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The Tale of Virginia Curtis Ch. 04

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Jacob helps Virginia turn her luck around.
3.5k words

Part 4 of the 5 part series

Updated 05/05/2024
Created 04/22/2024
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Virginia opened her eyes. She was resting on a soft bed, a blanket covering her to her shoulders. She let herself enjoy blissful ignorance for a few seconds, but all too soon her mind caught up to her, and forced her to ask herself some questions.

Namely, where the hell was she? What the hell happened?

She sat up to get a better look at her surroundings. As she shifted her body upwards, a dull ache between her legs made her wince. An memory flashed through her mind - a face hovering above her, the sound of flesh on flesh, fingers digging into the side of her neck - and she shuddered.

A chair came into view as she threw another look around the room. The figure slumped in it stirred and blinked bleary eyes open.

"Jacob..." Virginia whispered. She remembered more, now. Jacob, who stood up for her to his father. Jacob, who saved her from whoring... all for nothing.

She whimpered and buried her face in her hands, refusing to let the memories surface further. Jacob woke fully at the sound and rushed to her side. The bed groaned as he sat next to her and laid a hand on her leg.

Virginia's heart raced and she pulled her leg away, curling herself into a ball. "No! Don't touch me!"

Jacob raised his hands and backed off, stepping away from the bed. "Hey, hey, it's okay," he murmured, "you're safe now." He pulled the chair closer and sat by the foot of the bed, giving Virginia some breathing room.

Virginia took deep breaths and let her heartbeat slow, looking around the room while keeping an eye on Jacob, who sat very still, not wanting to spook her further. She noticed a glass of water on the table by the top of the bed, and took a sip.

"Where am I?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"My room. Above the saloon. I brought you here after..." Jacob trailed off.

"After what? What happened?"

Jacob sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "What do you remember?"

Virginia hugged her legs close to her and rested her chin on her knees. She let the memories flow back to her, slowly, not rushing them. "I remember Annie and Clara. I remember him... the Demon. And Simmons, that fucking..." She bit her lip as she remembered who she was talking to. "Sorry."

Jacob shrugged. "Don't be. He is a fucking asshole. The way he touched you, I should have..." Jacob gritted his teeth and shook his head. "No. Go on, continue."

"I went home. And... he was there. They had Eli, they were hurting him. And... and... I did things... he did things..." Virginia's voice broke and she felt tears well up in her eyes. "Eli! I have to help him, he was hurt! Where is he?"

She looked at Jacob pleadingly. The look in his eyes terrified her - pity, written clearly across his features. "Jacob? What happened? Please..."

"After you left, I just had this feeling. I couldn't shake it. I wanted to check on you, see how you were. I went to find you. When I got there..." Jacob sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Jesse was gone. I don't know what he did, but I could guess... you were on the floor, naked, covered in..."

Jacob glanced up and saw Virginia's face. She was blushing, tears threatening to spill down her face, her eyes locked on a spot on the blanket in front of her. He decided to skip some details.

"I tried to talk to you, tried to get you moving, you were awake but it was like you couldn't hear me. The flames were getting bigger, so I dragged you out, and--"

"Flames?" Virginia interrupted him. "What flames?"

Jacob looked at her in confusion. "The fire. You don't remember the fire?" Her bewildered expression answered that question. "By the time I got there, the whole back wall was lit. I barely had time to grab you and get you out before the ceiling collapsed."

"And... Eli?" Virginia asked, choking on the last syllable.

Jacob shook his head and a sob shook her. "I couldn't... there was so much blood, and I had to get you out, and then the fire, it... I'm sorry, Virginia."

"What are you saying?"

"I'm so sorry. Eli's dead."

Once more, blackness descended upon Virginia.


She awoke in the same bed. Her eyes fluttered open and settled on a figure, sat on the bed next to her. She held her breath.

"Welcome back, Miss Curtis," he said. "I'm here to help. I'm Doctor Stevenson." He held up the stethoscope hanging around his neck. "You're hurt. Mister Simmons asked me to examine you." Virginia tensed at the name, and the doctor hastened to add, "The young Mister Simmons. Jacob."

"You've had quite the trauma, Miss Curtis," the doctor said. His voice was deep and echoed in her chest. His hands gently pulled the collar of her nightshirt open, revealing one side of her sore neck. "The bruises on your neck should feel better soon, but try not to raise your voice for a few days."

Virginia's heart sped at the doctor's touch, and she flinched when his fingers brushed a strand of hair aside so he could inspect the other side. "Shh," he soothed her, "it's okay, I'm here to help."

He pulled back and sat on the edge of the bed. "Now, I need to make sure every part of you is healing, Miss Curtis," he said. "I'm going to inspect your limbs for sprains and breaks."

Virginia nodded, and the doctor palpated down each of her arms in time. The smooth, rhythmic motion calmed her. She felt faint and light-headed - she couldn't remember when the last time she ate was - and she let her eyes drift half-closed.

The doctor gently pulled the blanket away from her, and continued his examination, starting at her feet. He worked his way up her calves, then her thighs. As he reached the top of her legs, Virginia tensed again.

Her eyes flew open and she reached a hand to stop the doctor. "Please, don't, not there."

The doctor looked down at her. "It's okay, I'm here to help," he repeated. "I'm a doctor."

He parted her legs slowly, and massaged the inside of her thighs. She wore no underwear beneath the nightshirt, and could feel the cool air of the room on her pussy as each movement of the doctor's hand pulled the shirt up higher, until she was fully exposed.

"You don't need to check, it's fine," Virginia pleaded.

"It's okay, it's my job. Close your eyes, and stop talking, remember your throat" the doctor said.

Virginia bit her lip and dropped her head back on the pillow. She squeezed her eyes shut, and the doctor spread her legs. He brought her feet together, close to her ass, and pushed her knees down, so her pussy was fully exposed and her lips parted open.

"Shh, it's okay," he murmured.

He traced the outline of her opening with one fingertip, circling her entrance a few times. Without warning, he pushed the finger inside, probing at her walls. Virginia whimpered and shook her head.

"Stop squirming," the doctor ordered, and Virginia froze, letting herself go limp. "Good girl."

The doctor inserted a finger from his other hand inside her and pulled her pussy open wide, stretching her, peering inside. "Yes, I can see some traces of penetration here," he murmured. "Hmm, I wonder..."

He leaned forwards and pushed his tongue inside Virginia's stretched pussy, licking at her wetness. His tongue darted in and out of her a few times and he groaned at her taste.

He suddenly pulled back and removed his fingers. Virginia dared to open her eyes, grateful the examination was over. She glanced back to the doctor and her stomach flipped.

He was kneeling on the bed, and had pulled his cock out. "I'm afraid I need to test something, Miss Curtis," he said. "It's okay."

The doctor lined up his cock with her pussy and slowly pushed himself inside. "Gosh you're tight... I understand now..."

The bedroom door flew open, and Virginia's head snapped to the side. Jacob stood in the doorway, fury distorting his features.

With an animalistic growl, he hurled himself at the doctor, tackling him off the bed. Virginia scrambled to bring her lags back under herself, and drew the blanket over her body.

Jacob roared wordlessly. He'd pinned the doctor to the floor and straddled him. He punched him in the face, once, twice, three times before the doctor managed to roll to his side and lift his arms protectively.

Jacob stood and kicked the man a few times before seeming to recover his senses. Panting, sweat dripping off his forehead, he bent to grab the doctor by his shirt, and pulled him out the door.

Virginia heard a series of thumps as Jacob dragged the semi-conscious man down the stairs, and she shuddered, wrapping the blanket fully around herself. A few minutes later, Jacob reappeared in the doorway.

"I'm sorry," he said. "But I promise you, that's the last time anyone will assault you. I swear it on my life, Virginia."

Virginia looked up at him over her blanket. She met his eyes, and nodded.


A few days went by. Jacob did his best to nurse Virginia back to health, bringing her food, reading to her, holding her as she wept... when she let him. She didn't know how he'd managed to keep his father at bay, but somehow he had, and nobody came to bother her.

Even so, Virginia could hear the tell-tale sounds of the saloon - Bennie was on a hot streak, and played Hard Times nearly every night at the moment. Unfortunately, he did not play loud enough to drown out the sounds of the girls working in the rooms just down the hall.

Virginia would lay awake as they worked, staring at the ceiling, trying to clear her mind of any thoughts.

Then, one day, Jacob appeared with a suitcase. He went round the room, silently, methodically, packing Virginia's few clothes, then snapped it shut. "Come on, let's get out of here," he said, and held out a hand.

She knew this day was coming. It had to, eventually - she couldn't just lie here and rely on charity forever. He was bound to kick her out at some point. She sighed and sat on the edge of the bed. "Thank you for everything you've done for me, Jacob," she said. "I'll figure something out."

Jacob stepped closer to Virginia and kneeled in front of her, looking into her eyes. "No, Virginia, you don't understand... we are getting out of here." Virginia frowned. "I found a place in town. It's small, but it's... not here. If you want, you can come with me."

Virginia froze, eyes wide. "Of course, you don't have to, I just thought..." Jacob trailed off and stepped back. He flipped the suitcase clasps open. "I should have asked, I'm sorry, here, your clothes," he stammered.

Virginia rushed to her feet and laid a hand on his arm. "No, please, I... I think that would be great. Thank you. Again. For everything."


Thus began Virginia's true path back to health. Within days she had more energy, and while smiles were still few and far between, she was no longer racked by constant sobs. Within two weeks, she'd found a position assisting the town's seamstress - she wasn't particularly skilled, but the seamstress's temper had kept any other assistants at bay. And Virginia was a quick learner.

A thought occurred to her one day, as she was practicing her new skills by sowing up one of Jacob's ripped shirts. The thought took hold and didn't let go until Jacob returned. The second he closed the door, Virginia blurted it out.

"How did you know?"

Jacob rose an eyebrow and shrugged off his jacket, which he hung on a peg by the door. "Know what?"

She blushed. "How did you know where I lived? That day, when you came to check on me? When you... found me."

"Oh." It was Jacob's turn to blush. He ran a hand through his hair. "I... I'd been there before. One day, you'd left your scarf behind, so I chased after you, but by the time I caught up you were already inside, and... I dunno. Didn't want to intrude. You seemed so... peaceful."

A lump formed in Virginia's throat. It was peaceful, with Eli. It was home.

"And then, I dunno, I guess I'd drop off some food every now and then," Jacob shrugged. "Sometimes a rabbit, or sum'ing like that," he mumbled.

"That... that was you?" Virginia asked. He nodded. "We thought it was a wild animal bringing us its kill for some reason," she murmured.

Jacob shrugged again and looked away. Virginia stepped up to him and laid a hand on his chest. He brought his eyes back to meet hers.

"Thank you," she whispered.

The look in his eyes softened, and she felt his heart beat faster.

"Anything for you, my lo...lady," Jacob said.

Virginia's eyes widened as she suddenly realised something. Jacob... was Jacob in love with her? She thought back to their interactions over the years, to the closeness she'd felt with him at times, the subtle touches...

She studied her feelings. She did feel a hint of something else, something she was glad to see wasn't dead inside her yet. Peace. Here, with Jacob, was starting to feel like... home. Was this love?

She was still looking up at him, her hand still on his chest, her eyes locked on his. She smiled at him. His eyes shifted, glancing down to her lips and he leaned in, slowly. His lips hovered in front of hers, close but not touching, and he paused, judging her reaction...

Virginia's breath caught in her throat, and she softly pressed her lips to his.

Jacob groaned and deepened the kiss, pulling Virginia close to him. With a gasp they broke apart, and Virginia panted, catching her breath. "Oh Virginia," Jacob murmured, "you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that..."

Virginia chuckled awkwardly. She opened her mouth to say something - though she wasn't sure what, yet - and Jacob pressed his mouth to hers again with a moan. His tongue pushed past her parted lips, and he brought his hand to the back of her head.

Virginia had to admit something: it was a nice kiss.

Jacob's fingers tightened in Virginia's hair, and his other hand moved down her leg, finding the hem of her skirt and slowly sliding back up underneath it. Virginia's hand shot down to grab his wrist.

She broke the kiss, still panting. "Jacob, wait, I..."

"Virginia," he interrupted her, "I know what you've been through, but I would never... I love you. I have loved you for so long."

He stepped back and pulled his shirt over his head, dropping it to the floor. "I stand here, literally bearing my chest, my heart, my soul to you," he said, his chest rising and falling with each breath. "I love you."

Virginia couldn't help but glance down to Jacob's chest - she'd caught glances, but had never been able to look at him so closely before. He was handsome, there was no denying that... and if he did truly love her, then... it was okay, wasn't it?

Jacob took a step forward, and when Virginia didn't flinch or run, he closed the distance between them. "Let me love you, Virginia," he whispered.

He kissed her hungrily, his hands running up and down her back, pulling her into him, feeling her against his body. She yielded, giving in to the kiss, letting his tongue explore her mouth.

Jacob reached down to grab her ass, and lifted her. She wrapped her legs around him reflexively, holding on tight for balance. He walked them over to the bed and gently laid her down, hovering over her.

He slid a hand under her skirt once more, brushing against the soft skin inside her thigh, stopping just short of the edge of her panties.

Virginia broke the kiss, suddenly tense. "It's okay, shh," Jacob whispered, his breath hot on her cheek. "I'm not going to hurt you... I promised you, no-one will ever hurt you again."

Jacob looked deep into Virginia's eyes as his finger hooked the thin fabric covering her pussy and pulled it aside.

She whimpered softly, but held Jacob's gaze. She supposed she was going to have to get used to this eventually, and surely there was no-one better than Jacob, than someone who loved her... maybe this time it wouldn't be so bad.

Virginia nodded and Jacob slowly pushed one finger inside her. He took his time, letting her get used to the sensation, before moving it in a circle, feeling every part of her. Virginia gasped when he touched his thumb to her clit, and Jacob smiled.

He built her up, feeling her pussy clench and relax around his finger. She closed her eyes and let herself focus on the sensations. "God, Virginia, you're so beautiful," he murmured, "I need to feel you..."

Virginia's eyes flew open as he pulled his hand away, and she saw pure hunger written across Jacob's face. He bent forwards and kissed her. Without breaking the kiss, she felt the tip of his cock press at her entrance and she tensed, but he pushed himself in slowly.

He pushed himself into her, using a hand to spread her lips open, and moaned into her mouth. Virginia clenched her fists by her side, preparing for the worst, expecting pain - but nothing happened. Jacob held there and broke the kiss to bury his face in her neck, inhaling her scent.

"You are perfect," he said, "I love you so much."

Jacob pulled partway out of her and pushed himself back in, drawing a moan from Virginia. Is this what it was supposed to feel like? Could this actually feel... good for her?

Energised, Jacob picked up the pace, and soon he was fucking her, his cock sliding in and out of her with ease. He pushed himself onto his hands to look down at her.

She heard him groan, and she saw the look in his eyes - and suddenly she was back there, in her shack, and it wasn't Jacob but Jesse. Virginia felt the panic rise inside her and tried to pull back, but she was pinned on the bed, Jacob's weight holding her down.

"Jacob, wait," she said. Her throat tightened, remembering the hand that had closed around it, and her voice came out as a tiny squeak.

"It's okay," Jacob grunted, "it's okay, I'm here..."

And he was, Virginia told herself. This wasn't Jesse, it was Jacob, and he loved her. There was no hand around her throat, no threat, no violence.

Soon - seconds, or minutes, Virginia couldn't tell - Jacob tensed and thrust into her a few more times, slowly, deeply. He closed his eyes and shuddered, then pulled out of Virginia and rolled onto the bed next to her, panting.

"Wow, Virginia," he chuckled. "That was... are you okay?"

"Yeah," she said. She was still conscious and could feel no pain, which she figured meant she was okay.

"Come here," Jacob mumbled, then pulled her head onto his chest, wrapping an arm around her. "You're okay." He kissed her hair and sighed contentedly.

Virginia could hear his heartbeat slow down, returning to a steady rhythm. She closed her eyes and let the sound fill her head, the soothing pattern lulling her into a half-sleep.


Her eyes fluttered open, and she blinked in the darkness. Darkness? She lifted her head off Jacob's chest and saw moonlight through the window. That half-sleep must have been deeper than she'd thought.

A sound broke the silence and she jumped, scrambling to the top of the bead.

"Jacob!" she whisper-screamed.

Jacob sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Mmmwhat is it?" he mumbled. The sound repeated itself and Virginia relaxed as her now-awake brain identified it.

"There's someone at the door," she said, then chuckled to herself. Just a knock. Everything was fine, she was safe here with Jacob.

Jacob swung his legs off the side of the bed and stood up, stretching as he walked to the door. Virginia couldn't help but admire the muscles shifting in his back as he did so, apparently oblivious to the fact he was still shirtless.

He held a conversation in hushed tones with the person at the door, then shut it slowly. He walked back to the bed soundlessly, and sat on the edge, staring at the floor between his feet.

"What's wrong?" Virginia asked, scooting closer to lay a hand on his shoulder. "What is it?"

Jacob was silent for a moment before replying.

"It's my da. He's dead."

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