ways you can move and act and even speak in ways that will arouse me. Can you feel my presence?"

"Yes, Master," Invincible Girl said softly, still licking his cock. She turned her eyes from the cameras, which were focusing on a closeup of her lips and tongue caressing Morningstar's cock, and looked up at him. Those bright blue eyes were shining with tears. His power was not mind control in the conventional sense. She knew exactly what was happening to her, and the feelings she had about being used in this manner were the same she'd have had before. Yet his glorious presence had replaced her normal desires with an overwhelming, all-consuming desire to please and obey him. She might still hate and despise him as the incarnation of evil that he was, especially now that he was applying his evil powers specifically to subjugating and degrading her, but she wanted to make him happy the way she wanted to breathe. She would hate everything that happened to her from now on, but it would be as nothing compared to the submissiveness that was now an essential part of her being. Even out of his presence, she would be thinking of him and his desires and trying to fulfill them as best she could. His every order would be natural law to her.

Obeying his command to try to think of ways to please him without being explicitly told, she dipped her tongue lower and began licking his magnificent, swollen balls. She took them between her lips, and tried to fit both all the way into her pert little mouth. Tears ran down her face while she did this. Morningstar smiled. "Poor child," he said, "you cry at such small indignities, but your debasement has not even begun. This is the least of the indignities you and your body will suffer. Now, show the world how much you're enjoying this."

She closed her eyes and made a rapturous sound of pleasure as she sucked on his balls, and then slowly released them, ran her tongue up the underside of his shaft, and found the tip of his manhood once again. She ran her tongue around it in circles. He was uncut -- he was made in the original image of man, unaltered, after all -- and his cockhead, nestled in the folds of his foreskin, swelled.

She grasped the base of his cock again, and Morningstar said, "Ah ah. You must learn to use your mouth only. Repeat that for me."

"This slut should use her mouth only," Invincible Girl said.

"You can do better than that," Morningstar said.

Invincible Girl frowned adorably in dismay, and tried again. "This dirty cocksucking whore should please master using only her dirty cocksucking whore mouth?"

"That's better," Morningstar said. "You may yet learn. Now suck me like a dirty cocksucking whore. Shamelessly, for the world."

Invincible Girl dropped her hands to her sides and opened her mouth. She engulfed his huge, swollen member and began sucking him with dramatically more energy than before. Her head bobbed up and down and she made noisy shlucking sounds which went on for quite a while. She was tireless, after all, and Morningstar had no doubt he could keep her at this for hours. He reached for the back of her head and grabbed a fistful of dark hair. Pressing her head against him, he thrust forward, until his cock was filling her mouth and her throat. Startled, Invincible Girl held him there, not moving or resisting but not sure what to do. He groaned a little, though she'd really only triggered the edge of his arousal, and forced himself deeper down her throat. Deeper and deeper he shoved, and Invincible Girl made a muffled groaning sound of consternation that was also quizzical.

He got his entire length down her throat, and said, "Take the balls too."

With her mouth forced open as wide as it could open, and her eyes as wide with disbelief that this was actually happening to her, Invincible Girl fit even the base of his cock and his immense balls into her mouth. His cock was literally filling her throat and Morningstar confirmed what he had suspected -- Invincible Girl didn't actually have to breathe, or if she did, she could hold her breath for a very long time. She was dismayed at being forced to deep throat his enormous cock but not actually suffocating. He could hardly see her face, but on the video screens, he could see the drool was starting to drip from the corners of her mouth, mixing with her tears.

He yanked hard on her hair, jerked her head violently up and down on him, and gave her hair another good hard yank that would have pulled a normal woman's scalp free. Invincible Girl just made a soft sound as much of confusion as discomfort.

He pulled his cock back, letting it slide out of her mouth. It bobbed in front of her face, wet and glistening with her saliva. She kept her lips open, as if waiting to see if he intended to shove it back into her mouth. Instead, he raised his hand and delivered a mighty slap to the side of her face. It would have snapped a normal woman's head around and knocked her to the ground. Invincible Girl's head barely turned, and there was only a slight hint of redness on her cheek where she'd slapped him, but her eyes immediately filled with tears. Not from the pain, but the humiliation and the knowledge that she had failed to please him.

"I've always wanted to slap you silly," he said. "Nothing personal, really, you're just such a silly, self-righteous little bitch."

From her kneeling position, Invincible Girl looked up at him with wide, ingenuous eyes. "Please slap this silly self-righteous little bitch some more, Master! Slap this bitch for the whole world!"

He decided to try this, and slapped her with his left hand, then with his right, back and forth. Her head turned side to side with each blow, but he thought she was just letting him do that. He was actually stinging his hands more than he was hurting her. And as amusing as it was to slap the bitch around on camera, it quickly lost its novelty.

"When you were deep-throating me, you didn't even think about using your tongue," he said. "You sucked mechanically. You're going to need much, much more practice."

"This cocksucking whore is sorry, Master," Invincible Girl said. "Please put more cocks in this whore's mouth for her to practice with." Then she almost brought her hands to her mouth in shock at the words her newfound desire to please him were eliciting from her.

Morningstar smiled, and walked back to his raised dias. "You're getting the idea." He took his seat back on the high chair and faced her. "Now, I think the world would like to see your body. Strip for me, and do it slowly and sensuously."

Invincible Girl rose to her feet and ran her tongue hesitantly over her lips. She glanced at herself on camera again, and for a moment, consternation rippled across her lovely features once more. America's Sweetheart, forced to striptease for the world before a supervillain.

She reached up and unfastened her cape, slowly held it out, and let it fall to the ground. She reached behind her back and unzipped her one-piece costume, and made an effort at shimmying as she slowly pulled it down from her shoulders, peeled it off her arms, and then, licking her lips in an amateurish way she might have learned from watching strippers in a movie, pulled it down over her breasts. She pushed it further down, wriggling her hips as she exposed her stomach and thighs, and then to her credit did step out of it quite gracefully, leaving her standing there in a super sports bra and a thong. Her figure was almost perfection, albeit top-heavy, with a flat, chiseled stomach that sported a sixpack most men would die for.

Invincible Girl continued to shimmy and sway as she slid the straps of her bra off, and her cheeks flushed once more as it fell away, revealing the magnificent tits of America's Sweetheart, never before been seen by America. For the first time she was forced to show her assets to the world. They were huge, round, and gravity-defying. No tits that size should have been so perky, so bouncy, so poised to greet the sun with soft pink nipples that pointed upwards from areolas the size of silver dollars. Those huge breasts that looked as if they would never sag had undoubtedly been the nighttime fantasy of millions around the world, and tonight they'd be going to bed with this picture in their heads. Invincible Girl seemed to realize this; the blush was spreading across her face.

"Would you like to show me more?" Morningstar asked.

He could see that in her heart of hearts, Invincible Girl wanted to say no, but she already knew what would please him. "Yes, please Master, let this dirty whore show her pussy to the world." She said "pussy" awkwardly. It was obviously not a word she used often.

He nodded, and Invincible Girl hooked her fingers under the straps of her thong, and slowly pulled downwards. She wasn't a stripper and had no experience with this sort of teasing, but she still managed to look a little bit sexy, and almost charming in her inexperience, as she peeled off her thong, stepped out of it, and twirled it around her finger while she raised her other arm to cradle the back of her head, and struck a reasonable approximation of a centerfold pose, with those huge breasts still raised skyward and her pussy now visible for the world to see.

There was a tiny, neat, dark line of pubic hair running just above her slit. Morningstar wondered how she'd decided to trim herself that way, and indeed, what Invincible Girl used to trim herself. He'd have to find out at some point.


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